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The torn jeans people would say the same thing you just said "I am planning on wearing jeans, and I will look great". They, too, also think they are in style with their torn jeans. The point isn't the material. The point is the rule. I guarantee you will be one of the first ones complaining if you are asked to leave, and jeans are jeans, regardless of the material. It's not about what you like to do, or how you like to dress, or if your in style. The point is it's breaking a rule and then people whining about it when they don't have a right to.


Why do you care how someone dresses? I am planning to wear jeans, and I will look great! I love to wear my dressy jeans with a dressy shirt, and heels... it's in style... besides why does it matter what material your clothes are made of so long as you look nice? I guarantee I will look nicer than a lot of people! But the way other people dress doesn't bother me--- as long as they are in clothes...
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Why do you care how someone dresses? I am planning to wear jeans, and I will look great! I love to wear my dressy jeans with a dressy shirt, and heels... it's in style... besides why does it matter what material your clothes are made of so long as you look nice? I guarantee I will look nicer than a lot of people! But the way other people dress doesn't bother me--- as long as they are in clothes...


The problem is you may in fact look great in the "dressy" jeans but they have to draw a line in the sand. Enforcing a dress code is a tough job for crew members who are one or two flamming comment cards from being sent home.


By permitting some jeans (dressy) and not others (torn) you put the crew member is a positon where they must decide which jeans are ok. That is subjective and can only cause more problems.


I can't imagine the confrontation when a group of 4 show up all in jeans and two are told to change because their jeans are not "dressy" enough. The rules are simple for us and the crew. Maybe not perfect but clear.

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Why do you care how someone dresses? I am planning to wear jeans, and I will look great! I love to wear my dressy jeans with a dressy shirt, and heels... it's in style... besides why does it matter what material your clothes are made of so long as you look nice? I guarantee I will look nicer than a lot of people! But the way other people dress doesn't bother me--- as long as they are in clothes...


sigh..but its NOT the in style for a cruise.

you don't make the rules...neither do i..it is as the cruise line dictates. there are restaurants that do the same...no jacket for men..no service for example

so as many have said, you know ahead of time that jeans are not acceptable. it doesn't matter how great or not great you look.

it is what it is.

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I believe SweetiePie is in danger of forfeiting her right to complain. If the rules clearly state "no jeans" and you show up wearing jeans, you ARE NOT allowed to complain if they send you away to change.


Rules are Rules whether we agree with them or not.


I don't understand why anyone would pack jeans unless they are going to Alaska. But that's just me--and I look FABULOUS in my jeans;)

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Karfest, I think we need to start another thread "Welcome to the Whiners Club" for those who forfeited their right to complain, and include the jeans people..torn and untorn alike!


A bit off topic, but this morning the Norwegian Spirit didn't come in until just after 10 a.m. Dios mio, the ones who had those 10 a.m. flights! I think this means we have some first timers to the Whiner's Club"


"Hi, I'm Menina, and I forfeited my right to complain" ! :)





I believe SweetiePie is in danger of forfeiting her right to complain. If the rules clearly state "no jeans" and you show up wearing jeans, you ARE NOT allowed to complain if they send you away to change.


Rules are Rules whether we agree with them or not.


I don't understand why anyone would pack jeans unless they are going to Alaska. But that's just me--and I look FABULOUS in my jeans;)

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A bit off topic, but this morning the Norwegian Spirit didn't come in until just after 10 a.m. Dios mio, the ones who had those 10 a.m. flights! I think this means we have some first timers to the Whiner's Club"


"Hi, I'm Menina, and I forfeited my right to complain" ! :)


still there :)


Miami Pier


I have to admit the most distressing thing on a Freestyle cruise is a passenger just verbally wipping a crew member for trying to enforce the rules. I have seen it at the entrance to the dinning room and at the pool when the no diaper rule was trying to be enforced.

