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Ovepacking nightmare!

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Ok this is not my first cruise..More like my 14th. I always overpack. For instance we leave on Saturday and I think we will have 11 bags for the three of us. I have one bag full of shoes. Sometimes my feet swell and I need options, In both brown and black. Assorted flip flops in different colors as well. As far as clothing, I am a what the mood strikes me at the time kinda gal. So I am packing four fancy outfits and a plethera of casual. I do not know how to pare down. Funny thing is my teen daughter gets all of hers in one bag and a carry on. Except for her nice dresses. I overpack for dh as well. I really do not want to do laundry. We have a suite on the Sapphire and get free laundry, but most of our stuff cannot go into the dryer. Do they have dry cleaning available on the Sapphire now. I have heard conflicting reports. I guess I am just venting because the packing and schleping it all gets on my nerves. The worst is the unpacking and cleaning when we get home. LPT:eek:

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I went through this nightmare the first time I cruised, the second slightly better and have slowly learned to pack light.


You really just have to bite the bullet and just say no to some of your clothing choices. It's pretty liberating and while on the trip it actually becomes easier to get ready, you're not battling with what to wear and what shoes goes with what. I love all my choices at home, but for travel, I just have to plan ahead a little more wisely. It becomes easier with each trip, believe me.


I'd only take the shoes that are comfortable if your feet swell. One pair of flip flops will do, one pair walking shoes, one pair dressy evening, one pair casual evening. You just have to pack the shoes first, then select the clothing.


I firmly believe that a person can look great and have a variety of looks without overpacking. It's not the quantity, it's the quality and the ability to mix and match pieces. I send things out to the dry cleaning and laundry service every cruise. I take different accessories to change up an outfit. I typically wear the same outfit to embark/disembark and the same outfit the first and last nights to dinner, there is plenty of time to send them out for cleaning in between.


Most importantly, is it really that crucial to you that a stranger knows you wore that outfit a week ago? How do you feel if you notice a person repeating the same clothing they had on 3-5-7 days ago? Do you even notice?


When we get home, everything is dirty. It's easy to unpack and just sort out laundry loads or a pile for the cleaners. We typically have about 3 loads to wash for the 2 of us, more when the kids are along.


I started packing lighter before the weight limits and charges for extra bags came into affect. I'm really glad I did, it has been quite a shock for many people! We now pack one suitcase, one large garment bag, one carry on and my large purse for the 2 of us for a week long cruise.

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How long is the cruise?


I guess you are driving to the port if you take that many bags all the time. Maybe you should try to pack as if you are flying, and can't take so much. Do you really need flip flops in many colours, or could you take one or two pair that are multi coloured? I take half as many bottoms as tops, since the top get dirtier. Mix-and-Match. All my bottoms are also solid colours like navy or black (lightweight fabric) and then the tops are brights and patterns that allmost all could go with both colours.


For our last cruise I make an excel sheet with columns for every day and what was happening that day (sea day, ports, beach day, excursions, formal nights) and rows with day wear, dinner wear, etc... Then I filled in each outfit I would need for each time. I ended up with one top that I did not wear while on the cruise.

(If I find my list I'll scan it tonight)


Make a list of whatever you take with you this time and check off if you wear it.

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I have overpacked many times until it was a girls weekend and I had to lug it. Now I am more conservative.




I agree with the others - cut down on the shoes. You really don't need matching flip flops for each outfit. Take different earrings instead. They take up a lot less room in the suitcase.

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We have five of us and hopefully will have 6 bags, one of them a garment bag. I think we can do it..but of course, where do we put the snorkeling gear! :eek: And we have the roll on cooler...


Good thing we are driving to the port! lol

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How long is the cruise?




For our last cruise I make an excel sheet with columns for every day and what was happening that day (sea day, ports, beach day, excursions, formal nights) and rows with day wear, dinner wear, etc... Then I filled in each outfit I would need for each time. I ended up with one top that I did not wear while on the cruise.

