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MSC Cruise Orchestra March28-April 04, 2009


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My fellow Cruisers. I have just returned home after a week aboard the MSC- Orchestra. First let me say that this is a beautiful ship. The dinning, publicareas, resturants every visual site is grand and clean. The motto of the crew has to be preception is everything and sustance is nothing! The chef again has the same motto. Very beautiful on the plate very bland to the palate. I was very disaapointed. I have grown up with European cooking and was just so dismayed. Even the pasta dishes were your basic tomoato sauce and noodles. The fish dishes were either under cooked or cooked to the point of being bouncy. Yes I have also grown up around the European way for doing things. But I will never ever be told again that the Amercian People are the rudist and pushy on the planet. Oh no my friends the crew of the MSC takes that place to a whole new level. If this curise line is going to make in the United States they are going to have to learn how to speak adults. As adults we were ushered or herded into small areas told to be on time but then spent many portions of the excursion times waiting on the crew to get their things together. This crew is rude and crast and then expects you to tip them generously! The cruise was booked to the hilt. So that meant every deal that could be made truly was. Including the crusie paying for flights to and from Canada and elsewhere. Luggage was lost and then you had to go and identify your bag becuaee the handlers tore off the ID tags and then you treated like you did this to the crew! Retruning home was just as bad. We settled our bills and were told by the accounting deptartment that every thing was settled only to be stopped on the way out by being denied access in front of everyone that we still owed the accounting folks more! Yes at the finally disembarkment here is a bright orange alert going off. So another trip back down to this area and only to be told that they forgot to add some tips! After another 10 minutes we were sent back up to the disembarkment to be held up again. One of the ships officers had to call them and after he yelled at them they finally decided to put the update into the computer so that we could leave and try to find our very worried family member that had already disembarked.

The early self luggage disembarkion? JOKE! We had decided that we did not want our luggage lost or to abe able to continue the curise without us so we did elect to carry our own luggage off the ship. We filled out all the correct paperwork and even turned it in early. We were give a number for the first group to leave the ship. We arrived at the correct lounge at the correct time 0645 only to be greeted by a crew member that looked like she had partied all night and treated everyone so rudely that an old woman finally went up to her nad told her that she was not fa child and that if this woman wanted her to move her things again that she would have to learn how to ask correctly. I thought the crew member was going to strike this older woman and then just walked away and started talking in Italian to her crew mate. Then after waiting in a crowded room for 1 hour and 15 minutes, the normal bedlam began instead doing the exit in an orderly fashion by the group numbers they

just told everyone to get in line and have your cruise card ready. Well I guess you can imagine what happened to those who did this to catch early flights home. They missed them and of course the crew all of a sudden could not comprehend English or Spanish. Truly amazing.

The enterainment was good. the performers were excellent not sure how Italian and celtic musci get together and end up with "We are the World" but it was very enjoyable. These troopers had to performance to canned orchestra music. Yes, I know the ship is name the Orchestra and all the decks have muscial names but there is no orchetra on this ship. I had to applaude the cast for keeping in synch with the music. And the MC kept calling out to the "Mastro" to start the music. Although I am very aware of how hard it is to perform to this canned music it did make you wonder if the voices that sounded so delightful and powerful were not also fake and the performers only lipsynching to the music. That was a shame for these folks who obviously worked very hard to perform and please.

The pool deck with this many lives on aboard was crowded and not pleasant. The deck staff agasin were rude and not helpful. Thecabin itself was beautiful. Our cabin staff was from Indonesia like many cursie ships and was very nice but did not speak English so getting a clean glass or anything beyond his noraml duties was a waste of my breathe and this young man life. I can not say I did not enjoy the cruise and the port of calls but I can not do not recommend the MSC cruise line to anyone.

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Seems you were not pleased by the Italian crew, and their manners or treatment to passengers. Little was emphasized about the good things, which you admitted there were - in about one percent of your comments. We will judge for ourselves, as we disembark this weekend. Again, we will try to hold judgment for our own experiences this week. Why does it seem most of the complainers (4 of last 5 NEGATIVE reviews) are hardly-literate???? Definitely a shared trait on this board...

