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Dubrovnik Questions (merged)

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Just returned from Dubrovnik and you can pay in euros for the wall (10 euros or 70 kuna). Most places take euros but at one cafe in Split the waiter could not or would not change a 10 euro note. He overcharged us for the drinks and gave change in kuna. I changed the kuna at an exchange place at a good rate but the waiter effectively overcharged us by 1 euro by using a lower exchange rate. If I went again, I would change some euros for kuna before spending any money.


We also paid for our wall access in Euros. ATMs were plentiful and after we walked the wall, I withdrew 300 kuna which we used for lunch, ice cream, postcards etc. We spend the remaing change on bottled water and local beer at a large "Konzum" supermarket next to the port where our ship docked.

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We also paid for our wall access in Euros. ATMs were plentiful and after we walked the wall, I withdrew 300 kuna which we used for lunch, ice cream, postcards etc. We spend the remaing change on bottled water and local beer at a large "Konzum" supermarket next to the port where our ship docked.

The perfect way to spend the last of your extra cash. I hope you had a great day in Dubrovnik.

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I know it is still questionable when exactly the cable car will be up and running again, but if it IS up and running, where exactly do we enter it to take to the ride up? (We will be there on September 20th of this year.) (I think we will start our day with a walk around the entire wall and I'm wondering where we would go from there to catch the cable car.) Also, what is the cost (approximately)?

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I know it is still questionable when exactly the cable car will be up and running again, but if it IS up and running, where exactly do we enter it to take to the ride up? (We will be there on September 20th of this year.) (I think we will start our day with a walk around the entire wall and I'm wondering where we would go from there to catch the cable car.) Also, what is the cost (approximately)?

The cable car will be open on 10 July 2010, the same day as our Summer Festival. The cost is going to be 70 Kuna or 10 Euros and I am sure it will be cash only. The entrance is located outside of the far eastern gate, which we call Ploce (plo-cha). Turn left and walk up the hill towards the fire station, at that intersection turn right and walk up the hill. End of the street, turn right again and the entrance is just a short few meters away.

There is a second option, but it does mean walking up many steps to reach the hidden Buza gate. You won't have a problem finding the cable car, just follow the crowds. Enjoy your time here.

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Dubrovniktravelady -

So, if we take the ship's shuttle to the Pile entrace, then walk to the Ploce entrance (its a short walk, from what I have read), we could then walk the entire wall and end back at the Ploce entrance where we could enjoy a cable car ride, correct? Does that sound like a decent plan? (I'm not sure if I'm missing anything obvious that would make this a bad plan.) You have recommended in other posts having a taxi take us to 'the viewpoint'... would that view be different than what we would see on the cable car? Also, how long does the ride usually last? (I'm wondering where we should factor in time for a nice lunch.) Thanks again for all of your help!

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Dubrovniktravelady -

So, if we take the ship's shuttle to the Pile entrace, then walk to the Ploce entrance (its a short walk, from what I have read), we could then walk the entire wall and end back at the Ploce entrance where we could enjoy a cable car ride, correct? Does that sound like a decent plan? (I'm not sure if I'm missing anything obvious that would make this a bad plan.) You have recommended in other posts having a taxi take us to 'the viewpoint'... would that view be different than what we would see on the cable car? Also, how long does the ride usually last? (I'm wondering where we should factor in time for a nice lunch.) Thanks again for all of your help!

Sounds like a good plan to me. The viewpoint is on the highway above the old town as one would arrive from the Cavtat. It is a totally different view you will see from the top of the mountain via cable car. The ride to the top of the mountain should only take about 4 to 5 minutes and you can stay up there as long as you want. Once I've done the cable car again I will be sure to discuss the view and all the sights up top. Am just waiting until it opens next month. As I've mentioned many times on other sites, construction deadlines are mostly a joke here. Nothing happens on time, cable car was originally scheduled to open by 01 May, 01 June, 01 July. It is now 10 July, we shall see. As for lunch, depends on what time you finish the wall and what time your ship departs. Pick a nice place and do enjoy some of our famous local seafood.

FYI The photo below is taken from the top of Mt. Srd (sur-ge).

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We are looking at the MS Arion for a cruise to Croatia next spring. I have not seen any recent reviews of this ship or others that go to the other locations in Croatia. Any suggestions? Which month would be best - April, May or June - don't want to go when it is too hot. Thanks - Jan

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I just started to follow this post yesterday. I read the first few months of posts and decided to skip ahead to more recent posts. I want to thank you for all your efforts. The information is amazing.


My wife and I are arriving on the Century Sept. 26th this year. We will take your advice and take a taxi to the viewpoint and then to the Ploce entrance to the wall.


We are arriving on a Sunday and were wondering about shops and restaurants being closed. Also we are hoping the weather is favorable.


I missed the original posts regarding the cable car. It sounds like it should be in operation by then. Where does it go? I will be relaying this thread to my other Roll Call members, the information you have given blows away any other research we have done. I can't tell you how much we are looking forward to seeing your wonderful city. Also thank you for Daniela's thread. I will start on that tomorrow. I hope her thread is half as informative as you have been.


