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Need to lose before I cruise... any buddies??


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I also had hyperplasia and multiple fibroids before my surgery. Can you get another opinion from a different Gyn? I know that you have a national health plan and don't know how that works. I hope your neurologist has an answer for you on whether or not to take the hormonal therapy.

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Hi it's me again just dropping in with a little note.

I weighed in yesterday and am not a happy camper considering I haven't had the best appetite I managed to gain I weigh 221 lbs. I HATE STEROIDS:mad:

I haven't felt well all week my bladder just doesn't want to work.


I go to the doctor today and will know more on what they have planned for my surgery. I hope it is soon.


For those that had weight loses this week congrats.


Welcome to our new comers.



Well got to run and get at least a half day of work in then off to the doctor.

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Welcome to our group. We are a great group of people who will help motivate you. I am the Stair motivator. So when you are looking up at those stairs and you feel a push it is me, or missou. She helps me out.


Every Monday is the Weekly Weigh In. The first of the month is the day we post our Measurements (if you have a way to test them).


Vickey is normally in charge of posting the weigh ins, but she will sometimes be doing other things and one of us will step in to assist her.

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Hello everyone. It is a nice sunny day here and I intend to go swim in my round pool a little. It feels really good. Before my swim, I will go on my treadmill, the AKP, the stairs and I will do my workout.


When I weighted myself this morning, I was at 160.4. If I keep on exercising, I should be able to loose the 6 by Saturday. I may gain it back on the cruise but I do intend to do a lot of stairs, a lot of walking and I can easily do my workout in my stateroom in the morning if I want to. I am going with someone who is on a diet and going to the gym so we will encourage each other.


Norwaylin, I am going for a second opinion, there is no doubt in my mind about this. Actually, my GYN wants me to see another GYN for a procedure that he does not perform in his office. She is younger than he his and when I will see her, I will talk about everything, the hyperplasia, the polyps, the fibroïds and the hormonal therapy. Actually, I will not start the hormonal therapy this week if the neurologist gives me the Ok because I don't want to be at sea if anything is to happen. Actually, I prefer to see the other GYN before doing anything.


Elena, welcome to our super group, I hope you enjoy yourself around us.


Vickey, you shouldn'd give up. Maybe the steroïds make you gain weight, but by exercising and watching your food intake, you are controling it. For now, I beleive that should be your main concern. Losing weight is nice I admit, but look at me, I only lost 4.6 pounds and 1 inch on my hips since we started in mid-march even though I have done a lot of exercises and controled the foods I am eating. It is discouraging, but until I know exactly what is going on with me, I do not expect miracles. Just controlling my weight is good. We started our journey 23 weeks ago, I have lost an average of 0.2 lbs a week :eek::eek::eek: Want to talk about discouragment, come to me :rolleyes: and I will push you up those stairs danse013.gif


OK, time for me to go start my exercises, speak to you later 11_7_102.gif

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I just spoke with my neurologist and he told me that the possibility that the medication could cause an increase of my neurological aftereffects is minimal. He was more worried about my heart problem. One of my coronary artery is a little under-developped, making it too thin. On a neurological point of view, the hormonal therapy is not indicated for people who have had a brain thrombus as it may accentuate the risks. Because of my heart history, I had a little heart attack on May 1st, 2007, he doesn't feel that I should take the medicine, especially starting it before going on a cruise. He told me that before taking a medication, you should see if the positive effects it may have outways the negative ones. I have 2 reasons not to take the medicine, my heart problem and the fact that it worries me so.


I will see the other GYN and ask her how she would treat my problem. After that, I'll take a decision. The removal of the endometrium is definitly NOT out of the question.

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I am glad that you will see another doctor. It seems that the new doctor may want to do the uterine embolization. It is done in the hospital here in the states or possibly an outpatient surgical clinic. I don't know anyone who has had this procedure so I don't know what to tell you. I hope that your cruise goes well. Wish I was going with you. LOL. I really need a cruise about now and would love to go back to Bermuda.

