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Cruising to Healthy


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Hey everyone!


I had a pretty busy weekend. Saturday was a bad food day. We went to visit some family and had pizza. I had a bowl of cheerios w/half a banana for breakfast, then some little appetizer things for lunch. I think I had only 3-4 or so. They were called Savorings, I think. Like little puff pastries with spinach in them.


Anyway, we had an early dinner around 4-5, and I was hungry because I really didn't have a good lunch. I stopped eating when I felt full though. However, I think my problem with pizza is that I never really feel full (especially with really thin crust). It's just not a satisfying food for me. I need to have a salad or something with it in order for it to feel like a complete meal.


Then after pizza we went back and I had a mini cupcake and a small piece of brownie...


So I don't feel like I ate a TON, I just know that I didn't get hardly any vegetables (except for what was on the pizza), didn't hit my fiber targets, etc. I just didn't feel "good" all day, which is interesting, because the more I focus on these types of things, the more I realize that what I eat DOES affect how I feel (how irritable I am, how things are "moving" through my system, how much energy I have, etc.)


If I have a great day of cereal, nice sandwich and cottage cheese for lunch, etc. I feel SO much better.


Well, today is a new day, back to counting calories this week.


Brooke, way to go on counting calories all week! I usually only make it to Friday and get lazy on the weekends, so GREAT job!


Jess, to answer your question, I only track drinks if I know they have calories. I know that I drink a ton of water all day long so I don't bother much with that. But if it helps you to remember, I would go for it! I don't track coffee, either, but I just have one cup of black coffee each morning, and that is only like 5 calories. If I went to Starbucks or something and had a latte, I would definitely track that. I track any juice I might have in the morning, too. The rest of the day I usually just drink water. At night if I have a beer or a glass of wine, I track it.


But the water... no, I don't bother clicking the "plus" mark. Actually, I did in the beginning, just to see how many glasses I was drinking, and it was plenty, so I stopped.


Well, that was quite the rambling response, sorry about that!!! Hee.


Hope everyone has a great week! Here's to good changes on the scale.

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Hey Jess,


Yea, but we lose an hour :mad:. I like my sleep:). Oh well. You know what I need to start using more.......my new phone.........and my sparkpeople ap. lol. I know it will help me track more, but I do hate killing my battery, lol.




I feel the same way about pizza. I LOVE IT! However, I can eat a whole tombstone pizza myself with no problem. You would think with cheese and if you had a meats pizza the protein would fill you up:confused:. But you are right, I feel like a slice of pizza is nothing, like it needs bread sticks or salad or something extra. For as many calories as pizza has you shouldn't have but one or two slices, but it doesn't stay with you that is for sure.


As I sit here drinking a can of reg. soda...........yea......I've been good about the soda though. I got a can of coke zero the other day to stay awake during a webinar and took about 3 sips and threw it out, gross. Reg. soda doesn't taste as bad, but it is still sweet. I had low sodium peanut butter with honey on whole wheat low fat eggo waffles and the peanut butter got stuck in my throat and water was NOT helping, so I figured the acid in the soda would work...........so right. Its just a can though and i will count it.


I ate about 2400 calories yesterday and did my 45 mins of Zumba. It isn't killing me as much as it did before. I haven't felt any soreness yet, but last time it came in the afternoon. I plan on doing more core and strength with just a bit of cardio today. I think a total of 20 mins will not overdo if b/c I have Zumba again on Thursday.


Got a luncheon with my VP and other nonprofit professionals today. A little nervous, but honored she asked me to go. It took me all night to figure out what to wear. I posted it on FB if you want to see. I think it says I'm serious......but I'm still young and hip. I hope so at least. Now I have to worry about not saying stupid things. I have no idea about what we will be eating. I will have to wing it. But I tend not to stuff myself at these sorts of things b/c I'm worried about people watching me and not so much about how much I'm eating, but spilling it, lol.


Good Choices.

