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RCI to offer guests Cell Phone Use via AT&T/Cingular


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A change like this, along with others, is only another reason why we are considering making a test cruise with Princess or Celebrity (albeit we do not want to, especially with the ultra voyager coming soon). But I'm sure Princess and Celebrity will fall for this same type of gimmick in the not too distant future. Princess cruisers are still debating on the MUTS display screen. Some on this board feel traditionalists, like myself, are holding the cruise lines back from inevitable changes--changes which seem to always be beneficial to the concept of cruising regardless of how inconsiderate or intrusive they could be to fellow travelers and crew members.


It would be a wonderful concept if the majority of those using the service were considerate enough to make their phone calls from private areas onboard the ship or in their stateroom. Unfortunately, I don't think this will be the case. It is because the majorities are not the problem even now at this moment. The majority of cruisers dress accordingly for formal night, supervise their children closely, and are considerate of fellow cruisers. It is the minority in any case that will spoil a good thing. So even if the majority of cell phone users were courteous, it still wouldn't work to a satisfactory level. Therefore, this is simply another bad idea which will only evoke more lengthy, flame throwing threads and unhappy cruisers.


I can only imagine a spring break cruise, a holiday cruise, or any other peak cruising time when there are as many children/teens onboard as adults all clinging to cell phones. It is a cruising nightmare.


Also, will these phones be allowed into the dining areas? I wonder where this will lead to...?

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I am getting the sense that this is starting to turn into a flame war against people, like me, who need to be in contact while on a cruise. It is uncalled for and a debate is unnecessary.


However, keep in mind the next time you are in trouble and need to get ahold of your doctor or lawyer pretty quickly, that you would be pretty unhappy if they were away on vacation with the attitude that your problem will just have to wait until they get back.


In fact, licensed professionals can and do lose their licenses for having that attitude ...

This is such a crock. I can think of at least 10 times either my attorney, or my DR. were on vacation and I had to either go to another DR. or wait for my attorney to get back from Vacation.



Nobody is attacking anyone. We are all stating our opinions of how the cell phone has become such a[self appointed]priority in peoples lives. If that opinion happens to be contrary of what you think, then so be it, but people have every right to state how they feel about this.


The cell phone is just another example of how this is an "all about me" society. And why do you keep throwing the "professional" thing out there? You, in my opinion, are insinuating that just because one is a professional they HAVE TO have their phone! It's an excuse! As if the world would end if the "professional people" missed a call.


When you are on a cruise, unless someone died, what would you do from the ship, other than worry about something you can not control back home? If your kid broke a bone, if your dog got hit, the water heater busted, etc., are you going to fly out at the next port?? I doubt it.


As far as using them professionally, then I sure hope your salary supports being on call 24/7, because that's what it is...


I don't think anyone is saying you shouldn't stay in touch while on a cruise. I think what we ARE saying is, there is a time, and a place for everything, and the place for cell phone usage is AWAY from other people, who do NOT wish to listen to your conversations, or hear cell phones ringing the entire cruise!!


I was in TJ Maxx the other day, and there was a woman on a cell phone, who was in an argument with someone, shouting over something that SHE had done wrong.....it went on for about 10 minutes. Everyone in the store was appalled, and embarrassed for her...she just kept it going. I would have just said, I'll have to call you back, and waited until I got outside. If you think people on the cruise won't be shouting in their phones, whether needed or not, think again. People forget where they are, and who is listening when they are on the phone.


I can't imagine what people did before the cell phone!!!! I think it's neurotic to think you can't make it through a day without one. JMHO

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However, keep in mind the next time you are in trouble and need to get ahold of your doctor or lawyer pretty quickly, that you would be pretty unhappy if they were away on vacation with the attitude that your problem will just have to wait until they get back.


In fact, licensed professionals can and do lose their licenses for having that attitude ...

First of all, if a doctor or lawyer is on vacation in the middle of the ocean, or anywhere else for that matter, there will most likely be some sort of coverage. Are you implying that these prfessionals are not entitled to their down time just like everyone else? And just what is a doctor supposed to be able to do for you when he (she) is thousands of miles away in the middle of the ocean?


