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Crown & Anchor Program Revisions - join the merged discussions here


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Excuses, excuses!!


Did you demand free drinks? CL? Spend on RCCL and you will also receive - when you are a Plusser!! So, if you won't go Disney again, earn your Diamond + benefits or go on another line.


Its a LOYALTY programme - and its not a right!! Loyalty programmes change - just look at the airlines!!


Something had to be done - and they did it!! Perhaps they could have softened the blow a little, but they didn't. And judging by the responses on here, the reaction would have been just the same!! Damned if they do and damned if they don't!!



Charter member - Royal PITA


I am a bit baffled here...?? Not sure where I implied that I demanded free drinks or why you are quoting my post about the Carnival and Disney cruises then referencing the C&A loyalty program, which is not mentioned in my post. I'm simply stating that I don't have children, so would not sail a cruise line geared so heavily towards kids. No fighting words here!

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As far as I am aware, the credits were never combined. We were delighted to become Diamonds on RCCL because of our status on Celebrity. Wasn't at all miffed about starting from scratch - if you have a status on Princess, you don't get it on Carnival, although its the same parent company. I actually thought RCCL was quite fair!! We received nice benefits whilst accruing our cruise credits.


Precisely my point. The two loyalty programs are apples and oranges. An Elite from Celebrity could come over to RCCL as a Diamond and march right into the Concierge Lounge without 'ever' having cruised on RCCL. There is no such reciprocal 'benefit' on Celebrity, therefore, I am assuming that there was something of an exodus of Celebrity customers to RCCL when the Diamond status was granted to the Elites. I went to Celebrity as a RCCL Diamond, and received my "Elite" status which was ... a crummy little coupon book that was pretty much worthless. If 'crowding' is really the issue, "uncombining" or reversing the 'reciprocity' of these two programs would possibly solve the problem in a heartbeat. Alternatively, creating a Concierge Lounge aboard the Celebrity ships for 'their' Elites would probably solve the problem also by keeping their people 'loyal' to their brand. 'Most' people seem to prefer Celebrity anyway.:rolleyes:

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Here, I'll settle this for you two. Based on my non-scientific method of taking slips of paper, writing 10 different possible averages on them, tossing them down the stairs and using the slip that flew down to the lowest step, the official average number of drinks consumed by a CL user is 2.08742 drinks.


Ok, armed with that stat, let the real cost analysis begin!! :D


On my recent B2B on Serenade, this is what DW and I had in the CL (Happy Hour): (17) Rum & Coke, (7) Wine, (3) Bay Breeze, (1) Cosmo, (4) Malibu and (1) Soda. So for the 14 days this is an average of 2.36 drinks per day or slightly more than one/person per day (on average). We averaged about 1 - 1 1/2 hours in the OVERFLOW (Odyessy) Lounge (we had MTD so no hurry for us). We also ate breakfast in the CL, I got coffee there, used the Conceirge for shore excursion, luggage service, and met several wonderful Suite AND Diamond guests we would not otherwise have met.

It is NOT about the booze!

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BHughey - you and Trafficlaw are obviously related, so I will ignore your posts in future, as two to one is not a fair fight!!! I would expect you to support him/her/she/it, obviously!!


Or are you one and the same person?


We are very different! She is pretty and much less confrontational on the CC boards! But no need to ignore her posts, she can think for herself and is known to openly disagree with me.

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Cruise lines including RC are experts at getting people to spend and spend. When you pay your cabin fee it is just the beginning of a long list of what RC will be charging. It is important to realize that RC is a "profit driven company". It does not have a soul and everything is broken down to return on investments .

It is not surprising they would remove something that is expense driven if they look at the core value of loyalty and determine they can make more money without it.

I don't understand the people who remain loyal becasue it is believed that RC has some sort of a feeling for them. The passenger's are a line item on their business cases and loyalty is only one of many assumptions they look at for value and then cut it off if they have a better or equal ROI without it. The only way to effect the decision for a CL is to demonstrate they will receive more revenue with it rather than without it.

The fact that they are keeping the CL on some ships is probably to drive more passengers to these ships and has little to do with how they value you as a "person".

This may sound cold but I have never seen a line item on a business case which said because we love the person.

