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Cruising is Overwhelming


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So I'm leaving for my first cruise in 25 days, yay! I am so overwhelmed. I'm trying to do a lot of research so I don't forget anything but it seems I need day clothes, evening clothes, workout clothes, formal clothes, swimwear and then everything from extension cords to duct tape to over the door contraptions to pop up hampers. Ugh, this is tiring.


How many pieces of luggage does one woman normally bring? I was just planning on brining a 21" carry on and a 29" upright suitcase but I think I may be over the 50 lb airline weight limit with all this stuff and if that's the case I need another piece of luggage.

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Sorry, sorry, sorry, I just realized I should have probably post this on the first timers board.


You have found the right place. Everyone loves to cheer a new cruiser on :D


My advice which I do not follow :rolleyes:, is take as few clothes as you can. You can always wash some of your clothes on the ship. Take only what you think you will need, and leave the rest at home. The airlines are now charging for those extra pieces of luggage :(.


Have a wonderful cruise. Take lots of pictures.

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So I'm leaving for my first cruise in 25 days, yay! I am so overwhelmed. I'm trying to do a lot of research so I don't forget anything but it seems I need day clothes, evening clothes, workout clothes, formal clothes, swimwear and then everything from extension cords to duct tape to over the door contraptions to pop up hampers. Ugh, this is tiring.


How many pieces of luggage does one woman normally bring? I was just planning on brining a 21" carry on and a 29" upright suitcase but I think I may be over the 50 lb airline weight limit with all this stuff and if that's the case I need another piece of luggage.


It's no different than going on a beach vacation. Ignore the ridiculous duct tape, door contraptions, hamper, micorwave, bungee cord suggestions. they are all ridiculous. Just relax and have a good time.

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1. Take a look at all the clothes you have laid out to take.


2. Put at least half of them back in your closet. Trust me on this.


When I first started cruising I took waaayyyy too many clothes that I never wore. Now I do the mix and match thing so I get several outfits out of the same clothes.


Have a wonderful cruise and remember-no one is going to pay any attention to what you wear so be comfortable and wear things more than once-no one will notice!

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So I'm leaving for my first cruise in 25 days, yay! I am so overwhelmed. I'm trying to do a lot of research so I don't forget anything but it seems I need day clothes, evening clothes, workout clothes, formal clothes, swimwear and then everything from extension cords to duct tape to over the door contraptions to pop up hampers. Ugh, this is tiring.


How many pieces of luggage does one woman normally bring? I was just planning on brining a 21" carry on and a 29" upright suitcase but I think I may be over the 50 lb airline weight limit with all this stuff and if that's the case I need another piece of luggage.

Wait until you're get back and you'll be a CruiseAholic just like the rest of us!:eek: Don't worry, be happy! Enjoy your cruise!
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We have ALL been where you are...first cruise, no idea what to take, etc. When my mom and i went on our first cruise, we had 3 large suitcases, plus smaller bags, etc.! It was CRAZY! I brought everything that i had read that was NEEDED!:rolleyes: I have learned a LOT since then, and will soon go on my 8th cruise! Just try to relax...and I would suggest NOT reading anymore information...TOO much info CAN overwhelm you...i know it did ME!:eek:


It is very easy to tell someone not to overpack, but until you have experienced a cruise, you don't know what to expect, so you bring way too much...it will get easier as you go on more cruises!:) Just make sure you have your money, creditcards, id's, etc. and all will be fine. On my first cruise, i actually brought some of those "emergency" flare light thingies that light up when you snap them!:rolleyes: Good luck, and try to relax!

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It's no different than going on a beach vacation. Ignore the ridiculous duct tape, door contraptions, hamper, micorwave, bungee cord suggestions. they are all ridiculous. Just relax and have a good time.


I wouldn't be so quick to discount ALL these suggestions as rediculous. We always have a bungee cord to hold the balcony door open. Never have taken the other things (some ARE rediculous of course) but don't be dissin' the bungee!!!;) We also bring our own coffee pot and power strip.

