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Crown & Anchor Program Revisions - join the merged discussions here


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They may have created another cash flow problem with their previous change of only allowing one discount/OBC.


For instance, as Diamond, I have booked a cruise while on another cruise to get OBC, diamond balcony discount, and had stock. I figure the stock OBC will be discontinued within the next couple of months but the diamond balcony discount is worth the same and I can only have one discount so no big toot. If they discontinue the balcony discounts, then there is always those wonderful quarterly certificates they send out that gives you reductions, periodic "fire sales" on underbooked cruises, and the Tuesday sales for new bookings.


Bottom line, there is no incentive for me to book while on board or to buy a next cruise letter which gave them the float (pun intended) on my money unless I want a certain cabin in a certain location that might not be available if I wait (and that is not a high priority for me) or I think the price will go up--hasn't happened yet on any of my cruises, I've always gotten price reductions, sometimes several. In addition to putting out the deposit money, I buy my third party insurance within a couple of weeks to get the pre-existing medical waiver. By waiting to book, I can put off that expense, also. There are times they have had $1,900 in deposit money from me, sometimes more than a year out.


Tucker in Texas

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Not that I ever drank in the CL till the cows came home or even know what that is....:rolleyes:


I often read people being accused of abuse in the lounge, do tell. What is the abuse? I don't ever remember seeing anywhere in the welcome to the CL folder where abuse was defined. Is your definition of abuse directed at the Diamonds that you are "serving right" for losing the privilege? What about the suite guests and Diamond plus folks, could they have abused this privilige? The rules, whatever they are, are not defined by cc users.


I would just like to see some fair commenting when it comes to comparing Diamonds to Diamond/+ and suite people. Diamond plus folks are just Diamonds that have more experience in CL's, good or bad.

Thank you for saying this. some people keep saying that we are freeloaders who abused the privelage. they make us sound like a buch of alcoholics.

i don't inderstand what makes a person better who has 26 credits vs 24 credits or who is in a suite for the first time on rccl.

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Thank you for saying this. some people keep saying that we are freeloaders who abused the privelage. they make us sound like a buch of alcoholics.

i don't inderstand what makes a person better who has 26 credits vs 24 credits or who is in a suite for the first time on rccl.


Amen to this. Lets all call it what it is. Another cost cutting measure by RCI & using the over crowding as an excuse!

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They may have created another cash flow problem with their previous change of only allowing one discount/OBC.


For instance, as Diamond, I have booked a cruise while on another cruise to get OBC, diamond balcony discount, and had stock. I figure the stock OBC will be discontinued within the next couple of months but the diamond balcony discount is worth the same and I can only have one discount so no big toot. If they discontinue the balcony discounts, then there is always those wonderful quarterly certificates they send out that gives you reductions, periodic "fire sales" on underbooked cruises, and the Tuesday sales for new bookings.


Bottom line, there is no incentive for me to book while on board or to buy a next cruise letter which gave them the float (pun intended) on my money unless I want a certain cabin in a certain location that might not be available if I wait (and that is not a high priority for me) or I think the price will go up--hasn't happened yet on any of my cruises, I've always gotten price reductions, sometimes several. In addition to putting out the deposit money, I buy my third party insurance within a couple of weeks to get the pre-existing medical waiver. By waiting to book, I can put off that expense, also. There are times they have had $1,900 in deposit money from me, sometimes more than a year out.


Tucker in Texas


I am in total agreement with you. I am waiting to see once they have their next board meeting in May what will be taken away next.

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Not that I ever drank in the CL till the cows came home or even know what that is....:rolleyes:


I often read people being accused of abuse in the lounge, do tell. What is the abuse? I don't ever remember seeing anywhere in the welcome to the CL folder where abuse was defined. Is your definition of abuse directed at the Diamonds that you are "serving right" for losing the privilege? What about the suite guests and Diamond plus folks, could they have abused this privilige? The rules, whatever they are, are not defined by cc users.


I would just like to see some fair commenting when it comes to comparing Diamonds to Diamond/+ and suite people. Diamond plus folks are just Diamonds that have more experience in CL's, good or bad.


