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Need to lose before I cruise... any buddies??


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Missou: The candy monster got out of my bag but only to tempt me with a couple mini candy bars. I was too busy at the conference to eat much.


We had a fun casino night last night with cocktails and a pasta bar. I was driving so no wine for me (my own personal rule - any drinking no matter how little and I don't drive.) I haven't been able to run for the last few days since I have been getting home late in the evening. :(


Today was an easy day - tore down my booth at the conference and worked from home the rest of the day. I'm done now so it is officially the weekend! (I think I hear a Yippeeee from Matt as well!)


I've gotta go get my daughter from school and then run some errands. I'll check back later.



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Hello everyone

Work is so tiring but it has to be if I am to pay the hospital bills that are starting to come in:eek:

I am so tired at the end of the day I get inside the door and head straight to the couch or bed just to rest for a couple hours.

I know my strength will return but I have to patient.:(

I am going to try and take time this week end to plan for going back on a healthy eating plan and start off my work out routine as I know it will take some doing to get back to tthe level I was at but I will.:)


Mattt...it sounds as if you are gettting quite a workout just getting your house ready,I bet it is looking great.


Missou...take care of your self and when you can enjoy your new machine.


Emmysmommy...I love to hear someone who is responsible when it comes to driving under the influence as I have lost loved ones in a manor where someone hasn't used wise choices. Your casino sounds like fun we have thought about having one for my DH birthday but haven't yet.

Stay away from the candy monster.


We don't have many children that treat or treat here so I have WARNED DH not to buy but one bag of candy but would rather hand out something like pencils or something they can use not encourage them to eat unhealthy and fight the fight I am fighting now.

But we do have an advisory out for our area wanting parents to limit the Trick or Treating so the children aren't exposed to too much sickness.


Well thats it for now I think I'll go rest till DH gets home he wasn't feeling very well the last couple of days so I think we will both call it an early night and lay in bed watch the tube till we fall asleep even if it won't have the rocking of the ship and the beautiful sounds of the waves.Not to mention the cozy comfortable beds they have in their cabins.

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Vickey: It's so good to hear from you! I hope you can get well rested this weekend. What a great idea to hand out something other than candy to the little tricksters. I have 2 bags of candy but I bought the kind that I will NEVER eat - I don't like chewy/sour candy. :p


Take care and take this season in life to pamper yourself!


Sending love and best wishes for a wonderful weekend to you today,


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Hi Everyone,


Just back from almost a week in Las Vegas. I have not weighed myself but we walked a ton and I am so, so sore. Back to work tomorrow and I plan to get back on the program.


Vickey - glad to hear from you. Get rested up.


Some wonderful news - we received the call at 4:00 a.m. Friday from our daughter that they had just posted the Ohio Bar results - SHE PASSED! We are so excited and happy for her. It was a real tense time waiting (3 months).


So now we have a lawyer for a daughter and she is getting married in 11 months. A lot to look forward to and a good reason to lose pounds.


Doing tons on laundry then raking leaves. Talk to you all soon.



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Good morning everyone.


Busy weekend with Halloween. Visited with a College buddy Saturday morning by going to breakfast and then having him over to the house to see it. Sat around and talked for a few hours before he left and we went shopping. Then it was halloween party time.


Slept in Sunday morning. Then made lunch, and took the wifes car to get it washed, vacuumed and filled with gas. Then it was home to do some cleaning and make dinner.


Then it was grass cutting time. That was a good pain in the butt, as the grass was wet and long.


My monday weigh in is not what I was hoping for. Gained for the 2nd week, back to 200. But not too horrible. 1 pound in 2 weeks.

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Good morning everyone!! I remembered last night before going to bed that we are the first Monday of the month today. It is Measuring Day! I was a little nervous this morning because I haven't done much exercises in October and this morning at my weight-in, I have gained the 0.6 pounds I had lost last week. Well now I am very happy! I lost 4 inches in October!! Here is my data :



SW...165 lbs

TW....162.5....161.4...159.2....161.4...162.8....160.8....161.8...163.2...164....161....163.8....161....161.6....160.6....159.2....158.6....159.2 lbs

CW....135 lbs

Weekly weight gained....0.6 lbs

Total...5.8 lbs

To Goal....24.8 lbs



Neck......14 ....13.5....14....13.5....14....13 inches

Arms.......13,,,,12.5...12.5....13....12....12 inches

Bust....39...38.5...38.5....38.5....38....38 inches

Waist....34.....35...32.5....31.5....31.5....31 inches

Belly...On April 6th ...40 ...today...37....37 inches

Hips.....40....40...39....39....39....38 inches

Thighs....22....21.5....20.5....21.5....21....20 inches

Calves...15.....15....14.5....15....14.5....14 inches

Inches lost this month......4 inches

Total inches lost since the beginning.....14 inches


Except for the knee, November is starting out on the right track!! I haven't looked into the Pilates DVD, but I will right after this. Things are going too well to stop!!!