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I agree. You don't need all those things. Take a few pairs of shorts and some mix and match tops to go with them. You can wear things more than once, no one will notice. You can also do a load of wash on the ship if you really need to. A nice pair of dressy slacks and a few pretty tops for dinners, a little black (or a colorful one) cocktail dress that you can dress up with jewelry for formal night, and couple of swimsuits and a cover up will work for by the pool, throw a pair of shorts on with that for excursions and beach days. Whatever outfit you wear on the day you get on the ship can also be worn the day you get off the ship. A pair of dress shoes for the dining room that match both your dress and slacks outfits, a pair of flip flops and a pair of casual shoes.....all packed and ready to go!!!:D


It's nice to take all kinds of things but you really don't need it to have a great time. Just relax and enjoy......it's a vacation!

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From experience.........DO NOT overpack! I guarantee you will not wear half the clothes you pack.


I don't know where you're cruising to or for how long, but on Sea days, I lived in my bathing suit and cover up from the time I got up in the morning until it was time to shower for dinner that evening.


Several nights during the course of my 8-day cruise, I wore the same capri pants but with different tops. I packed a half dozen different shoes/sandles and ended up wearing the same 2 pairs the entire week!


As far as things you'll need for the cabin........I bought a small extension plug at Walmart and it worked great. I brought along a yellow highlighter and sticky note pad and that was about it. I do wish I had brought some kind of travel alarm clock with me. Have a great time and don't get yourself all worked up!



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No matter how much research you do, your first cruise is going to be a "learning" one.


I spent way too much on drinks on board. Way too much buying pictures and souvineers. I overpacked, but I did wear everything I brought. I found myself changing 2-3 times a day and I don't feel the need to under-pack. Like I brought two suits for two formal days, but could have just done a shirt and tie. Anyway I liked my ship so much I booked it again before it leaves NO.

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So I'm leaving for my first cruise in 25 days, yay! I am so overwhelmed. I'm trying to do a lot of research so I don't forget anything but it seems I need day clothes, evening clothes, workout clothes, formal clothes, swimwear and then everything from extension cords to duct tape to over the door contraptions to pop up hampers. Ugh, this is tiring.


How many pieces of luggage does one woman normally bring? I was just planning on brining a 21" carry on and a 29" upright suitcase but I think I may be over the 50 lb airline weight limit with all this stuff and if that's the case I need another piece of luggage.


My first cruise, I had to huge suitcases, a smaller bag and a backpack. I'm not down to a rolling duffel bag and a backpack and that includes my snorkeling rig and fins.


Forget about the pop up hamper, a black trashbag works just fine. The over the door organizer is a nice thought, but I've never used one. I toss everything that would fit in that into my safari hat. And the power strip is actually a good idea if you need to charge a couple of things at once. You're going to overpack. Recognize that fact. Embrace it, but not too much. I have yet to figure out how to pack exactly as many tops as I need. ;)

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I agree. You don't need all those things. Take a few pairs of shorts and some mix and match tops to go with them. You can wear things more than once, no one will notice.


No lie, one guy wore the same khakis and polo shirt to dinner every night on my last cruise. I wouldn't have noticed, except for the fact he always managed to sit right in back of me.


Seriously though, I'm a big fan of wear-it-to-dinner-then-change, especially if I'm going to be near anywhere smokey.

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I agree with don't let all the reading overwhelm you. You do not need all the crap you read about on the packing threads here. I didn't take hardly any of it and I didn't miss any of it. There are closets and drawers to put everything in. If you brought enough you need a lot of extra storage, you probably brought too much.


All of my makeup, meds, earrings etc. I packed into one of those trifold makeup bags you can buy at the store. Has 3 zipper pockets and the bottom one is big enough to hold my refillable shampoo bottles etc. Put all my lotion, suntan lotion etc in my carry on and slipped that big trifold on top of my carry on, perfect fit.


