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One meal a day


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Singlemom, Well I was doing great! No sugar, no wheat, no flour and ect.. Then I decided I would try to add a small healthy breakfast and lunch thinking it was the right way to eat. Still no sugar, no wheat, and so on. What a mistake for me I started getting cranky, cravings and feeling tired again. Honestly, I think frequency is the problem with me. I doesn't matter how healthy I eat if I eat more than once I get hungrier, cranky and so on. I do better with one meal with option to eat bread or sugar vs no bread, no sugar more frequent meals.


I realise that it's a case of mind over matter. But as soon as I eat more than one meal I feel guilty. Then I feel like I've failed and then I loose control.


Bottom line singlemom, thank you for all your support and understanding I should have listend to you and myself. Do what works for me. Starting tommorrow, back to one meal. Except for possible cruises,no looking back. I say the cruise because I don't know if it would cause a problem to sit in the dinning room with my family at breakfast and just order juice and coffee?

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I realise that it's a case of mind over matter. But as soon as I eat more than one meal I feel guilty. Then I feel like I've failed and then I loose control.




This is the heart of your issue with food and eating. When you learn to deal with the guilt over eating normally then you will be able to be in control. You will not only lose weight but be able to keep it off without feeling guilty because you are giving your body the nutrition it needs.


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Your probably right, I feel like I've been trying to eat healthy or what is considered the right way for so long. In my mind I know what is right, but my body says other wise or vise versa. All I know is that I gain weight quite easily at times. Any restricktions of any food sometimes makes me want it more. The only time I feel in control and good about what I'm doing is when I am not eating more than one meal. Coincidently thats also the times when I eat the healthiest and don't have any cravings. What I have been trying to learn to stick to is , healthy smaller portions. I grew up not eating often (4-6 meals) but eating larger portions (1-3 meals) . So small portions just seem to tease me and I think to myself why even bother that just made me hungrier. So when I switched to more meals they never became as small as I think they were supposed to be. Thats when I started to gain weight. I was fine until I became pregnant years ago and tried to eat more regularly. I think the first time I tried to loose weight after pregnancy is when all the problems started. Must have messed up the natural hunger switch in my body .

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Out of curiosity how many calories do you get in one day?

I think (my opinion only) is that you can learn to eat and not have a control issue with food.


My sister has done the one meal a day thing off and on for years. It's lose a few, gain more. Our bodies were created to need food. It's hard to learn the balance of how much and when but it can be done. And you can still enjoy food. It's really not the enemy we sometimes make it out to be.


I don't have any foods that I don't allow. There are some I don't care for anymore. Chips, greasy foods. They don't agree with my stomach. But everything else in moderation is ok. For alot of people as soon as something is off limits we want it more. I knew I could not go forever not having pasta or bread. So I learned to eat smaller portions of it. Having a nice salad with it to help fill me up. Plus the vegies are good for me. Even my favorite pasta sauce has lots of vegies. Having a protein with everymeal also keeps me feeling full and satisfied. It does not have to be a huge portion. 4oz of grilled chicken breast in a salad is good for me. But I did have to learn to eat this way.


I do know that when I was not eating enough I was gaining or not losing. I'm pretty active most days plus I exersice. My body needed more food. When I started feeding it more that's when I lost. Now to maintain my weight I keep my cal starting at 1500. With exercise I add in another 200-300.


I really suggest you try myfitnesspal.com put in your info and see what it says. There is a really good support system on their message boards and alot of people with real success stories. And it's free so you aren't out any money if it turns out it's not for you.


I hope you don't think I'm nagging you. I do want you to succeed in your journey to not only be thinner but also healthier.


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Exactly. People need to learn to not be so afraid of food. The issue isn't the food, the issue is the person and the impulse control. Like I said, you can learn to be satisfied with a cookie instead of eating 6. You can learn to eat a small piece of pie instead of the whole thing.


People really punish themsleves over food, to me that is stupid. There is no reason in my mind why you cant eat what you love, just eat the right size of it, be mindful of what it's made of, and that's it.