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I am glad that you will see another doctor. It seems that the new doctor may want to do the uterine embolization. It is done in the hospital here in the states or possibly an outpatient surgical clinic. I don't know anyone who has had this procedure so I don't know what to tell you. I hope that your cruise goes well. Wish I was going with you. LOL. I really need a cruise about now and would love to go back to Bermuda.


I will look into the uterin embolization, I am curious to know what it is. Is it the same as the removal of the endometrium :confused:


I don't know about my cruise, there might be a delay because of Bill



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Missou: Good luck with Bill. :eek:


Vickey: Your poor bladder - sorry about the steroids. :(


I did my treadmill tonight and had dinner.. everything was great. Then my hubby got some grilled chicken wraps (with spinach tortillas). I had one bite - that's all I wanted. Well... I ate the entire thing. bad Brenda!

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Hello everyone! I finally decided about 6 weeks ago that I couldn't stand being overweight anymore. I had been staying around 153 lbs. for over a year and, at 4'10", that's not good. I hated the way my clothes fit and couldn't stand to see myself in photos. :eek: I checked out another board that was following a specific diet plan but I'm pretty sure that one's not for me. I've been following what I've termed the common sense diet, i.e. "don't eat crap"! :p I'm not perfect at sticking to it (ex. put 4 lbs. back on during our Keys trip) but, so far, I'm down to 141 lbs. I've almost completely cut out iced tea (caffeine) and sodas and am drinking as much water as I can get down. Of course I'm trying to keep away from such atrocities as fries, Big Macs, subs, etc. :( My clothes are fitting better but I have a way to go before I want to see myself in a bikini. We're cruising in November and I really want to get down to, at most, 110 lbs. The excessive rain has cut into our bike riding time so we haven't been exercising as much and I'm not very steadfast about getting on the treadmill. It doesn't help that we have bags and bags of candy in the office but I'm going to try to contain myself. Wish me luck! :D


BTW, Missou, I'm so glad you're getting a second opinion! And I sure hope Bill doesn't interfere with your cruise!

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Hello everyone! I finally decided about 6 weeks ago that I couldn't stand being overweight anymore. I had been staying around 153 lbs. for over a year and, at 4'10", that's not good. I hated the way my clothes fit and couldn't stand to see myself in photos. :eek: I checked out another board that was following a specific diet plan but I'm pretty sure that one's not for me. I've been following what I've termed the common sense diet, i.e. "don't eat crap"! :p I'm not perfect at sticking to it (ex. put 4 lbs. back on during our Keys trip) but, so far, I'm down to 141 lbs. I've almost completely cut out iced tea (caffeine) and sodas and am drinking as much water as I can get down. Of course I'm trying to keep away from such atrocities as fries, Big Macs, subs, etc. :( My clothes are fitting better but I have a way to go before I want to see myself in a bikini. We're cruising in November and I really want to get down to, at most, 110 lbs. The excessive rain has cut into our bike riding time so we haven't been exercising as much and I'm not very steadfast about getting on the treadmill. It doesn't help that we have bags and bags of candy in the office but I'm going to try to contain myself. Wish me luck! :D


BTW, Missou, I'm so glad you're getting a second opinion! And I sure hope Bill doesn't interfere with your cruise!


Welcome, welcome, welcome! Glad to see you joining our little group. You sound like you have adopted my motto (more or less) - eat less and move more. Sounds like you are well on your way to your goal.


Keep up the great work!


By the way: We post our weights (and measurements if known) on Mondays. If you have any recipes or other helpful advise, please feel free to share.


Again, welcome.


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Hello everyone. It is a nice sunny day here and I intend to go swim in my round pool a little. It feels really good. Before my swim, I will go on my treadmill, the AKP, the stairs and I will do my workout.


When I weighted myself this morning, I was at 160.4GREAT. If I keep on exercising, I should be able to loose the 6 by Saturday. I may gain it back on the cruise but I do intend to do a lot of stairs, a lot of walking and I can easily do my workout in my stateroom in the morning if I want to. I am going with someone who is on a diet and going to the gym so we will encourage each other.


