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Read Reviews and Canceled Cruise


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We were looking to book on the Star. This was back in December.


People seem to ding the line on the same things over and over again: food and service, food and service, food and service. That got us thinking, maybe the food and service really is that bad. I mean, food and service can really make or break a cruise. It took a lot of discussion, but we decided to go on a different line instead, one where food and service were more highly praised. I guess that we may never know if we would have liked it or not, but it was not just one or two people who complained about it.


(I actually wrote my original post many times, and canceled it because I've seen how people can really dig into you on this board for such things)


Sorry to hear the bad reviews influenced your decision.


We've cruise NCL 6 times in the past 6 years and will be going on our 7th cruise with them the end of May with this being our 3rd cruise on the Star.


We haven't cruised on any other lines because we've been very happy with the food on NCL and have received excellent service. We love the freestyle concept!:)


I think a lot depends on a person's attitude and we've seen our share of negative cruisers who complain about anything & everything!:eek: We always take a little time to talk to members of the crew and ask them about where they're from, their families, etc., and give them some positive feedback. We appreciate all they do to make our cruises so special!

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We booked several months ago, not knowing anything about NCL. When we came here to Cruise Critic, and read some of the reviews, we were shocked. After a long discussion -- and we discussed it in great depth -- we decided that the risk was too great and canceled the cruise.


The reviews do make a difference.


It's too bad that you let any review...good or bad to change your mind.


I am new to cruising...never been before...but....no matter what a review says...I am looking forward to our Gem cruise.


I'm left to wonder where you will vacation...as there are review sections to cover every resort...every hotel...every destination.


No matter where you stay or where you go...there will be a negative review out there.


Please consider spending more time on the Member Review section of CC.


Reading a wide range of experiences sure helped me decide to try cruising for the first time...and I chose NCL.


Good luck.

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I would like to thank the OP for the posting. I have frequently wondered how many people are swayed pro or con about a cruise, by the postings here on CC. My take, is that many CC members, depart on a cruise with preconceptions formed as a result of their readings of the board regarding their cruise line or ship. I have, consciously and subconsciously, and sometimes agree or disagree, but mostly find the issue is not applicable to me.


I have leaned to disregard postings by the NCL is always perfect, and the NCL is always wrong, and then read the remainder with an eye towards that which might affect me. There are also the negative posts by someone with a clear agenda. For the most part, it is clear that they allowed a single incident to blemish their entire experience, so it is obviously not a fair and balanced review, so I read it and decide its value. Then there are posts which are negative, but are negative accross the board to all or many cruise lines, ie: on board announcements, service charges, land based customer service, fuel surcharges. For the most part, the comments on one board (NCL) are typical and in agreement with the comments on the other boards, so they become to cruise or not to cruise questions.


My cruising experiences NCL, CCL, Hal, Celebrity have been 90% positive, and nothing I have experienced will stop me from cruising, or from totally ruling out a particular line.


I am sorry the OP made their choice, but it very well may have been the right one for them.



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We booked several months ago, not knowing anything about NCL. When we came here to Cruise Critic, and read some of the reviews, we were shocked. After a long discussion -- and we discussed it in great depth -- we decided that the risk was too great and canceled the cruise.


The reviews do make a difference.


Some people are too easily influenced by reviews. Before our first NCL cruise we read some pretty nasty reviews (but we also read between the lines carefully - looking for things that REALLY would bother US and obvious exaggerations and agendas.). We went anyway and had a great time. HOWEVER I am also one who does not believe a vacation should be a source of stress and aprehension. SO - if the reviews concerned you that much then it was better to cancel.

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If I would have taken to heart what people wrote in their reviews I would have never book my first NCL cruise aboard the Dawn. The cruise was booked and found cruise critic - I must say that I was a little concerned over some negative reviews - but the cruise and the ship was wonderful. So good we booked the Dawn again.

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i started freaking out because of all the bad reviews before our first cruise, the Sun to Alaska last year, but i figured out one's attitude must affect the experience quite a bit. so i decided to only read reviews from the "review" section that were rated four or five stars- they still contained helpful "criticism" and tips to make your trip better, but got me excited instead of nervous. and what do you know- we had a "five star" experience, as well!

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Anybody now wonder why the so-called cheerleaders pick apart the negative reviews? If you don't get at the reality of the review, the parts that are subjective and the parts that are legitimate, "tragedies" such as this occur. ;)


Amen, amen, amen. We should save and copy thie OP's post everytime we are attacked for dissecting extremely negative reviews.



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In fact, last week if I could have found the ignore button for you, I would have done it. You might have good things to add to this board, I would love to hear them but your approach and the arguments are uncomfortable at best.


Can you explain what the "ignore button" is? Thanks!

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Can you explain what the "ignore button" is? Thanks!


I honestly don't know if it is an available feature on this board. On other boards I participate on, if you find a particular member bothers you, you can select to ignore that member, and never read their posts again. They simply will not appear for you.