You are supposed to enjoy your food, not be afraid of it. I would by far rather eat a small piece of homemade cake or a well made dessert instead of stuff myself with a bag of chips of a box of cookies.


Eatine one meal a day to me is punishment. If it works for you, do it and don't complain. If it doesn't, learn to eat smaller, healthier, satisfying needs.


Cravings change. Tastes change. Half the garbage I used to eat I can't even look at it now. Eating out is not fun for me, I enjoy eating excellent high quality food. At the beach the other day has a slice of homemade pizza from a pizza joint..used to love pizza, I couldn't even eat the slice as I didn't enjoy it even though I watched it being made.


I think (my opinion only) is that you can learn to eat and not have a control issue with food.


My sister has done the one meal a day thing off and on for years. It's lose a few, gain more. Our bodies were created to need food. It's hard to learn the balance of how much and when but it can be done. And you can still enjoy food. It's really not the enemy we sometimes make it out to be.


I don't have any foods that I don't allow. There are some I don't care for anymore. Chips, greasy foods. They don't agree with my stomach. But everything else in moderation is ok. For alot of people as soon as something is off limits we want it more. I knew I could not go forever not having pasta or bread. So I learned to eat smaller portions of it. Having a nice salad with it to help fill me up. Plus the vegies are good for me. Even my favorite pasta sauce has lots of vegies. Having a protein with everymeal also keeps me feeling full and satisfied. It does not have to be a huge portion. 4oz of grilled chicken breast in a salad is good for me. But I did have to learn to eat this way.


I do know that when I was not eating enough I was gaining or not losing. I'm pretty active most days plus I exersice. My body needed more food. When I started feeding it more that's when I lost. Now to maintain my weight I keep my cal starting at 1500. With exercise I add in another 200-300.


I really suggest you try myfitnesspal.com put in your info and see what it says. There is a really good support system on their message boards and alot of people with real success stories. And it's free so you aren't out any money if it turns out it's not for you.


I hope you don't think I'm nagging you. I do want you to succeed in your journey to not only be thinner but also healthier.


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I don't feel you are nagging at all. Thats why I come to this forum, so I can hear other peoples opinion and advice. I don't trully want to eat one meal a day it's just what seems to work for me to lose weight. My ideal way of life would be:


Three healthy well portioned meals no snacks/no junk

Exercise 5 days a week

Drink plenty of water

Take a multi vitamin and calcium

Get 7-8 hours sleep daily


This is a schedule I trully feel I could and would want to maintain for life. I think that if I could for once and for all get my head around it the weight would naturally start to come off and I would be healthy. It may not be the hollywood ideal ( size 2-6)but I would be healthy. My problem is I get impatient as I know I have a cruise comming up and I need to be 10lbs lighter for the clothes I will be bring. So then I start messing around trying to find a quicker solution and then everything falls apart. I know it will take time, time I don't feel I have right now. If I follow the schedule as I mentioned above I don't see why it wouldn't work. I do need to find the balance between whats the proper size portion. Sometimes I eat too much and then feel bad, or sometimes to little then I get too hungry to tie me over to the next meal. I really need to tune into my own body and listen to when it says enough. Fight the cravings and I sure it will get easier. I do find it would probably be easier if I did cut out the sugar, but whole grains seems to be the one thing that keeps me regular, so then I don't start feeling sick and backed up. Gauthina it sounds as though you work in a hospital. Does the plan I want to follow seem to make common sence? As a way of life. Snacks deffinately don't work for me.

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If it works do it.


Yes, I work pt in a hospital in a neurorehab unit with brain/spinal cord stuff but we interface with dietary all the time due to diabetes, etc. I never knew the body needs less than2000 mg of sodium per day, period for physiological functions. We teach people how to educate themselves, and just make better choices.