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Not only that, but the passengers have NO clue or concept of the various disciplinary actions that can result for them when a passenger can make something out of nothing and turn it into something against the crew. Add those people to the "ignorant" thread.



still there :)


Miami Pier


I have to admit the most distressing thing on a Freestyle cruise is a passenger just verbally wipping a crew member for trying to enforce the rules. I have seen it at the entrance to the dinning room and at the pool when the no diaper rule was trying to be enforced.

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Not only that, but the passengers have NO clue or concept of the various disciplinary actions that can result for them when a passenger can make something out of nothing and turn it into something against the crew. Add those people to the "ignorant" thread.


People are fighting for thier jeans and the crew is hoping to keep thier jobs. What in life is more important.

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Well, I think the people with the right intentions and a conscience know the answer to that one! I guess for some vanity in jeans..whether torn or untorn..is their "right" ??!!!) but sadly we live in a country where everyone's right replaces their responsbility!


People are fighting for thier jeans and the crew is hoping to keep thier jobs. What in live is more important.
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Originally Posted by sweetiepie9339

Why do you care how someone dresses? I am planning to wear jeans, and I will look great! I love to wear my dressy jeans with a dressy shirt, and heels... it's in style... besides why does it matter what material your clothes are made of so long as you look nice? I guarantee I will look nicer than a lot of people! But the way other people dress doesn't bother me--- as long as they are in clothes

I agree with you sweetiepie... I would love to wear my designer jeans, that is what I feel good in...but I have never worn jeans on any of my cruise vacations because "everyone is sooo particular" about wearing "denim" and I just did not want to offend anyone or break any rules. I don't get it myself but I do comply with the rules. The rules are the rules...regardless of whether I like them or not. Frankly I don't like them. I would like to dress in my "designer jeans". CRuise ships are the only vacations places that I have to question what I wear. It's getting old for us...for we just want to enjoy ourself and not play any "politically correct" games...vacations are a nice way of getting away from all that, but it appears not on a cruise ship. Our next vacation is already booked for "Disney World". No problem wearing "jeans" there! :rolleyes:

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Originally Posted by sweetiepie9339

I agree with you sweetiepie... I would love to wear my designer jeans, that is what I feel good in...but I have never worn jeans on any of my cruise vacations because "everyone is sooo particular" about wearing "denim" and I just did not want to offend anyone or break any rules. I don't get it myself but I do comply with the rules. The rules are the rules...regardless of whether I like them or not. Frankly I don't like them. I would like to dress in my "designer jeans". CRuise ships are the only vacations places that I have to question what I wear. It's getting old for us...for we just want to enjoy ourself and not play any "politically correct" games...vacations are a nice way of getting away from all that, but it appears not on a cruise ship. Our next vacation is already booked for "Disney World". No problem wearing "jeans" there! :rolleyes:


The good news at least we are not banished to the buffet on formal night or semi formal nights on traditional ships. I think we can give up jeans and not have do drag formal wear.


Who knows if resort casual goes the way of business casual we will all be in jeans and sneakers and the crew in tee shirts in a few years :eek:

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This reminds me of a story that is not known to most of the cruising public. On most International cruise ships, there are sometimes problems with crew members who want to sneak into public areas, out of uniform, when they are off duty. This is always strictly forbidden by company policy.

On todays megaships, there are so many crewmembers that the management is sometimes unsure if a suspect walking in a public area without a uniform is really a crewmember or a passenger. It would be embarrassing if a guest was mistakenly confronted by management for being in a public area without a proper crew uniform.

But there has always been a foolproof way to avoid this problem. International crew (off duty) usually dress far better than the passengers do. If the management sees a well dressed person walking around in public areas, they usually give him a second look and consider approaching him to check his ID. More often than not, it is a crewmember breaking the rules.


But then, NCL introduced NCL America with its American Crew. With the high crew turnover, it is nearly impossible for management to remember crew faces. The American Crew seems to have a more difficult time following the rules and often is caught in public areas while off duty. But it is far more difficult to catch them. The American Crew dress as badly as the passengers, and look just like them.

