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4/26/09 Live from Carnival Splendor !!!


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For those of you who haven't cruised with or met Fred, I can tell you that he will enjoy this cruise as well as any cruise he's ever taken. Fred is the type who will make the best of any situation and the frustration you might envision going on onboard Splendor will not be shared by him. He will understand the frustration, but he will also take the whole experience in and enjoy the variety that results.


Take care Fred and keep up the keeping us updated! :)


Well people were still kicking and screaming getting off the ship, Lots of yelling, Get me off this damn ship!!! and you better give my son his money!!! Glad to see them leave, maybe they will book RCI in the future.





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Hi. I see your from Scottsdale we moved away from Scottsdale last August here to Sparks Nv. Were going on the Inspiratation out of Tampa this coming June but are booked on the new Dream out of Port Canaveral next July 3rd we'd love to be able to cruise with other Scottsdale families.

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Well my family of 6 is still ranting and raving about our extended, diverted and one night very rocky, Hurricane Frances cruise! We still laught about the 600 or so that got off in Galveston, which was added in order for them to pick up additional stores for the next 4 days at sea! It was Labor Day weekend ( Too bad I wasn't 17:D) and it was our first cruise as a family and we had the time of our lives. We still laugh about those that debarked in Galveston, with no return plane tix to speak of, and say that there must have been a "brain surgeon or rocket scientist convention" on board and that the world would stop if they didn't get back to work on Labor Day weekend.


Getting back home for us from a different debark port was fun as well.



Anyway, the cruise bug was deeply embedded in all of us (for me and DH it was just pushed in a little deeper) and now we are always in the planning stages for our next cruise!!!!


How exciting this cruise must be for all of you. What stories you will tell!

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I talked to Meredith while they were docked in LB and she said the note that was given out had it large and bold type that no refunds would be given if they chose to leave.


I realize some wanted to get off and don't think the trip north would be smooth enough, but for me, I would find a way to make it work. The cost of extra hotels, food, and flight changes would not be worth it to me.


Heck we were on the Glory last October and the seas were rough (eastern carribbean) the barf bags were hanging at the elevators and I had trouble not bumping into people (and no I wasn't drunk, I don't drink)lol

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Well people were still kicking and screaming getting off the ship, Lots of yelling, Get me off this damn ship!!! and you better give my son his money!!! Glad to see them leave, maybe they will book RCI in the future.


All outdoor decks are full, everyone is enjoying the sun right now.


I had some Tandoor Indian BBQ and its way too spicy for me, so I went up and had the Rotisserie, the chicken, baked potatoes, corn on the cob and Mac & Cheese was on the money. Also had some Coffee Flavored cake for dessert.


The Rotisserie is where the Fish & Chips station is on Deck 10, this ship does not have the Fish & Chips, the Burrito Bar is right below it on Deck 9, lido deck.


Did you guys figure out what ship the Lady that came off a cruise got the Swine Flu out of Colorado ???








I, like all the others, are enjoying the inside view on what is happening. We sail on the Splendor, but not until October. I would love to hear about the burrito bar when you or someone on board partakes.

Thanks and smooth sailing the rest of the way.

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Heck we were on the Glory last October and the seas were rough (eastern carribbean) the barf bags were hanging at the elevators and I had trouble not bumping into people (and no I wasn't drunk, I don't drink)lol


I understand that. We had an interesting morning last October on the Destiny. I drink, but now much at all. The Sinnas are still trying to get me tipsy....:p We should get along great in October!!!:D

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I know everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but a lot of people thinks those people are getting off the ship are "whinner" or doesn't have good attitude and a complainers.


We really don't know the reason for them getting off the ship in Long Beach. If I were on that ship, I would get off the ship...not because I am a whinner, but because going up north is most likely you will encounter rough sea, and I don't think my family would enjoy the route. For some passengers that is not a problems, but for other it might make them sick.


Imagine for the next 3 or 4 days, you can't eat any foods on board, because it makes you so sick...and all you want to do is get off the ship. Then after you return from your "vacation" you have to call in sick to recover from your trip. That is no fun.


I know Carnival did the best in a situation, I wouldn't care less about the refund...why would I torture my family for extra 3 or 4 days of rough sea?





