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what is the wildest,craziest thing you've ever seen on a cruise?


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One of the funniest things i ever saw/experienced on cruise was when me and a group of friends went about the paradise on a 7 day out of miami (back when it was a non smoking ship)


It was the first night and we had had a very busy day and were pooped out. I was in my cabin and they were playing Castaway (with tom hanks) and i had never seen it, and really liked it. Well the next day while playing ping pong one of the balls got loose and i caught it before it went overboard and i noticed it had a couple of dents on it. It was then when the idea hit me... this was no ordinary ball. It was wilson reincarnated!


To make a long story short, for the next 6 days i took the ball with me every where (including the onboard activites, dining room, on stage 3 times, and to the rex disco) and it had become such a big thing that the entertainers on board would stop there act to ask to see "wilson". I also had random strangers recognizing me and asking to take pictures with wilson or if they could dance with wilson.


It was a very weird experience but extremely funny and one that i will never forget.


By the way we were referred to as "The Miami Crew" because we would sit in the front row every night for the shows, we always volunteered and we were the loudest lol.

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Great Thread! I've got 3 short ones:


On Mariner of the Seas we were just pulling away from the pier in St. Maarten. We were out on our balcony on the side of the ship alongside the pier as were a thousand other passengers. All the sudden we saw a guy running toward the ship carrying two bags under his arms..but the ship was using it's thrusters and sliding out. A black van shot down the pier and slid to a stop in front of him and several special police jumped out in black uniforms and made him lay down at gunpoint. They talked to him for a second, looked in his bags, and then let him get up an dust off. The ship stopped pulling away and started to slide back up to the pier. All of us realized that the ship was going to go ahead and let Mr. Late on the ship so all the sudden about 200-300 passengers started heckling him from their balconies with calls like "Get a Timex!" "Pay Attention Next Time" "Hey, Your Wife wants her shopping bags!" It was so funny to hear all these accents all yelling at this one guy!


On Celebration one time sliding back from the pier in Cozumel, late late at night, two girls, in high heels and miniskirts came running up the pier screaming for the ship to stop. The crew reachedout from a hatch and tried to get them to jump in, it was a very short jump for them and the ship was barely moving. Both kicked off their heels and dove head first into the group of crewman in the hatch. Not sure what happened next but I don't think the crew or passengers were complaining.


My favorite is two stories of wind: My sister walked out on the fantail of Celebration with a hamburger and fries and the wind wiped it right off her plate and right onto the belly of a girl who was laying out in a bikini on the next deck down! The other is when we were in a squall one time, I though it would be cool to walk outside and do my best Cary Crant on the bridge of the submarine with my coffee. I walked outside of the lida grill and instantly the wind swooped my coffee out of my cup and threw it all on my brand new jacket. I pivoted 180 degrees and walked back in to a hysterically laughing room full of cruisers... not smart!


Fun stuff!!


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Years ago early in the morning in Mazatlan. Have your picture taken with an iguana. The gentleman puts the iguana on his shoulder. The iguana starts to pee, and pee, and pee. You could literally see the iguana get smaller by the second. After what seems like minutes the iguana finally stops. Of course by now this poor guy has iguana pee starting from his shoulder, running down his pants and pooling in his shoes. Being miles from the ship, my guess is that the guy bought some new clothes for the rest of the day.

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its not really wild or crazy but most definitely the funniest:


when waiting to be sat for dinner, we were just behind a japaneese couple. The restaurant had a strict dress code of no jeans/no flip flops/no shorts etc.


The Japanese man (who I'm sure didnt speak English) was wearing these quite smart three quarter length trousers. The staff classified this as shorts. They then proceeded to try and explain the dress code to the couple who clearly didnt know what they were trying to explain. This guy was clearly going to be no problem, but he eventually ended up being physically removed from the place, none the wiser as to why. Although I felt bad watching I couldnt help but laugh purely because the guy really didnt have a clue what was going on.


Another night, we saw the same couple in the same resteraunt, (this time with trousers luckily). But this time both him and his couple fell asleep after their main course, both face down on the table. The staff didnt know what to do so just left them to it, but eventually they awoke, the staff brought them their dessert and they continued as normal.


Very very funny couple, so innocent, but funny none the less

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Originally Posted by Tuna

...so I was walking down to the restaurant with my stuffed bird on the shoulder of my life jacket, trying to keep my Burger King crown on with one hand, when this wig comes at my face from nowhere....


when all of a sudden it landed in front of my date who immedately slipped and fell under his blue suade shoes...


and got run over by a lady in a wheelchair out of control..............