Remember to take your measuring tape out!!!

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Matt, you are at a plateau right now, don't give up, it will come to an end soon!! I see you have discovered the joy of lawn mowing :D:D Here, we don't have to do it anymore for the season. There has to be a good coat of grass before winter or else it won't look as good in the spring.


Marsha, it is very nice to hear from you! How was Las Vegas? Did you win your next cruise at the casino? ;) I bet your Hubby appreciated the hard work you did in your backyard!!


Brenda, I love your idea of not buying the candies you like, that way, no temptations!! I also like the idea of buying something other than candies for the trick or treaters. I'll have to remember it for next year!


Vickey, wouldn't it be a better idea to take it easy while you are taking your treatment. Your body needs all the strenght it can and if you are so tired at the end of the day, working out could be a little too much. What does your doctor thinks about it? Please, don't over do it and take really good care of yourself 4_4_111.gif

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Hello everyone! I hope you all had a great Halloween! I weighed myself this morning and am pleased to report that I'm down to 134.8! It's not coming off fast (mostly because my will power stinks) but at least it's going down and not up. We cruise on Sunday :D and, as much as I would have liked to have reached my goal of 120, I'll still be pretty happy if I can get to 130... it's a lot better than the 153 I was at just 5 months ago!


Vickey - I hope you're feeling well! :)


Marsha - Congrats for your daughter's accomplishment! You must be very proud!

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Matt: Yes pain (muscle pain that is) is GOOD! Keep up the good work.

Marsha: Congratulations on your daughter passing the bar. What an accomplishment.

Kelli: Losing nearly 20 pounds in the time you have is awesome! Congrats on all your hard work. Sometimes it is better if it comes off gradually - which seems so slow.

Missou: 4 inches in 1 MONTH!!! Wow!!! That is soooo great! Give yourself a hug from me! :D


As for me... I've got the crud that is going around my home and my office. I worked a half day today before I decided to take my sick butt home and sleep. I only walked on the treadmill last night and tonight I'm not even gonna think about running so I'll wait a few days to ramp up my activity.


I've been eating plenty of soup and crackers so I haven't really been eating bad. I'm maintaining for now.


Take care all,


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Vickey, wouldn't it be a better idea to take it easy while you are taking your treatment. Your body needs all the strenght it can and if you are so tired at the end of the day, working out could be a little too much. What does your doctor thinks about it? Please, don't over do it and take really good care of yourself 4_4_111.gif


Missou...I am trying to take it easy but I feel as if a little exercise might help me feel better especially the heated therapy pool. I just get so tired.


Missou....Inches are just as good if not better than lbs congrats.


Hello everyone! I hope you all had a great Halloween! I weighed myself this morning and am pleased to report that I'm down to 134.8! It's not coming off fast (mostly because my will power stinks) but at least it's going down and not up. We cruise on Sunday :D and, as much as I would have liked to have reached my goal of 120, I'll still be pretty happy if I can get to 130... it's a lot better than the 153 I was at just 5 months ago!


Have fun on your cruise, do all the things i wanted too but didn't get to. And I am so proud you are down to a lower weight and the 120 will come soon enough.


Vickey - I hope you're feeling well! :)


I am taking it day by day but thanks for the well wishes.


Marsha - Congrats for your daughter's accomplishment! You must be very proud!



Marsha....I too send congrats to you daughter, I can only imagine how proud you must be of her.



As for me... I've got the crud that is going around my home and my office. I worked a half day today before I decided to take my sick butt home and sleep. I only walked on the treadmill last night and tonight I'm not even gonna think about running so I'll wait a few days to ramp up my activity.


I've been eating plenty of soup and crackers so I haven't really been eating bad. I'm maintaining for now.


Sorry to hear you are under than weather my DH just got over this he got it right off the ship. Thank goodness I didn't.