Norwaylin, I am going for a second opinion, there is no doubt in my mind about this. Actually, my GYN wants me to see another GYN for a procedure that he does not perform in his office. She is younger than he his and when I will see her, I will talk about everything, the hyperplasia, the polyps, the fibroïds and the hormonal therapy. Actually, I will not start the hormonal therapy this week if the neurologist gives me the Ok because I don't want to be at sea if anything is to happen. Actually, I prefer to see the other GYN before doing anything.


Elena, welcome to our super group, I hope you enjoy yourself around us.


Vickey, you shouldn'd give up. Maybe the steroïds make you gain weight, but by exercising and watching your food intake, you are controling it. For now, I beleive that should be your main concern. Losing weight is nice I admit, but look at me, I only lost 4.6 pounds and 1 inch on my hips since we started in mid-march even though I have done a lot of exercises and controled the foods I am eating. It is discouraging, but until I know exactly what is going on with me, I do not expect miracles. Just controlling my weight is good. We started our journey 23 weeks ago, I have lost an average of 0.2 lbs a week :eek::eek::eek: Want to talk about discouragment, come to me and I will push you up those stairs



Problem is they haven't wanted me to exercise lately dur to the fact they have tried to re-locate the interstem implant which didn't work and also I haven't had the stamana to do much.


OK, time for me to go start my exercises, speak to you later 11_7_102.gif


I am very happy with myself today. I did all of my exercises but the treadmill. My outer left thigh was hurting me when I was in the stairs and I am not used to that pain. Hubby will have to look into it.




Sorry you are hurting:(

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I will look into the uterin embolization, I am curious to know what it is. Is it the same as the removal of the endometrium :confused:



Get a second opinion.


I don't know about my cruise, there might be a delay because of Bill


Keeping fingers crossed that Bill doesn't cause you any problems.




Missou: Good luck with Bill. :eek:


Vickey: Your poor bladder - sorry about the steroids. :(


I did my treadmill tonight and had dinner.. everything was great. Then my hubby got some grilled chicken wraps (with spinach tortillas). I had one bite - that's all I wanted. Well... I ate the entire thing. bad Brenda!



No, not Bad Brenda.....where's Good Brenda:eek:

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Hello everyone! I finally decided about 6 weeks ago that I couldn't stand being overweight anymore. I had been staying around 153 lbs. for over a year and, at 4'10", that's not good. I hated the way my clothes fit and couldn't stand to see myself in photos. :eek: I checked out another board that was following a specific diet plan but I'm pretty sure that one's not for me. I've been following what I've termed the common sense diet, i.e. "don't eat crap"! :p I'm not perfect at sticking to it (ex. put 4 lbs. back on during our Keys trip) but, so far, I'm down to 141 lbs. I've almost completely cut out iced tea (caffeine) and sodas and am drinking as much water as I can get down. Of course I'm trying to keep away from such atrocities as fries, Big Macs, subs, etc. :( My clothes are fitting better but I have a way to go before I want to see myself in a bikini. We're cruising in November and I really want to get down to, at most, 110 lbs. The excessive rain has cut into our bike riding time so we haven't been exercising as much and I'm not very steadfast about getting on the treadmill. It doesn't help that we have bags and bags of candy in the office but I'm going to try to contain myself. Wish me luck! :D


BTW, Missou, I'm so glad you're getting a second opinion! And I sure hope Bill doesn't interfere with your cruise!




WELCOME...glad to have you join us.

You sound as if yo have a good plan going just hang in there and you will reach your goal and cruise at the weight you want.


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As you can see it is almost 2:00am here in Ohio and where am I at but on here posting.


Well I now know what is going on.

My blood work came back and they have decided to do the surgery as soon as next Thursday August 27th..