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I am not sure why anyone would want to bully other cruisers for their opinion on the loss of Diamond club benefits. It reminds me of a work setting where someone always agrees with the boss and has to speak for them. The truth is yes it is a loss and it affects a number of passengers myself included. By the way I don't ever drink alcohol, but I did enjoy the recognition. Let passengers speak for themselves without judging them for their opinion. I think that RCCL management has spoken for themselves and they don't need you to reiterate their justification.

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I do find your post on a thread back on January 24th quite interesting. The topic was in reference to rumors that Diamond cruisers were going to lose access to the Concierge Lounge... you stated -- and I quote (cut & paste):


"We would go for the most reasonable costing cruise line if we didn´t have access to the Lounge. This is why we stay with RCCL!!!


Had an e-mail today confirming that Diamonds have access to the Lounge.


Only problem I have ever come across with the Lounge, is on the Brilliance. But if I don´t have access on our forthcoming B2B´s, I will go down to deck -3000 and pull the plug and sink the d***n thing!!!"



Not sure why you've changed your tone since January?? Are you now D+?

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It is amazing where these threads always lead. Either to the lawsuit or the contact pandering politicians.:mad:


What a country, eh..... I think we need a puking emoticon.




Coming your way....I don't know how to insert them.:rolleyes:

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We are very different! She is pretty and much less confrontational on the CC boards! But no need to ignore her posts, she can think for herself and is known to openly disagree with me.


:D:D:D Yes, I can see her photo in the avatar, but not yours!! Perhaps you are prettier and are just being coy!!:p


Goodness, do wives dare to disagree with their hubbies? How dare they:eek:


Well, I am not ignoring either of your posts, but am in Europe at the moment and very tired, so must go to beddy byes. Will look on here tomorrow and hope that you have posted a photo of yourself by then!! And no cheating!!!

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BINGO! It's not about the drinks, it's the entire loss of the CL and service except on Freedom and Oasis Class ships. If there is a Diamond lounge on those ships (with, as I understand it, a conceirge) then have it on all ships. Not everyone like to sails on the new mega ships.

Really?? What about the other ships for the last 7 years or so that had no lounges. why no complaining then?? As far as people stating that this is a cost cutting measure, why would RC keep the lounges on the ships that will carry about 35-40% of their pax. Hec 1 cruise on a Freedom ship with the same 15% diamond pax as on a Radiance ship is almost double the people drinking for free. how is this a cost cutter. Yes you can say there will be less people over all, but I really doubt they were looking cut. Do you think they would eliminate it all together if all of a sudden they start getting 1000 or more Diamonds booking on the Freedom and Oasis ships. They want you to book those.


For me the ports/itinerary is the first thing i look at. The ship is second.


It is also about all the little changes over the past 18 - 24 months that begin to add up to the "straw that broke the camels back".


I was willing to pay a little more (all things being somewhat equal between Princess and RCL) but this just levels that playing field.


As to free drinks, I'd bet that most (maybe not all) tipped the Conceirge/CL Bartenders for their service. For me it was close to what those drinks would have cost me anyway. They also lose in this deal (in fact some Conceirges have already left when their pay was cut in half).

I'd be willing to bet it is a lot less than you think, and I doubt this has anything to do with it.
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Well I just opened up a letter personally addressed to my husband using his first name and signed by Adam Goldstein, President & CEO of Royal Caribbean International. Attached to the letter are two coupons, one for $50 off a 6 night or longer sailing and one for $25 off a shorter sailing.


The letter thanks us for cruising on the Voyager of the Seas over this past New Years Eve week. Apparently the coupons are our "Thank You" gift. Within the body of the letter, Goldstein states that as C & A members our "benefits only get better the more you sail". (The words in quotes are italicized in the letter for emphasis.)


There are two main problems with this letter and "gift".


1.) The coupons are worthless to us and Royal Caribbean knows it. We are stockholders, Diamond Members and we book at least a balcony level for my husband and myself. Royal Caribbean knows all these things about us. At the very least we would use the stockholder benefit and of course with a balcony we would use the Diamond Balcony discount. Prior to January first of this year, these coupons would indeed be a "gift" to us. We used to be able to combine benefits. Now they are worthless to us.


2.) The statement by Goldstein that our "benefits only get better the more we sail" is false. It is in fact, a lie. Royal Caribbean knows this is a lie. When we sailed the Voyager of the Seas in the Mediterranean over Thanksgiving week and then again a month later out of Galveston for the New Years Eve sailing we were able to combine our Diamond Balcony discounts, our stockholders OBC, our Next Cruise Certificates and any coupons we had. We were also able to have the full privileges and use of the concierge service and lounge. Martin, the concierge on both those sailings was wonderful. We rewarded him for his wonderful service and attention.