Really, that's what it is. Just getting to know yourself and better choices. Even if you take everything you eat now and eat half of it that is a better choice. Drinking more water is a better choice. Walking instead of driving is a better choice. When you think about eating a snack ask yourself why you feel you have to have 5 cookies instead of 2. That's a choice. Nobody "needs" 5 cookies. The posts about people gorging themselves on cruises and eating 10 lobster tails, etc. to me is gluttony, but that is a choice and if you make a bad choice you forfeit your right to complain or whine about it. Nobody "needs" to eat 10 lobster tails or 5 piece of cheesecake, do they?


You are the only one that can put the fork down and push yourself away from the table, and educate yourself on what to do.


I don't feel you are nagging at all. Thats why I come to this forum, so I can hear other peoples opinion and advice. I don't trully want to eat one meal a day it's just what seems to work for me to lose weight. My ideal way of life would be:


Three healthy well portioned meals no snacks/no junk

Exercise 5 days a week

Drink plenty of water

Take a multi vitamin and calcium

Get 7-8 hours sleep daily


This is a schedule I trully feel I could and would want to maintain for life. I think that if I could for once and for all get my head around it the weight would naturally start to come off and I would be healthy. It may not be the hollywood ideal ( size 2-6)but I would be healthy. My problem is I get impatient as I know I have a cruise comming up and I need to be 10lbs lighter for the clothes I will be bring. So then I start messing around trying to find a quicker solution and then everything falls apart. I know it will take time, time I don't feel I have right now. If I follow the schedule as I mentioned above I don't see why it wouldn't work. I do need to find the balance between whats the proper size portion. Sometimes I eat too much and then feel bad, or sometimes to little then I get too hungry to tie me over to the next meal. I really need to tune into my own body and listen to when it says enough. Fight the cravings and I sure it will get easier. I do find it would probably be easier if I did cut out the sugar, but whole grains seems to be the one thing that keeps me regular, so then I don't start feeling sick and backed up. Gauthina it sounds as though you work in a hospital. Does the plan I want to follow seem to make common sence? As a way of life. Snacks deffinately don't work for me.

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I just thought I would mention I asked my doctor his opinion on the one meal a day. He said it is probably easier on the body to eat more regularly but it doesn't really matter how you eat your meals. 1200 calories is 1200 calories. As long as it's healthy food. He also said as long as you eat under 1600 calories a day a person will loose weight. Take in less then what you burn in a day. Bottom line if it works for me and I am able to maintain my energy level, and function properly, then it's ok for me to choose to do what works best for me.

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I just thought I would mention I asked my doctor his opinion on the one meal a day. He said it is probably easier on the body to eat more regularly but it doesn't really matter how you eat your meals. 1200 calories is 1200 calories. As long as it's healthy food.


Yep. It doesn't matter.


He also said as long as you eat under 1600 calories a day a person will loose weight.


I completely disagree with this. There is no magic number of calories that will cause weight loss - I am really surprised he said this. For me, 1600 calories a day is weight GAIN, not loss. It's different for every single person, based on their own bodies. His next sentence I do agree with - its how much you eat, and how much you BURN.

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Hear hear. In medical school doctors get next to NO training on nutirition and weight loss. One would think so, but they don't. It's like going to a cardiologist to have a baby.


Yep. It doesn't matter.




I completely disagree with this. There is no magic number of calories that will cause weight loss - I am really surprised he said this. For me, 1600 calories a day is weight GAIN, not loss. It's different for every single person, based on their own bodies. His next sentence I do agree with - its how much you eat, and how much you BURN.

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I finally had a chance to sit down and do some calculations on how many calories I would take in on a one meal a day plan. The one meal plus beverages (milk,juice,coffee, lots of water) averages 1200-1500 calories a day. If I did follow this plan I also would decrease my exercises by a bit 1 1/2 hours 5 days a week to maybe 45min -1hr. I would adjust as I felt neccesary, but I would still want to follow a 3 meals a day plan after the cruise in 2 months. This is to as stated Loose befor I cruise. this is not an overly large meal for me either, this is an average size meal as what I was brought up on. So yes I do naturally consume alot of calories with 3 or more meals.