For 50 weeks of the year I belong to my profession. For two weeks I belong to my family. One of those weeks is spent on a cruise. Wow, how much more self centered and uncaring could I possibly be... :rolleyes:

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The reality is that the only way to label something as absolutely, "inconsiderate or intrusive" is to impose ones own values on others. There is no question, that in all things where humans are involved, not just cruising, change occurs, and there are almost always people who do not want the change. Change occurs anyway. Each person can have their own beliefs and values that will determine whether any specific change, and/or the collection of changes that occur over time, are "good" or "bad." Where threads like this degrade into flame-wars is when individuals insist that their own beliefs and values in that regard are absolute evaluations, rather than personal preferences, or where they apply their personal moral or ethical significance to differences of opinion.

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Since both of us are "professionals" I will take a stab at this. First I have no objection to this so long as it is CONTROLLED! That means in limited areas and not "anywhere at anytime". We take our cell phones on our cruises. We do use them if we have to. We stay in touch via e-mail in most cases. We always tell clients or people we work with ahead of time where we will be and how to contact us. Only one time on a cruise have either of us had to respond to a work related request, home related is a different matter. Customers and co-workers understand that you are on vacation and will only interupt your vacation if absolutely necessary.


I am somewhat of a traditionalist. Yet I enjoy many of the new offerings on the cruise ships. But the more cruising becomes just like a "land vacation" the less appeal it will have for us at least. So the final conclusion I would make is that cell phones are fine in the right place and time. As many have stated unfortunately far too many people have no concept of right place or time.

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Are you implying that these prfessionals are not entitled to their down time just like everyone else? And just what is a doctor supposed to be able to do for you when he (she) is thousands of miles away in the middle of the ocean?


For 50 weeks of the year I belong to my profession. For two weeks I belong to my family. One of those weeks is spent on a cruise. Wow, how much more self centered and uncaring could I possibly be... :rolleyes:


I am not at all implying professionals are not entitled to downtime. What I am saying is that certain people have a responsibility to people and that goes with the job. Licensed professionals are just one example of this. Taking that responsibility seriously means being accessible if a crisis comes up. Not everyone has that kind of responsibility, but some of us do. It is amazing to me that everyone who thinks a cel phone talker is inconsiderate is likewise unable to grasp the concept of some people having responsibility to others. And having responsibility to others is what keeps some people, professionals, parents, non-professionals, whatever, from being on a vacation where they would be virtually incommunicado.


And, by the way, even if there is coverage on the job, sometimes a problem arises where YOU are the only person who can answer a question because you have the requisite factual knowledge that those covering for you could never have. But I would expect those who believe some of us are inconsiderate for having responsibilities that continue through our vacations cannot grasp that.


But what really amazes me about that topic, is why it bothers people if someone can be overheard on a cel phone, but it does not bother people if they overhear other people having a conversation?


Now why don't we steer this back to the original topic of how does everyone feel about cel phones, instead of bashing working people.

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First I have no objection to this so long as it is CONTROLLED! That means in limited areas and not "anywhere at anytime".


I am somewhat of a traditionalist. Yet I enjoy many of the new offerings on the cruise ships. But the more cruising becomes just like a "land vacation" the less appeal it will have for us at least. So the final conclusion I would make is that cell phones are fine in the right place and time. As many have stated unfortunately far too many people have no concept of right place or time.


This is the same view we have about the changes being made to the cruising industry. It is not so much that the changes are terrible, it is the minority of people who abuse such privelages. Even if cell phones are confined to a limited area, will the pool security or dining staff enforce the rules if cruisers decide to use them when/wherever? I don't think so, they can't even control people who save chairs for the entire day or hold parents responsible for their children's ill behavior. RCI can make all the rules they want for this, but it wouldn't do any good if they are not enforced or abided by. The cruise lines will need to strart enforcing rules, not making more and then turning a blind eye to those who abuse them.

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The reality is that the only way to label something as absolutely, "inconsiderate or intrusive" is to impose ones own values on others.

That's just not true in this case Bicker. This is a social manners/etiquette issue. Go read some of the links I found on Google.