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If I worried about 1/2 of the stuff other people complain about in these threads, I would never enjoy any cruise I ever have taken. I never believe that all of the food & service could be so bad on a cruise that I would refuse to take another trip on a line again. Yes, I have had some fair to midland room stewards or waiters or etc. but, that doesn't mean that the whole cruise line is bad. Maybe I have gotten food that didn't tickle my tastebuds, that doesn't mean that all of the food is bad. Maybe one ship was a little too old or small or slow or whatever, that doesn't mean, well, you know. I am on a cruise to relax & enjoy myself. If it's not perfect, so what!!!!! I have yet to have a perfect vacation, but sometimes what seems like the worst to some people, like sitting in a condo during a hurricane (yes I did this), makes for the best stories and memories. Enjoy the cruise wherever it takes you and laugh about it later.



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I agree with everyone else. Everyone has different tastes and expectations. I have been told by others that I am a bit "snobbish". I expect the best. I only stay at the finest hotels, eat at the finest restaurants, go to the premium movie theaters (the ones with assigned seating, drinks, food etc), theater productions....... Yes... I spend my money. I have travelled on Carnival, RCL and NCL I would never do a CCL cruise again (too low budget for me). I would travel RCL again. But NCL is near and dear. We travel on NCL every year. I have never experienced a problem. Had the best service all around.

So, I say you should have given NCL a chance.

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Can you explain what the "ignore button" is? Thanks!


If there is a poster who for some reason, you no longer want to read anything they post, you can choose to "ignore" them. You click on "User CP" in the light beige bar at the top of the page, then on the left side click on "edit ignore list". A box will pop up that lets you enter the persons username you wish to ignore and poof......they're gone. :) Well, not reallly gone, but gone for you.



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We booked several months ago, not knowing anything about NCL. When we came here to Cruise Critic, and read some of the reviews, we were shocked. After a long discussion -- and we discussed it in great depth -- we decided that the risk was too great and canceled the cruise.


The reviews do make a difference.



WOW - I would NEVER give anyone else, especially strangers the power to make me cancel my vacation.

We just got off of the Spirit on Sunday and I had read tons of reviews, many bad, many good and many balanced between the two. We still made the decision to go on our cruise and we went with a positive attitude and we had a wonderful time. Was it all smooth sailing? Heck no!! It took forever to get a coke at times, the food in the buffet was often lukewarm and/or cold, the food wasn't as flavorful as I like, the desserts are really lacking, the elevators were slow, deck 7 was often crowded when the mdse tables were set up, the chairs in the stardust and in the galaxy were uncomfortable. did those MINOR things ruin my cruise? NO not at all; but for some people those things would have.

Everyone has an opinion and not everyone will agree. I had a wonderfully awesome trip because I expected to have a great time.

Don't take my word for it; go on the cruise and expect to have fun and don't sweat the small stuff. Crap happens; it's up to you to either wallow in it or to wipe it off and continue about your day.

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I can understand why you cancelled. All the info and reviews out there are overwhelming. I wish I had done more research before taking my last cruise on the Carnival Holiday!!! It was old, dingy, stunk of sewage in places, and we even had raw sewage seeping from our tiolet when we came home from a show one night. Having said this, we still managed to have a great time!


Cruises are what you make of them. There are 1000-5000 on board and everyone will have a totally different experience to write home about. That's what I like about cruising, the opportunity to create your own version of paradise based on your likes and dislikes. And, everytime you go, even if on the same ship, your experience will undoubtedly be different.


If you were so discouraged, you felt like bailing out, you did the right thing. Vacations are meant to be stress free. If you went into the cruise expecting a negative experience, you likely would have found it. I don't think you should go if you're discouraged before you even leave. It should be something you look forward to and not be apprehensive to the point it causes stress.


If you have never cruised bofore, try a 3, 4, or 5 day cruise to get your feet wet. That will give you an idea of what it's like. You won't be investing a lot of money, and if you're miserable, you aren't stuck on the ship for a week or more.


Try working with a travel agent. Explain to them your likes, dislikes, and apprehensions, and they will reccomend the perfect ship for you. An experienced agent has probably cruised or toured many of the ships, and will have 1st hand knowledge from their client's experiences.


As much as I enjoy cruising, it is not for everybody. I have a few friends and family that have tried it and swear they'll never try it again. I felt the same way about my first cruise, and boy was I wrong. The next cruise and all of them thereafter have been great.

I thought they were all the same, but each ship and each cruiseline have a different vibe.


1. Which NCL Cruise were you booked on?

2. What did you hear that made you cancel??

4. Are you going on a different criuise line, if so which one?

5. Have you ever cruised in the past?

6. Are you opposed to NCL or cruising in general? If you leave more info, you may get some good advice on some alternate vacation ideas. Most people on here have tried a few diffreent ships, so they will give you good pointers.


I would really like to know. This is my 1st NCL cruise. I have only cruised Carnival in the past, so I am a little apprehensive about trying something new, but not so much thet I would cancel.


I hope you have a happy vacation whatever you decide. [/color][/b]

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We booked several months ago, not knowing anything about NCL. When we came here to Cruise Critic, and read some of the reviews, we were shocked. After a long discussion -- and we discussed it in great depth -- we decided that the risk was too great and canceled the cruise.