The trifold has a hook and fits over the closet rail or door. No need to bring something extra to put it in. Also folded my clothing and set it on the shelves after I wore it. No need for a hamper, then when it came time to pack, I picked up each set and put it in my suitcase. Took 2 minutes tops and it was neat so everything fit.


I packed one daytime set and one set to wear to dinner for each day on the cruise and wore everything. Only took one suitcase and my carry on. Except for the extra bag with water in it (we don't fly so it doesn't cost us to bring an extra bag).

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I agree with the others that all first cruisers take waaaay too much stuff but then we learn to take half of what we intended to. I toss a dryer sheet into my unpacked suitcase under the bed and use this for dirty laundry. I just open and close the balcony door when I need to and don't bother with the bungee cord (the cruise line frowns on this practice as it affects the A/C and auto fans) The over the door thingy doesn't take up much room. I have wash and run hair so never need the power strip for dryer/curler/straigtener etc and husband uses a razor so no need for charging. Just make sure to take sun screen, ID (passport), camera, money and credit cards. All else you can buy if need be.

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We just took our first cruise 2 months ago and I agee with those that said don't overpack. I had read somewhere, I 'think' it was a professional cruiser that if you pack your evening clothes to match you can mix and match them and pack less, that is what I did. I happen to like black and white it is very in so my shoes, to my clutch and earrings all went with everything I had for the evening. I brought a bottle of Woolite for delicates so I could handwash if I needed to, I did wash a couple of things.


You are right about changing for different times of day, but wear those clothes again, your capris from Monday will be great again on Thrusday.....you can pretty much cut everything you have in half and be just fine....trust me, I just did it!!!!!!!


We got along fine without any contraptions either, just the normal stuff one would bring on vacation.

Don't sweat it....and if by chance you did forget something you can get it in a port....and if you forgot it it probably wasn't that important!!!!

Have a great cruise :D

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So I'm leaving for my first cruise in 25 days, yay! I am so overwhelmed. I'm trying to do a lot of research so I don't forget anything but it seems I need day clothes, evening clothes, workout clothes, formal clothes, swimwear and then everything from extension cords to duct tape to over the door contraptions to pop up hampers. Ugh, this is tiring.


How many pieces of luggage does one woman normally bring? I was just planning on brining a 21" carry on and a 29" upright suitcase but I think I may be over the 50 lb airline weight limit with all this stuff and if that's the case I need another piece of luggage.

We did not take the hamper, duct tape or bungie cords. All you really need is an extension cord, travel clock and you stuff! My Dh and I did a 7 day with one large suitcase and a carry on. It worked out real well. I took clothes that I could mix and match and Dh did the same.

I know what you mean by overwhelming...I started out with 13 pair of shoes and got that down to 4. (I am a shoe person) When you think about it, you will never see these people again, so who cares if you wear the same capris for 2 days! Have fun and you WILL get hooked!!:D

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I started cruising looong before there were message boards, so of course I packed way to much and didn't bring all the gadgets that people do now. I am going on my 19th cruise in Oct. and about the only thing I don't do anymore is overpack (well, not entirely true). I pack less, but I still have things in the suitcase that I bring home unworn. I brought a few gadgets that people had suggested and I found the only thing that has really been helpful is the power strip and a travel clock. Some people have stated certain things they like to bring, but trust me, your cruise will not be ruined if you don't bring them.

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So I'm leaving for my first cruise in 25 days, yay! I am so overwhelmed. I'm trying to do a lot of research so I don't forget anything but it seems I need day clothes, evening clothes, workout clothes, formal clothes, swimwear and then everything from extension cords to duct tape to over the door contraptions to pop up hampers. Ugh, this is tiring.


How many pieces of luggage does one woman normally bring? I was just planning on brining a 21" carry on and a 29" upright suitcase but I think I may be over the 50 lb airline weight limit with all this stuff and if that's the case I need another piece of luggage.