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So I tracked my calories all day yesterday and I figured it's about 1600 give or take a little. As I'm not sure I'm exact on the serving sizes but I got as close as I could. I was being even more careful last night though because I couldn't go to kickboxing. :( It's getting really hard not having my own car and to go when I want to but my dad needed the car so I couldn't go. I was really sad because I was going to see if I could go 4 days in a row this week. Oh well, I still have a chance to go at 3 times this week (hopefully) which is still really good. Tonight I'm definitely going. I will catch a ride over from a co-worker and my dad will pick me up tonight. I haven't weighed in since last week and will probably weigh myself tomorrow or thursday. I was down 3lbs in 3 days last week..so hopefully it will stay the same or even better, it will be a loss, I've got my fingers crossed.


Speaking of pizza, the sandwich shop next door had a special last week. It was a meat pizza on a round flatbread..it was small too. I must tell you I ordered it and it was amazing. I thought I would hate it but I loved it and I didn't feel as guilty because it wasn't overly "loaded" and it was small and not on regular pizza dough!


This morning I had an omelette, watched my portions and I used weight watchers shredded cheese (and just the regular one serving amount). I am having a small hot chocolate from dunkin donuts but I will count that in. Not sure about lunch as I didn't bring anything but I have a free lunch pass for the sandwhich/pizza shop. I brought 2 servings of whole wheat crackers and 2 tbsp peanut butter (and not the reduced fat because that usually has more sugar in it then regular) for snacks and my Smart Water..cause I'm weird and don't drink regular tap water. lol


Hope everyone has a great healthy eating day!

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Soon you will get your own car!!! Just think happy thoughts, lol.



Rain....Rain......and "Rain." Literally, its raining and I get to go see the broadway show "Rain." One of the professors invited me to go with the honors club b/c they had extra tickets! I'm excited. Then next week I'll go see AIDA as performed by our drama department and then the next week going to see The Wizard of OZ in the Broadway series. Wow I'm cultured this week, lol.


We are going for Indian for dinner and I'm a little conflicted, but the menu has a "healthy" option that looks good, so I will probably go with that. Although I've heard Indian food has some spice to it and I do love some spicey food. Its gonna be a late night and I've got a proposal due next Tuesday!!!!! It needs a lot of work too.........I think I'll be working late on Friday and most of the weekend trying to prepare it.



Oh, I got in about 15-20 mins of cardio and strength in. Slow with the strength b/c I'm not used to it anymore. This morning my back was a little angry with me, so I really have to be a bit careful.


PS- Since most of us are girls.........can someone please tell me how to stop the goosebump hairs after you shave! I shaved my legs last night, got into the car this morning and the heat came on and I got goosebumps and of course all the little hair under the skin pop out, now its like I have stubble. ARGGHHHHHH!


Nevertheless..............It will be a good day.


Good Choices.

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Sorry Brooke can't help you there. I don't ever show my legs (though I still shave of course) so it doesn't bother me. I don't know if I even get goosebumps on my legs..if I have I've never really noticed. lol


I weighed myself last night and I stayed the same all weekend! So I'm still down 3 pounds which is good because I know I could have easily gained back the 3 pounds over the weekend but I was careful.


Last night kickboxing was rough! Not really the kickboxing itself but the more I put into it, the more sore I am the next day. I had a great partner last night that kept me motivated and I felt I needed to get a lot of energy out from not exercising for the last 4 days. I kept up with everyone, ran around the room 10 + times, 25 crunches, 25 pushups..that is our warm up..then came the kicking and punching/combination routines. The good thing I'm noticing is that I'm taking less "breaks"..sure I'm still huffing and puffing hard but I'm not stoping every 3 min for a water break. You know your working hard when the trainer says "Are you okay? you head looks like it's about to pop off". lol I think it all depends on how much energy I have, still some days I don't have that much energy..especially if you go 2, 3 or 4 days in a row then towards the end your just in pain and exhausted..least it's that way for me and a few other girls that go to kickboxing with me.


Both my partner and I left with a huge bruise on our knuckles. :D


Dinners are getting hard because I'm so lazy at night and I just make the same things that are getting boring. Some major shopping needs to be done this weekend, with lots of preparing for the week..it definitely makes it soo much easier if I just have the food already cooked and maybe just throw a few easy things together that just takes minutes.


Anyway hope everyone has a GREAT day! Getting closer to the weekend, can't wait!

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Hey everyone!