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So in the end you are only doing this to lose weight for your cruise? You do know that when you get back you will probably gain all of that weight back when you change your eating to more food in a day. This is why diets don't work. You would be better off starting your plan you posted. Making the most of your calories by eating vegetables, fruits, whole grains, proteins. Juices really aren't that healthy since they contain alot of sugar. Plus you don't get the benefit of the fiber that fruits give.


I know you want to fit into your cruise clothes but is it worth it to put your body through yo-yo dieting? You could start making healthy choices now. In two months you could safely lose close to 16 pounds at 2lbs per week. And you'd have a great start to a life of learning to controlling not only what you eat but how you feel about food and eating. Learning that you can eat healthy, satisfying foods and not feel guilty because you had more than one meal in a day.


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My best friend who is a size 4, eats one meal a day, maybe two and never eats breakfast. My husband skips breakfast everyday and when he wants to lose weight he eats half a sandwich and a cup of soup for lunch. Never seconds at dinner. Me, I have to find the right balance of carbs. Cut out sugar and alcohol and exercise. My father used to eat one meal a day for many years when he had his own retail establishment and kept his weight and energy steady during this time. He's a pharmacist. Now that he's retired and eats the standard way he's overweight.


If you ever watch survivorman, man vs. wild, or survivor its amazing to see how little food you can get by on.


Sometimes I think these weight loss mantras were thought up by cereal manufacturers.


I, like you, feel famished if I eat breakfast. But I do it because that's what the diet industry tells us is the right thing to do. Think I'll risk it and cut down on meals too!!!

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We all get into habits that we then think are "right" for us. But nutritional studies do find that if you replenish your calories burned as you burn them, you'll be better off. Small meals 300-500 calories is the way to do this. As far as breakfast, think of it as if you didn't eat from noon til 8 or 9 PM and then went out and exercised at a fast aerobic pace for an hour. You'd probably bonk! Overnight your body still burns calories and you lose fluids so you need to replenish to go about your day. The calories you consume at breakfast (not a Denny's Slammer Skillet) will be used up by 10 AM. Most of us don't really know how many calories we burn and take in in a given day. We typically think that we're burning more and taking in less than we really are.

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My best friend who is a size 4, eats one meal a day, maybe two and never eats breakfast. My husband skips breakfast everyday and when he wants to lose weight he eats half a sandwich and a cup of soup for lunch. Never seconds at dinner. Me, I have to find the right balance of carbs. Cut out sugar and alcohol and exercise. My father used to eat one meal a day for many years when he had his own retail establishment and kept his weight and energy steady during this time. He's a pharmacist. Now that he's retired and eats the standard way he's overweight.


If you ever watch survivorman, man vs. wild, or survivor its amazing to see how little food you can get by on.


Sometimes I think these weight loss mantras were thought up by cereal manufacturers.


I, like you, feel famished if I eat breakfast. But I do it because that's what the diet industry tells us is the right thing to do. Think I'll risk it and cut down on meals too!!!


Being thin does not mean you're healthy. I use to be very thin, I ate lots of junk, soda. But could stay at 100 lbs. Was I healthy no. Our bodies were created to use food as fuel. If skinny is the goal then starve yourself. My goal is to eat healthy most days and enjoy my life. Not feel deprived. And not feel guilty because I ate 3 meals plus snacks and probably had some wine with dinner.


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After the cruise I would still consume the same amount of calories as now so why would I gain weight. I would just have to learn to properly balance between the three meals. Split the one meal into 3 and add more veggies if necesary. If I can do it befor the cruise I will, right now I'm just trying to break the habbit of chewing so much food so often and of consuming so many calories throught the day. Beverage calories would also be replaced by no sugar and more fruit or vegetables . Kind of confusing to explain but I understand what I'm thinking. =


1 cup of juice = 120 calories

same as

3/4 cup cheerios+1/2 cup milk=120 calories


so why not eat the cereal? At this time it encourages and increases my strong desire to chew more and more food. The habit I am trying to break.