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I do agree with the OP that disembarkment for this cruise was not organized well. We also carried our own luggage off and turned in our paper work on time (You have to register by 8:00 P.M. Thursday night). We were given ticket #1 and told to report to the Amber Bar at 6:45. We left our cabin on time to find that we could not even get to the Amber Bar because there were so many other people crowded in the hallways and lounges, and most of these were self-assist also.Since we had to preregister, they knew in advance that a large amount off guests were going to be in the hallways and elevators with luggage. It was a long wait for the ship to be cleared & many people simply could not get to their assigned places because of the crowds. The employees did seem frustrated to say the least. What I don't understand is why MSC made all guests vacate their cabins by 7:00 a.m. Things would have gone smoother if those of us using self-assist were in our assigned spot at 6:45, and the others vacated cabins around 7:15.


Your reference to "We Are The World" made me laugh. My DH and I thought it was an odd choice to put in that particular show. :)

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I do agree with the OP that disembarkment for this cruise was not organized well. We also carried our own luggage off and turned in our paper work on time (You have to register by 8:00 P.M. Thursday night). We were given ticket #1 and told to report to the Amber Bar at 6:45. We left our cabin on time to find that we could not even get to the Amber Bar because there were so many other people crowded in the hallways and lounges, and most of these were self-assist also.Since we had to preregister, they knew in advance that a large amount off guests were going to be in the hallways and elevators with luggage. It was a long wait for the ship to be cleared & many people simply could not get to their assigned places because of the crowds. The employees did seem frustrated to say the least. What I don't understand is why MSC made all guests vacate their cabins by 7:00 a.m. Things would have gone smoother if those of us using self-assist were in our assigned spot at 6:45, and the others vacated cabins around 7:15.


Your reference to "We Are The World" made me laugh. My DH and I thought it was an odd choice to put in that particular show. :)


Self assist was held up by the Ruby Princess arriving late and customs not being ready. However, MSC should have communicated this. I agree about being able to stay in your cabin a bit longer---that is what Carnival does if I remember correctly.


I didn't run across a SINGLE rude staff member. I was also on the March 28-April 4 sailing. Loved most of the food---especially the italian food.

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My son and I traveled on the same cruise and were disappointed. The cabin was fine, the steward did a good job. Overall the cruise was just "alright" -- but no pleasant surprises, no panache, no extraordinary features (except maybe for the Italian ice cream stand at the pool side bar!).


The ship's cleanliness was certainly apparent -- folks were forever in the hallways and stairways, cleaning and polishing. The staff, especially in the buffet, seemed usually preoccupied, not noticing needs (ice/water/ice tea, juice machines empty, no glasses at one, dirty plates left). Some talked with each other at length and ignored passengers.


It was hard to find a quiet place, especially on days at sea. Despite a nice wide "wood" deck (deck 7) there were no lounge chairs there like on most ships we've been on, where you can get both outside and to a quiet reading environment.


The food in general was "okay" both in the dining room and the buffets; it was not of the caliber you'd expect on a cruise ship (we've been on half a dozen); certainly it wasn't what one would expect from the much-touted "Italian" or "European" experience. Having lived in Europe for 8 years, we'd had better food at an ordinary Gasthaus. Oddly, many of the same main courses were available in both the dining room and buffet. Portions could often be miniscule. Our table was 3 or 4 feet from the wait station and close enough to the kitchen entrance that we could hear plates and silverware all evening, but rarely have a conversation.


Our Maitre D' took LOTS of time meeting and greeting the people all around us in the dining room -- of course THOSE were the 35-40 people accompanied by a travel/tour rep from Florida. Finally, we met him, after several nights of very slow service (unfilled water glasses the whole meal etc), but by then it was hard to suggest specific ways his staff could improve.


Disorganization (like the other person's description of disembarkation) will forever be defined by "MSC" in my mind. No announcements were made until about 7:30 or 8:00 AM the day of disembarkation (this after having been instructed to vacate cabins no later than 7:00 AM). Teeming crowds of people attempted to enter the lounges designated for each group (as determined by colored luggage tags). We were in the first group, with an early flight, so took refuge near the atrium. If we had gotten into the lounge, we no doubt would never have emerged!


Guess we've been spoiled -- we'll run back to Holland America for our group cruise in the Fall of this year!

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I just returned from the Orchestra 3/28/09 sailing...




I had sailed on MSC opera a couple of years ago & enjoyed the experience...saying that I would not sail on MSC again after this past cruise....


I sailed solo ....the cabin was fiine, clean & plenty of storage.....but with 3000 people onboard I found it crowded, noisy & the service barely acceptable.


I would go up to the buffet for early morning breakfast - only to sit & hear disco music blasting for an aerobics class(for no more than 20-25 people) & it got worse as the day went on.