I'm doing well... just looked back at my progress and I'm really not moving as fast as I would like. But I set a goal to lose 4 pounds before the end of March, and really kick things up a notch. I think I can do it - if I focus. If I can do that, it will be 11.8 pounds lost since Jan 1. If I can at least lose 2.2 more pounds before the end of March, it will be 10 pounds in 3 months, which doesn't sound very impressive (I know people who can lose 10 pounds in ONE month), but slow and steady wins the race, right?


This week for dinner, I made a bunch of small meatballs out of ground turkey breast, onion, bell pepper, garlic, 1 egg, and breadcrumbs, cooked in a bit of olive oil in a pan. I just had to turn them every so often. It made a lot so we've had a few meals of it. They are really good in a pita, actually. I found whole-wheat pitas that are 100 calories each. We fill them up the meatballs, bell pepper, tomatoes, cucumbers, a bit of feta, and some home-made tzatziki. If you like greek food, you would probably like this meal. :) The tzatziki is just a container of greek yogurt (but you could probably use plain, too), some garlic, lemon juice, salt and pepper, and an entire shredded cucumber (I squeeze the water out of it). All in all, I think one sandwich is about 300-400 calories, depending on what you put in it, and pretty satisfying. You could also use the meatballs later in the week to put in spaghetti, which would be good!


So, just an idea, but one that helped me this week, I thought I would share!


I also bought a bag of brussel sprouts to expand my veggie horizon, but I don't know what to make with them... I think I might just bake some chicken or something like that. For the brussel sprouts, my mom gave me a really tasty recipe that uses dijon mustard and real maple syrup... I'm excited to try it, although hubby is NOT. But I ate Brussel Sprouts growing up and liked them, he on the other hand, only had basic stuff like corn, peas, carrots, and green beans growing up. So I am expanding his horizons, too. I also make him eat fish once a week. Am I mean or what!? Haha.


Brooke, I don't know about the goosebumps... that bothers me too! I love indian food, so enjoy! I know certain regions of Indian cuisine are healthier than others... but I'm not sure where. I would probably google it, but if there is a healthy option on their menu, I would go for it. If you can remember the name of it, can you report back? Thanks!


Great job on the workouts, girls... I've only gone once this week so far, but am planning on going tonight. When I went on Monday, every single machine was taken, which was really annoying - that usually doesn't happen, so I was like, "who are all these people????" Even though I know I have to share, haha. But I stuck it out and did some weight stuff while I was waiting, and jumped on the first elliptical that opened up!


Have a good day, everyone!

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Thanks Jess, I LOVE greek food too! Let me know if you need more of a recipe to follow than my generalizations that I typed before, and I will send you a message or email or something. :) Or I could post it here.


Well, I'm off for the night, time to go workout, then making baked chicken breasts and brussel sprouts for dinner. I might have a mini-baguette (100 cals) from Trader Joe's and a bit of cheese, too. We have an aged hard gouda that is so flaky and tastes almost caramelized, kind of like an aged parmesean... you only need a tiny bit for some strong flavor. I have 486-836 calories left for the day, plus will probably burn around 400 tonight, so I think it will work!


Have a good one, everyone!

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I'm way off my game today.....its raining.....I didn't get a shower last night b/c I got in too late....I slept late so no shower this morning........threw an outfit together and hate it , but no time to change.........


All that..........still feel like it will be a busy, but good day.


Gotta get to my deadlines.



Good Choices.

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After kickboxing last night, I was in so much pain I was almost in tears. Half way through the class both my leg muscles were cramping up everytime I went to do a kick or really if I was just standing. But I will say it was because it was so hardcore last night. I know that when you ends up doing a really really hard exhausting session my legs will get very crampy. I was literally limping though when I left and the trainer said I'm going at it too hard but I don't care at this point, I'd rather go at it as hard as I can then not at all. Scale went down .6 overnight but not moving fast enough for me. lol I feel okay now but it might hit later. So I'll wait and see how I feel about going again tonight, though I really want to because I get those 3 days without it.


Today is supposed to be super busy at work (which is a really good thing!) which makes me happy, except it's snowing :mad:.


Hope everyone has a great day!

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I know how you feel, trust me, but you do have to think about the ripple effect a serious injury would cause.


I'd love to chat, but my deadline is looming and I feel really stressed and mother nature is making me emotional.......I'm just trying to hang on by a thread to get this done.