Can we buy you a drink on the wall?

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I just started to follow this post yesterday. I read the first few months of posts and decided to skip ahead to more recent posts. I want to thank you for all your efforts. The information is amazing.


My wife and I are arriving on the Century Sept. 26th this year. We will take your advice and take a taxi to the viewpoint and then to the Ploce entrance to the wall.


We are arriving on a Sunday and were wondering about shops and restaurants being closed. Also we are hoping the weather is favorable.


I missed the original posts regarding the cable car. It sounds like it should be in operation by then. Where does it go? I will be relaying this thread to my other Roll Call members, the information you have given blows away any other research we have done. I can't tell you how much we are looking forward to seeing your wonderful city. Also thank you for Daniela's thread. I will start on that tomorrow. I hope her thread is half as informative as you have been.


Can we buy you a drink on the wall?

Shops and restaurants are open on Sunday, it's about the season not day of the week which is important. Our season begins in April and ends on 01 November every year.

You will be in port with 3 other ships and town will be busy. Century arrives about 1000 and departs at 1800 so you will have the best part of the day here. Our weather should be perfect, not too much heat and humidity.

The cable car should be operating, the opening is 10 July and the view from the top of the mountain is breathtaking. The Ploce (plo-cha) entrance into the old town, for me, is much easier than the Pile (pee-leh) always jammed up with crowds.

Sure you can buy me a coffee, but not on the wall. By September I am too lazy to walk the entire wall, I only will do the sea side. There are many more historical and lovely sights to visit, please do continue your research.

American Expat

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I just read the last post about shops being open in season. We are on the Pacific Princess and will be in port on Saturday November 13th. Will the shops and everything that we should see be open??


Dubrovnik is one of the highlights of this cruise for me. I have wanted to see Croatia for as long as I can remember. I hope we woill be able to get the full benenfit of our short amount of time.

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I just read the last post about shops being open in season. We are on the Pacific Princess and will be in port on Saturday November 13th. Will the shops and everything that we should see be open??


Dubrovnik is one of the highlights of this cruise for me. I have wanted to see Croatia for as long as I can remember. I hope we woill be able to get the full benenfit of our short amount of time.

All of our museums and churches will be open, although they do begin limited hours usually from 1000 until 1500 daily. Many private shops and some outdoor restaurants close up for winter hibernation on 01 November. There are still shops open and of course the city walls, but shorter hours. Our weather will be coldish and you may have some rain. Enjoy your brief stay here.

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Posted earlier by our lovey hostess.


FERRY cost 35 kuna roundtrip...(looks like it went up to 45). take the ferry to the island of Lokrum and enjoy swimming after walking the wall. Lokrum is a natural preserve and we go over to the island to swim off the rocks.


They have walking paths and benches throughout so you can rest under the many trees. There is a small restaurant but the prices are high, so bring your own water.


The ferry leaves from the old port located just outside the walls, very easy to locate. Just make sure you know the schedule of your return and allow enough time to return to the port of Gruz.

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I do have a question some cruise lines call it a Eastern Mediterranean Cruise other Western.


From my travels I would call it Adriatic Sea Coastal Cruise or Western.


What do the locals refer to your area as as far as a cruise goes ???????


Just wondering!!!

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I do have a question some cruise lines call it a Eastern Mediterranean Cruise other Western.


From my travels I would call it Adriatic Sea Coastal Cruise or Western.


What do the locals refer to your area as as far as a cruise goes ???????


Just wondering!!!

Thanks for the most interesting question. You are absolutely correct, these cruises should be called "Adriatic Sea Cruise." The reason the cruise line doesn't refer to this area correctly, the marketing folks who sit around making up cutsy names have never probably been to this area and some don't even know where the Adriatic Sea is located. It's all about sales, not knowledge.

I find it amusing how suddenly "Croatia" has become one of the hottest destinations around, I've been coming here since 1971. In those days many folks laughed at me and asked why, it was dark, and ugly and communist. I just moved on and told them yes, don't come.

The Dalmatian coast has 1185 islands, only 65 of them are inhabited. Cruising down the coast on a smaller vessel and visiting the off the beaten track towns and villages is a true cruise experience. Croatia has 14 World Heritage sights, Dubrovnik is one of them. There are so many lovely towns, villages and natural preserves here, take the time to learn and visit them.

By the way, locals refer to the Adriatic as "nasa mora" which means our water. Hvala (thank you)

American Expat

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I have been wanting to go to Croatia since about the time you decided to go back home.


In the old days I used to talk with a gal from Slovenia over the internet. The first thing she said to me after hello was, "I bet you don't know where Slovenia is?" I surprised her and said across from Italy. I wonder where she is now?