There is plenty to do as far as activities are concerned. The pool area is too small for the # of passengers.


The food is basic mass produced items...I always found something to eat - but most of it was bland.....the dining rooms were small & crowded.


The nite club was filled with teens...MSC schedules a teen gathering @ 11PM in the venue - so of course the kids stay......they drink RED Bull & alcohol...where are the parents.. put a few ( a lot) of teens together in that venue & trouble is bound to happen). And for the parents that say"not my child"...WRONG!!!!! I was shocked at what was going on....


Many of the service problems stem from bad training on MSC part, language & not enough staff for the # of passengers onboard. For instance the stewards were Indonesian..they did agood job - but had so many cabins to clean and barely understood me when I requested basic things. The pool deck attendents were from Africa & the pools were not open until 7:30 - 8:00 am & closed at 6:30pm sharp....they were miserable & again

could barely speak English...the bar & casino staff were mostly Russian...again the language problem...but most of all they were miserable......the dining room had Italian supervisors & a lot of Indonesians....they were the worst...I know some said they had good service - but I found the opposite...many waiters standing around while tables sat waiting to be served.


So not only were the passengers having a difficult time it was apparent the crew could not communicate between themselves.......


The time in ports was stupid...only 4 hours in Antigua, tendering into Port Cayo(they were still calling #'s at 11:00 am for tenders. Late into St Maarten & a few hrs in Nassau.


Tho the cruise on the OPERA was not the best I had been on (after 50+ cruises on various lines) I enjoyed the staff, entertainment & the food on the smaller ship....on the Orchestra I realized that MSC was originally a cargo shipping line that started this passenger service on cruise ships.....they should stick to cargo......


I make the best of my cruises - but by the time thursday came along I wanted to go home....


As to the poster that brought up the Italian crew...they are a minortity onboard......the staff that provides service to passengers onbpoard are Indonesian(cabin & diningroom)African(pool area)Russian & Eastern European(bar & casino)...so the Italians are a few officers & supervisors in the buffets & Dining Room.....


The good - ship is clean & pleasant to look at, evening entertainment..varied...something for everyone, the chinese restaurant, the wine bar.


The bad...Service/ servers, port times, room service, overcrowding of pool areas..miserable attitude of staff......lack of communication.

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Everyone has ther priorities, my las Holland America cruise on the Ryndam was a disaster, dirtiest ship afloat, as for service, on entering the dining room 1st night, my seating was given to another passenger who obviously gave the maitre`d a large tip, leaving my wife & I with nowhere to have dinner. Glad you enjoy this type of service. I have sailed so far this yr on Princess & twice on MSC & enjoyed both, although MSC has much better entertainment.

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Like you, I enjoy MSC, but unlike you I've yet to tey any other cruiseline, so I'm hoping you can answer my question for me. I'm always a bit mystified that so many people have such a problem with language on MSC (I've only ever had the odd thing that could not be understodd, so I repeat it slower then try wording it slightly differenetly and problem solved), my question is do other cruiselines not also employ waiters, cabin stewards and bar staff from the 4 corners of the world too or all their crews American or native English speakers?

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All cruise lines employ people from all over the world. The only exception I know of is the Pride of America. Unless they have changed. I have a colleague who went on it and said out of 20+ cruises it was the absolute worst service.


When I was on the Norweigan I encountered many language issues. Our room steward was from Honduras and spoke NO English. None at all. Luckily my husband was able to speak to him in Spanish to get our needs met. On the MSC, I did not have any difficulties. Our room steward always understood me and filled our requests. One Italian gentleman at the information desk was having a word retrieval problem, but I was patient and tried to help him find the correct word he was looking for. I did not encounter a single rude person either...no wait. That would be a lie. Several of my AMERICAN cruisemates were beyond rude!

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Amo, I have enjoyed all of your comments as they trully reflect the cruiseline. Take all these complaints on MSC with a grain of salt. Believe me, its the best value of any cruiseline afloat. Originally MSC had mostly an Italian crew, not so anymore, its diversified the same as any other cruiseline. THe only Italians left are mainly the supervisors & reception desk. The people at the reception desk have a accent but speak many languages. Maybe the problem is they don`t handle crap as well as in the US, as they are not used to being abused. Bottom line, keep on sailing & enjoy best value you can get as in the end its immaterial to pinpoint any one thing. By the way my brother-in-law is from Edinburg with the name of Richardson.

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