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Letter to Diamond Members (Merged Threads)

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I am sorry, but I find your logic mystifying. Surely you cannot mean that having just experienced a significant removal by RC of promised benefits, cruisers should cast aside their disappointment and continue to cruise with RC out of a sense of loyalty. If you believe what I previously wrote "loyalty must be both ways, both up and down," you cannot believe that cruisers owe it to RC to continue cruising with RC out of a sense of loyalty.


You are correct. The Concierge lounge privileges, and other revoked benefits, were not a right by contract, and RC retained the right to change these things. But you apparently disagree with my comment that "having the legal right does not make it right."


Analogies are sometimes helpful for understanding. So here is one. Someone, perhaps hellosailer, commented about a disappointment with American Airlines and its mileage program. But suppose you have many thousands of AA miles in your account. Then suppose AA announced that they were eliminating the AA miles for (almost) free flights, or even that the required miles would hereafter be doubled. You would be an extremely unusual person if you were not very upset. Yet I believe you will find that American, and all other airlines, have stipulated that they have the right to change as they see fit.


Perhaps only loosely related, but American, and others, have gradually increased mileage requirements, but we have used miles for such great trips as flying Business Class on Japan Air to China and Japan recently. (Incidentally, you never lose any miles in your account if you have a credit card giving miles for purchases, and use that card at least once a year.)


I do not intend to suggest that any airline is perfection in customer relations. But RC could have made a less drastic change by installing a two drink limit for "happy hour." I and others believe this would have both reduced costs and crowding. This change would be a slight change, similar in magnitude to an airline slightly increasing mile requirements for free flights. I think this would have been accepted with good grace by 99% of diamonds.


Finally, someone stole into my earlier post and suggested that I meant "empathizing" rather than "emphasizing". Yes, I did. My real spell-checker had gone to bed, so was not available. :D


The Brits have a saying which I believe fits Royal Caribbean management. They are too clever by one-half. :rolleyes:


Bob :cool:


I believe everyone has a right to do what they wish about this situation. What I'm trying to say is there was no "promising" made, in my opinion. RCCL had a marketing campaign to bring in repeat cruisers. They had no contract with these people, including me. They sell a product, and they have a right to change that product and it's features.


We then make our choices based on that. There is no need for anger and fingerpointing: it changed just like Kellog's decreasing the size of their cereal box. You can go buy another cereal, but they didn't "promise" you the cereal would always be the same amount.


I don't think it's wrong of them: I think it's capitalism and marketing. I always, as I said above, EXPECT things to change when the economy changes. Maybe it's because I've been with them so long and seen so many changes, and then seen things come around again, that I don't feel betrayed.


I believe what they now are giving (and I use the word "giving" you see) to Diamonds is a good compromise.


I said this before, and I'm still saying it: they didn't promise us a rose garden, so we shouldn't be complaining that we have pansies (for a while). We still have flowers.


But, then again, as I've said repeatedly: I am a glass half full person, and I'm ALWAYS making lemonade out of life's lemons.


Happy Cruising!!

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Hi, PhoenixCruiser:


I'm not coming from a D or D+ point of view. However, we made D+ about 2 weeks ago. I was voicing this opinion before they released the letter a few weeks ago. I still feel the same way, and my opinion hasn't changed: I think complaining because a free program was changed or discontinued is fine: we are all entitled to our opinions. However, bringing it to the level of "promises" and implying it was due us, is stretching things a little too far.


When this all started last Fall 2008 I said it then: well, it was good while it lasted, and they have a right to change their product if they want to.


I decided to change my next cruise to make us eligible for D+, but that's just because I was at a point where I could do that quickly and easily. If not, I would have just accepted the changes and worked toward my D+ status anyway.


I EXPECT changes in products I buy these days. I expect it everywhere. I know the vendors I buy from have to survive, and they gotta do what they gotta do. I also firmly believe that there were no promises made, just marketing ads and campaigns. I can also truly sympathize with the disappointment: I felt it, too. That's why I made my changes to our recent cruise.