Another problem not anticipated by NCL Management.........................

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if resort casual goes the way of business casual we will all be in jeans and sneakers and the crew in tee shirts in a few years
......and then we can wax nostalgic on the good old days when men dressed in their finest polo shirts and bermuda shorts for formal night :rolleyes:


:eek: Yikes! :eek: Does that mean that we will see the post "It's my vacation and I'll wear speedos in the dining room for dinner if I want to!"?


Charlie (who is going to have some really bad dreams tonight)

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Well, I think the people with the right intentions and a conscience know the answer to that one! I guess for some vanity in jeans..whether torn or untorn..is their "right" ??!!!) but sadly we live in a country where everyone's right replaces their responsbility!

Okay, just a technicality here but...


We may all live in countries where everyone's right replaces their responsibility...but let us not forget we are on a Ship that is in International Waters much of the time...and by law, the Captain of said ship makes the rules. In this case the Captain works for NCL and NCL says no jeans...simple enough.


If you do not like it...read the back of your ticket...they can remove you from their ship.


By the way if this upsets you...read provision 12..."Carrier disclaims all liability to Passenger for damages for emotional distress, mental suffering or psychological injury of any kind not resulting from a physical injury to that passenger..."


By accepting your ticket...you have (Kalamari, Shoreguy help me out here) forfeited your right to complain. Really and legally you have!

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Okay, just a technicality here but...


We may all live in countries where everyone's right replaces their responsibility...but let us not forget we are on a Ship that is in International Waters much of the time...and by law, the Captain of said ship makes the rules. In this case the Captain works for NCL and NCL says no jeans...simple enough.


If you do not like it...read the back of your ticket...they can remove you from their ship.


By the way if this upsets you...read provision 12..."Carrier disclaims all liability to Passenger for damages for emotional distress, mental suffering or psychological injury of any kind not resulting from a physical injury to that passenger..."


By accepting your ticket...you have (Kalamari, Shoreguy help me out here) forfeited your right to complain. Really and legally you have!


I am sooooo getting tired of people telling everyone that if they don't like the rules "they can just book their cruise on another ship" etc etc. Do you think we are all morons??? We all know we can go somewhere else. And frankly I do if I don't like it. Why do you feel the need to remind people of where they can go when they already know that??? Do you think we need you to remind us???

Just because someone complains about the rules does not mean they are going to break them...:rolleyes:

I think you need to "lighten up". :rolleyes:

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The good news at least we are not banished to the buffet on formal night or semi formal nights on traditional ships. I think we can give up jeans and not have do drag formal wear.


Who knows if resort casual goes the way of business casual we will all be in jeans and sneakers and the crew in tee shirts in a few years :eek:


Your right Shoreguy...I appreciate that I can be 'resort casual" on formal nights and have hope that one day I can ware my designer jeans and feel normal. : )

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I'm not the one complaning about the jeans...I'm the one supporting the rules! I am just quibbling about the passengers that think the rules "don't apply to them". The whole designer jeans verses black jeans, is a joke anyway. Even if some person thinks they look great in designer jeans, doesn't mean that it's still right and that the rules don't apply to them. Besides, just because one person "thinks" they look great doesn't mean they really do..how many of us have seen people that have no business wearing some of the outfits they do because it's ill fitting or they look like a slob??


So to set the record straight: I endorse whatever the rules are by whoever made them...unless it's illegal of course. I feel for the staff who are forced to have to endorse some of the rules, because again, as shoreguy said, a passenger can take a simple thing like this and turn it around and someone can be fired and yes, I have seen that happen.


Okay, just a technicality here but...


We may all live in countries where everyone's right replaces their responsibility...but let us not forget we are on a Ship that is in International Waters much of the time...and by law, the Captain of said ship makes the rules. In this case the Captain works for NCL and NCL says no jeans...simple enough.