I do hope I get to meet you next 2011, 13 July arrival at 0800 because it's been fun reading your input and the questions after questions. I'll let the granddaughter and her 18 year old friends do their things and you and I can just soak up the early morning sun before we roast to death. I'm from Las Vegas and the heat is "dry" and 105 is no big deal but I'm not sure about you humidity. I think it would be rough for me if it was too hot. So find us a tree with a breeze and put my feet in "nasa mora". Ciao from Margie :cool::cool::cool:

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June 2010 cruise


We used Euros in several shops and for lunch within the city walls. Some of the shops had the price of items listed in Kunas and Euros.


Do be careful while walking along the walls. My father was pick pocketed from a side pocket with velcro. The interesting thing was the guys who did it had a camera that was making an unusual sound as the one guy was blocking my dad's view of the scenery while shooting several pictures. When the guy was walking away as my sister walked up she saw a wallet on the wall and asked the guy if it was his. He said no and left. My sister than realized it was my dads. The one traveler's check, the cash, credit card and everything else was still in the wallet. We realized they had scanned his card. We immediately notified the credit card company and canceled the card. I am sure there were others who had the same thing happen that day and may be getting home to huge credit card bills because they didn't know there number was stolen.


I would recommend the hidden pocket that attaches to your belt and goes inside your pants. That was the one day my dad didn't use it.


Other then that we enjoyed the views and the visit there.

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We have cruised to Europe 4 times and this problem is in all the countries like it is here in the good old USA. Thank you for pointing out this sad experience on the board...... it makes us all MORE aware that even on a WALL one can be taken advantage of. .:(:(

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Have truly enjoyed reading all the posts - in fact, I can't keep up!:eek:

We will be in Dubrovnik on Nov 7th - with 2 other cruise ships, according to port schedule. From what I am reading, cable car will probably be closed, and we will need ponchos for the wall. Is there someplace you would suggest if it is truly bad weather? Also, I have a bad knee, so not sure if I can walk all the wall, altho husband has already told me he will :cool:

Thank you again for your help.

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We will send you a note when our time is near and maybe meet for a coffee. That would be fun.


Do you know which ships will be in port with us on Sept. 26, 2010? Also do you know if we will be docked at Gruz. Again your information is great. I am looking forward to seeing your city. I love your American City as well.


Thanks again.

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We will send you a note when our time is near and maybe meet for a coffee. That would be fun.


Do you know which ships will be in port with us on Sept. 26, 2010? Also do you know if we will be docked at Gruz. Again your information is great. I am looking forward to seeing your city. I love your American City as well.


Thanks again.

Rich & Sandy: The good news is that I would love to have a coffee, wine or whatever with you. The sad news is there will be a total of 5 mega cruisers in town on Sunday, 26 September. Your ship will be in the Gruz harbor, unless you're on Costa which is always at anchor in the old port. Sea Clowd arrives at 2100, long after you're gone and it's not even in the count. Around 7,000 cruise passengers arriving on that Sunday, the old town will be crowded and busy but your temperatures should be very comfortable.

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7,000 pax!:eek: That's sad for the pax, good for business.

We were there a few years ago on a charter aboard the Royal Clipper and anchored in the bay a short distance from the Old Town. I'm not able to walk the wall, but DW and I had a marvelous time on a Sunday, even saw a small parade. We talked to a fellow pax who had spent his career in Europe and had vacationed in Dubrovnic before. He said it was one of the best vacations ever.

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7,000 pax!:eek: That's sad for the pax, good for business.

We were there a few years ago on a charter aboard the Royal Clipper and anchored in the bay a short distance from the Old Town. I'm not able to walk the wall, but DW and I had a marvelous time on a Sunday, even saw a small parade. We talked to a fellow pax who had spent his career in Europe and had vacationed in Dubrovnic before. He said it was one of the best vacations ever.

The stats show only a few cruise passengers are good for business. Some do not eat a meal here, they prefer to return to their ship. And often it's a gelato and walk around town. Some do not take the time to visit any of our churches and museums. Missing the historical sights and the stories behind them makes me so sad. However the large groups of the ship excursions makes me even sadder, as they miss so much by not being taken to many of our hidden gems. Ideally we should have less large ships and bring in more smaller and intimate ships. Although Dubrovnik is called the pearl of the Adriatic, there are many lovely towns and natural sights which should not be missed, such as Plitvice Lakes. The Dalmatian coast does have 1185 islands and only 65 are inhabited and the north is different but so dramatic and lovely. Cruising the entire coast is an experience which is unsurpassed. Living here has been the very best part of my lifetime, I would not trade this lifestyle for anything.

American Expat

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I have a few questions............ I am leaving Tuesday morning, so I am hoping you get this post to read soon.


1. If permitted can you email me annarob2@gmail.com it is somewhat of a personal question I have not wanting to ask publicly if possible. If not, I understand.

2. I read somewhere that the cable car will be starting on July 10. Can you tell me best way to get there?

3. We are arriving on July 11 on the NCL Gem, can you tell me what port and how many ships will be there also?

4. Do you really meet up with people for coffee? If so, how is it arranged?

5. My daughters were wanting to do some Kayak tour, do you know where that would be located, and has anyone told you anything about it as a review?


Thank you.

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