I hope this helps you understand my point of view.


Thanks Peggy!


When we first heard the rumors in November of 2006 (thanks Tony) we took an extra cruise in December to make Diamond in hopes of getting Grandfathered in when the said changes took place.


You are correct, nothing was promised. We are just a bit upset that we spent the extra $$$ booking our cruises with Royal Caribbean exclusively - as did our family and friends. Hind-sight is 20/20.


With that said, since these changes do not affect you, why are you so passionate about the subject? Can you not give those of us who were affected a thread to share our opinions?


Please :cool:



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With that said, since these changes do not affect you, why are you so passionate about the subject? Can you not give those of us who were affected a thread to share our opinions?


Please :cool:




Ha!! I love a debate, for one thing.


Of course everyone can have and share their opinions. I said those exact words in my post above.


I joined back in because I don't completely agree (my opinion), and this thread finally got civil to where the exchange of opinions wasn't WWIII.

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There is no need for anger and fingerpointing: it changed just like Kellog's decreasing the size of their cereal box. You can go buy another cereal, but they didn't "promise" you the cereal would always be the same amount.




In my opinion, that's not a very good example. Kellogs did not say "if you buy my product for 10 years, we'll give you lots of discounts, perks, etc".

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i agree with the posters that say a mixed drink (vodka and tonic) (rum and coke), etc and a bottle of beer are no more expensive than a glass of wine. But it is easy to pour a couple of trays of wine and champers. The individual requirements need staff - and this costs!!!


The overflow lounges we have been in only had one bar staff and they coped with all the guests requirements so where is the additional cost?


Because the Diamonds were crammed into the CL:D:D:D!! Seriously, having a bottle in your hand and pouring trays of drinks takes no time at all. On the busy cruises, to take individual orders would probably be impossible with 200-300 people to serve.

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In my opinion, that's not a very good example. Kellogs did not say "if you buy my product for 10 years, we'll give you lots of discounts, perks, etc".


Neither did RCCL!! Not only no time limit, but also stated in Contract that they can change the loyalty programme at any time. And they did!! And most regular cruisers knew it had to happen somehow.


My American Airlines airmiles disappeared totally - but they were useless anyway. Could never get the free flight or upgrade - always 'too late' or 'too early'!!!! I just shrugged - I didn't actually take money out of the bank to pay for them!!! Its how life is today. Here today, gone tomorrow!!


Well, my analogy is that people who have enjoyed free drinks etc. in the CL are "now like rats deserting a sinking ship". Now they can't get anymore drinks for free, they would rather PAY for drinks on another line - and that's not very loyal either!!! In fact, its rather like a kid throwing its toys out of the pram. Well, these cruisers will be back - we know the competition very well - the grass is not always greener over the hill!!


I said it in the beginning and I say it now - in most cases Its all about the free drinks!!! Whether RCCL will reinstate the free drinks remains to be seen.


Anyway, there are still free drinks - on Freedom class and Oasis. The choice is YOURS!!!



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In my opinion, that's not a very good example. Kellogs did not say "if you buy my product for 10 years, we'll give you lots of discounts, perks, etc".


Umm....I don't think RCCL ever said that either. That's my point: they made no promise or contracts. Their advertising was "in the moment" so to speak.


I've used cars, xmradio, cereal, and a bunch of other analogies. My examples don't have to be "right" or "good". They are merely points of discussion. If you don't want to get the point, then you don't want to get it. That's OK with me. I repeat: it's all a discussion about our points of view.

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I haven't read this entire thread, but many of the posts herein. I've never cruised on RCI, but from what I can glean, this whole brouhaha is over free drinks that were offered to Diamond cruisers (same as Platinum on Carnival I assume). And now these free drinks are no longer being offered because of the cutbacks cruise lines in general and RCI in particular are going through. I would also assume if you've cruised RCI often enough to become Diamond that certainly this line offers other things that you enjoy or prefer over other lines. I'm told your ships are beautiful and the service on them is superb. You must have many things that appeal to you about RCI than JUST free drinks. :confused:

Cruise lines in general, and RCI in particular, are going through some incredible financial pressures right now, as almost all of us are. RCI has some huge ships with heavy debt loads, price point pressures for all cabin catetgories, etc., which are putting RCI in tough competitive positions constantly. Many RCI cruisers "jumping ship" (many over on the Carnival boards) and moving over to other lines just doesn't strike me as LOYAL cruisers at all.

