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Need to lose before I cruise... any buddies??


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I weighed in at 219.8 lbs a loss of 4.2 lbs even after going to Vegas.;)

Also lost 2 1/4 inches this month.:)


Well gotta go it has been a rough busy morning tell you all about ti later.


WOW!!!!! Congratulations!! That is sooooo good.


My weight today was 123.0. Another week counting a loss but I did work a bit harder this week to get there and I definitely ate better. I've gotta keep it up.


Take care,


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I had done all this last year. I was eating great, working out about 5 to 6 times a day and even was able to start running a bit. I was doing really great until our kitchen got remodeled (spelling?) last year and all I had available to use was a microwave for a while. This helped me to break my cooking that I was doing and eventually I went back to my old habits. Well for the most part, if I ever eat white pasta, it will be because there is absolutely nothing else available. I prefer the wheat. And once the food went, the exercise stopped as well. Fast forward and here I am. I know what it is that I need to do its just that I keep going back to old habits. Ones that I grew up with and helped to contribute to how I am today. I love chocolate and I usually am good, but if I get a craving I go for it. I know what I need to do, not go to the store and buy it (I no longer keep it in the house) For me its a problem with getting a craving and over doing it. I know some things in moderation are fine, especially if you have a craving. I just supersize things and go on my way. The highest I was this year (and ever in my life) was 280 and I have gotten down to 272 for how. My goal is to get to 165 by the time I turn 30 in Sept 2010.


Ok now that I have spilled part of my life story to you all I am going to go back to work!! I just got back from the gym- worked out for 40 min and am having grilled London broil wraps with sautéed onion peppers and garlic on 94% fat free wraps. And water, I need to get in my 64 oz!!


Thanks for listening!



Most of us are in the same boat as you - that is the great thing about this support group - we realize that we are in need of correcting some unhealthy habits and lifestyles.


The good news is that you are young, motivated, and working to change the bad habits. It is definitely harder to maintain weight the older I get. I sure wish there were a magic pill I could take but since there's not I just have to satisfy my cravings in moderation and when that doesn't work I need to kick my butt to the treadmill! :cool:


Take care and keep up the good work.



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Can I be a loser, too? :)


My real name is Kathleen, and I'm 46. After several years from hell, I think my life is stable enough to successfully adjust my weight, my eating habits and my sedentary lifestyle.


I'm on Adkins. I was doing very well before my cruise...I've now gained back 10 lbs!!! :eek:


Obviously I need a bit of support to get back on the wagon.


To show you how serious I am, here are the Ugly Truths :


SW: 205?

GW: 125?

CW: 185



Bust: 45.5"

Under bust: 36"

Waist 35" (eeek! It was an inch smaller before my cruise! I swear!)

Hips/belly: 45"

Upper arm: 13.5"

Thigh: 24"

Calf: 15.5" (but swollen a bit...sitting in someone else's office chair this afternoon)


I'd be happy to tell you what I'm eating, but you won't want to hear it. :D


I have to get DH to put up the shelf that's currently blocking my treadmill. I'll make sure that's done by the weekend and then I'll try to form a new habit:

Week 1: 15 min. Monday, Wednesday, Friday (a.m.)

Week 2: 1/2 hour Monday, Wednesday, Friday (a.m.)

Week 3: 1/2 hour Monday-Saturday (a.m.)

Week 4: 1/2 hour Mon-Sat (a.m.) plus 1/2 hour Tues, Thurs, Sat (p.m.)

Week 5: 1/2 hour Mon-Sat (a.m.), 1/2 hour Tues, Thurs, Sat (p.m.) and "The Wedding Workhout" Mon, Wed, Fri (p.m.)


And on Sunday she rested.


No stairs for me...it's too hard on me right now. Even walking down them puts quite a bit of pressure on a bum knee.

Week 3:

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WOW!!!!! Congratulations!! That is sooooo good.


My weight today was 123.0. Another week counting a loss but I did work a bit harder this week to get there and I definitely ate better. I've gotta keep it up.


Take care,




Thanks Brenda...it is always nice to hear others tell you how good you've done, but I must admit I am proud of myself this week.:rolleyes:


BTW....congrats to you for all the hard work you put in this week it proved to be right.(exercise and healthy eating does work):D You will keep it up and make yourself and us proud of you when you reach your goal weight

Can I be a loser, too?


My real name is Kathleen, and I'm 46. After several years from hell, I think my life is stable enough to successfully adjust my weight, my eating habits and my sedentary lifestyle.


