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Now we have the Chickenpox!!!


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Well this is just great- thought the swine flu was going to ruin our cruise- but now my 14 year old has the chickenpox -her teacher ended up having the shingles and didn't know it.


So exactly 14 days from the onset of her bumps appearing, that will be the day we are to fly out- and I have a 1 year old- so I am scared he is going to get them now! So now what should I do?


They have both had the vaccine- but I guess that didn't work completely for my older child.


Thank goodness I bought travel insurance-which is the first time in 8 cruises that I did!


Does anyone know how much notice you have to give to get your money back with the insurance in case that is what has to happen?


I am taking my baby to the doctor for a check-up tomorrow and will see what the doc says.



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Call your insurance and ask them. Most you can cancel up until day of as long as you have a doctor's note - but it does depend on the insurance.


Sorry about the chickenpox and I'll be praying that your family heals rapidly (and those that are healthy STAY healthy)!

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Holy cow. :eek: Yeah we had an outbreak of chicken pox last year here in the schools and they advised everyone to get a 2nd chicken pox vaccine. So my oldest has had the 2nd vax. My youngest will get the vax next week at the peds.


And my mom has shingles and has had it for 11 weeks now. :(


As far as the travel insurance - it all just depends on your coverage. Do you have the cruise insurance that just covers the cruise (and cruise air if purchased through cruiseline) or did you purchase the "travel coverage" that would cover your airline tix as well?


Hope the baby stays well. What does the doc think as far as your 14 year old? Will she be able to go?

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My 12 YO got the CP 2 years ago when DS#2 was only 9 months old...and had not yet been vaccinated.


We kept them completely separated.. and washed hands alot... DS #2 did NOT get them...


Also, my elder child had a pretty mild case, which is typical with those who get it and have had the immunization.


My pediatrician explained that they now recommend a booster for the 1st set of kids that got the vaccine... He ouwld have gotten it at his next annual physical.. no need now!


But the vaccine your 1YO got SHOULD help protect them from getting it at all...especially since they just got it.


Good luck!!!! Let us know how it goes.

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Don't you wish you could just put your family in a bubble about one month before every scheduled vacation!


This past vacation 3 out of 4 of us were on antibiotics for the first half of the trip. Strep, ear, and strep/sinus. Luckily by the time we left all were feeling better.

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Well this is just great- thought the swine flu was going to ruin our cruise- but now my 14 year old has the chickenpox -her teacher ended up having the shingles and didn't know it.


So exactly 14 days from the onset of her bumps appearing, that will be the day we are to fly out- and I have a 1 year old- so I am scared he is going to get them now! So now what should I do?


They have both had the vaccine- but I guess that didn't work completely for my older child.


Thank goodness I bought travel insurance-which is the first time in 8 cruises that I did!


Does anyone know how much notice you have to give to get your money back with the insurance in case that is what has to happen?


I am taking my baby to the doctor for a check-up tomorrow and will see what the doc says.




Vaccinated but it didn't work? that's funny...my pediatrician swears up and down that vaccinations are the way to go...you would think that vaccinations were the "golden ticket" as far as my pediatrician is concerned.... But I have heard people say the same thing that you are saying- "in our case the vaccination didn't work."


Cant they treat chickenpox with Valtrex? I think it shortens the duration of the outbreak.


Crossing my fingers that your young one doesn't come down with it and you are able to go. Be careful with your older one and any healing sores and salt water. I'm no expert but wouldn't the combination cause them to scar?


Good luck!

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Vaccinated but it didn't work? that's funny...my pediatrician swears up and down that vaccinations are the way to go...you would think that vaccinations were the "golden ticket" as far as my pediatrician is concerned.... But I have heard people say the same thing that you are saying- "in our case the vaccination didn't work."


Cant they treat chickenpox with Valtrex? I think it shortens the duration of the outbreak.


Crossing my fingers that your young one doesn't come down with it and you are able to go. Be careful with your older one and any healing sores and salt water. I'm no expert but wouldn't the combination cause them to scar?


Good luck!



You may recall, this vaccine just came out about 14-15 years ago- They have since learned that a booster is needed.. Those children who have not gotten the booster are at risk (minimal) to ctach the CP.


However the dureation is short, and some only get 1-2 pox total. DS got about 50.. but only one batch and he was done in a few days.. no scars, and felt fine.


SO still better to have had the vaccine, as the severity of the infection wouldhave been MUCH worse otherwise....