Good Choices!

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Is it really bad that I am reading this board after having pancakes for dinner? I used light syrup, though. ;) It is sooooo hard when my kids want one thing and I need to make something else for myself. By the time their meal is made, I am not in the mood (and too hungry) to start preparing another meal. I think it's time to start cooking ahead so it's just always ready!


Hope everyone has a good week. :) Kim

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I wish I was a better cook and wanted to do it, then maybe I wouldn't go for easy fixes with too many calories.


Lets see........It was a lazy weekend. We went over to see my brother and his wife b/c she just had surgery, so we took them dinner. Then I sat outside and played with the animals for a big on Sunday, but I had to do laundry and I got sucked into the "Kyle XY" show on Netflix.


Weigh In: 325.4.....1/10th loss I guess. I don't do math. But after a week of mother nature, that's pretty good. I'm hoping I will see better results next week with her gone and the exercise. But, no gain and a little loss is still something. Every bit counts.


Well, my big deadline is tomr and I would love to have something to turn in, but my boss has yet to give me the go ahead on either proposal that I wrote. I mean, if they were crap (btw, this is my first solo proposal), then tell me and tell me what you want, so I can fix it and meet the deadline. I can't handle these nerves.




Any closer to choosing your car?!!

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Just typed a whole page and lost it :mad: So now it's going to be a short one because I have work to get to.


Brooke - No I haven't yet and probably not for another month or so.


Weekend was good and I have a doctors appointment tomorrow..


hope everyone had a good weekend.

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Hey everyone, hope you had a great weekend. This Daylight Savings thing was KILLING me this morning, but it is nice that it is still nice out, I guess!


My weekend was good, but I'm afraid I was a lazy slug yesterday AND might have overindulged a bit... back to it today though. Going grocery shopping tonight.


I'm getting tired of the same lunches over and over... any ideas there? Something quick, but I do have access to a microwave, toaster over, etc. Maybe I'll get some stuff to make southwest salads. :cool:

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Rachel I just do sandwiches, salads, left overs, beans I also did last week and I also order at the sandwich shop next door and eat half of what I order..nothing special for lunch. I make my main meals breakfast and dinner a priority..but that doesn't mean I skip lunch, I just don't eat as much. But you should do what works for you..oh and last night I found a site by accident that has healthy, easy recipes..it's called Hungrygirl.com. I only checked it out for 5 minutes but already wrote down one recipe.


Good news for me..I weighed in this morning and I'm down another pound! I'm happy but it's like a pound a week..I don't really think that's alot but I guess that's the way your supposed to lose weight. But by this weight I won't reach my goal til I'm dead. It could be that I'm gaining muscle and losing inches too. I haven't measured myself so I wouldn't know. But I will say that I'm a bit suprised because I did so-so on the weekend (with the most delicious dessert I've ever had, shared with my niece) and yesterday one of our vendors came to the office towards the end of the day with hands full of 24 packs of soda, twizzlers, mini size candy bars & m&m's, sunchips, cookies, pretzel sticks and mini pepperment patties. Well I grabed 1 fun sized kit kat, 2 mini pepperment patties and a bag of sunships. I don't think I went too crazy (and I didn't grab a coke!) but I could have done without the sunships...


Went to kickboxing yesterday and this morning for breakfast I'm having a toasted english muffin with peanut butter and a cup of fruit (didn't have time to make much of a breakfast this morning). Not sure what I will do for lunch even though I'm leaving early, it's still required by law to take a half hour lunch within 5 working hours :rolleyes:.


Brooke - How are you feeling this morning? I haven't tried Zumba but it does sound like a good workout. Not sure I'd like those squats either. The kickboxing class I had yesterday, at the end of class he put everyone in a circle and each of us touching each others shoulders and said okay, go down on one knee and then come back up. Well everyone was doing it do fast..I seriously couldn't do it and it hurt my knee really bad. :( I hate not being able to do the same things or keep up with everyone else.


Hope everyone has a great day!

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Hey everyone,


I'm so frustrated with myself. Last week I was down to my lowest since I started in January, 8.2 pounds lost. Then since the weekend, I've been up 1.4. I do this consistently... will lose 1-2 pounds during the week, then over the weekend put them back on, then during the next week I will lose those weekend pounds plus maybe 0.6 or something. So I am whittling the weight down, but only about 0.6 pounds or whatever a week. If I could only stay on track during the weekend, it would be so much more!!