I'm on Adkins. I was doing very well before my cruise...I've now gained back 10 lbs!!! :eek:


Obviously I need a bit of support to get back on the wagon.


To show you how serious I am, here are the Ugly Truths :


SW: 205?

GW: 125?

CW: 185



Bust: 45.5"

Under bust: 36"

Waist 35" (eeek! It was an inch smaller before my cruise! I swear!)

Hips/belly: 45"

Upper arm: 13.5"

Thigh: 24"

Calf: 15.5" (but swollen a bit...sitting in someone else's office chair this afternoon)


I'd be happy to tell you what I'm eating, but you won't want to hear it. :D


I have to get DH to put up the shelf that's currently blocking my treadmill. I'll make sure that's done by the weekend and then I'll try to form a new habit:

Week 1: 15 min. Monday, Wednesday, Friday (a.m.)

Week 2: 1/2 hour Monday, Wednesday, Friday (a.m.)

Week 3: 1/2 hour Monday-Saturday (a.m.)

Week 4: 1/2 hour Mon-Sat (a.m.) plus 1/2 hour Tues, Thurs, Sat (p.m.)

Week 5: 1/2 hour Mon-Sat (a.m.), 1/2 hour Tues, Thurs, Sat (p.m.) and "The Wedding Workhout" Mon, Wed, Fri (p.m.)


And on Sunday she rested.


No stairs for me...it's too hard on me right now. Even walking down them puts quite a bit of pressure on a bum knee.

Week 3:



WELCOME ABOARD .....we are pleased you decided to join us and you will soon realize we are not your norm:eek: we encourage,motivate and also to let you know that we are here for you and we have walked in your shoes.(I still am walking in mine)

I will post your stats as soon as I get a couple more in from our other losers.

We will excuse you from our stair climbing club for now but we do expect you to get that treadmill up and running.:D

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And Sarge's orders


Can I be a loser, too? :) Absolutly!!!


My real name is Kathleen, and I'm 46. After several years from hell, I think my life is stable enough to successfully adjust my weight, my eating habits and my sedentary lifestyle.


I'm on Adkins. I was doing very well before my cruise...I've now gained back 10 lbs!!! :eek: That is what happens when we indulge too much in the good life...


Obviously I need a bit of support to get back on the wagon.


To show you how serious I am, here are the Ugly Truths :


SW: 205?

GW: 125?

CW: 185



Bust: 45.5"

Under bust: 36"

Waist 35" (eeek! It was an inch smaller before my cruise! I swear!) I beleive you... :D

Hips/belly: 45"

Upper arm: 13.5"

Thigh: 24"

Calf: 15.5" (but swollen a bit...sitting in someone else's office chair this afternoon)


I'd be happy to tell you what I'm eating, but you won't want to hear it.


I have to get DH to put up the shelf that's currently blocking my treadmill. I'll make sure that's done by the weekend and then I'll try to form a new habit:

Week 1: 15 min. Monday, Wednesday, Friday (a.m.)

Week 2: 1/2 hour Monday, Wednesday, Friday (a.m.)

Week 3: 1/2 hour Monday-Saturday (a.m.)

Week 4: 1/2 hour Mon-Sat (a.m.) plus 1/2 hour Tues, Thurs, Sat (p.m.)

Week 5: 1/2 hour Mon-Sat (a.m.), 1/2 hour Tues, Thurs, Sat (p.m.) and "The Wedding Workhout" Mon, Wed, Fri (p.m.)


And on Sunday she rested.


No stairs for me...it's too hard on me right now. Even walking down them puts quite a bit of pressure on a bum knee. Maybe you could reinforce your quads, your hamstring and those little muscles around the knee

Week 3:



Welcome in our group and be careful, there are some monsters around here :D:D

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I have had a good/BAD day at work.

We had a fire(small electrical) at the care facility today that set off all the alarms and then that set off ALL the patients. It lasted for an hour and 15 minutes.:mad:

It took us 3-4 hours to get things back to some kind of order.:eek:


Then I come home and try to post on here only for my computor to lock up on me.


Oh well I am now done with my last meal of the day.

Breakfast: a bowl of Kashi cereal, 3 boiled egg whites

Lunch: whole wheat pita stuffed with rostiere chicken and lettuce, a few raw veggies

Snack: a cup of cabbage soup

Dinner: 4 oz. beef, small baked potato, green beans


Cheats for today: a hand full of licorice


I did my Y work out and did take the stairs down and then up once today.