Well, the Lounge was intended for all the passengers entitled to use it. There are those who rushed in at 5.00pm, reserved seats for their friends and sat drinking until late seating, not permitting others to also enjoy the amenity. Neither was the privilege of receiving free drinks intended to be used by passengers to drink themselves under the table for hours. We are supposedly adults and I don't believe that RCCL considered that people would sit drinking for 3.5 hours!! I couldn't believe it either when we started using the Lounge.


I would point out that the Suite guests pay for a Concierge Lounge, which, by popular definition, is an upscale place to meet. Well, packing it full of Diamonds and Plussers is not their idea of upscale and is not helping RCCL to sell suites - RCCL is a business btw!!


RCCL took the easy way out and just banned all Diamonds - apparently, there are not very many Plussers in the scale of the loyalty programme. However, on the Freedom class and Oasis, Diamonds have their own Lounge - so the drinkers can drink as much as they want - for the moment.


No-one is saying that ONLY Diamonds abuse the system. However, they are overwhelming the Lounge on many cruises and because they are such a large percentage of users, they are a large percentage of people taking unfair advantage.


There is no point in playing with words - abuse of the system, taking advantage of the system and spoiling it for everyone, call it what you will. I don't believe RCCL should have to specify how long people sit there and how many drinks they consume. Moderation in all things - they are not dealing with children and expect passengers to respect the enjoyment of others.


Diamond Plus are not just cruisers who have more experience in the CL - that is a most ridiculous statement. They have shown their loyalty to the cruiseline - to a greater extent than Diamonds, although Diamonds can also avail themselves of the privilege when they reach the Diamond Plus level. However, by then, D+ may also have lost use of the CL!!!


I do hope that I have explained myself in a courteous manner. I absolutely believe that Diamonds have every right to be peeved - but times change, things happen and there are difficult business decisions to be made in the present economic climate. We all have to move on when sugar happens. Thousands of people are losing their jobs, a terrible earthquake in Italy and you are getting het up by semantics!!

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Hey now.........watch it. Your boy came in 3rd..........but MY BOY came in 1st!!


BTW, have you changed the number on your tractor yet?

Not changed the number and it's still painted orange.:D

Still have my orange baseball cap with #20 on it. Might wear it on Radiance.

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Just an FYI folks the abuse the cruise line speaks of is people bringing in family and friends with them to the CL that do not belong there.

I'm probably going to start something here...but I disagree I don't think suite passengers should receive the privledge of the CL they are basically buying their way in. I am a Diamond Plus and I do have a problem with someone receiving the same amenity just because they are cruising in a suite. I have discussed this with my DSM with RCI so I don't think this will be the end of it. She is the one who told me about the problems with the CL.

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Just an FYI folks the abuse the cruise line speaks of is people bringing in family and friends with them to the CL that do not belong there.

I'm probably going to start something here...but I disagree I don't think suite passengers should receive the privledge of the CL they are basically buying their way in. I am a Diamond Plus and I do have a problem with someone receiving the same amenity just because they are cruising in a suite. I have discussed this with my DSM with RCI so I don't think this will be the end of it. She is the one who told me about the problems with the CL.


But the CL Lounge was built FOR suite pax!! It was an afterthought to allow C&A members in.


As far as I am aware, Concierge Lounges are always attached to suites or to vista level rooms etc.


Perhaps you may make more headway by suggesting that all ships should have a C&A Lounge. In fact, isn't the C&A Lounge where the 'Loyalty' Ambassador sits on Radiance class, selling cruises? Lovely room. Perhaps that could be given over for the C&A members and the Loyalty person sit in a more accessible area. Although RCCL is obviously going to give precedence to selling space!!

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But the CL Lounge was built FOR suite pax!! It was an afterthought to allow C&A members in.


As far as I am aware, Concierge Lounges are always attached to suites or to vista level rooms etc.


Perhaps you may make more headway by suggesting that all ships should have a C&A Lounge. In fact, isn't the C&A Lounge where the 'Loyalty' Ambassador sits on Radiance class, selling cruises? Lovely room. Perhaps that could be given over for the C&A members and the Loyalty person sit in a more accessible area. Although RCCL is obviously going to give precedence to selling space!!