Fluids don't make me hungrier they actually make me feel satisfied. So I loose the cravings and hunger. This is just the way it works for me. Thats why they recommend to drink water befor you eat so you don't consume so many calories water makes you feel full quicker.

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I finally had a chance to sit down and do some calculations on how many calories I would take in on a one meal a day plan. The one meal plus beverages (milk,juice,coffee, lots of water) averages 1200-1500 calories a day. If I did follow this plan I also would decrease my exercises by a bit 1 1/2 hours 5 days a week to maybe 45min -1hr. I would adjust as I felt neccesary, but I would still want to follow a 3 meals a day plan after the cruise in 2 months. This is to as stated Loose befor I cruise. this is not an overly large meal for me either, this is an average size meal as what I was brought up on. So yes I do naturally consume alot of calories with 3 or more meals.


Holy smokes. If you normally would eat 3 of those meals a day, its no wonder you have gained weight!! You need to step those bad boys down a few notches!!! ;)

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Holy smokes. If you normally would eat 3 of those meals a day, its no wonder you have gained weight!! You need to step those bad boys down a few notches!!! ;)


I know , thats why I said a while ago I don't know how I am not 500lbs. But I am learning to adjust to the smaller intake of calories. I have always eaten way more then my friends. Not something to be proud of I also ate alot when I was 120lbs. This one meal would be average to what I ate when I was younger and eating one meal. When I was a young kid I was brought up on 3square meals, no snacks. By the time I was in high school and after I had adjusted to one meal for periods of time and I always felt healthiest then. But I was still 120lbs till after my second child. My weight didn't start climbing until I tried to loose weight. I only went to one meal originally because I went to school full time and worked full time, and also worked out 11/2 hours a day lots of weights. Too busy to eat but I felt great. yes I know I'm not as young anymore. So what worked then may not work now. Either way I am determined to find my way once and for all. I don't expect to ever get down to 120lbs. But I would be happy with even 135-140 now. I'm 152lbs so I have 12lbs to go in 58 days.

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I was just reading another post and they suggested one meal a day. Actually I used to eat like this befor I had my second child and it worked great I was slim in great shape and felt great never hungry never tired. I only stopped doing it when I became pregnant. I have thought about doing it since but was scared it was dangerous to do it long term. They have done studies that show eating a low calorie diet may even make you live longer. So does it really matter wether you eat one meal or 6 sm if you are getting the same calories? All I know is that it worked great for me years ago. The first few days are hard and I do get headaches when I first start but then I felt great! What do you think? is there any proof of it being dangerous or does it just p the grocery stores off. Let face it they would lose alot of money from me alone:D


This is not the best way to do this, I suggest this I lost nearly 120 lbs... by keeping away from carbs and sugars. No bread, No sugar. Just drink lots of water, tea and coffee... I used 1/2 tsp 1 time per day for Splenda I can not drink coffee without it, but its tolerable now. Eating one meal a day is not healthy for you.

I suggest this Morning or AM 1 piece of sliced cheese the individual ones, 1 green or mac apple and a cup of coffee or tea.

Snak a handful of raw nuts, I love walnuts, and peanuts they are good for a snak.

Lunch 3 oz of salmon, or 1 cup of red beans and brown rice, with a side of fresh fruit, pineapple, strawberrries, and 1 glass of lactaid glass of milk.

Dinner----- a salad, with spritz of balsamic vingear, mix veggies, and main meal... you can have anything except for No potatoe, No Pasta, No bread. If you can remove the butter even better, cook only in Pure Olive Oil.

For a dessert Yes I eat dessert. I love Italian Ices. I have 1 stick of reduced calorie ice pop.

I changed my meals from Chicken, Fish, Salmon, Veggies, Fruits, and Brown rice( one time a week) when I only eat Black beans or Red beans and rice.