If you do not like it...read the back of your ticket...they can remove you from their ship.


By the way if this upsets you...read provision 12..."Carrier disclaims all liability to Passenger for damages for emotional distress, mental suffering or psychological injury of any kind not resulting from a physical injury to that passenger..."


By accepting your ticket...you have (Kalamari, Shoreguy help me out here) forfeited your right to complain. Really and legally you have!

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I was making reference to the "forfeiting the right to complain" concept that you and shoreguy brought up.


uneamie...good point...perhaps relaxation is something we should all try for...I am going to do so on my cruise in less than two weeks.

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I got to thinking about the "no jeans" rule in NCL's dining rooms, and was trying to think about comparable rules in other vacation situations, and I was finally slapped straight in the head with one...


Golf. Many golf courses have dress codes that vary from no shorts for men to no pants for women and run the spectrum in between. This extends to many golf resorts and spas, naturally. Therefore cruises are not the last bastion of formality as we have discussed.


Now this is something I can relate to...I hate wearing pants while golfing, yet several of the courses I play state "no shorts." I have to admit I am seeing the other side now...

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I got an earful for the weekend about ignorant things passengers might do with good intentions, but can cause a lot of grief. 1) asking stupid questions like if they have running toilets in the crew member's country of origin, 2) complaing about dress code when being asked to leave the dining room, 3) being sent for "counseling" because a passenger complained that a staff person wasn't smiling when in reality they may have been upset about a situation in their family in their home country, 3) wasted food and better yet, needless gluttony and etc. etc. As was explained to me, and it does make sense, when cruises weren't so affordable it attracted a differnt crowd of people, now taking a cruise is sorta like taking the city bus. NO OFFENSE TO THE BUS RIDERS here~



I got to thinking about the "no jeans" rule in NCL's dining rooms, and was trying to think about comparable rules in other vacation situations, and I was finally slapped straight in the head with one...


Golf. Many golf courses have dress codes that vary from no shorts for men to no pants for women and run the spectrum in between. This extends to many golf resorts and spas, naturally. Therefore cruises are not the last bastion of formality as we have discussed.


Now this is something I can relate to...I hate wearing pants while golfing, yet several of the courses I play state "no shorts." I have to admit I am seeing the other side now...

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SNIP....... As was explained to me, and it does make sense, when cruises weren't so affordable it attracted a differnt crowd of people....SNIP~


That said the reason the rules are changing to meet the requirements of a new passenger base. Many long for the style of past years but enjoy the current price points. These price points have created 10s of 1000s of new jobs for crew members. Those jobs like the passenger mix have and will continue to change.


There still are ships that command a premium and jeans are not an issue :D


The choice one cruise on a premium ship or 3 on NCL. I really don't mind someone wearing jeans :rolleyes:

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I believe that rules are established to give the majority of the participants the best chance at a safe, pleasant experience. This is true on cruise ships and on message boards. I try to follow the rules, and the spirit of the rules, in both places and truly appreciate it when others do the same. If I dislike the rules and cannot "Express myself" in the particular environment, I go elsewhere.


If feel that it is unfortunate when someone feels compelled or entitled to berate a crew member, or fellow cruise critic poster.

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I just got off the Spirit yesterday. They ask for no torn jeans at dinner. So I wore mine. They looked me over several times as I walked in but didn't say anything. The whole NCL dress policy is a joke. The night before I'm sitting in the dining room on 'Optional Formal Night', in my tux, while 60% of the dining room had Hawiian shirts on. Note to NCL, it's either FORMAL night, or it's NOT. This cruise line is just plain lost when it comes to dining issues, including food, seating and dress code!


Bye Bye NCL, hello another cruise line.

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1- you knew torn jeans were not allowed

2- you wore them anyway

3-you were allowed to wear them



And you dare to complain about the dress of others on optional formal night?


Go back under your bridge.



Pfffttt... that's the sound of this thread being pulled.

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