Take care I will be thinking of you and send you my hugs to make you feel better.

Take care all,


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Hello everyone hope all is well.


I am sorry that I don't get on here to post as much as I would like to but it seems as if by the time I get home from work I am wiped out.


I go next week for another treatment and then we should know if this treatment is working with in the next month.


I really wanted to start back to the Y this week but was not up to it so it will have to be put on hold till next Monday I want to start off with just doing the heated pool and maybe 10-15 minutes on the treadmill a couple times a week it sounds so doable now but I feel like a toddler taking it's first steps and will be happy with what ever I can do.


I have stocked up on my veggies and fruits and trying to get my appetite to handle eating, cause it hasn't really wanted to eat much and instead of losing I was gaining do to the irregularity of my eating.



Here's hoping every a healthy happy week and may God Bless each and everyone of you as he has me.

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Hey there everyone. I'm better and back to joining the human race!


Vickey: It's good to hear from you.... baby steps or even crawling is perfectly acceptable! Listen to your body and I'm glad you are taking care of yourself.


I actually got some motivation to paint the spare bedroom today. Well, actually we started last night with the prep and the 1st layer but today I finished up (I'm counting that as my exercise for the day!) and it looks great! I did a faux finish that surprisingly wasn't hard to do. Now I want to just sit in the room and admire my work. :D My hubby doesn't like my projects because they start off relatively small in scope and then snowball until I'm buying new bedding, new furniture, new lamps - I even bought a new door for the room. Yep, another project for hubby since I can't hang doors. (Matt, I'm sure you can appreciate this since you have put a LOT of effort and work into your new home.)


Anyhoo.... I'm gonna watch a movie with hubby and probably fall asleep before it is over.


Take care,


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As I said earlier, I will go on the Gazelle today. I will try to stay on it for 15 minutes, but will stop is ever I feel some pain. I also will do a new Pilates video that works the bun and thighs specificaly. I will also do my stair routine again. I need to prepare myself before boarding the ship!!!


I could wear my little pants all day on Sunday, but they are still thight a little. I have 17 more days to workout before I leave for Barbados and 19 days before my cruise and they need to have a better fit. Actually, I want them to fit very nicely for the 21st. It is my father's anniversary and my mother keeps on telling me that she is slimmer than I. It is not really true. She was wearing a size 14 pair of pants the other day and they were lose. I was wearing a size 10 and I needed to wear a belt if I did not want them to fall off :p I was also wearing a very lose shirt. I did not look my best :eek: On the 21st, she won't be able to say the same thing again :D

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Good morning everyone!!!


Matt, is your living room ready for you to do some Hip Hop Abs?? It is nice that you did not stop doing your stairs, but it is now time for you to start hip hip dancing again!!! Come on, I know you can do it!!!


Brenda, how is your spare room??? Did you do a good job??? Come on, brag a little!!! :D:D Are you able to maintain your weight??? Is it still going down???


Vickey, how are you these days??? Don't worry about not posting as often as you did before. You need to rest as much as you can. Right now, the most important thing for you is to keep as much strenght as possible for your fight. If exercising and posting is to much for you, don't worry, we are still going to be here for you no matter what and it will always be time for you to do your workouts when your treatments will be over. Take really good care of yourself, listen to your body and don't over do it.


I will go do my exercises now, speak to you later!!!

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Good morning everyone!!!


Matt, is your living room ready for you to do some Hip Hop Abs?? It is nice that you did not stop doing your stairs, but it is now time for you to start hip hip dancing again!!! Come on, I know you can do it!!!


I am getting my couch tomorrow, so after that, the living room will be completed. I plan to do my workout tonight and tomorrow during the day and then at night again.

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Good for you Matt!!! But don't over do it, we don't want you to hurt yourself.


I just finished my workout. I was 8.5 minutes on the Gazelle, I did 2 series of 5 ups and downs in the staircase, I did my Ab King Pro and my new buns and thighs Pilates DVD. That DVD is certainly a great workout!!! I started everything with the first serie in the stairs. Maybe that explains why my knee started to be in pain after 8.5 minutes on the Gazelle. Tomorrow, I'll start on the Gazelle, I hope I'll stay on it for at least 10 minutes. With that workout, I am sure to wear my pants on the 21st!!!


My training shorts are really thight today :mad: Most be because of my red week :mad::mad: Those darn weeks!! Can't wait to get rid of them!!! :cool::D:D


Take care!!!

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