There is proper etiquette in everything people do. Most people are unaware of it though, and rarely ever research it, due to lack of interest or whatever. All of the things that most of us here have expressed are addressed in all of the articles I found. So it is not mine, or anyone else's self imposed values skewing the opinions.


Additionally, I don't think anyone is flaming any particular person/profession. We ARE talking about how we feel about public cell phone usage.

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But what really amazes me about that topic, is why it bothers people if someone can be overheard on a cel phone, but it does not bother people if they overhear other people having a conversation?

Because, for some reason, the smaller cell phones get the more people seem that they have to speak into them as if the person on the other end is hearing impaired.


For those of you who don't know this...talking louder does not make your signal go further.... :D

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I have to say..we were on the EOS during hurricane Jeanie this past Sept..and it was quite frustrating that I could not get a signal while we were in Cuba making our way up to Ft. L. to arrive in Miami when allowed..to alert my family that we were fine....they were all worried and I felt bad that they had to go through this while we were having a blast and enjoying the extra day at sea;) ..


Plus, if you recall, anyone who was on this ship...the event of waiting for a phone line to open up to call your airline...was a mess...and people were not happy at all...and if you had your own cell, as I did but could not get a signal while in cuba....it would helped and avoided all those angry people waiting in line to get an outside call.....


Although we had the oppt. to use the internet (with the huge lines) I couldn't be sure that the emails would arrive to my concerning family. I would love to have the oppt. to either use my cell or not. Of course, I would not take advantage of it and be calling my family in the dinner room but if something like a delay or something I needed to get done at home that I may have forgotten about then yes I would use my phone. I understand that people will take full advantage of this and annoy others but in my case I would love to have that option...and as far as getting away and people still calling...you have the oppt. to answer the phone or not....remember your on vacation....just pretend it never rang....:)

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Etiquette has, and always shall evolve, as society changes over time. At any one point in time, what is proper and/or appropriate is a matter of opinion, and legitimate opinion ranges a broad spectrum, with regard to practically every issue. So we're back to the question of what is absolutely proper and/or absolutely appropriate, and that leads us invariably back to the only defensible position in that regard IMHO, which is "laws and contractual obligations" -- that which reasonable people, by their own actions (including the action of being a member of a community) implicitly agree. That does not, however, include what other people believe should be obligations -- only those sanctioned by law, in public, or, in the case of private property, the property owner carry with it the unassailable mantle of authority.

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Etiquette has, and always shall evolve, as society changes over time. At any one point in time, what is proper and/or appropriate is a matter of opinion, and legitimate opinion ranges a broad spectrum, with regard to practically every issue. So we're back to the question of what is absolutely proper and/or absolutely appropriate, and that leads us invariably back to the only defensible position in that regard IMHO, which is "laws and contractual obligations" -- that which reasonable people, by their own actions (including the action of being a member of a community) implicitly agree. That does not, however, include what other people believe should be obligations -- only those sanctioned by law, in public, or, in the case of private property, the property owner carry with it the unassailable mantle of authority.
Well there is no law that people don't fart in public, or belch at the table, or blow their nose around food, spit their food out, or interrupt people when they are speaking or sneeze or cough without covering their mouths, etc. but most conscientious, well mannered people don't do any of those. It's not a matter of opinion Bicker, it's called Social Graces, and frankly, I am surprised that you see it that way. Of course I do realize what you said is not fact, it's your opinion.


Maybe people should spend some time on Manners International, Or Emily Post's site, since they are the authorities on manners and social graces. Here is the question and the answer from them;(MI)


Question: Is it rude to use your cell phone in a social environment?


Always use discretion when using a cellular phone in a social environment; refrain from placing cell phone calls and only answer cellular calls after excusing yourself from the immediate area.





How many instances of stated etiquette does it take to make it a fact in your mind, and who has to state it for you to accept it?


Rudeness is on the rise in our society, and I think it's the all about the me, me, me, mindset. Here's an eye opening article from 2002. Think it's gotten better, or worse????

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Social graces are a matter of personal opinion. Some people look to Emily Post. Some people look to others for guidance about etiquette. I believe the most important social grace is tolerance for the different but legitimate values of others. You may agree or disagree. It is very similar to how some people look to the Vatican for religious guidance, and some people look elsewhere.