(If I find my list I'll scan it tonight)




OMG That is a GREAT IDEA. I love spreadsheets. Please do scan that in for us, I would really appreciate an example, especially one that ended up working so well for you!

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Over the last 14 cruises we have been packing lighter every time. Even for a 19-day cruise we (DH and I) traveled in ONE large suitcase and a carry-on each and were always well-dressed. I had only 3 pairs of shoes, one was dressy/dance shoes, another was light walking shoes and another was darker walking shoes that I wore on the plane. I pack early and keep taking things out until the day we leave. Sorta like reverse engineering... It's a freeing feeling not be burdened by so much "stuff". We believe in living a simple life and that extends to cruising. We don't mind if we see each other twice wearing the same things, we've been married for 22 years. And we sure don't dress for the other passengers, we'll never see them again anyway!:D

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We're a tad older and are lucky enough to drive to the pier. Even thought there are porters embarking and disembarking, someone has to put the luggage in the trunk and remove it when we get back home. That someone isn't as strong as he used to be. We have one 24" case per person and a carry-on per person because we never drive down the same day we sail so we need a carry-on for the hotel. My goal next time is to share a carry-on -- we really don't NEED two. Secretly, I still overpack though! ;)

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Ok I am rethinking the shoes. I will cut in in half:eek:What about my suitcase full of just in case...Imodium, safety pins, all kinds of meds. First aid kit, liquid soap and air freshner....lysol..over the door bag, laundry bag...I like to be prepared for everything..The shoe thing over the door is usually full. I will go through my clothing choices and maybe leave a few things home as well. I still have three days! Thanks! LPT:rolleyes:

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Ok I am rethinking the shoes. I will cut in in half:eek:What about my suitcase full of just in case...Imodium, safety pins, all kinds of meds. First aid kit, liquid soap and air freshner....lysol..over the door bag, laundry bag...I like to be prepared for everything..The shoe thing over the door is usually full. I will go through my clothing choices and maybe leave a few things home as well. I still have three days! Thanks! LPT:rolleyes:



My first aid kit is in a clear cosmetic kit that measures 4 X 6, it tucks into a corner of my carry on. The other stuff, if you can't find travel sizes then improvise. You only need a sampling of sizes, not the whole containers. For room freshener, I use Ozium, you can usually find it in auto care sections, a 1.8 oz, can lasts 500 sprays and is much better than air freshening perfumes.


I eliminated the over the door bag when we stopped cruising with the kids in the cabin with us and have never taken a laundry bag, never missed it. Don't pack so much what-if's!!! I find the cabinets and drawers are ample for storage.

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For our last cruise I make an excel sheet with columns for every day and what was happening that day (sea day, ports, beach day, excursions, formal nights) and rows with day wear, dinner wear, etc... Then I filled in each outfit I would need for each time. I ended up with one top that I did not wear while on the cruise.

(If I find my list I'll scan it tonight)


Make a list of whatever you take with you this time and check off if you wear it.


I do this every cruise and it really helps me to not overpack! I make a table in MSWord and just divide mine into Day Shirt/shorts and Evening Outfit/shoes. It also helps while packing, just check off each item in the chart.


To the OP: definitely take less shoes if you can. They get heavy, even flipflops! Also, try rolling your clothes. They wrinkle less and take up less space in the suitcase. Formal clothes can roll up really small because of their material. I even stuff my socks and bathing suits into large ziplocs and squeeze all the air out (vacuum packed!), which also saves some space.

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I've had an excel list for years (for my clothing). It's easy to tweak the list for each and every cruise. I have a different list for land trips, since there is usually no formal or dressy evenings.


My toiletry kit is packed all the time, I just refill and replenish when I get home. I find we need the same stuff whether we are gone one night or more than a week. Quantity can change a bit for longer trips, most one week cruises a travel size of 2-3 oz. of anything is plenty.