I have lost alot of weight I used to be 320 now I am 200lbs. So I am going to be fit for a swimsuit soon. I leave May 31st so I am ready now, but I want to do this more by walking

The more you move the better you lose and the better you feel... its the sugars, the bread that make you fat and butter too. Keep away from all of these three things and soo you will be skinny too.:DIm back on Meet and Mingle... we are here...


I have been on

RC Mariner of the Seas.....2008 loved this ship....

RC Freedom coming up May 31... our 21st anniv

RC Oasis...... Future May 8

Carnival Glory 2005

Carnival Inspiration 2007

Carnival Sensation 2004

Norwegian Line..... Not around anymore..old ship

Costa lines... never again.

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Although this is by far the easiest way for me to loose weight. I have decided to once and for all learn how to count calories. Therefor I won't be following the one meal a day diet plan. I am going to still aim for 1300-1500 calories a day. With healthy foods and exercise. Yes I am also going to budget for my 1/2 cup ice cream after supper sometimes. I don't feel it necessary to restricked any foods you just need to focus on healthy because calories add up very quickly on sweets so there is no point to eating them. I got the idea from a CRON article and although I am not necessarily following this specific way of eating, it did make me decide to pay attention to the amount of calories I was consumming. Yes I do want to loose lbs, but I want to loose fat lbs. My goal would be for optimal health, as I do want to live a longer healthier life. I don't feel I need to be 120lbs or a size 2 either. This would not be the perfect body for me. I would just like to be, strong, healthy, and in good shape.

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Although this is by far the easiest way for me to loose weight. I have decided to once and for all learn how to count calories. Therefor I won't be following the one meal a day diet plan. I am going to still aim for 1300-1500 calories a day. With healthy foods and exercise. Yes I am also going to budget for my 1/2 cup ice cream after supper sometimes. I don't feel it necessary to restricked any foods you just need to focus on healthy because calories add up very quickly on sweets so there is no point to eating them. I got the idea from a CRON article and although I am not necessarily following this specific way of eating, it did make me decide to pay attention to the amount of calories I was consumming. Yes I do want to loose lbs, but I want to loose fat lbs. My goal would be for optimal health, as I do want to live a longer healthier life. I don't feel I need to be 120lbs or a size 2 either. This would not be the perfect body for me. I would just like to be, strong, healthy, and in good shape.


I think your plan is sound; anyone that wants to lose weight absolutely needs to get a grasp of how much they really eat. That's where most people go off the road in the first place. And I agree that being strong, healthy are excellent goals, and should be a mantra of life for everyone.

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I'm so glad to hear you are on your way to healthy! And that you're going to allow yourself to enjoy food, your ice cream treat, along the way.

I don't know what you're using to track your calories & exercise. But myfitnesspal.com is easy and free. It has a large data base of both. It's really easy to use.


I hope you have a wonderful journey to healthy and a really great cruise!


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Bobandkelly, Thanks for the advice I joined myfitnesspal.com. My only thing is now I have to get used to counting grams as I use cup measurements. They also don't seem to give me many choices on the amounts of food I use(26gms or 1 grm) nothing in between. They also recommended only 1200 calories this seems a little low but I will try it. More vegetables I guess!

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They seem to put everyone trying to lose at the base of 1200. I think they assume everyone will exercise and gain extra calories that way.


If 1200 continues to seem to low or if you aren't losing just up your cals.


I find things measured in cups/tbl. sometimes. Most of the data base is from what people add to it. If you have foods that you eat regularly you could add those and name it so it would be easy for you to find. You can also save meals which I like.


Have you read tamtastics story? She looks amazing! She lost more than I weigh! She shows that with sensible eating you can lose alot of weight.


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Bobankelly, I went on to myfitnesspal today to calculate what I used to average a day. I consumed on average 4200 calories a day and I was never even full. Is it any wonder why I'm shocked at how little food adds up to 1200 calories. I don't know how I wasn't 500lbs. The highest I ever got was to 168 after my pregnancy. needless to say I would like to get to 140lbs befor the cruise, and maintain or better after. I guess I will need to definately have to focus on the vegetables. 4200 calories huh! I guess I really love my food:o

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