I am going to re-evaluate my work outs and add more for at home. I have all kind of magazines/books that tell you what exercises are good for what areas and I plan on cutting them out and organizing them into a binder to make my own personalized workout for evenings. I have flabby areas from loosing and need to firm them up.


Well gotta go DH is calling me I think he wants to "exercise":eek: TMI.....sorry:D


I post results tomorrow from all .(Matt are you sure you don't want to do it):)

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Most of us are in the same boat as you - that is the great thing about this support group - we realize that we are in need of correcting some unhealthy habits and lifestyles.


The good news is that you are young, motivated, and working to change the bad habits. It is definitely harder to maintain weight the older I get. I sure wish there were a magic pill I could take but since there's not I just have to satisfy my cravings in moderation and when that doesn't work I need to kick my butt to the treadmill! :cool:


Take care and keep up the good work.




Brenda- Thanks for the encouragement!! Its well received here!! I do firmly believe that support is a big key in losing and maintaining! So thanks to all on this thread!! I still can't believe I posted my weight:eek:


Here is my day- feel free to pick apart! (Ohh I am on Weight Watchers too)


Breakfast- 1 and 1/2 cups cherrios 3/4 cup 1% milk

Snack- Bananna

Lunch- 2 6in 98(or maybe is 94% fat free wraps with 3 oz london broil and sauteed onion, peppers and garlic. Sauce made from chicken stock and a lillte bit of reduced fat cheese. Also, half a container of yogurt

Snack, 24 small pretzels with 1 tablespoon of guacolmole

Dinner- 4 oz meatballs low fat meat, 1 cup green beans 1/2 cup ,macoroni ( I fibbed in the previous post, the 1 time I will eat normal pasta is when my sister makes macoroni salad. I indulged a little today!)


I spent 40 min on the elipical today and was beet red:mad: But not upset:D


Vdarrell- (I will get to know names soon!) great loss!!

Welcome Kathleen! I have been a member about a week now and its a nice bunch here!

Missou- I hope I did not sould harsh in my reposnce to your post earlier. Its just that I am frustrated with myself and I hope I did not sound rude or anything! I appreciate all feedback and help!!

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Missou, if you have any ideas for strengthen ankles, I would appreciate it. Last summer I stepped on a really lumpy bit of pavement, my left ankle turned over (the outside of my foot touched the pavement), I got it back over but lost my balance and landed HARD on my right knee. Since then I've fallen twice more when that same ankle turned. The last time there was some sort of super-slippery slime on flagstones that made my heel slide away from me, but the time before I couldn't find anything...might have just been a stone? I'm getting paranoid, now. (I was just starting to be able to kneel lightly on that knee...now that's out of the question again.)


I suspect that the first injury weakened my ankle? It's only a guess, but working on strengthening them is at least worth a shot, right?

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Hi Rene, after your response I thought I had hurt you in my first response and I am really sorry if I did.


This group is the first one I found who knows the importance of exercising in a wheight loss plan. That is why we have three monsters here :D:D:D Smily Monster who loves to fool around with the elevator and escalator buttons to put them out of order, Drill Sargent Monster who loves to push you around to do your stairs and PFC Cheering Monster who will stand behind Drill Sargent Monster and cheer you on :p


I have had several episodes in my life when just a simple movement was really hard to do. I was stuck in an hospital bed for a month after a car accident, I had a knee problem that was making it hard for me to walk and from May 2007 till the end of March 2009 I was taking a medecine that was causing me to have a lot of muscular pains.


To me, the ability to move is such a wonderful gift and it should not be taken for granted. On the other hand, a lot of people, even those who are trying to losse wheight do think that moving is not all that important.


I am really glad that you are onboard and if I can help you with your exercise plan, I will be glad to.


I was a gymnast and a gymnastic instructor in my teens and I know a lot of exercises to work different part of your body specifically.


Done be shy to ask, I will help you if I can.

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Hi Katleen, from what I understand, you need to work on your ankles, on you lower legs, on the attachment of your muscles around your knees to make them more stable, on your thighs and your gluts.


I feel you should work both legs to prevent any misfortune with your good leg.


For your ankles, you can just flex your feet and point them while you are sitting down placing them in three different directions. First, turn your feet inwards; second, leave them in a neutral position, strait in the middle; and finally, turn them outwards.


For your calves, you can stand up and hold yourself, keep your feet shoulder whith apart. Starting on a flat foot, raise your heel as much as you can with your feet placed in the tree position mentionned above. When you are ready, you can increase the difficulty by doing this exercise in your staircase with only your tippy toes on a step.