But I understand there are strong feelings on vaccines, and am not posting this in any way as a political statement!! :)

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Vaccinated but it didn't work? that's funny...my pediatrician swears up and down that vaccinations are the way to go...you would think that vaccinations were the "golden ticket" as far as my pediatrician is concerned.... But I have heard people say the same thing that you are saying- "in our case the vaccination didn't work."


Cant they treat chickenpox with Valtrex? I think it shortens the duration of the outbreak.


Crossing my fingers that your young one doesn't come down with it and you are able to go. Be careful with your older one and any healing sores and salt water. I'm no expert but wouldn't the combination cause them to scar?


Good luck!


Salt water has nothing to do with scar development.


OP - please watch your youngest carefully, as most children who are going to get sick, come down with it about two weeks after exposure.


The worst thing about having chicken pox, is the possibility of having shingles later in life. I watched my MIL suffer through this, and her pain was incredible. She ended up with Postherpetic Neuralgia, not uncommon in older people, and she had constant pain until the end of her life. It was awful to watch.

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Salt water has nothing to do with scar development.


OP - please watch your youngest carefully, as most children who are going to get sick, come down with it about two weeks after exposure.


The worst thing about having chicken pox, is the possibility of having shingles later in life. I watched my MIL suffer through this, and her pain was incredible. She ended up with Postherpetic Neuralgia, not uncommon in older people, and she had constant pain until the end of her life. It was awful to watch.


Several pediatricians have told me that the vaccine can actually cause an outbreak of shingles - immediately or later on.

<sigh> possibly damned if you do, possibly damned if you don't....


Valtrex can treat a case of shingles - shortens the duration. That I am certain of.

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ok- here's the deal about the CP according the the Ped.


14 year old has the CP because they just realized 2 years or so ago that there needs to be a follow up booster given at age 4 (after initial dose at 12 months) so of course I didn't know that and that is why she picked it up!


16 month old should be fine because he just had the initial shot at 12 months- and even at worst would be very mild.


He said our friend's kids that we are traveling with should not get them either because they actually had the cp instead of the vaccine.


Of course once you have CP it stays in your body forever and can come back, but not likely- so hopefully everything will work out.


He felt very confident that baby probably won't get them- and didn't blink and eye and said GO! So I guess we are going unless he actually has them the day of the sailing.


He said 14 year old could have the booster after 6 months if I wanted her to- but now she has the CP so not sure I will?



BTW- he has 3 small kids and said he is traveling to Mexico -playa del car or something like that at the end of the month- he thinks it is blown way out of proportion- so lets hope he's right!- this was his answer to "what about taking kids on a cruise at this time?"


Thanks for all the help and advice- I will be checking into my insurance as well- looks like it might have been a good buy this time.

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You may recall, this vaccine just came out about 14-15 years ago- They have since learned that a booster is needed.. Those children who have not gotten the booster are at risk (minimal) to ctach the CP.


Yep, that's exactly what happened. :)


I watched my MIL suffer through this, and her pain was incredible. She ended up with Postherpetic Neuralgia, not uncommon in older people, and she had constant pain until the end of her life. It was awful to watch.


That's what my mom is going though now. It's not pretty. And she has been on valtrex and a battery of other drugs ever since she got it, nothing has worked. :(


And in my mommy group - one of the moms in our group was pretty vocal about not getting the CP vax when our 9 year olds were younger. When her daughter ended up catching CP, she had a case so severe that it went to her brain and caused a stroke. It happened last year and she is still having motor issues with it. :(

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Yep, that's exactly what happened. :)




That's what my mom is going though now. It's not pretty. And she has been on valtrex and a battery of other drugs ever since she got it, nothing has worked. :(


And in my mommy group - one of the moms in our group was pretty vocal about not getting the CP vax when our 9 year olds were younger. When her daughter ended up catching CP, she had a case so severe that it went to her brain and caused a stroke. It happened last year and she is still having motor issues with it. :(


My best wishes to your mom; this is an incredibly painful and difficult ordeal for anyone to understand. It is actually not uncommon and severe symptoms increase with the age of the patient.


My MIL could not even move her arm. She was in absolute agony. Everything was tried; going to a pain clinic and having every pain med imaginable and even an epidural to try and control the pain. And this from a woman who never complained about anything in her life.


It was never really resolved, but I am sad to say she had some other very serious health issues that were discovered, so she did not suffer for too long. It was truly horrible.

