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Need to lose before I cruise... any buddies??


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RVP, when I talk about losing the 6, it is because I have been working on losing weight since last March. I started at 165 and went down to 159 last July. I went in France and I did a cruise during the summer, so I went back in the 160's. This morning, I was at 158.8 and I lost that 6 that was stuck in the middle lollol325.gif It is now time to work on losing the 5 lollol325.gif My ultimate goal is to go down to approximatly 135. By the way, I added your data on the Anchor's Aweight table. I will post it next week with the new weight-in on Monday.

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WELCOME RVP..... glad to have you join our group. You have done really good keep up the good work.


Matt.....you have a busy week end....I have a question that I don't think anyone has asked if so please forgive me for asking again...but does the new house have ALOT of stairs?


Missou....GREAT..looking good don't give up you will reach your goals. It won't be long before I can take over my weight posting job and you can go back full time to de-activating elevators and escalators.


Hi Kelli....those frozen pre-calculated meals are so handy for easy quick meals I keep them handy and they can be reseaonable to aford with all the coupons the manufactures offer on them, fix them with a large salad and ther eis a healthy lunch or dinner ready in seconds.


Emmysmommy...pack your bags I will be by at 6:30am Saturday morning to get you for the cruise



Now for the GREAT NEWS it's about time I get some.


Both my doctors have said that they would sign the release forms for me to cruise but just so I know that they are not doing it lightly.

My lung test showed clear from the pnuemonia:)

My resistance test shows a good level but not the best, but since I have been on steriods for almost 3 months that makes it better than if I wasn't:)

And they are making sure I have antibiotics to take with me just in case I come down with something:)

And I have copies of all my medical reports to take just in case.:)

Lastly they told me to use the common sense the good Lord gave me and to not over do:confused: ( don't I always:rolleyes:) and to decide for myself if it is worth it or to wait.

Of course when I get back it will be back to the treatments for at least another 3 months before we know if we are making progress.

I had to get 80 sunfactor due to my meds I didn't know they made it that high I have always used 50 in the past. I bought 2 large bottles to bathe in.


Now I have to pack and get last minute things like paper work,bank,clean house (so son will have something to mess up while we are gone) cook (so same son can have something to eat) and call everyone with the good news.


Just so you all know my decision is I'm GOING even though DH says we should wait. I know that I'll be okay after all they will be 5 of us going....me-DH....my cousin and her DH and GOD the main guest watching over me. I figure if he didn't want me to go he would have let something in the tests show me different.


Better get off here and get some dinner started.


Thanks for all the prayers you sent my way I am where I am because of them.

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My GP is very happy with me. She is happy that my weight and my waist line are going down while my energy level is going up. She told me that my need for sugar is probably because I stopped taking my fruities in the mornings and my body needs the sugar and is asking for it. The fruities are made with a banana and a lot of berries. It is good sugar and she has no problem with my breakfasts. My daughter suggested that I could add an egg in the recipe to have some proteins with it. That is a great idea!! I had a fruity this morning, but I forgot to add the egg. I still feel a lot better today.


We talked about my knee and from what she said, Hubby will now work on it in a more intensive way... He will now use his elbow :eek::eek: He will undo the tensions and it will feel really good :cool:


We talked about my GYN problem and she can't wait to know what the doctor will say next Tuesday. We talked about my having the endometrium extracted or the uterus removed. She told me that if I keep my uterus and have the endometrium extracted, the fibroïds and the polyps can still come back. The best option in my case would be to have the uterus removed. When I expressed a worry about a dropping of my bladder, she said that it can be fixed. I know that, but I don't want my bladder to stop fonctionning in the middle of a supermarket :eek:lollol325.gif


It is now time for me to start thinking about supper. Boy, I feel so good tonignt!!!



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Emmysmommy...pack your bags I will be by at 6:30am Saturday morning to get you for the cruise :D



Now for the GREAT NEWS it's about time I get some.


Both my doctors have said that they would sign the release forms for me to cruise but just so I know that they are not doing it lightly.

My lung test showed clear from the pnuemonia:)

My resistance test shows a good level but not the best, but since I have been on steriods for almost 3 months that makes it better than if I wasn't:)

And they are making sure I have antibiotics to take with me just in case I come down with something

And I have copies of all my medical reports to take just in case.