For the attachement of your muscles around your knees, you can straiten your leg with your feet flexed as much as possible and keep that position for 3 to 5 seconds.


For your thighs and gluts, you first lie down on your back and raise your legs with your feet placed in the 3 directions mentionned above. Do the same leg raises while lying on your stomach. For the muscles on the side of your legs, you lie down on your right side and raise your upper and lower legs with your feet placed in the 3 directions mentionned above. Turn on your left side and repeat the leg raises.


At first, you should do 1 or 2 series of 10 repititions of each of the exercises and as you feel more comfotable, you can put a little weight on your leg or increase the number of repititions.


I hope these exercices will help you regain your stability and your confidence!!!!

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Welcome to the club Milaandra.


Me being the Sarge will take it easy on you with the Stairs. I will not force you to do them.


If you do the exercises I gave you above, after some time, you should be able to join our stair climbing club :D:D:D


Remember that I love to go and fool around with the elevator and escalator buttons, ask Vickey :D:D:D

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Welcome Kathleen! This group of people really are the BEST!!! You will find endless support with these folks. :)


Everyone is so helpful and encouraging today... I'm feeling the love all around. :p


Today I have to go to a client's office which is about 2 hours away (without heavy LA traffic if there is anything like that) and they are ordering in lunch. Don't know what we'll eat, don't know if I can control myself, don't know if I'll care! (Red week has come with a vengence and I'm trying to be good but gosh darn!) :D (For those who are new, we are not too shy about some TMI topics.)


So anyway...I've started off good this morning with my small bowl of oatmeal. I did my morning exercises. Now I have to get ready to meet my carpool buddy at the office at 7:15 for the long drive up through LA.


Have a great day everyone and I'll check back in this evening.



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Hello Winning-Losers!!! It is nice and sunny outside today and my neck still hurts. I am able to move my head a little more freely and I will go out for a little walk today. I will also work on my legs and maybe try to do some stairs if my neck is not in too much pain. Of course, I will not do as many reps or ups and donws as usual, but I will do my best. I will also make some movements with my head to help release the tensions in my neck. Tonight, DH will do some feel-good rubbing on my neck and shoulder muscles... Can't wait :D:D:D


Take really good care of yourselves and keep on moving!!! dans01.gifdans02.gifdans11.png

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Today I have to go to a client's office which is about 2 hours away (without heavy LA traffic if there is anything like that Have fun!!! ;)) and they are ordering in lunch. Don't know what we'll eat, don't know if I can control myself, don't know if I'll care! Don't do anything you'll regret later, that is my phylosophy!!!(Red week has come with a vengence and I'm trying to be good but gosh darn!) :D (For those who are new, we are not too shy about some TMI topics.) I kind off started that habit...


So anyway...I've started off good this morning with my small bowl of oatmeal. I did my morning exercises. Good for you!!! Now I have to get ready to meet my carpool buddy at the office at 7:15 for the long drive up through LA.


Have a great day everyone and I'll check back in this evening.




Red week is good to me this month, I didn't gain any weight, I even lost some!!! I don't fell like jumping on people and bashing them, that is helpful, but that darn measuring tape is still very stubborn :mad::mad: I fell like ripping it apart, but I know I will regret that move later :rolleyes:


P.S. What those TMI stands for? We don't have that expression in french... :o

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TMI = Too Much Information. That is why I use TMI for.


I do have to say that I weighed myself this morning and I acutally was a pound lighter than last week, but still going with the 196.6 weigh in as I posted yesterday

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Brenda- Thanks for the encouragement!! Its well received here!! I do firmly believe that support is a big key in losing and maintaining! So thanks to all on this thread!! I still can't believe I posted my weight:eek:


Here is my day- feel free to pick apart! (Ohh I am on Weight Watchers too)


Breakfast- 1 and 1/2 cups cherrios 3/4 cup 1% milk

Snack- Bananna

Lunch- 2 6in 98(or maybe is 94% fat free wraps with 3 oz london broil and sauteed onion, peppers and garlic. Sauce made from chicken stock and a lillte bit of reduced fat cheese. Also, half a container of yogurt

Snack, 24 small pretzels with 1 tablespoon of guacolmole

Dinner- 4 oz meatballs low fat meat, 1 cup green beans 1/2 cup ,macoroni ( I fibbed in the previous post, the 1 time I will eat normal pasta is when my sister makes macoroni salad. I indulged a little today!)


I spent 40 min on the elipical today and was beet red:mad: But not upset:D


Vdarrell- (I will get to know names soon!) great loss!!