My surgeon was suppose to leave on the 25th for vacation and the implant programmer is on vacation now and not due back till the 29th well now my surgeon is postponing his vacation until the 28th and the programmer is coming back 2 days earlier. They don't want to wait.

I will be glad to have it over and done with....but have to admit I'm not looking forward to what lays ahead in the next few weeks. Hopefully will be feeling well enough to be able to cruise in October.


Here is what they are going to have to do.

Stretch bladder.....repair the bladder wall lining.....repair Hunner's Ulcer(in bladder)...remove and replace the interstem implant and leads....last but not least do the procedure for the killing of the cancer cells by killing the DNA from spreading.This will be continued 3-4 more times in the next couple months done as out patient.

BTW....I have latex allergies and have to have a latex free surgery room which makes it a pleasure for the surgery personal.


I have to go for blood gasses to be done because I also have trouble with anesthesia.


And trying to get in as much work as possible before next Thursday.


Again thank you all for allowing me to vent, as I stated I am trying so hard not to let my DH and DS's not see me worry. Haven't even told them all that I know down playing it as much as possible, which means afterwards they will give me the dickens.


Well I am off here to do some reading and hopefully get some sleep as it is now 2:30 am and I get up to go to work at 6:30 am.:eek:



I will post weights tomorrow.

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Vickey - I know you know we are all thinking of you...I know how hard it is to sleep and also know you know you need it for now and what lies ahead. What is involved in killing of the cancer cells? Is this a type of chemo, radiation, ??


I am glad you are a nurse and can talk to the doctors informatively. It is wonderful that these professionals are putting their personal plans on hold for you. That speaks wonders about you as a person and a patient.


Try not to work too much it wears you out entirely. (that I am an expert at if nothing else.)


We will keep praying for you and your family. It does not take long for prayers to get from Cincinnati to Middletown!



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Vickey - I know you know we are all thinking of you...I know how hard it is to sleep and also know you know you need it for now and what lies ahead. What is involved in killing of the cancer cells? Is this a type of chemo, radiation, ??


I am glad you are a nurse and can talk to the doctors informatively. It is wonderful that these professionals are putting their personal plans on hold for you. That speaks wonders about you as a person and a patient.


Try not to work too much it wears you out entirely. (that I am an expert at if nothing else.)


We will keep praying for you and your family. It does not take long for prayers to get from Cincinnati to Middletown!



Thanks again for the thoughts and prayers ...to bad it isn't being done at Cincinnati Christ Hospital then the prayers would be real close:)

I am one of those that doesn't sleep much anyway ....especially when something is on my mind.

I figure if I stay busy enough it will keep my thoughts off the bad.

Besides my little elderly patients are truly wonderful for me during all this it makes me appreciate what I still have (my mind)at least for now.:D

Being in the medical field can sometimes be a hinder since you know all the facts.




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Vickey - I know you know we are all thinking of you...I know how hard it is to sleep and also know you know you need it for now and what lies ahead. What is involved in killing of the cancer cells? Is this a type of chemo, radiation, ??


I am glad you are a nurse and can talk to the doctors informatively. It is wonderful that these professionals are putting their personal plans on hold for you. That speaks wonders about you as a person and a patient.


Try not to work too much it wears you out entirely. (that I am an expert at if nothing else.)


We will keep praying for you and your family. It does not take long for prayers to get from Cincinnati to Middletown!








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Hello Vdarrell, Iam sorry Iam on this forum I dont need to lose before the cruise I just wanted to say HI my husband and I are on the same cruise and I think we are on the same deck and same side our cabin is 7227. We live in IN. and I see you are in Ohio. This is our first trip without our boys it is our 25th wedding ann. and we never took a honeymoon so we are really looking forward to it! It sounds like bunch of fun people on the cruise ...Saints and Sinners who ever they are? They sound like a bunch of middle age people wanting to have fun without kids! And then the rest of us (middle age people) who want to have fun without kids! :) Again Iam sorry Iam on this forum , I found you on other post and never had the right time to say HI. Marla