Now if we were to book a July 1, 2009 or later sailing out of Galveston on the Voyager of the Seas (we live within driving distance of the port) we would be able to choose only ONE discount and we would not have the use of the CL or Concierge Services.






Adam Goldstein is sending out letters that are patently false. He should be ashamed of himself.


And why is RCI wasting the money sending out these false letters and worthless "gifts"? I thought they were trying to cut costs?



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Precisely my point. The two loyalty programs are apples and oranges. An Elite from Celebrity could come over to RCCL as a Diamond and march right into the Concierge Lounge without 'ever' having cruised on RCCL. There is no such reciprocal 'benefit' on Celebrity, therefore, I am assuming that there was something of an exodus of Celebrity customers to RCCL when the Diamond status was granted to the Elites. I went to Celebrity as a RCCL Diamond, and received my "Elite" status which was ... a crummy little coupon book that was pretty much worthless. If 'crowding' is really the issue, "uncombining" or reversing the 'reciprocity' of these two programs would possibly solve the problem in a heartbeat. Alternatively, creating a Concierge Lounge aboard the Celebrity ships for 'their' Elites would probably solve the problem also by keeping their people 'loyal' to their brand. 'Most' people seem to prefer Celebrity anyway.:rolleyes:


Do you SERIOUSLY believe that there are that many X cruisers over running your precious CL? :rolleyes: The VAST majority of X cruisers wouldn't waste their time on a RCCL ship, their scooters can't naviagte the rock climbing wall! :eek:

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God help us. They will take away our RCI credits and give to our neighbor. :eek:


Well actually that might be better than the way it was done for many years prior to '06. Then they took away our credits and divvied them up with their friends.

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I am not sure why anyone would want to bully other cruisers for their opinion on the loss of Diamond club benefits. It reminds me of a work setting where someone always agrees with the boss and has to speak for them. The truth is yes it is a loss and it affects a number of passengers myself included. By the way I don't ever drink alcohol, but I did enjoy the recognition. Let passengers speak for themselves without judging them for their opinion. I think that RCCL management has spoken for themselves and they don't need you to reiterate their justification.


Well there are bullies on CC and they act like they were hired by Royal Caribbean to get people to stop saying ANYTHING negative about the company. Maybe they were? With the company making so many drastic changes to their product and their loyalty program in such a short time, these bullies have been hard at work on a multitude of threads. Doesn't take very long to recognize who they are.

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It is amazing where these threads always lead. Either to the lawsuit or the contact pandering politicians.:mad:


What a country, eh..... I think we need a puking emoticon.




Coming your way....I don't know how to insert them.:rolleyes:


Just right click on the little guy and it will give you to the webpage with lots to choose from under properties. 4.gif

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I think people are looking at this the wrong way. Diamonds were given the use of the lounge until it was unfeasible. they should be glad for the time they had it. The lounge was getting to crowded and as the letter posted above from C and A stated it was for suites. Instead of moaning about what nots available be happy you had it at all. Drinks are for purchase all over the ship, it's not like you can't get a drink. Now if you loose something you can't replace like priority embarkation or debarkation it's more reasonable to be upset.

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I'm still not sure why posters that still have access to the CL have such a dismissive attitude to those that feel a loss. Again, why do you do it, why don't you just ignore this thread. It obviously bothers you, hence all your whinging (sic). Just be considerate, stop the chastising and mockery and enjoy your perk with character and grace like the majority of your fellow Diamond plus members.


Especially after reading how upset and off the wall some would be should they lose their perk, I just cannot figure out the disdain.

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I think people are looking at this the wrong way. Diamonds were given the use of the lounge until it was unfeasible. they should be glad for the time they had it. The lounge was getting to crowded and as the letter posted above from C and A stated it was for suites. Instead of moaning about what nots available be happy you had it at all. Drinks are for purchase all over the ship, it's not like you can't get a drink. Now if you loose something you can't replace like priority embarkation or debarkation it's more reasonable to be upset.