Welcome Kathleen! I have been a member about a week now and its a nice bunch here!

Missou- I hope I did not sould harsh in my reposnce to your post earlier. Its just that I am frustrated with myself and I hope I did not sound rude or anything! I appreciate all feedback and help!!



I think your meals are good. Making healthier wiser choices are sure to help you meet your goal. I have tons of weight watchers cook books if you ever need recipes let me know,I will be glad to post some for you.

Great job on exercising.


Missou, if you have any ideas for strengthen ankles, I would appreciate it. Last summer I stepped on a really lumpy bit of pavement, my left ankle turned over (the outside of my foot touched the pavement), I got it back over but lost my balance and landed HARD on my right knee. Since then I've fallen twice more when that same ankle turned. The last time there was some sort of super-slippery slime on flagstones that made my heel slide away from me, but the time before I couldn't find anything...might have just been a stone? I'm getting paranoid, now. (I was just starting to be able to kneel lightly on that knee...now that's out of the question again.)


I suspect that the first injury weakened my ankle? It's only a guess, but working on strengthening them is at least worth a shot, right?

I have taken 3 major falls on my left knee, so I can relate to your pain and frustration. As for the paranoid part I am so paranoid to do alot of things but I just try to do them as slow and cautious as possible.

Hope you can strengthen your ankles so they will not cause you too much trouble in the future.:)

Welcome to the club Milaandra.


Me being the Sarge will take it easy on you with the Stairs. I will not force you to do them.


Our sweet little Sarge, I do hope even after you marry that your wife will still share you with us. If not who else we Missou and I have to tease.:D

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Vickey - please post my weight the same today...lots of things going on so I could not post - not all good - but I will get back at it soon.





Marsha...hope things are going better today for you. Thinking of you and sending hugs your way.


Hi Rene, after your response I thought I had hurt you in my first response and I am really sorry if I did.


Missou, are you being mean to our new LOSERS....shame, shame on you. :eek:

Now that you have said your sorries I hope she forgives you and doesn't judge they rest of us:D


pss. Rene.....missou is really harmless she is as sweet as they come ,but don't tell her.:D

This group is the first one I found who knows the importance of exercising in a wheight loss plan. That is why we have three monsters here .Smily Monster who loves to fool around with the elevator and escalator buttons to put them out of order, Drill Sargent Monster who loves to push you around to do your stairs and PFC Cheering Monster who will stand behind Drill Sargent Monster and cheer you on


There you go again calling names.....BTW which one am I???:confused:


I have had several episodes in my life when just a simple movement was really hard to do. I was stuck in an hospital bed for a month after a car accident, I had a knee problem that was making it hard for me to walk and from May 2007 till the end of March 2009 I was taking a medecine that was causing me to have a lot of muscular pains.


To me, the ability to move is such a wonderful gift and it should not be taken for granted. On the other hand, a lot of people, even those who are trying to losse wheight do think that moving is not all that important.


I am really glad that you are onboard and if I can help you with your exercise plan, I will be glad to.


I was a gymnast and a gymnastic instructor in my teens and I know a lot of exercises to work different part of your body specifically.


Done be shy to ask, I will help you if I can.


Welcome Kathleen! This group of people really are the BEST!!! You will find endless support with these folks.


Everyone is so helpful and encouraging today... I'm feeling the love all around. :p


ME TOO. I love each and everyone of you and thank you for being here for my journey to a new and healthier lifestyle.


Today I have to go to a client's office which is about 2 hours away (without heavy LA traffic if there is anything like that) and they are ordering in lunch. Don't know what we'll eat, don't know if I can control myself, don't know if I'll care! (Red week has come with a vengence and I'm trying to be good but gosh darn!) :D (For those who are new, we are not too shy about some TMI topics.)


Be GOOD. Make wise lunch choices.


So anyway...I've started off good this morning with my small bowl of oatmeal. I did my morning exercises. Now I have to get ready to meet my carpool buddy at the office at 7:15 for the long drive up through LA.


Have a great day everyone and I'll check back in this evening.



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I will post the weights tonight still waiting on a few more to come in.


Jon and Nikki, Jamie, and Twinrigger.....WHERE ARE YOU???


Jon and Nikki....I am so anxious to see if you made goal you both are so close. I look forward to checking every week to see your loses and get so motivated by you both.


Jamie....which one of our little monsters scared you away??


Scott....I am still waiting on you to post your trip report. Let us all know how you are doing.

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