I'm Platinum on Carnival, but if for some reason all the perks were suddenly dumped in an attempt to keep my favorite cruise line operating I would just grin and bear it right along with Carnival. Bite the bullet for the time being and try to make the best of it.:)


(I'm sorry if I sound like your parents).:rolleyes:

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Neither did RCCL!! Not only no time limit, but also stated in Contract that they can change the loyalty programme at any time. And they did!! And most regular cruisers knew it had to happen somehow.


My American Airlines airmiles disappeared totally - but they were useless anyway. Could never get the free flight or upgrade - always 'too late' or 'too early'!!!! I just shrugged - I didn't actually take money out of the bank to pay for them!!! Its how life is today. Here today, gone tomorrow!!


Well, my analogy is that people who have enjoyed free drinks etc. in the CL are "now like rats deserting a sinking ship". Now they can't get anymore drinks for free, they would rather PAY for drinks on another line - and that's not very loyal either!!! In fact, its rather like a kid throwing its toys out of the pram. Well, these cruisers will be back - we know the competition very well - the grass is not always greener over the hill!!


I said it in the beginning and I say it now - in most cases Its all about the free drinks!!! Whether RCCL will reinstate the free drinks remains to be seen.


Anyway, there are still free drinks - on Freedom class and Oasis. The choice is YOURS!!!


I am thankful that this thread has remained civil for some time now. Well, you have been a bit testy with sealord from time to time, but that's OK. I believe that any SOB who can take off and land an airplane on the deck of an aircraft carrier in the middle of the ocean can take care of himself. :D


Hey, I think you must have been too picky about your American flights. We usually make plans several months in advance, but we have always been able to obtain free AA flights which fit our needs. You lost all your miles because you did not have the proper credit card. Are there other areas where I can instruct you? :D


What you really mean is that you think "in most cases Its all about the free drinks!!!" None of us has surveyed cruisers to determine reasons for objecting to the changed policies.


I hope you rethink your analogy about "now like rats deserting a sinking ship". I think this contrasts with your sense of civility.


What is this about the loyalty programme? I thought Canadians had thrown off the shackles of British dominance and language many years ago. ;)


If you are a real sailer of real sailboats, as I have been, you have a fine understanding of action and reaction. Let me further instruct you about this. :D


Bob :cool:

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Because the Diamonds were crammed into the CL:D:D:D!! Seriously, having a bottle in your hand and pouring trays of drinks takes no time at all. On the busy cruises, to take individual orders would probably be impossible with 200-300 people to serve.


But they're doing it on the other ships, so why would it be a problem to continue to do it on the Voyager and Radiance Class. I have never seen so many people in an overflow lounge where they would have to pour trays of wine and cham like they do on Captain's Night and other funtions where the whole ship is invited. Honestly, if wine was just poured in glasses and left for people to take I wouldn't even touch it!!

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neither did rccl!! Not only no time limit, but also stated in contract that they can change the loyalty programme at any time. And they did!! And most regular cruisers knew it had to happen somehow.


yes, rccl did say that if you accumulate 5 credits you become platinum and after 10 you become diamond, blah, blah, blah and the more you cruise, the more benefits you get, blah, blah, blah..............kelloggs made no such statements. They put their product out along wth 50 others and it was our choice to buy what we wanted and it was their choice to do what they wanted. I never felt that i had to keep buying kellog products to achieve a certain level. And i certainly wouldn't feel that kellog was disloyal to me for making a smaller box!!! That's ridiculous!!!!