I don't know whether you are Diamond or not, but the loss of the CL is just ANOTHER loss of benefits for C & A members. Of course, this will not be the last cut either. So the entire Loyalty Program is changing. Royal Caribbean should be THANKING its loyal customers for continuing to sail with them, not the other way around. Why should I THANK a company for MY spending tens upon tens of thousands of dollars with that company over the last 6 years? They should be thanking me. Not misleading me, lying to me and insulting me by taking away a privilege THEY gave me.


No, they have insulted their most loyal cruisers and it IS having an affect on them. Believe me. I have spoken to two people at length on the phone who work for RCI. They both told me to keep up the letters, calls, e-mails, etc. One said he hoped they would reverse the policy. The length of time spent with me on the phone for those calls cost the company far more than any drinks my husband and I had in the CL on our past 3 cruises combined.


This was a very bad decision and it is costing the company dearly.

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I'm still not sure why posters that still have access to the CL have such a dismissive attitude to those that feel a loss. Again, why do you do it, why don't you just ignore this thread. It obviously bothers you, hence all your whinging (sic). Just be considerate, stop the chastising and mockery and enjoy your perk with character and grace like the majority of your fellow Diamond plus members.


Especially after reading how upset and off the wall some would be should they lose their perk, I just cannot figure out the disdain.


Yes, it is really sad how some D Plussers are acting. Thankfully most are not. Don't they realize they are next? Do they really think the cuts are over?

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I think people are looking at this the wrong way. Diamonds were given the use of the lounge until it was unfeasible. they should be glad for the time they had it. The lounge was getting to crowded and as the letter posted above from C and A stated it was for suites. Instead of moaning about what nots available be happy you had it at all. Drinks are for purchase all over the ship, it's not like you can't get a drink. Now if you loose something you can't replace like priority embarkation or debarkation it's more reasonable to be upset.


Folks want to vent and vent they shall.. Logic may be falling on deaf ears..


RC made a bad mistake allowing access to the CL on these smaller ships to any but suite pax in the first place.


It was designed with an set # of suite folks using it and the #s of D & D+ers are beginning to overwhelm the space especially with many folks, suite pax & C & A members also, not using moderation with their time & drinks in the CL in the evening during the 'free' drinks time, cheating by bringing in those not actually allowed in & giving out the 'free' drinks also to those not so entitled.


Now RC must 'fix' this problem and the 'unrest among the natives' they have generated with their latest solution.. :)


Lets remember the larger ships do have a designated lounge available for D & D+ers..and in this economic climate the 'free' drinks shldn't be 'free' IMO anyway. I like the Princess idea of a drink 'special' that is less than a regular drink..

Then again, Princess has never provided a CL even for their suite pax either!!


As far as the smaller ships I can not see any other solution...other than giving D's a special on a drink perhaps..

Likely will include the D+s eventually also on older & smaller ships - with the #s being generated and not being adjusted (which I really do NOT understand), RC will soon have the same problem on its hands..and more 'restless natives' :)


I do hope though when folks are writing, e-mailing & phoning RC they also include a suggestion or 2 as well to assist RC in resolving this or is this just too logical? :)


Have happy cruisin'!

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On my recent B2B on Serenade, this is what DW and I had in the CL (Happy Hour): (17) Rum & Coke, (7) Wine, (3) Bay Breeze, (1) Cosmo, (4) Malibu and (1) Soda. So for the 14 days this is an average of 2.36 drinks per day or slightly more than one/person per day (on average). We averaged about 1 - 1 1/2 hours in the OVERFLOW (Odyessy) Lounge (we had MTD so no hurry for us). We also ate breakfast in the CL, I got coffee there, used the Conceirge for shore excursion, luggage service, and met several wonderful Suite AND Diamond guests we would not otherwise have met.


It is NOT about the booze!


Ok (17 x $5.95 + 7 x $5.95 + 3 x $4.95 + 1 x $6.95 + 1 $1.95 ) x 1.15 = $191. 53.


You are absolutely right it is NOT about the booze!!!!! It is about the money!!!!!! Economy/Money often related for individuals and corporations. Funny how that works! LMAO!!!!:D:D:D


(all money amounts are guesstimates, because despite having consumed most of those things I have no idea what they actually cost, because I don't sweat the little things when I am on vacation.:rolleyes: )



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I'm really curious...do people really select their vacations based on the fact that they might get a couple of free drinks a night in an overcrowded lounge? 1.gif



Ya know..I keep seeing people asking that question.