NOAA is forecasting 4ft seas for Friday before Noon when Splendor arrives. Up to 9 ft afterwards but she will be in port. The ride "downhill" South on the heavier seas will be smoother.



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In the Navy I believe we used the Yellow Flag for Quarantine. We had a signalman onboard USS Elliot (DD-967) when we sailed out of Korea, the poor guy ended up with the Crabs and we placed the Yellow Flags on this bunk and anywhere he went like the bathroom stall and even on chairs he used just as a joke LOL.




We had Lunch with your parents up on Deck 10 the Rotisserie, they are cool people, your dad goes by Mike2000. Youre right about N.J. you actually live here in Cali.




The ship is amazing isn't it !!!


Oh, Cathy, Wendy's mom has a flight from San Diego to Vegas, we are just going to drive her down to Vegas and enjoy a few days there after the Cruise, I don't want her stuck in a Plane full of people that just left Mexico on Vacation. Remember folks this weekend is Cinco De Mayo weekend and there will be alot of parting down down in TiJuana Mexico etc.


The Mexican Pres is telling the people there to just stay at home for the Cinco De Mayo holiday.


Pat and Mike which is SassyRedHat is currently on her way home, I told her to post on here when she gets home, she should be home by 3pm San Diego time.



I couldn't believe how warm the water is in the Main pool, I will be in it Saturday!!!




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Here's the report from Denver's ABC affiliate:


DENVER -- The Colorado Department of Health confirmed Thursday that Colorado has two confirmed cases of H1N1 Swine flu.




Why did they name a disease after a robot in Star Wars?

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When the PRIDE was moved from LA to Miami recently through the Panama Canal there were some absolute bargains for this 14-day cruise. Wished I could have made it. :)



I was on that sailing and there were no bargains to be had until after final payment was due when some cancelled. It was a great cruise.

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Why did they name a disease after a robot in Star Wars?


H1N1 Influenza A is the technical name for this flu strain. Does sound like something from Star Wars.


I hope everyone that decided to stay on board has a wonderful time and makes the best of the situation...personally, I love sea days but warm ones!

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On the bright side, we can hope that MANY people cancel their cruises (they woulda been the whiners on board all week anyway!!), and we get a nice non-crowded ship, and a good possibility of a cheap (i.e. FREE) upgrade to a nicer cabin. (got an oceanview 6B at this point)


Don't know if they will this early, but we are on the 5/3 (this Sunday) sailing. We got an 8G from a 4E free. And, I am hoping the whiners are the ones cancelling this week as well! As you say, hoping for a nice, non-crowded ship!


They can call us "whiners" for getting off the ship in Long Beach but unless you are in the situation you have no right to comment.


Have a great cruise come this Sunday May 3rd. By then they may have more ports closed and your cruise may become a 7 day cruise to NOWHERE!

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In the Navy I believe we used the Yellow Flag for Quarantine. We had a signalman onboard USS Elliot (DD-967) when we sailed out of Korea, the poor guy ended up with the Crabs and we placed the Yellow Flags on this bunk and anywhere he went like the bathroom stall and even on chairs he used just as a joke LOL.


That may be but that's not what it means on RCCL


From expertcruiser.com:


The Outbreak Prevention Plan


Five years ago, Royal Caribbean was the first cruise line to develop a comprehensive program to help prevent the spread of norovirus infections. Vince Warger, director of medical services for Royal Caribbean and Celebrity cruise lines, worked directly with the Vessel Sanitation Program of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to come up with the Outbreak Prevention Plan, OPP for short — a comprehensive disinfection program that helps keep passengers from spreading the virus aboard ship. The program has since been adopted by all cruise lines that report to the CDC.


The plan was put into play early on the second day of the Liberty cruise. Michael Sheehan, Royal Caribbean’s associate vice president of corporate communications, says that several passengers reported to the infirmary with norovirus-like symptoms just hours after the ship set sail from Miami. Noroviruses have a one-to-two-day incubation period, so it appears that the passengers had been infected before boarding; unfortunately, they had already spread the virus among the passengers and crew. Seeing the potential for an outbreak, the captain set the OPP in motion.