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So sorry about the CP outbreak! What a bummer right before your trip!


I think it is important to be absolutley sure that your kids aren't contagious to the other passangers (elderly and babies) on board. Elderly can become very ill if they contract CP. I think the fact that your Ped said he "doesn't think" it is contagious might make me think twice about possibly infecting others. I know my baby wont be vaccinated until his next check-up and we are cruising in a couple of days. I am more concerned for adults and elderly though since it can make them very ill. Personally, I would get another opinion about whether your children are potentially contagious before I would cruise.

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So sorry about the CP outbreak! What a bummer right before your trip!


I think it is important to be absolutley sure that your kids aren't contagious to the other passangers (elderly and babies) on board. Elderly can become very ill if they contract CP. I think the fact that your Ped said he "doesn't think" it is contagious might make me think twice about possibly infecting others. I know my baby wont be vaccinated until his next check-up and we are cruising in a couple of days. I am more concerned for adults and elderly though since it can make them very ill. Personally, I would get another opinion about whether your children are potentially contagious before I would cruise.


Op's daughter will certainly not be contagious two weeks from now. You are contagious from about two days before the rash breaks out, and lasts until the blisters are crusted over; about one week.


I am sure OP will be checking her son very carefully for symptoms and will certainly be aware if he is becoming sick. I don't see anywhere in her posts where her MD said "he doesn't think it is contagious". Of course it is now, but as stated, once the blisters have crusted over, and this should be long before the cruise, her daughter won't be contagious.

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It is Murphy´s Law- kids don´t get sick all year , then right before the trip-bam! Always puts me into tears. I really hope everything works out for you (sounds like it will.)


My daughter had the vaccine . She later spent the night at a friend´s house who woke up covered in pox. Her friend hadn´t been vaccinated and had lesions in her ears , on her

genital area , on her feet...everywhere. My daughter ended up with 2 small lesions which cleared up in about 3 days. My sons didn´t get sick.


Shingles-not only the elderly get them. I got them when I was under a lot of stress-9/11 happened , my father died unexpectedly , 10 days later his mother died , then 10 days later my grandfather died. Luckily , I caught it early , took acyclovir and it cleared up in a relatively short time.


Anyone who has immunosuppression (cancer patients etc) is at risk too.


Sounds like the OP has things under control-best of luck!


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OP, I'm so sorry this happened before your cruise. A lot of folks think about kids getting CP from other kids with CP, but not as much about getting it from an adult with shingles. Back in 1996 (right after the vaccine came out), my mom and dad came to stay with us right before our middle son was born - Mom developed shingles and the doctor told her to leave immediately. I consulted my ob/gyn and pediatrician - older son hadn't been vaccinated. The ob/gyn didn't think there would be a problem with the baby since I had CP as a child, but the ped wanted older son to get vaccinated. Unfortunately, it was too late - 14 days after Mom's shingles diagnosis (and two days after middle son's birth), older son developed CP. And 14 days later, our 16-day old middle son developed CP. Fortunately both cases were relatively mild. Middle son did get the vaccine when he was a year old - our ped had never seen a case of CP in a child so young, so she had no idea whether the virus' immunity was strong enough to prevent a future event. He's 13 now and had the booster last year.


I think your ped has given you good advice; since your younger child had the vaccine 4 months ago, the vaccine most likely has taken effect and he won't get CP from the 14 YO. And the 14 YO won't be contagious by the time of the cruise. Go, and have a great time!


One condition other than shingles that you can get from the varicella (CP) virus is Bell's Palsy, where one side of your face goes numb. I managed to develop that one a year ago; it lasted two weeks. I felt fine - I just couldn't move one side of my face. It made for some very weird smiles and very careful ways to drink beverages.:o BTW, my mom fortunately had a fairly short encounter with shingles and has never had another outbreak. She's 78 years old now.

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We will definitely NOT be cruising if 14 year old still has CP or baby has any signs of it. I wouldn't do that to my kids first of all-plus I wouldn't do that to myself either-$4000 to be quarantined for a week?-NO THANKS.


Baby has no signs of it yet, and 14 year old is feeling better- and will be more than healed when we get on the boat - it will have been about 20 days since onset of CP-so she should be fine.


Looks like we are going to Key West instead of Cozumel now. Now if we can just stay away from the swine flu -we should be good to go!:D


Thanks for all the help.

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