Lastly they told me to use the common sense the good Lord gave me and to not over do:confused: ( don't I always:rolleyes:) and to decide for myself if it is worth it or to wait.

Of course when I get back it will be back to the treatments for at least another 3 months before we know if we are making progress.

I had to get 80 sunfactor due to my meds I didn't know they made it that high I have always used 50 in the past. I bought 2 large bottles to bathe in.


Now I have to pack and get last minute things like paper work,bank,clean house (so son will have something to mess up while we are gone) cook (so same son can have something to eat) and call everyone with the good news.


Just so you all know my decision is I'm GOING even though DH says we should wait. I know that I'll be okay after all they will be 5 of us going....me-DH....my cousin and her DH and GOD the main guest watching over me. I figure if he didn't want me to go he would have let something in the tests show me different.


Better get off here and get some dinner started.


Thanks for all the prayers you sent my way I am where I am because of them.



Vickey: I am BEAMING from ear to ear with smiles because of your good news! (Also a little tear in my eye... I'm very emotional!) I am so HAPPY for you. Wow! I wish you the most relaxing and beautiful week you can have.


God is good!


Take care!


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Missou- Im happy for you- congrats on your 6 pounds and how good you feel- thats WAY more important than the actual weight itself.


Vickey- I dont know the whole history, but like Brenda got a bit emmotional when I read your post. Very happy for you and your good news.


Not sure yet what the DH- MH?? or the abbreviations mean but I guess I will figure it all out eventually. :o



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Vickey, I am so happy to hear such good news!!! Remember to take real good care of yourself. God gives us opportunities, but it is up to us to make the best of choices. A cruise ship is a great place to rest and relax. I promise I will work on the stairs... They will not work for you ;) Enjoy your cruise and listen to your Hubby.



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Not sure yet what the DH- MH?? or the abbreviations mean but I guess I will figure it all out eventually. :o





Julie, here is a little Cruise Critic dictionnary.


DH Dear Husband

DW Dear Wife

DD Dear Daughter

DS Dear Son

DDIL Dear daughter-in-law



If you have anymore questions, don't hesitate to ask :)

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Missou....hope everything goes well next week with the doctor. And please wait till after my cruise to mess with the elevators on the ship.


emmysmommy...thank you, I am going to try to rest and enjoy life as it hasn't been as pleasant as I'd like for it to be the last couple of months.

Wish I'd thought of trying to take my own advise and rested last night, I was too busy trying to get some things ready to pack.

WHY is there only so many hours in the day???????


RVP...in my case DH is the best ever. If you get the chance to read through the past posts on here you will get to know my story and know how important my friends are on here they have been here for me through thick-thin and thicker again and will be here for the thin part again.

But to sum things up a little I have been through my second bout with cancer and other complications and they held my hand the time and encouraged me with my illness as they did with my weight loss.

So know that when we say we will be here for you to encourage-support and motivate you we mean it.

Even if it means shoving you up and down steps or listening to you having a bad day.



Well I am off today to check on my patients(I have been working this last week but it has been a light load) then home to finish my packing.....after all it isn't a NUDE cruise:eek: which would make for packing an easier job)

Just pack sunscreen and go.:D


My DH is still not 100% sure about my decision but I have spoken;) And I know it is because he loves me:)


Check in later

Hope everyone has a really GREAT day

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Hello everyone. We have a little 26F here around Montreal emoticone-froid0.gif


41 days... 41 days... 41 days until we leave for Barbados!!! danse004.gif


Vickey, I hope you did understand that I want to mess up the stairs so that you won't be able to take them. I want you in the elevators and if I see someone rude enough to push you around he or see better watch out...




Julie, to make a long story short, I was hit by a car 22 years ago and 4 years ago, DH started to take massage therapy classes to help me out. He even takes them in the USA to improve his skills. He is my angel coeur04.gif


Thanks Brenda for your encouragement. I was worried this morning that yesterday was a tease, but this morning, I am still at 158.8 danse004.gif


I will not contemplate my loss. I'll be back in my training room as soon as DD wakes up!! Her bedroom is besides the training room and I don't beleive she wants to be woken up by some Hip Hop music lollol325.gif

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Kudos to everyone...Vickey - ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS. Now I know you will really stop by to pick me up tomorrow. See you then. And..don't forget from the cruise we head to Vegas so do not spend all your money in the ship's casino. All kidding aside I am beyond belief happy for you. God is with you and will be with you next week and in all the weeks to come.