I agree with you that rudeness is on the rise in our society, but believe that that's a matter of people doing unto others in a manner counter to how they'd have others do unto them. Anyone who says that they should be allowed to use their cell phone but others should not is engaging in hypocricy, and I suspect everyone here would view such a perspective as indefensible.


I'll answer your question with a question: How many instances of stated religious principle does it take to make it a fact in your mind?

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I'll answer your question with a question: How many instances of stated religious principle does it take to make it a fact in your mind?

I'll answer your question with a question. What specifically do you mean by "religious principle", as that term can be used for several different meanings. Are you talking about a true religion, where one believes there is a god, or are you talking about religion as in someone's core values and belief system?(not related to a god, as in morals)

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I am not at all implying professionals are not entitled to downtime. What I am saying is that certain people have a responsibility to people and that goes with the job. Licensed professionals are just one example of this. Taking that responsibility seriously means being accessible if a crisis comes up. Not everyone has that kind of responsibility, but some of us do. It is amazing to me that everyone who thinks a cel phone talker is inconsiderate is likewise unable to grasp the concept of some people having responsibility to others. And having responsibility to others is what keeps some people, professionals, parents, non-professionals, whatever, from being on a vacation where they would be virtually incommunicado.


And, by the way, even if there is coverage on the job, sometimes a problem arises where YOU are the only person who can answer a question because you have the requisite factual knowledge that those covering for you could never have. But I would expect those who believe some of us are inconsiderate for having responsibilities that continue through our vacations cannot grasp that.


While cell phones make it more convenient and easier to keep it touch, they certainly are not a necessity. And, I beg to differ that YOU are the only person who can answer a question at work. I will give you a personal example. I was a "professional", with a busy, demanding career. One day, while I work, I received a telephone call that my children had been in a hiking accident. My darling son had died, and my daughter was not expected to live. Well, I immediately left my office (without a cell phone). Except to make funeral arrangements for my son, shower/change at home, I spent the next many months at the hospital while my daughter clung to life. My co-workers had the good sense not to intrude with work related matters. Was this inconvenient for them? Yes! They worked through "crisis" after "crisis" without me - and for that I am proud of them, and grateful. Sursprisingly, my job went on just fine without me for the almost two years I was away (stock of this company even went UP!!!!). I am now the mother of a wonderful daughter who is moderately disabled. The stresses and worries associated with her disability, can be, at times, overwhelming. When my DH and I cruise without her, we ensure she is in capable care. Daily email checks are all that are needed to ensure that DD and the rest of our family are well. As for our jobs, they will still be there after we return from our well deserved vacation. By getting away from it all, we are rested - both physically, mentally and spiritually and ready to work hard at our lives - until our next cruise.


So while you think you are indispensable, my life experiences have taught me that life can go on - quite smoothly - without me.




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I'll answer to your question, in response to my question, in response to your question, with another question! :D


What's the difference?

Beacuse I am in no way, shape or form into religion of any kind. Nothing, nada, zip, zilch, nein. So I wouldn't be able to answer the original question.


So you are asking the wrong person about "religious principles". I'll just leave it at that so we can get back to the topic.

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My opinion is that there should be limits to where they can be used. We brought ours on our last cruise and used it to check on the dogs, the parents, and our business (it worked in a few ports). But.... with that said... it stayed OFF until I called home, and I only called home from the privacy of our room in those ports that we had a signal!!!!!! I go on vacation to get away from pagers, cell phones, etc!!!! I would be really bummed to sit at a table having a 4 or 5 course meal and listen to cell phones ringing all over the diningroom. I am just afraid that the priviledge of this added technology will be abused by some!! JMHO

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We just returned from the Rhapsody yesterday and I noticed a lot of cell phone use on the ship, even while we were having the muster drill...Our neighbor to the right of our balcony was soooo annoying everytime we were even close to a port. He would stand on his balcony and talk really LOUD trying to call everyone he knew...Guess where I am? 10_1_11.gif

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.....regarding your inquiry, Royal Caribbean does not have policy of where cellphone are/are not permitted to be used.

We apologize for any disappointment in this regard.


Thank you for choosing Royal Caribbean International.


Maria Perez

Customer Service Representative

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