That is hillarious!!ROFLMAO!! I was laughing so hard I about fell out of my seat!! LOL! Keep it up Tuna!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Back in 1999 we were on the 11day millenium cruise on the Triumph. My wife and I were in St. Marten, and did the America's Cup Race (best excursion ever). My wife was the part that did not do too much , but I was one of the guys that does the cranking w/ another person....anywho, the wind picks up real good and me and this guy are cranking the sail real hard and fast, when the boat decides to lean real hard, and water is spraying everywhere. My hand all of a sudden slips off the crank w/ this guy and I proceed to punch this guy out!!! (well almost). He was fine about it afterwards and his wife laughed saying hopefully I knocked some sense into him.

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I've just spent the better part of two days reading this thread - and I have to tell you - there are some whacky people out there!


I've been trying to think of some stories of my own, and only two come to mind (and they're not so much funny, but pretty crazy):


Story 1:


My mom is a travel agent, and she and I used to go on a cruise a year together (without dad - I'm an only child, and this was our annual mother/daughter trip). Well, I think it was 1994, and we were on Sovereign of the Seas. This is back when the ship used to cruise for 7 days, and it was our second time on the ship. Well, we were docked in San Juan, and were not scheduled to leave until around 2am. We were up on deck for the sailaway party, and Mom and I got to talking to this guy who was part of the crew on the Magesty of the Seas, but had some time off so had taken his entire family on the Sovereign for the week. I believe they were from Ireland. Well. this guy was really worried because his sister had decided to go out into San Juan, by herself, at night and wasn't back yet. Well, no sooner does he tell us this story when his sister shows up - her white outfit splattered with blood. Well, it seems she had wandered down the wrong alley, and had ended up in the middle of some sort of gang fight. She's lucky she wasn't killed!


Story #2:


So the other thing that we did as a family was around christmas time, we usually went on some sort of family cruise together. Being an onlyi child, we would often take my oldest cousin with us who is 5 years younger than me, but he and I have always gotten along well despite the age difference. I was 17, which means my cousin was 12 (and he's now 29 and graduating from med school in May. Gosh I'm old! anyway - I digress...) - so we were on Celebrity, I think it was, and they supposedly ahd some sort of special program going on that was more kid oriented because it was Christmas week. Well, no, they really didn't. We spent most of the cruise in the computer lab, because there was literally nothing else to do. My cousin made some friends on the cruise, and by the end of the week, he was more than just a little bit stir crazy. So he and his new friend found the gym. The way that the story goes is that my cousin decided that a brilliant thing to do would be to set the treadmill to 10, and jump on... yeah - burns up and down his legs when he fell onto the treadmill... luckily it was the end of the cruise, and luckily we had a letter of conscent from his parents...




Thank you all so much for the laughs! :) I might have other stories - but these are the two that I could think of off the top of my head.

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I've just spent the better part of two days reading this thread - and I have to tell you - there are some whacky people out there!


I've been trying to think of some stories of my own, and only two come to mind (and they're not so much funny, but pretty crazy):


Story 1:


My mom is a travel agent, and she and I used to go on a cruise a year together (without dad - I'm an only child, and this was our annual mother/daughter trip). Well, I think it was 1994, and we were on Sovereign of the Seas. This is back when the ship used to cruise for 7 days, and it was our second time on the ship. Well, we were docked in San Juan, and were not scheduled to leave until around 2am. We were up on deck for the sailaway party, and Mom and I got to talking to this guy who was part of the crew on the Magesty of the Seas, but had some time off so had taken his entire family on the Sovereign for the week. I believe they were from Ireland. Well. this guy was really worried because his sister had decided to go out into San Juan, by herself, at night and wasn't back yet. Well, no sooner does he tell us this story when his sister shows up - her white outfit splattered with blood. Well, it seems she had wandered down the wrong alley, and had ended up in the middle of some sort of gang fight. She's lucky she wasn't killed!


Story #2:


So the other thing that we did as a family was around christmas time, we usually went on some sort of family cruise together. Being an onlyi child, we would often take my oldest cousin with us who is 5 years younger than me, but he and I have always gotten along well despite the age difference. I was 17, which means my cousin was 12 (and he's now 29 and graduating from med school in May. Gosh I'm old! anyway - I digress...) - so we were on Celebrity, I think it was, and they supposedly ahd some sort of special program going on that was more kid oriented because it was Christmas week. Well, no, they really didn't. We spent most of the cruise in the computer lab, because there was literally nothing else to do. My cousin made some friends on the cruise, and by the end of the week, he was more than just a little bit stir crazy. So he and his new friend found the gym. The way that the story goes is that my cousin decided that a brilliant thing to do would be to set the treadmill to 10, and jump on... yeah - burns up and down his legs when he fell onto the treadmill... luckily it was the end of the cruise, and luckily we had a letter of conscent from his parents...




Thank you all so much for the laughs! :) I might have other stories - but these are the two that I could think of off the top of my head.