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Instead of a laundry bag, just take a couple of kitchen trash bags. They take up no room in the suitcase, work great for holding the dirty clothes during the cruise and for the way home, you can put your wet bathing suits in them.


Another thing I like to do is use my beach bag as my carry-on bag.

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Wow some great tips. I actually opened the shoe bag and pondered it for a bit, and then ended up closing it up again:eek:Too many what iff's...if my feet swell..If the ship is rocking...no high heels etc. The other bag with all the bathroom and first aid, I will be condensing. Taking things out of the original boxes and just a few of each. I got a glade solid air freshner thing for the bathroom. I will find a very small can of lysol. I have to spray the room! Phone and remote and toilet and sink and shower etc. I do roll my clothing. Dh's I leave on hangers and pack as such...So all he has to do is hang them up. Less stress for me. I will use my beach tote to carry on small stuff..camera, a couple bottles of wine purse etc.:D I went through my purses and am only takeing one brown and one black! I also am going to try things on before I pack them...to exclude the least flattering...thanks all. I get very frustrated that I will overpack and then leave a vital item at home....LPT:rolleyes:

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I always over pack too and I have made a decision to not over pack this time but here's the kicker: we're going to Alaska and I want to be prepared for anything! LOL! I'm dooooomed!


Seriously, though, I am going to really, really make an effort to pack only what I need. I hope. :o

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Good luck Cassie. I have been dreaming about packing :confused: I do not mind the unpacking on the ship...but packing the last day and shoving all of it back in..You know everything doubles in size..and you are tired and cranky because you have to leave the ship. I usually bicker with my dh and dd..and then bringing it all home and it gets dumped into piles and then poof..my family is gone...I turn into a really biotch then...yikes! LPT:cool:

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My packing plan. It helped me visualize day to day. I coloured items that I was going to wear more than once to make it quick to see.

I don't pack for DH other than socks and underwear. I get him to pull out what he wants to wear, then I pack a medium suitcase for each of us, and then switch half to the other's case. We also took a thin suitbag with his suit, dress shirts, one pair of his dress shoes and my two elegant night outfits. Our carry-on had a change of clothes for each of us, his straw hat and a bathing suit each. I had a laptop bag as my carry-on and treated it also as a purse.




I also made a copy as an example of what I take to show DH's sister who came with us last time, for her first cruise. I don't think she even look at it, even though she kept asking me questions about what she should bring. She had one giant suitcase that weighed a ton and she could barely close. I ended up pulling her bag and mine through the airport because she was so slow with the weight. I have no idea how she didn't pay for extra weight.

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It's a freeing feeling not be burdened by so much "stuff". We believe in living a simple life and that extends to cruising.
I just had a light bulb moment! Thank you for this! We live with minimal "stuff" in our life every day, why I've never thought to do that on a trip, I'll never know! It's not so much of packing "stuff" that's my problem, it's the extra shirt or shoes or skirt because of "what if"! You know what? WHAT IF can just stuff it! LOL!
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I always over pack too and I have made a decision to not over pack this time but here's the kicker: we're going to Alaska and I want to be prepared for anything! LOL! I'm dooooomed!


Seriously, though, I am going to really, really make an effort to pack only what I need. I hope. :o



The key is to wear thin layers and not take a heavy coat. Alaska weather can be very unpredictable, it can be very warm at times, it's not always cold, it definitely is not winter during the cruise season. The one thing you can pretty much count on is rain. Take a lightweight rain coat...a long one.


And....don't buy into the often listed second pair of walking shoes info. We did that, the 4 of us had 2 pair each sneakers, my kids were adult sized by that time. That second pair of pair of sneakers took an enormous amount of packing space and weight and they just weren't needed. My son wears a size 13 shoe, I wear a size 10, I can't fit my shoes into my husbands (a tip I read sometimes :rolleyes:), my feet are as big as his. You only need hiking shoes if you plan on going on a hike, otherwise they are just very heavy shoes to pack for walking on surfaces similar to what you have at home.