What exactly does the OPP program entail?


“It’s a three-step process that is color-coded,” says Sheehan. “Code Green is our standard operating procedures — cleaning of cabins twice a day, wiping down handrails, etc. Code Yellow requires more enhanced cleaning of all high-touch areas such as elevator buttons, handles, railings, restrooms, phones, computer keyboards and so on. We may stop passengers from using tongs at the buffet and have only kitchen staff serve guests. Handshaking is also discouraged as this is the most common way the virus is transmitted. Code Red means even more cleaning, more frequent curtailments.”

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Well, we got home about noon. We are two of the people (2 of the 1,000) who got off in LB.


No we are not whiners or complainers. We had insurance, but knew full well that it would not cover epidemics or such, and we didn't expect any compensation. This isn't the fault of CCL.


We left because our DS and DIL, who are both deaf, had text us and said they were going to the hospital because DS had the flu. I was freaking out. My Dad, who had lived in Mazatlan, just died last Wed.


At any rate, DS has "A" flu but not HI flu. As I type, DIL just woke up, and now SHE is sick. We made a good call.


And yes, the ocean was rough, but coming back into LB, smooth as glass.

Fred is telling a good story. :D


We had fun on Wendy's b-day dinner, and we will miss them. I see a future cruise together.



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Sorry you weren't happy with your cruise :( I would love to know why you decided to get off the ship.


I loved my cruise and I would book the Splendor again with no problem. We decided not to continue on our cruise because we didn't sign on for that many "seadays" and we didn't want to go to San Francisco. Call it a little cabin fever but we elected to continue our vacation somewhere else.

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I loved my cruise and I would book the Splendor again with no problem. We decided not to continue on our cruise because we didn't sign on for that many "seadays" and we didn't want to go to San Francisco. Call it a little cabin fever but we elected to continue our vacation somewhere else.



See, there are all kinda reasons for people to have gotten off the ship and most probably wouldn't be whiners.

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Survivor going overboard from Carnival Cruise 2006


Almost Giving Up


After about 14 hours with no food or water, Tim had not seen a passing ship in hours. He faced a moment that most of us dread ever having to face.

"I was tired, and so I made peace with God and closed my eyes and started going down in the water, taking water into my nose, into my lungs. And no thoughts went through my head. I was ready for it to be over."

Tim says he started to sink in the darkness, but then, something happened -- he felt a renewed determination and realized he wasn't ready to give up yet. "And my eyes just opened and I swam back to the top, spit the water out and decided that I was, I was going to keep swimming," he said.

Tim struggled on for three more hours -- his head badly sunburned, his legs raw from hours of kicking in the salty sea. Despite all his determination, he was still 50 miles from shore.

"There was no way I was reaching land whatsoever," he said.

Then he saw something on the horizon. "I saw a ship in the distance and watched it travel on the same path for quite a while and just decided that that was ... going to be my last chance," Sears said.

With everything he had left, Sears swam toward the ship, coming within 200 yards of it. "I had lost my glasses, of course, I couldn't see," he said. "And I had a bright yellow T-shirt on underneath that I had taken off and ripped to try to make it larger, to wave them down."

He thought he saw someone on the deck, but the ship kept moving. Sears screamed at the top of his lungs, until he was breathless.

It paid off. "What I later found out is that they actually heard me before they saw me," he said.

The foreign cargo ship heading for Texas -- named "Eny" -- plucked Sears from the water, ending his ordeal at the last possible hour.

"It actually brought me to tears when I was sitting there," he recalled. "I was asking God to send me any ship and here 'Eny' ship had rescued me and it just did, it brought me to tears."

For all Sears learned about himself trapped in the water, he still knows very little about how he got there.

Sears concedes it's possible he may have gotten way too drunk and somehow fallen overboard, though he says that in the past when he's drank too much, he's remained "aware of what's going on."

He believes that one of two things happened to him that night. "Either I was looking over the railing and fell, or somebody put something in my drink," he said.

But Sears is different from the families searching for loved ones after cruises -- he'd like to know more about what happened to him, but he's very happy about what he already knows.

"I'm just glad to be alive," he said.

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