well, my analogy is that people who have enjoyed free drinks etc. In the cl are "now like rats deserting a sinking ship". Now they can't get anymore drinks for free, they would rather pay for drinks on another line - and that's not very loyal either!!! In fact, its rather like a kid throwing its toys out of the pram. Well, these cruisers will be back - we know the competition very well - the grass is not always greener over the hill!!


we could debate this forever, but i don't think you get it yet!! We gave rccl our business because we liked their product but also because of their loyalty program.....there was a connection there. Because of their loyatly program we never tried other lines, which now we can because i won't be rushing anytime soon to up our membership to d+ status. The demotion of diamonds and then the changing of the plan just does not sit well with many diamonds. First we were demoted to having one party per cruise and now thaqt was changed to a room with wine and champ. This proves to me that rccl did deceive us in the fact that they passed the change off as "crowding". Even if the overflows are crowded on some cruises, what makes them think they won't be crowded now??? They're still providing a room, just no drinks. I honestly just think that 25% off a drink is tacky.


But what i don't think you get is that this was the last straw!!! They already stripped us of benefits of much more value than a few free drinks!!! As a diamond and shareholder, i feel that we're not getting any more benefits than a new cruiser. We can use one (1) discount just like everyone else. Most of us that book balconys or suites will most likely us the balcony discount. The person that books an inside can use an obc, which i might add is no different than any new cruiser............so i feel as many others feel....we're not getting any additional benefit as p/d/d+.


So, do you stil think that we should remain loyal to royal........not in this economy, we'll be looking for the best prices an itineraries (and lately rccl has not had the best itineraries and they keep cancelling and changing port times. And by the way, i don't think it's polite to refer to us as rats running!!!



i said it in the beginning and i say it now - in most cases its all about the free drinks!!! Whether rccl will reinstate the free drinks remains to be seen.


i think rccl needs to reinstate the benefits as well. P/d/d+ should be able to use their balcony discount with at least one (1) other benefit such as nc certificate obc or shareholder obc. At least if they did this it would look like we were getting an additonal benefit for our status. And for those that don't book a balcony, well, they should let them use one coupon and one obc.


anyway, there are still free drinks - on freedom class and oasis. The choice is yours!!!


exactly, the choice is mine!!




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I am thankful that this thread has remained civil for some time now. Well, you have been a bit testy with sealord from time to time, but that's OK. Have to contain myself sometimes, when he bangs on and on:D I believe that any SOB who can take off and land an airplane on the deck of an aircraft carrier in the middle of the ocean can take care of himself. SOB - would you care to enlighten me as to the meaning of this one? Where's your civility? ROTFL!!!


Hey, I think you must have been too picky about your American flights. We usually make plans several months in advance, but we have always been able to obtain free AA flights which fit our needs. You lost all your miles because you did not have the proper credit card. Are there other areas where I can instruct you? It was one of their most popular routes - and the beginning of low season!! One kind rep told me "no chance"!! Changed to another credit card - think I collected bottle tops or something of that ilk!!


What you really mean is that you think "in most cases Its all about the free drinks!!!" None of us has surveyed cruisers to determine reasons for objecting to the changed policies. Don't require surveys - CL is almost always deserted during the day and evening - like a zoo between 5 & 8 - what do you think they are there for? Kissy cuddly with the Captain?:D


I hope you rethink your analogy about "now like rats deserting a sinking ship". I think this contrasts with your sense of civility.Hey c'mon - a gal's gotta have some fun in life. Anyway, only nautical analogy I could think of........and just so terribly, terribly, apt!!!! Amuses me no end!! Girls have just gotta have some fun in life!! Beginning to feel sorry for Sealord though - doesn't he have anything else to think about? Far more important things in life - he should def start looking at HAL's brochures and see all the free drinks and amenities listed there!! Of course, its early nights on HAL though!!