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Hello everyone! I finally decided about 6 weeks ago that I couldn't stand being overweight anymore. I had been staying around 153 lbs. for over a year and, at 4'10", that's not good. I hated the way my clothes fit and couldn't stand to see myself in photos. :eek: I checked out another board that was following a specific diet plan but I'm pretty sure that one's not for me. I've been following what I've termed the common sense diet, i.e. "don't eat crap"! :p I'm not perfect at sticking to it (ex. put 4 lbs. back on during our Keys trip) but, so far, I'm down to 141 lbs. I've almost completely cut out iced tea (caffeine) and sodas and am drinking as much water as I can get down. Of course I'm trying to keep away from such atrocities as fries, Big Macs, subs, etc. :( My clothes are fitting better but I have a way to go before I want to see myself in a bikini. We're cruising in November and I really want to get down to, at most, 110 lbs. The excessive rain has cut into our bike riding time so we haven't been exercising as much and I'm not very steadfast about getting on the treadmill. It doesn't help that we have bags and bags of candy in the office but I'm going to try to contain myself. Wish me luck! :D


BTW, Missou, I'm so glad you're getting a second opinion! And I sure hope Bill doesn't interfere with your cruise!


Welcome to the site. We will all help you to succeed. Now, I am Sarge aka Matt and I am the person pushing you towards those stairs right now.

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Vickey, I am really happy you are going to get your surgery done as quickly as next week. I'll be thinking about you




Brenda, you are not bad, you hear me!!! :D


Welcome Kellicruzer, I hope you enjoy our group. We are here for each other no matter what, even for Matt's red weeks lollol325.gif I am smily monster who loves to fool around with the elevators and the escalators so that our sarg can do his job :cool:


Vickey, I just thought about this, even though the doctors don't want you to do to much exercises, are you aloud to take walks?


Hey Blue ray, wanna join our group?

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Today is a nice day again, but I don't know if I will do a lot of exercises, my belly is acting up again :mad:


For now, I will go for my breakfast.


Take care 11_7_102.gif


I hope Bill leaves you alone for your Bermuda cruise. Also hope that you feel ok during your time on the ship. :)

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Hello Vdarrell, Iam sorry Iam on this forum I dont need to lose before the cruise I just wanted to say HI my husband and I are on the same cruise and I think we are on the same deck and same side our cabin is 7227. We live in IN. and I see you are in Ohio. This is our first trip without our boys it is our 25th wedding ann. and we never took a honeymoon so we are really looking forward to it! It sounds like bunch of fun people on the cruise ...Saints and Sinners who ever they are? They sound like a bunch of middle age people wanting to have fun without kids! And then the rest of us (middle age people) who want to have fun without kids! :) Again Iam sorry Iam on this forum , I found you on other post and never had the right time to say HI. Marla




Hi Marla.......it is nice to see a neighbor that will be cruising at the same time. :)

When and where are you flying out of?

I am not on the S&S group as we are newbies and this is our first cruise but they have an interesting forum but a little too much partying for us.:D But am looking forward to meeting some of them.


We are flying out of Cincy on Saturday and staying at Chase Suites the night before.


We have been married 33 yrs so here is hoping you enjoyed your 25th anniversary.


Please keep in touch.

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Vickey, I am really happy you are going to get your surgery done as quickly as next week. I'll be thinking about you




Brenda, you are not bad, you hear me!!! :D


Welcome Kellicruzer, I hope you enjoy our group. We are here for each other no matter what, even for Matt's red weeks lollol325.gif I am smily monster who loves to fool around with the elevators and the escalators so that our sarg can do his job :cool:


Vickey, I just thought about this, even though the doctors don't want you to do to much exercises, are you aloud to take walks?


Hey Blue ray, wanna join our group?




I do alot of walking on a daily basis at work....but lately it feels as if my bladder is dragging the floor and hurts to sit/walk/breath whatever.

But will hopefully be able to start going in the therapy pool a week or two after surgery.

Luv my bearhug:D

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