Cruising should never be overwhelming... Cruising should calm the spirit and refresh the soul.

Sure, you can read tons of suggestions of what to wear, what to bring, how many to bring, how much to spend, how much to not spend and where to spend or not spend it...

Bring a few nice outfits, a few pairs of shorts, some t-shirts or tops. Don't worry about the duct tape, the GPS, the Jeff Gordon Door Holder Bungee Cords, the Magic Bullet blender and outboard motor, the hamper, the fan, the electric blanket, the Game Boy, the automatic tip dispenser, the sixteen boxes of wine, the powdered fruit punch, the thumb tacks, the over the door Amelda Marcos shoe organizer, the flame thrower and all the other stuff you're worrying about.

This is your first cruise. Go, have a great time and figure out what you REALLY needed to have as opposed to what everyone else THINKS you need to have.

Take a deep breath, relax and focus on the fact that you're embarking on the greatest vacation of your life.

As amazing as it may seem, some folks actually do cruise and have a wonderful time and they've never heard of Cruise Critic. I know, crazy, huh???


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Cruising should never be overwhelming... Cruising should calm the spirit and refresh the soul.


Sure, you can read tons of suggestions of what to wear, what to bring, how many to bring, how much to spend, how much to not spend and where to spend or not spend it...


Bring a few nice outfits, a few pairs of shorts, some t-shirts or tops. Don't worry about the duct tape, the GPS, the Jeff Gordon Door Holder Bungee Cords, the Magic Bullet blender and outboard motor, the hamper, the fan, the electric blanket, the Game Boy, the automatic tip dispenser, the sixteen boxes of wine, the powdered fruit punch, the thumb tacks, the over the door Amelda Marcos shoe organizer, the flame thrower and all the other stuff you're worrying about.


This is your first cruise. Go, have a great time and figure out what you REALLY needed to have as opposed to what everyone else THINKS you need to have.


Take a deep breath, relax and focus on the fact that you're embarking on the greatest vacation of your life.


As amazing as it may seem, some folks actually do cruise and have a wonderful time and they've never heard of Cruise Critic. I know, crazy, huh???




Ok. I'll take my flame thrower out. Yeesh!!

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Girl, I'm with you. I just got back from my first cruise last week, and I sounded just like you before I left. So, let me give you a perspective that you can relate to.


First of all, as wonderful as this site is, it kinda makes you crazy. More knowledge is almost a curse when it comes to cruise packing. I packed clothespins, hangers, power strip, etc and didn't even need them. I packed day clothes, night clothes, workout clothes, excursion clothes, and swimwear/coverups. I used most of them, believe it or not. I kinda wish I would have left my workout gear behind. I only used them twice, for a couple of reasons: the gym was crowded, super HOT, and moved a lot. Whoever thought a gym--where you need to balance yourself on treadmills and other equipment--should be on a top deck on the bow of the ship was crazy! I was exerting more effort trying to stay on the treadmill than I was actually running. And I had a smooth cruise. It felt good to workout when I did, but was a little inconvenient.


A couple of things I learned: streamline your wardrobe so you can pack as few shoes as possible. For formal nights, pick a brown pair and a black pair and plan your wardrobe accordingly. For daytime, a pair of flipflops is all you'll ever need. Depending on your excursions, said flipflops or tennis shoes are all you need. Pack fewer books than you think you'll read, if you're a reader. I read about 20 pages of a book I intended to finish. There's just so much to do.


And finally, breathe. I thought I had to know everything about everything before I stepped foot on the ship. Months of research went out the window when my cruise was rerouted a day before departure. And guess what...I had a FABULOUS time!! Sometimes you just gotta go with the flow. And I thought I'd be left behind at debarkation if I didn't know the ins and outs of the process. But, there are people and signs everywhere telling you where to go. It's really a dumbed down process, so you'll be fine.


The most important thing to pack, as many have said, is a great attitude and flexibility. You'll have a great time!

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