What is this about the loyalty programme? I thought Canadians had thrown off the shackles of British dominance and language many years ago. Educated at International Schools in Europe and learnt Ingerlish - also living in Londinium for the past few years. The greatest city in the WORLD, let me tell you!! (And becoming cheap for Americans - almost said the Y word, but remembered I had to be civil!!):eek:


If you are a real sailer of real sailboats, as I have been, you have a fine understanding of action and reaction. Let me further instruct you about this. Would be thrilled to be instructed - as long as you are wearing a Captains uniform - but I am not a sailer of real sailboats - I am more of a landlubber and shopper!! However, my gay friends love HelloSailer!!!!! They think its hilarious!!!


Bob :cool:


These are fun postings - lots of repartee!! Thing is, if a thread dies a natural death on this subject, some joker just starts another one!!!

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Are you referring to Vicki Freed? She's the Senior Vice President of Sales, still at RCI and very involved in daily operations.


Okay, maybe I'm wrong. I thought I read somewhere that they just hired another lady and she's coming from a hotel chain. I thought I read that she will be in charge of the C&A stuff.

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Because the Diamonds were crammed into the CL:D:D:D!! Seriously, having a bottle in your hand and pouring trays of drinks takes no time at all. On the busy cruises, to take individual orders would probably be impossible with 200-300 people to serve.


She's not talking about the CL...........she's talking about the overflow lounge.


We don't want access to the CL............your not listening..........:D:D

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Umm....I don't think RCCL ever said that either. That's my point: they made no promise or contracts. Their advertising was "in the moment" so to speak.


I've used cars, xmradio, cereal, and a bunch of other analogies. My examples don't have to be "right" or "good". They are merely points of discussion. If you don't want to get the point, then you don't want to get it. That's OK with me. I repeat: it's all a discussion about our points of view.


Your right........we all have our own point of view!!!;);) And it seems we're all gonna stick to our own point of view.

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Originally Posted by hellosailer viewpost.gif

neither did rccl!! Not only no time limit, but also stated in contract that they can change the loyalty programme at any time. And they did!! And most regular cruisers knew it had to happen somehow.


yes, rccl did say that if you accumulate 5 credits you become platinum and after 10 you become diamond, blah, blah, blah and the more you cruise, the more benefits you get, blah, blah, blah..............kelloggs made no such statements. They put their product out along wth 50 others and it was our choice to buy what we wanted and it was their choice to do what they wanted. I never felt that i had to keep buying kellog products to achieve a certain level. And i certainly wouldn't feel that kellog was disloyal to me for making a smaller box!!! That's ridiculous!!!!


well, my analogy is that people who have enjoyed free drinks etc. In the cl are "now like rats deserting a sinking ship". Now they can't get anymore drinks for free, they would rather pay for drinks on another line - and that's not very loyal either!!! In fact, its rather like a kid throwing its toys out of the pram. Well, these cruisers will be back - we know the competition very well - the grass is not always greener over the hill!!


we could debate this forever, but i don't think you get it yet!! We gave rccl our business because we liked their product but also because of their loyalty program.....there was a connection there. Because of their loyatly program we never tried other lines, which now we can because i won't be rushing anytime soon to up our membership to d+ status. The demotion of diamonds and then the changing of the plan just does not sit well with many diamonds. First we were demoted to having one party per cruise and now thaqt was changed to a room with wine and champ. This proves to me that rccl did deceive us in the fact that they passed the change off as "crowding". Even if the overflows are crowded on some cruises, what makes them think they won't be crowded now??? They're still providing a room, just no drinks. I honestly just think that 25% off a drink is tacky.


But what i don't think you get is that this was the last straw!!! They already stripped us of benefits of much more value than a few free drinks!!! As a diamond and shareholder, i feel that we're not getting any more benefits than a new cruiser. We can use one (1) discount just like everyone else. Most of us that book balconys or suites will most likely us the balcony discount. The person that books an inside can use an obc, which i might add is no different than any new cruiser............so i feel as many others feel....we're not getting any additional benefit as p/d/d+.