Check the weather for all your ports a couple days before leaving to get a fairly accurate picture of what you can expect. We had temps all the way up to 75 degrees on our Alaska cruise, I was so happy we'd taken a pair of shorts and short sleeved tops along.


Don't freak out over having a couple things laundered onboard. It's not such a big deal, a couple $ for a pair of pants, do that twice and eliminate 2 pair from your suitcase. We spend about $25 for the week for laundry/dry cleaning to avoid heavy packing and extra suitcases.

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The other bag with all the bathroom and first aid, I will be condensing. Taking things out of the original boxes and just a few of each. I got a glade solid air freshner thing for the bathroom. I will find a very small can of lysol. I have to spray the room! Phone and remote and toilet and sink and shower etc. I do roll my clothing. Dh's I leave on hangers and pack as such...

I buy meds in blister packs it I can for traveling. I put one or two in my meds ziplock bags. I have ziplock bags for meds, first aid, makeup, personal items and I just throw them on the bathroom shelves in the cabin when we unpack. I don't have to worry about things falling all over if the ship rocks, it's nice and neat for the cleaning person, and DH can find things without asking me where it is.


We don't bother with air freshner since we are seldom in the cabin.

I don't roll our clothes, it doesn't save me any space.

If you didn't need to spray the whole cabin, I would say to just take a couple Lysol wipes in a ziploc bag for the phone, remote and whatever.

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Good Grief woman.......pare down.


It's one thing to want choices at home where you have a closet full of clothes and shoes to pick from....but, you simply don't need that on a ship.


You know on a 7 day cruise, there are two elegant evenings....so you don't need more than 2 outfits.. Better yet, take a basic black that can be accessorized with a different top or a long scarf. Plan on wearing your slacks or jeans or shorts twice.....mix and match your colors so you can wear the same blouse/shirt with more than one thing.


As for shoes? You only need 3 pair; a basic plain pump that can be worn with formal wear - and with other dresses or outfits for dinner...a pair of walking shoes such as sneaks and a pair of sandals for the pool or beach or ashore.


I take the same things for my cruises. They are in a separate part of my closet.....clean and ready to throw in a suitcase... I use a 22" roll-on-board and a small, well organized carryon...no matter where I'm going or how long I'll be gone. And, I never do laundry on a cruise.....


My daughter is an International Account Executive for a major distributor and spends a lot of time overseas on business...sometimes a couple of weeks at a time. She sometimes tacks on a week or so of personal time for vacation. She packs everything in a backpack and small carry on...this includes business attire, evening dress and vacation clothes.


All it takes is a little planning.

Don't be a slave to your wardrobe. It's only clothes. Nobody will notice or care what you are wearing.

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I always used to take too much stuff, but have vastly improved. I just hate all the time it takes to pack and unpack everything at home and in the cabin, not to mention looking for all those bags in the warehouse after disembarkation.


I stick to one color, usually black, for pants and shorts, plus one black jacket for dinner, one black jacket for casual. Then, I have different tops to go with them. I only took 3 pairs of shoes on the MR cruise I just returned from-one walking, one for evening, and a pair of Birkenstocks for in the cabin, pool and walking around the ship and port.


Leave the big can of Lysol at home. I take a dozen or so Clorox wipes in a ziploc bag for wiping down the remote, phone, etc. I have to take a ton of medications, and a lot of medical what-ifs. The meds completely fill up my carryon bag, so I have no extra room there. For the what-ifs, I buy the kind that have foil packets, and take a few of each kind all in one ziploc bag. You can buy most remedies on the ship, albeit somewhat costly. Take a big plastic bag for dirty laundry, plus some empty ziploc bags for things I may pick up.


I get travel foil samples of facial cleanser, moisturizer and shampoo. Lotion and shower gel is provided in the cabin.


Enjoy your trip and don't make it so much work! :o

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