Absolutely correct about the CL being for suite guests and when C&A added the benefit to it's D/D+ pax............I'm very surprised that they didn't realize the problems that benefit would eventually create with the ever increasing number of D/D+ pax.


The bean counters must have run out of beans.:eek:


You are correct about the C&A Lounge on Radiance. It's on Deck 12 and is a nice area.

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Just an FYI folks the abuse the cruise line speaks of is people bringing in family and friends with them to the CL that do not belong there.

I'm probably going to start something here...but I disagree I don't think suite passengers should receive the privledge of the CL they are basically buying their way in. I am a Diamond Plus and I do have a problem with someone receiving the same amenity just because they are cruising in a suite. I have discussed this with my DSM with RCI so I don't think this will be the end of it. She is the one who told me about the problems with the CL.[/quote]


We agree that part of the problem was people sneaking into the concierge lounge. The concierge has many duties including making reservation and solving passenger's problems. It has been our observation that often they were too busy to properly check the guests credentials.


The Concierge Lounge was originally designed for the suite guests and later. As a courtesy that privilege was later extended to diamond members. We are also diamond plus members but there is no doubt in our minds that we are merely guests in the lounge and that it is the rightful domain of the suite guests.


It is rather ironic how some of us who were invited in merely as a courtesy are now trying to lay claim to the property.

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You really should have your facts straight before posting. The enlarged statement is not true. Also, D+ is 24 cruises, not 25. I just hate to see misinformation passed along.;)

If you read the release and previous posts you will see that Diamond will have access on certain ships.


The 'confusion' about the number ... 24 or 25 ... may stem from the fact that you must "complete" 24 cruises credits to get Diamond Plus benefits. That means, normally, you would get those benefits 'on' your 25th cruise ... unless you got two cruise credits for your last cruise. For example, if you get your 24th and 25th cruise credit on the same (12 day or longer, etc.) cruise, then you won't enjoy Diamond Plus until your 26th cruise 'credit'. They don't change your status mid-cruise. At least that is the way they do it with Diamond ... we had eleven credits before we became Diamond for our 12 cruise (credit).:rolleyes:

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Are you really saying that you believe that MOST of the people who have complained about the loss of any meaning to their Diamond status are thieves and cheats? I can assure you that I am not' date=' and I'm also quite sure

that MOST of the rest of us aren't either! It's always a very small percentage of people who want to break the rules- that's why it still makes the "news".


I quite agree that it's a personal decision whether to continue tosail Royal or not, now that they have let us know that they really DON'T value repeat customers. But to say that we don't have a right to complain because we are MOSTly thieves and cheaters anyway, is a bit of a stretch- and, I think, WAY out of line.


If I have misread the meaning of your post, I do apologise![/quote']


I would never suggest all/everyone. I think in my post I used the term 'most' and the term was in reference to breaking some rule however slight/small. I have broken rules of companies and justified them because I felt they were stupid, illogical, etc. That does not make me right though as I broke or ignored a companies rules/policies. And those rules cost the cruise line money. I have given away picture coupons randomly to families viewing pictures as we were not going to use them. I have given away Johnny Rockets coupons. I have brought on alcohol in the past. I think they should reinstate the ability to purchase alcohol on board for consumption in your cabin.


To be clear, I think the changes they are making are short sighted, but I am not sitting in their meetings, I don't know what they think the benefit will be. I have been a loyal RCCL cruiser, booking cruises to get to Diamond status quicker and booking via RCCL after attaining Diamond to benefit from Diamond status to the exclusion of other cruise lines, thus providing more profit to RCCL. I think I could argue I have paid for the 'perks' as advertised like others.


As to anyone's right to complain, everyone can complain. It is your right.

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Well, the Lounge was intended for all the passengers entitled to use it. There are those who rushed in at 5.00pm, reserved seats for their friends and sat drinking until late seating, not permitting others to also enjoy the amenity. Neither was the privilege of receiving free drinks intended to be used by passengers to drink themselves under the table for hours. We are supposedly adults and I don't believe that RCCL considered that people would sit drinking for 3.5 hours!! I couldn't believe it either when we started using the Lounge.