For us, and, we have 17 cruises with R.C.C.L., so, I know

where we've been. For the last couple of years, the services

and, quality of the cruise experience has been slipping compared to

WHAT it used to be. NO company could afford to give away (as an example) the cocktails, wines, appetizers every night system wide,

for all of their cruise ships...CORRECT?


Therefore, nothing is FREE as alot of people THINK.

SOMEBODY paid for that...the cruisers did..that is who paid

for all that services and, amenities, didn't they?


I figured we paid for everything we got in service and, quality from

R.C.C.L. That quality and, service and, CUTS of amenities WE NOTICE.

It has slipped over the last couple of years. Now, they are taking way

even more cuts in service, including the CL. We used that service

among others that are no more...a whole list, eposted on here,

including, the mid-night buffet.


We used to get a great steak in the MDR.

You still can, but, to get the GREAT steak, it is gonna cost you, $15.00.

MY cruise mates that ordered the MDR steaks were NOT happy with them.

Where did that quality go?


We are NOT cancelling the cruises we have with R.C.C.L. in the future,

but, since we feel our Diamond status does not mean as much as it used to, in the "Nation of WHY NOT", (snicker, snicker) my point is WHY NOT try some other form of vacation, cruise, tour or, whatever.

EVERYDAY, I get in both e-mail and, brochures from other cruise companies WANTING our business. Obviously, R.C.C.L. could care less about us.


To me, I would really think that Loyal Royal cruisers would

be an asset to R.C.C.L. I guess I was wrong.


All that money they can save with cancelling the CL, the better quality food experiences, mid-night buffets, chocolates on the pillows,

they can put that money into their advertising budgets and, recruit NEW

passengers to fill their ships.


Incidentially, we have written by snail mail to R.C.C.L. in Miami

expressing our displeasure with the cuts in service and, quality.

You know what? They never responded.


IF R.C.C.L. continues to cut service and, quality, how much will it

take for other cruisers to say: "Hey....this is really getting to be a cheap operation...let's try someone else.."


I mentioned to R.C.C.L. in my letter...

"Never give anyone an excuse to try the competion." ;)

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Ya know..I keep seeing people asking that question.


For us, and, we have 17 cruises with R.C.C.L., so, I know

where we've been. For the last couple of years, the services

and, quality of the cruise experience has been slipping compared to

WHAT it used to be. NO company could afford to give away (as an example) the cocktails, wines, appetizers every night system wide,

for all of their cruise ships...CORRECT?


Therefore, nothing is FREE as alot of people THINK.

SOMEBODY paid for that...the cruisers did..that is who paid

for all that services and, amenities, didn't they?


I figured we paid for everything we got in service and, quality from

R.C.C.L. That quality and, service and, CUTS of amenities WE NOTICE.

It has slipped over the last couple of years. Now, they are taking way

even more cuts in service, including the CL. We used that service

among others that are no more...a whole list, eposted on here,

including, the mid-night buffet.


We used to get a great steak in the MDR.

You still can, but, to get the GREAT steak, it is gonna cost you, $15.00.

MY cruise mates that ordered the MDR steaks were NOT happy with them.

Where did that quality go?


We are NOT cancelling the cruises we have with R.C.C.L. in the future,

but, since we feel our Diamond status does not mean as much as it used to, in the "Nation of WHY NOT", (snicker, snicker) my point is WHY NOT try some other form of vacation, cruise, tour or, whatever.

EVERYDAY, I get in both e-mail and, brochures from other cruise companies WANTING our business. Obviously, R.C.C.L. could care less about us.


To me, I would really think that Loyal Royal cruisers would

be an asset to R.C.C.L. I guess I was wrong.


All that money they can save with cancelling the CL, the better quality food experiences, mid-night buffets, chocolates on the pillows,

they can put that money into their advertising budgets and, recruit NEW

passengers to fill their ships.


Incidentially, we have written by snail mail to R.C.C.L. in Miami

expressing our displeasure with the cuts in service and, quality.

You know what? They never responded.


IF R.C.C.L. continues to cut service and, quality, how much will it

take for other cruisers to say: "Hey....this is really getting to be a cheap operation...let's try someone else.."


I mentioned to R.C.C.L. in my letter...

"Never give anyone an excuse to try the competion." ;)


Excellent post. Very logical.


As to why ***some*** people keep asking that question and putting down posters who have a genuine problem with these changes and want to discuss it on a thread ON THAT TOPIC? Who knows why ***some*** people do that? I have my suspicions.

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