So, do you stil think that we should remain loyal to royal........not in this economy, we'll be looking for the best prices an itineraries (and lately rccl has not had the best itineraries and they keep cancelling and changing port times. And by the way, i don't think it's polite to refer to us as rats running!!!



i said it in the beginning and i say it now - in most cases its all about the free drinks!!! Whether rccl will reinstate the free drinks remains to be seen.


i think rccl needs to reinstate the benefits as well. P/d/d+ should be able to use their balcony discount with at least one (1) other benefit such as nc certificate obc or shareholder obc. At least if they did this it would look like we were getting an additonal benefit for our status. And for those that don't book a balcony, well, they should let them use one coupon and one obc.




anyway, there are still free drinks - on freedom class and oasis. The choice is yours!!!


Just bears out what I said in the beginning "Its all about the money".

We had the good years, the freebies, the discounts all added together so that some paid almost nothing for their cruise!!! So now the difficult times are upon RCCL, let's forget how much we got out of them and go to the other lines, in a hissy fit!! Very nice!!!

They promised nothing - see the Contract - its a Corporate programme for goodness sake, not a marriage!! And anyone who enjoyed the goodies and jumps ship for this reason, is in my view, disloyal!!!!

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I am not sure if it is anger or just a major disappointment with RCL that has caused this furor in the series of cutbacks. I actually thought when RCL stopped combining benefits that would of been it, but it is the diamond members not being able to use the CL that seems to be the straw the broke the camels back.


I can understand both sides, I can understand the economy and I do understand that it is RCL program to change whenever they feel like it. I was fairly loyal to RCL and never regretted taking any of our cruises with them. I felt their loyalty program was the best out there and I continued to sail on them because I enjoyed their ships and was rewarded for it. I still enjoy RCL ships but honestly feel with the amount of cut back and benefits taken away many things we grew accustomed to are no longer there and that is difficult to get my arms around that.


We are one cruise away from diamond so the CL issue for us is not a major one, but I do understand why people who have used the CL and now can no longer use it feel. I felt that way when they stopped combining benefits which was a huge take away for us. It does not take away from the on board experience but it is always in the back of my mind.


Royal had a great brand loyalty program in addition to having fantastic ships the two go hand in hand for us. We will still have our on board experience with RCL and hope it will continue to be a good one but what we learned from all of this is that a program can change and in this case it did. We have cruised on RCL as our cruise line of choice because we like their ships and were rewarded as repeat customers when that was taken away I questioned where does my loyalty lie with the ship or the benefits and perks and it lies with both. Like the ships and like the loyalty program it is what we came to expect from RCL.


We decided that we will still continue to sail RCL because we enjoy their ships. Brand loyalty is now on the back burner as we are trying other cruise line in addition to RCL. Where RCL was the only cruise line we sailed it has opened up new opportunities for us to experience what is out there. In the future we will cruise because of we like the itinerary and are interested in being on a particular ship. We are no longer in a rush to make diamond when it happens it happens. When we first started cruising it was because we loved being on the ocean in a great environment I am going back to the original reason we started to cruise before we even knew about loyalty programs. Life is way to short to be caught up with all of this.

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I am not sure if it is anger or just a major disappointment with RCL that has caused this furor in the series of cutbacks. I actually thought when RCL stopped combining benefits that would of been it, but it is the diamond members not being able to use the CL that seems to be the straw the broke the camels back.


I can understand both sides, I can understand the economy and I do understand that it is RCL program to change whenever they feel like it. I was fairly loyal to RCL and never regretted taking any of our cruises with them. I felt their loyalty program was the best out there and I continued to sail on them because I enjoyed their ships and was rewarded for it. I still enjoy RCL ships but honestly feel with the amount of cut back and benefits taken away many things we grew accustomed to are no longer there and that is difficult to get my arms around that.


We are one cruise away from diamond so the CL issue for us is not a major one, but I do understand why people who have used the CL and now can no longer use it feel. I felt that way when they stopped combining benefits which was a huge take away for us. It does not take away from the on board experience but it is always in the back of my mind.