The reviews do make a difference.


And I think this has to be so sad, you could have had a wonderful time or maybe not, but now you will never know.


I remember many years ago, I wanted to see a particular movie, I even remember what it was but my husband had read horrible reviews on it. Luckily one of his friends had seen it and suggested we would probably enjoy it. We went to see it and to this day still talk about it. Even professional reviews can often we wrong or certainly subjective.


Many reviews you read on these boards are based on little things that can lead to bigger ones, some things are grossly exagerated and some are legit. People are more inclined to post negatives than positives..We expect everything to go well so often don't think much about it. We may come to these forums and say, of we had a great time, but if we had a bad time we will go on and on...



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OH! Wait a minute! 8 posts. Doesn't say which ship, itinerary or WHAT review scared him = someone is just trying to stir the pot. Phew! I almost fell for it. I mean I know there are leaders and followers in the world but that would have been one EXTREME case of follower syndrome!


I thought the same thing. I mean, why would you bother to post this? What's their point? Where did they think they were going w/ it?


Just in case the OP was serious ... I would wonder if they had read reviews for most of the lines. I have read some pretty bad HAL & Celebrity reviews, too. ALL the lines have both positive & negative reviews. Now, if I come across a ship w/ mostly negatives then I would tend to not book that ship.

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I wondered why the OP felt it necessary to come here as well and then to come back and imply the cheerleaders were attacking him. I did not think anyone attacked him, just questioned his decision..


BTW, if the OP is still reading I checked the last 12 reviews on the Star


1 was a n/r

1 was a 2

2 were 3s

5 were 4

3 were 5


overall rating: 4


We have 2 favorite lines, HAL and NCL, both for totally different reasons..


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I wondered why the OP felt it necessary to come here as well and then to come back and imply the cheerleaders were attacking him. I did not think anyone attacked him, just questioned his decision..



He said he had been AFRAID of being attacked, not that he had been. As I said before, I am very glad he posted. It took some guts and confirms what I always thought: that we have to dissect negative reviews to truly get anything out of them. Like with the movie critic analogy. I like to hear WHY they didn't like a movie. If they didn't like the premise and I do, then I can discount it. If they felt it was far-fetched or too sentimental, I know that won't bother me. But if they tell me it was unnecessarily violent or the characters were all superficial, then I give the review more weight.

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He said he had been AFRAID of being attacked, not that he had been. As I said before, I am very glad he posted. It took some guts and confirms what I always thought: that we have to dissect negative reviews to truly get anything out of them. Like with the movie critic analogy. I like to hear WHY they didn't like a movie. If they didn't like the premise and I do, then I can discount it. If they felt it was far-fetched or too sentimental, I know that won't bother me. But if they tell me it was unnecessarily violent or the characters were all superficial, then I give the review more weight.

you are right, he did not say he was attacked, I think I read between the lines which I often do..Sometimes this is a good thing, sometimes not..


The only reason I am glad he posted is to prove some are influeced by what is written, the only bad thing or as has been said sad thing, he did let others influence him. My guess is, that being the case he may have had doubts from the beginning but we will never know.



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I am not sure that I would ever cancel a cruise based on a review (or reviews) about a particular ship or line.


I would certainly use those reviews in helping to determine whether to book a cruise or not . . . . . . amongst many other factors.


But I will not fault the OP for the decision he made . . . . . it is his and his alone to make.


I read through his other posts (mostly on HAL) and it is apparent that he values (customer) service and food very highly in his decision making. And, if there is one overwhelming negative aspect to the NCL experience it is their customer service or lack thereof. (even the so called loyalists :D comment on this fact).


Now the OP had some issues on one of his HAL cruises and apparently was extremely gratified from an (apparent) unsolicited response from the line that addressed the issues he reviewed on C/C. Here is the link: http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=897599&highlight=


All the lines have (customer) service issues, but it is how those issues are resolved that can make or break a decision to cruise with the line.


People seem to ding the line on the same things over and over again: food and service, food and service, food and service. That got us thinking, maybe the food and service really is that bad. I mean, food and service can really make or break a cruise.


So, not having had experience with NCL, the review section is (can be) a good place to go to get a feeling . . . . . . . . .

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you are right, he did not say he was attacked, I think I read between the lines which I often do..Sometimes this is a good thing, sometimes not..


The only reason I am glad he posted is to prove some are influeced by what is written, the only bad thing or as has been said sad thing, he did let others influence him. My guess is, that being the case he may have had doubts from the beginning but we will never know.




I agree 100%.

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and it is a favorite sore spot of mine.


A poster in this thread wrote:


OH! Wait a minute! 8 posts. Doesn't say which ship, itinerary or WHAT review scared him = someone is just trying to stir the pot. Phew! I almost fell for it. I mean I know there are leaders and followers in the world but that would have been one EXTREME case of follower syndrome!


What the heck does the number of posts made have to do with anything. Had the responder taken the time to read those 8 posts she may have ascertained that he wasn't trying to stir any pot and she may have even posted a little less contentiously.

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