Missou - it is wonderful that you and the six have parted ways permanently. I know you will not miss her. You will also probably not miss your uterus if you have it out. I know I never missed mine. LOL


Matt - have a great moving day. We will be closing the pool finally Sunday as DH is finally back from Ontario.


Brenda - you look fabulous!


All of the new bloggers - welcome to you and enjoy your posting here. We are making great friends and someday we might actually meet.



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I am almost totally packed stayed up all night and today doing it and I am exhausted:(


Just so you all know I packed my common sense that my doctor wanted me to pack:rolleyes:


I know I packed probably too much but oh well at least I am going.:D


See you all soon please say prayers for us that everything goes smoothly.


You all be good while I am gone.


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Have the greatest cruise of all Vickey and don't overdo it. We want you back in top shape.


Marsha, you are so right, I will definitly not miss the 6 nor the uterus and all that comes with it ;) The GYN said I am not ovulating anymore, so could someone tell me why I still have those d... red weeks? :mad:



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In the province of Quebec, there is a gouvernment insurance that takes care of the people that were woonded in a motorized vehicule accident on the roads. It is my case since I had mutiple traumas including a severe head trauma after being hit by a car. After 21.5 years, they decided to make me have an expertise in psycho-therapy last January. The therapist said that I am showing signs of a severe deppressive state of mind :eek::eek: and that I should have an expertise in psychiatry :eek::eek: If I am in such a state of mind, well I have been in that state for many years and it is about time they start taking care of it :D


I do have to agree that since I stopped my medication last March and started to exercise with you guys, I feel a 1 000 times better.


See what you all did for me? I love you!!! coeur04.gif


Have a very nice weekend and Matt, be carefull in the moving.

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Vickey - we expect to hear from you from the cruise if at all possible but if not then we want to hear all about it as soon as you return.


I don't leave for Vegas till the 26th so if you are on a 7 day cruise (I think you are) please post before I leave as I will not have a computer with me.





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Bon voyage Vickey!!!!!


Happy Friday to everyone. :D


I stayed home with my daughter today since she had a recurrence of her sore throat and fever. I waited for 2.5 hours in urgent care before she could be seen since her regular doctor was off duty today!!!!! Everyone apologized for the wait but man there are a lot of sick people out there. :eek: The good news is that she just has a slight viral infection, nothing serious but it did cause us to cancel our camping trip this weekend. We'll just go next weekend.


Hubby is watching the Angels vs Yankees ball game - I don't hear a lot of cheering upstairs so it must not be going good for our LA team. :p


Anyhoo...... dinner was easy tonight since hubby picked up dinner on his way home - McDonalds. Oh no! I did have a hamburger and small fries. I hadn't had a burger in sooooo long and it was wonderful!


Enjoy your weekends if I don't check back sooner!


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Good evening everyone. I have had a great day of moving yesterday. 6 hours of moving (from start to putting the last piece of furniture together). We still have so much to unpack, but the bedroom is completed (well all clothes put away).


Got directv set up yesterday, and finally got the internet and phone today.


Well time to go watch football.


Catch up with all of you tomorrow.

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Good morning everyone! I hope you are feeling good today, I know I am. The 6 is still gone!!!!! This morming, I am at 159.2. I will have to work on myself to make sure the 6 does not come back. This week, I am ready to go back in the stairs. I will do it slowly to make sure I don't over do it. I will not do the Hip Hop Abs just yet, I don't think my knee is ready for it. Nevertheless, I think that with the Pilates, my weight training, the treadmill, the stairs and the AKP I have got enough choices to do a good workout!! Take care and don't forget to give me your weight so I can post the Ankor's Aweight table!!!

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Matt, now that the moving is out of the way, you have all the unpacking to do still? That is the most anoying part of moving :D Do you have room to do your training? If not, you better take care of those boxes quickly :D:D


The 1 will stay with you from now on!!! It is now time to work on losing the 9!!! You could maybe do it for Christmas. There are 9 weeks left till that joly old man will come by.


In my case, there are 5 weeks and 3 days left untill I am on my way to Barbados. I should be able to reach my November cruise goal, which is 155, by then.


Let's go Matt!! We can do it!!!

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