Royal had a great brand loyalty program in addition to having fantastic ships the two go hand in hand for us. We will still have our on board experience with RCL and hope it will continue to be a good one but what we learned from all of this is that a program can change and in this case it did. We have cruised on RCL as our cruise line of choice because we like their ships and were rewarded as repeat customers when that was taken away I questioned where does my loyalty lie with the ship or the benefits and perks and it lies with both. Like the ships and like the loyalty program it is what we came to expect from RCL.


We decided that we will still continue to sail RCL because we enjoy their ships. Brand loyalty is now on the back burner as we are trying other cruise line in addition to RCL. Where RCL was the only cruise line we sailed it has opened up new opportunities for us to experience what is out there. In the future we will cruise because of we like the itinerary and are interested in being on a particular ship. We are no longer in a rush to make diamond when it happens it happens. When we first started cruising it was because we loved being on the ocean in a great environment I am going back to the original reason we started to cruise before we even knew about loyalty programs. Life is way to short to be caught up with all of this.


Exactly. Well said.


The idea that we are now being "disloyal" because we're going to try some other things is ridiculous. RCCL provided a loyalty program to keep us loyal. Why do you think they have the C&A program. Just because?? Of course not. It was to capture some of their newer cruisers and entice them to remain exclusively with RCCL.


When we first cruised RCCL 5 years ago, it was only because we were asked by a friend. We had a good time and saw that we could someday be a diamond if we cruised with RCCL exclusively. We liked the idea of the CL, so we decided to do just that. Never even looked at another cruise line. The C&A program worked for us. I admit it.


Now with the loss of combining benefits and the CL (which we all know RCCL had the right to change), RCCL is just one of the many cruise lines to choose from. We will now look around, shop around.... not just at cruising, but we'll take this opportunity to look at some land-based all-inclusives too. In fact, it appears the Bermuda cruise in my list below is about to get taken down for a 5-night all-inclusive in the Dominican Republic. It isn't that we won't ever cruise RCCL again. Its not like that. It just makes it where they now have to compete with other vacation options. I'm not disloyal. I do like RCCL. But how do I know I like cruising on RCCL best if I don't try some other things? No, perhaps the grass won't be greener. But maybe it will be. Heck, I'm willing to give some others a try and see what's what.

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Originally Posted by hellosailer viewpost.gif

neither did rccl!! Not only no time limit, but also stated in contract that they can change the loyalty programme at any time. And they did!! And most regular cruisers knew it had to happen somehow.


yes, rccl did say that if you accumulate 5 credits you become platinum and after 10 you become diamond, blah, blah, blah and the more you cruise, the more benefits you get, blah, blah, blah..............kelloggs made no such statements. They put their product out along wth 50 others and it was our choice to buy what we wanted and it was their choice to do what they wanted. I never felt that i had to keep buying kellog products to achieve a certain level. And i certainly wouldn't feel that kellog was disloyal to me for making a smaller box!!! That's ridiculous!!!!


well, my analogy is that people who have enjoyed free drinks etc. In the cl are "now like rats deserting a sinking ship". Now they can't get anymore drinks for free, they would rather pay for drinks on another line - and that's not very loyal either!!! In fact, its rather like a kid throwing its toys out of the pram. Well, these cruisers will be back - we know the competition very well - the grass is not always greener over the hill!!


we could debate this forever, but i don't think you get it yet!! We gave rccl our business because we liked their product but also because of their loyalty program.....there was a connection there. Because of their loyatly program we never tried other lines, which now we can because i won't be rushing anytime soon to up our membership to d+ status. The demotion of diamonds and then the changing of the plan just does not sit well with many diamonds. First we were demoted to having one party per cruise and now thaqt was changed to a room with wine and champ. This proves to me that rccl did deceive us in the fact that they passed the change off as "crowding". Even if the overflows are crowded on some cruises, what makes them think they won't be crowded now??? They're still providing a room, just no drinks. I honestly just think that 25% off a drink is tacky.