I would point out that the Suite guests pay for a Concierge Lounge, which, by popular definition, is an upscale place to meet. Well, packing it full of Diamonds and Plussers is not their idea of upscale and is not helping RCCL to sell suites - RCCL is a business btw!!


RCCL took the easy way out and just banned all Diamonds - apparently, there are not very many Plussers in the scale of the loyalty programme. However, on the Freedom class and Oasis, Diamonds have their own Lounge - so the drinkers can drink as much as they want - for the moment.


No-one is saying that ONLY Diamonds abuse the system. However, they are overwhelming the Lounge on many cruises and because they are such a large percentage of users, they are a large percentage of people taking unfair advantage.


There is no point in playing with words - abuse of the system, taking advantage of the system and spoiling it for everyone, call it what you will. I don't believe RCCL should have to specify how long people sit there and how many drinks they consume. Moderation in all things - they are not dealing with children and expect passengers to respect the enjoyment of others.


Diamond Plus are not just cruisers who have more experience in the CL - that is a most ridiculous statement. They have shown their loyalty to the cruiseline - to a greater extent than Diamonds, although Diamonds can also avail themselves of the privilege when they reach the Diamond Plus level. However, by then, D+ may also have lost use of the CL!!!


I do hope that I have explained myself in a courteous manner. I absolutely believe that Diamonds have every right to be peeved - but times change, things happen and there are difficult business decisions to be made in the present economic climate. We all have to move on when sugar happens. Thousands of people are losing their jobs, a terrible earthquake in Italy and you are getting het up by semantics!!



My original issue with your post was your saying that those that lost the use of the CL (Diamonds) AND abused the system were "served right." You were courteous in your response but still haven't answered where the rules of the CL are. You and others have read into the "rules" things that just don't exist except in the self-righteous minds of some.


I will agree with your last paragraph that Diamonds do have a right to be peeved but this doesn't have to be diminished because of continuing troubles and sadness in the world.

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We are also diamond plus members but there is no doubt in our minds that we are merely guests in the lounge and that it is the rightful domain of the suite guests.

Not me, I never felt that I didn't belong. Unless RCI changes the rules, it's just as much mine as it is the suite guests.


I've read quite a few posts about abuse of the CL and people drinking excessively to the point of drunkenness. My personal experience, and I've been in a lot of CL's, is that I have never witnessed any abuse, other than gatecrashers, or drunkenness. Hope that my good fortune holds out.

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Actually you would be missing something. You would have a lounge on the Liberty but no Concierge! I talked to Royal res and the Crown & Anchor about it for my clients and myself. NO CONCIERGE. For many this may or may not be a big deal. For myself and my clients it IS a big deal. We really enjoy the concierge and the ability to get or move shore excursions without waiting in a tremendous line downstairs. I don't drink, many of my fellow cruisers don't drink. What's our benefit? Did RCL ever think that it is not all about the ability to get a free drink?


Thats not true. YOU have been misinformed. On the Liberty there is a diamond lounge AND a diamond concierge. A friend of mine worked on the Liberty and was the diamond concierge but is now on a different ship. However I have sailed the Freedom class ships many times and can assure you that there is indeed a diamond concierge for the diamond lounge.

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You really should have your facts straight before posting. The enlarged statement is not true. Also, D+ is 24 cruises, not 25. I just hate to see misinformation passed along.;)

If you read the release and previous posts you will see that Diamond will have access on certain ships.




YOU should have YOUR facts straight before making a statement correcting me - especially when you are dead wrong in your accusation. This is what RCI emailed to me themselves:


Due to limited capacity, the Concierge Lounge has not been able to accommodate our growing membership, challenging our ability to provide the optimum experience for our guests. Therefore the Concierge Lounge will now be accessible to our suite and Diamond Plus guests only. Diamond Members cruising on Freedom class, Oasis of the SeasSM, and Allure of the SeasSM will continue to be able to experience exclusive access to a dedicated Diamond Lounge on these ships, which feature a complimentary 'happy hour' from 5:00-8:30pm daily


If you got this email, and you continued to scroll down, you would also see that they show in their chart a dedicated Diamond Lounge and a dedicated Concierge Lounge. Two DIFFERENT locales. This shows that even the initial news brief on CC is incorrect in saying that the Concierge Lounge is still available to Diamond Members on Freedom and Oasis class ships. It definitely IS NOT available to them. Only Diamond Plus (those with 25 and above - you must complete 24 cruises to be D+) and people in Suites (basically, anyone off the street who takes a Suite!!! Outrageous!) will have access to Concierge Lounges FLEET-WIDE.