My goodness... what a lesson to learn about travel! Especially alone at night in places we are not familiar with. Lucky thing in deed that she made it back!


Your poor cousin... do you joke now about the treatment afor treadmill burns? :D That would be a good one to bring up. Luckily no broken bones too.

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My goodness... what a lesson to learn about travel! Especially alone at night in places we are not familiar with. Lucky thing in deed that she made it back!


Your poor cousin... do you joke now about the treatment afor treadmill burns? :D That would be a good one to bring up. Luckily no broken bones too.


Oh yeah - we do quite often. ;) I'll next be seeing him on our cruise in May, I think -- so I think that that will be the appropriate time to bring it up again. ;)

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My family and I were on the Fantasy in '90 and went to Freeport. My hair was long and I wore it down. It seemed that every few feet, someone was asking to braid my hair, which I declined. One young girl was insistent and had asked several times, but I still declined. Shortly after, we had stopped to rest and grab a drink. That same young girl walked by with her finger at least two joints up her nose!:eek:


Guess I know now how they keep those braids together!


:D Officially LMAO here! The 10 hairdo just really isn't a good look for most people. But the finger up to the third digit is WORSE by far!

Thank you!


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  • 3 weeks later...
I have been reading this thread since the beginning...even posted my two cents worth.... but I LOVE the guy who wore his wifes pants to formal night !!!! Sounds like they need seperate closets in their cabin.....


Kevin, you have a very lucky Mom.


Keep em comin !!!!!!!!!!!!! :D


The craziest thing that I have seen was when I was on the Carnival Ecstasy. There was this young couple (probably mid 20's) and they were so drunk walking around the ship that they were stumbling into all kinds of objects around the ship. Next thing Me and parents here is a loud thud. The guy walked into a glass window and cracked the window and passed out on the ground!! The girl was too drunk to help him and just stood there dumbfounded! Security wasn't far and then handled the situation.


Ten years ago and I remember that like it was yesterday...hehe

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Well the two strange things I have to write about aren't funny but they were strange.


1. My husband, my best friend and I in Ensenada and were headed back to the ship we were trying to decide if we wanted to stop in town or go straight back to the ship. My husband thought we should check out either Papa's and Beer or Housongs just then the bus stopped at a light and we were near one of the clubs, I can't remember which one when my exclaimed "oh my god that girl just hit her in the face with a beer bottle". My husband saw it too and decided we should get back to the ship. As we got onto the elevator there were three women inside one of them crying and holding a towel to her face, it was the girl my friend had seen get hit. We never did find out what happened.


2. This one made the news. In September of 2002 on the last day of a three day cruise they were doing the usual paging of guest that goes on you know, so and so please report to the pursers desk, or immigration or where ever. Well they kept paging this one guest asking him to report to the immigration station. After a while they paging for people to have this man report to immigration if seen and were giving his description. They could not find this man anywhere on the ship. He had been seen at breakfast but no one had seen him after that. They kept everyone on board until almost noon, but never found him. About a year and a half later their was an article in the Long Beach newspaper about the incident. It seems the man never did turn up and his family doesn't even know what happened to him.:eek:

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All these stories about people walking into the glass doors? Been there, done that, got the tee shirt. And no, I was never drunk when I did that. First time it happened, I was about 12 years old and spilled chocolate milk all over my brand new white shorts. Second time, I was around 16, it was dark, I was talking to my sister, when BOOM! What made it even worse, there were a couple crew members right behind us that rushed over to make sure i was alright, meanwhile, I was hysterically laughing and could hardly talk.


I've also slid down the stairs. Just missed a step and woosh, slid down into a full split. Good thing I'm flexible. I did get some applause after that.


One of the funniest things I've seen, during a cruise from NY, they played the Newleywed game. One of the questions said "If you got 100 sea miles for every time you had nookie on the ship, how far would you have gotten?" So the couple that was 50+ years married, the wife says "Around the world!" The husband said "The Verrazano bridge". We all died laughing.

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Well it isn't something I found funny at the time but a lot of people seem to enjoy seeing my plight on the flow rider...





OH THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU...That was the best laugh I have had all week here at work. I loved the end when you were spinning...I am going to show my friends tonight...I think I will save this to play over when I feel down THANKS AGAIN!!!!

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Cute story. My husband and I are cruising for the first time on the Maasdam this coming April. We are really concerned with with only hearing stories of elderly people. What was the age of majority of passengers on your cruise? We are in our early forties and definitely don't want to be on a Geritol cruise!

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What was the age of majority of passengers on your cruise? We are in our early forties and definitely don't want to be on a Geritol cruise!

Every cruise is different. There are so many people on each ship, that you'll certainly find a lot of folks from just about every age group. Of course, the longer cruises (10 days or more) tend to have older passengers, because retired folks are able to spend more time traveling than those who still must hold down a job.

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