But what i don't think you get is that this was the last straw!!! They already stripped us of benefits of much more value than a few free drinks!!! As a diamond and shareholder, i feel that we're not getting any more benefits than a new cruiser. We can use one (1) discount just like everyone else. Most of us that book balconys or suites will most likely us the balcony discount. The person that books an inside can use an obc, which i might add is no different than any new cruiser............so i feel as many others feel....we're not getting any additional benefit as p/d/d+.


So, do you stil think that we should remain loyal to royal........not in this economy, we'll be looking for the best prices an itineraries (and lately rccl has not had the best itineraries and they keep cancelling and changing port times. And by the way, i don't think it's polite to refer to us as rats running!!!



i said it in the beginning and i say it now - in most cases its all about the free drinks!!! Whether rccl will reinstate the free drinks remains to be seen.


i think rccl needs to reinstate the benefits as well. P/d/d+ should be able to use their balcony discount with at least one (1) other benefit such as nc certificate obc or shareholder obc. At least if they did this it would look like we were getting an additonal benefit for our status. And for those that don't book a balcony, well, they should let them use one coupon and one obc.




anyway, there are still free drinks - on freedom class and oasis. The choice is yours!!!


Just bears out what I said in the beginning "Its all about the money".


We had the good years, the freebies, the discounts all added together so that some paid almost nothing for their cruise!!! So now the difficult times are upon RCCL, let's forget how much we got out of them and go to the other lines, in a hissy fit!! Very nice!!!


They promised nothing - see the Contract - its a Corporate programme for goodness sake, not a marriage!! And anyone who enjoyed the goodies and jumps ship for this reason, is in my view, disloyal!!!!

But most view it as a promise when it is advertised that after so many cruises you get more discounts and better perks? Sure they can change their program at any time[we all know that]but it still hurts when something is taken away.When they announced no more free drinks,no more welcome back party and so on, people complained and then they say ok we will give you 25% off on drinks.That's like a slap in the face.

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We just received a very large benefit that makes any of the other Diamond privileges look petty. On our up-coming Med. cruise the fare has gone down about $1,000. I'll take that anyday instead of the free drinks, photo coupons and the other little perks. I don't know about the fares going down on other cruises but it's certainly worth checking. It sure made us happy.

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But most view it as a promise when it is advertised that after so many cruises you get more discounts and better perks? Sure they can change their program at any time[we all know that]but it still hurts when something is taken away.When they announced no more free drinks,no more welcome back party and so on, people complained and then they say ok we will give you 25% off on drinks.That's like a slap in the face.


Of course it hurts, no-one is denying that!! But 25% off is better than nothing off, on all the other cruise lines!! And wine and champers are free - also not on other mass-market cruise lines.


The thing is that at first there was a huge protest on here at losing the CL and all the drinks, a place to socialise, a private place for breakfast and loss of the Concierge. Most said it wasn't about the free drinks!! Ho hum - beg to differ - RCCL have made arrangements for most of what was requested - unfortunately, many are totally inflexible - all or nothing.


Well, on the other lines, it will be nothing!!!!

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Of course it hurts, no-one is denying that!! But 25% off is better than nothing off, on all the other cruise lines!! And wine and champers are free - also not on other mass-market cruise lines.


The thing is that at first there was a huge protest on here at losing the CL and all the drinks, a place to socialise, a private place for breakfast and loss of the Concierge. Most said it wasn't about the free drinks!! Ho hum - beg to differ - RCCL have made arrangements for most of what was requested - unfortunately, many are totally inflexible - all or nothing.


Well, on the other lines, it will be nothing!!!!


True, it will be nothing. But I am no longer going to cruise on RCCL or any other line because of a CL or free wine or any other perk. I had that as a reason to stay loyal to RCCL, and it was the WRONG reason.


The only reason to be loyal to RCCL will be IF I like them best. The only way to know if I like them best is to try others.


In the end, it will probably wind up where I regularly cruise on a few different lines, based more on ships, itinerary and price. As well as some occasional land based.


Oh, and I always said the CL and the free drinks were the tipping point for me. It's not the reason I sailed on RCCL, but it's the reason I ONLY sailed on RCCL. Do you see the difference between the two?

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