I am probably the biggest cheer-leader for RCI around. Take a look at my website! If I'm this p***ed off, I can only imagine how those less enthused about RCI are doing. I just spent a week on Celebrity Solstice saying that my only regret there (review coming soon) was the lack of a Concierge Lounge (it actually seems more apropo to the Celebrity experience, imho) in the Celebrity Fleet. I've also had many people who love the Carnival fleets (Princess, HAL, Carnival, etc) tell me that I ought to give the Carnival brand another chance- but I've always said no to this as I felt Royal Caribbean was rewarding me for my loyalty and that I owed them back. With them pulling this perk away, I don't really see why I shouldn't think about other cruise lines now. (If anything though, this will probably just drive me more into Celebrity's arms... and maybe Princess cruises. Their ships look nice from port)


The fact of the matter is that on Liberty and Mariner last year, there were already two Concierge Lounges- the one already established and the overflow one in the Viking Crown Lounge. Both were still Concierge Lounges with all the perks therein. They are obviously going to just downgrade the overflow one in Viking Crown into a part time "Diamond Lounge" and only for those in Freedom and Oasis class ships (nevermind the one they successfully had going on Mariner). Too bad if you are a loyal Diamond Guest on Radiance class ships, or any of the older Voyager or Soveriegn class ships. What a wonderful way to treat your most loyal patrons! It's all about the money and nothing to do with space considerations.


Really, I can't understand how any C&A member at ANY level would be okay with this! I always wondered why RCI developed the Diamond Plus level a few years ago- it's now crystal clear what their motive was- they knew this was coming and saw they painted themselves into a corner. I guess if I was a Diamond Plus member, I could afford to feel comfortable, too. At least until they come out with limitations to that level. Then let's see it hit the fan! ;)




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Not me, I never felt that I didn't belong. Unless RCI changes the rules, it's just as much mine as it is the suite guests.


I've read quite a few posts about abuse of the CL and people drinking excessively to the point of drunkenness. My personal experience, and I've been in a lot of CL's, is that I have never witnessed any abuse, other than gatecrashers, or drunkenness. Hope that my good fortune holds out.



WTG, I like your attitude. Even though I have lost CL privileges, I think you should feel deserving of the use of the CL as much as any suite guest.

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The only fact that was incorrect was 25 vs 24 cruise points. Big deal!!:rolleyes:


Not correct, I was responding to this statement "There will no longer be a Concierge Lounge for Diamond members in the Crown and Anchor Society! "

Another person just backing up my statement in their response:rolleyes:

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I know there has been some talk of this before, but perhaps the better move by RCI would have been to give everyone a year's notice (instead of a few months) and state new rules that had more to do with how many credits you've accumulated lately.


For instance, in addition to suite guest and D+, they could allow CL access to D's that have accumulated a minimum of 10 C&A credits over the past 5 years. In this way, there would still be a way for D's to get the benefit, but only if they have been and remain very loyal to Royal (to the tune of 2 credits per year on average). While it is true they would probably need to gear all the ships with an overflow lounge, it most likely wouldn't result in 700 CL eligible on any ship (because there would be D's that don't meet the minimum credit requirements). And because the D's that want to keep the CL perk are staying very active and loyal, they would easily be able to pay for this perk with their constant, repeat cruising.


Would this type of change seem more reasonable to people? It would have to me.

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Just an FYI folks the abuse the cruise line speaks of is people bringing in family and friends with them to the CL that do not belong there.

I'm probably going to start something here...but I disagree I don't think suite passengers should receive the privledge of the CL they are basically buying their way in. I am a Diamond Plus and I do have a problem with someone receiving the same amenity just because they are cruising in a suite. I have discussed this with my DSM with RCI so I don't think this will be the end of it. She is the one who told me about the problems with the CL.[/quote]


We agree that part of the problem was people sneaking into the concierge lounge. The concierge has many duties including making reservation and solving passenger's problems. It has been our observation that often they were too busy to properly check the guests credentials.


The Concierge Lounge was originally designed for the suite guests and later. As a courtesy that privilege was later extended to diamond members. We are also diamond plus members but there is no doubt in our minds that we are merely guests in the lounge and that it is the rightful domain of the suite guests.


It is rather ironic how some of us who were invited in merely as a courtesy are now trying to lay claim to the property.


Very well said, Lola

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I have been informed by my TA that this does not yet apply to UK guests, however that is a pretty feeble response, imagine if UK members had lounge access and US did not!!!!


The basic fact remains the company have taken away complementary drinks facilities on 11 ships for Diamond members. If you want to go on a 7 night cruise ex- Miami or Lauderdale hey fine you're OK but other than that you're stuffed.


They've always been fine with a seconadary lounge either in the Hollywood Odyssey (Radiance Class) or Card Room (Voyager Class) - however they spin it it's about cost cutting and nothing else.

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So has anyone who wrote to RCI to complain about the changes in the loyalty program ever get a response? As I suspect in a couple of weeks everyone will forget about the changes and RCI will continue as they always have. I will miss the coffee in the conceirge lounge the most but will now save on tipping the Conceirge and his minion bartender.


Oh and since I have read that RCI guarrantees a minimum amount for tips recieved by crew and tops up any short falls, I will now only tip the time I use the dinning room and will not tip the head waiter if he doesn't show his face at my table at least 2 of the 7 evenings. Flame me if you want but times are tough and unfortunately I have to cut back somewhere.


Hey, I did receive the canned response to my complaint. Although it did take 5 days to receive it. And to prove how ludicrous the response is, they thanked Daniel for writing a letter when in actuality the letter was written and signed by Valerie. Just goes to show how much stock they put into all the complaints they've received. Zero, nada, zilch, none!!!

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I have been informed by my TA that this does not yet apply to UK guests, however that is a pretty feeble response, imagine if UK members had lounge access and US did not!!!!



Interestingly, the UK website does not reflect the changes as mentioned on this thread

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My original issue with your post was your saying that those that lost the use of the CL (Diamonds) AND abused the system were "served right." You were courteous in your response but still haven't answered where the rules of the CL are. You and others have read into the "rules" things that just don't exist except in the self-righteous minds of some.


I will agree with your last paragraph that Diamonds do have a right to be peeved but this doesn't have to be diminished because of continuing troubles and sadness in the world.


Oh dear, you have totally missed my point!! Adults shouldn't require rules to have concern for the comfort of others as well as their own!! Don't chair hog - don't drink to excess and disturb others - don't stay for 3.5 hours thus denying others the space to have a drink. This is just the way I was brought up - to also consider others - I didn't need someone to make rules. This is not self-righteous - to older people it is old-fashioned courtesy - something often sadly lacking in today's world.


I also used the word 'peeved' purposely - its an irritation - rather than something to get worked-up about. I pointed out bad things happening in the world - they're worth getting your knickers in a twist - not the loss of a few drinks, to people who are fortunate enough not to have lost their jobs and can still afford to cruise.


I and many others, knew this was coming. I had no idea that Plussers wouldn't be excluded and had already written to RCCL that, when that time came, we would transfer to HAL or Seabourn, where the pace is more sedate:D. Fortunately, we still have the use of the CL, but I am expecting this privilege to be rescinded at any time. But I didn't get worked up about it!! As I said, sugar happens.:p

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I have been informed by my TA that this does not yet apply to UK guests, however that is a pretty feeble response, imagine if UK members had lounge access and US did not!!!!


Perhaps this is because as you know we have a different cancellation policy?


Quite a few from the US have posted they have cancelled their RCCL cruises due to new rules starting July 1st..which of course they can do without losing their deposits..unlike here in UK.

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