So, that is my challenge this week. It's going to be hard because my sister and her family are going to be in town, and we're going to meet up at my parents. Last time I was there a few weeks ago, it struck me just how much unhealthy food they have around. Chips, processed snacks, frozen snacky things like pizza rolls, etc. When I was growing up, I know I ate so much crap. Bologna, hot dogs, etc. were a regular occurance. We did have lots of fruit and vegetables in the summer, but it's like, geez... when I hopefully have kids someday, all that stuff is going to be a treat, not an everyday thing.

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Hi girls. Just a quick check in. Seems like you girls are sticking with it! I am NOT doing good at all. Richard is starting the new weight watchers system so I think I am going to do it with him. Hopefully by Mid May I will feel better even if I haven't lost a lot of weight yet.


Richard got a call from a company that he interviewed with last week. They asked him if he was still interested and that he should hear something by the end of the week. My sister worked in human resources so I called her and told her what they said and she said it sounds very good esp since they called him. SO we are just praying about it.


Hope everyone is having a great evening/

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Hope everyone is doing well.




Zumba is hard and the squats are the worst, but I know I burn at least 630 calories and that is a good workout. If I can keep the french fries out of my mouth afterwards :rolleyes:.


Anyway, sorry I didn't post yesterday. The big proposal I had been working on was due........about 2 hours before it was to be turned in my VP nixed it. I don't know if it was a relief or disappointing. She made a point to say it wasn't my fault, but that the Dean in charge of it didn't feel like we were ready b/c we needed to fix other aspects of the program first. I could have told you that 3 days ago, but I wasn't going to be the one to tell them not to do it. But after that call, I just got more and more tired. I think I'd just been running on adrenaline for the past week, through my supervisor getting all dramatic on everyone, then time change.......my body was done. I left about 20 mins early and went home. I have some dinner, then fell asleep in the chair for an hour....got up and hit the shower, ironed my clothes, dried my hair and threw myself back in the bed........OUT! I slept so hard that I don't remember dreaming.........dang......the president of the college just emailed me........gotta go.


Good Choices!

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Went to my doctors appointment yesterday and saw the new doctor. He apprently thinks the exact opposite of the other GI doctor :cool: but the good news is so far I don't have to have a colonoscopy (yet anyway). He thinks it's IBS or lactose intolerence..which was weird because they other doctor doesn't really believe in lactose intolerence. The blood test I had at the other doctors before..when I asked this doctor what it meant..he had no idea and said he's never done that test in his life. :confused:


So I left kinda confused but he said he has no reason to believe it's anything really serious so he's asking me to cut dairy products out for at least 2 weeks just to see what happens and I go to my next appointment in 2 months. Well it will be hard because I use cheese a lot and love my milk but at least he said I can still have eggs.


Soo after that appointment my mom and I had time to stop by the car dealership..got in a Subaru that I thought would be awesome. Well it would be if your like 100lbs but not only did I feel like an elephant in the tiny car..but I have to have the seat all the way back and there is absolutely no leg room in the back. It didn't even look like someone could even get in the back! So that one was quickly ruled out.


Next I tried out a Mazda Tribute, had all the nice bells and whistles..leather, moonroof and looked really classy but again I felt cramped in the boxy suv. By then I was getting really frustrated, not by the cars but by my weight because no matter what It seems like I can't really be comfortable. Maybe saturday I may go back and try a Nissan Rouge and Honda CR-V though the CR-V is a little beyond my prize range...but looking at the inside it looks like it might be roomier for me so I guess I'll have to sit in it and see. Who knew sitting in cars would be so difficult!


Hope everyone has a good day!


PS - It's snowing here, very sad. :-(

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That would be really frustrating and exhausting, if everything you've been working on was just dropped. Man! Sounds like a tiring couple of days, good thing you had a chance to rest. The time change was ROUGH on me on Monday. But I do like it staying lighter outside when I get off work. It's like 60 degrees here today, which is AWESOME and everyone has spring fever. I kind of want to go ride bikes outside after work, but it looks a little cloudy, so I wonder how warm it actually is. I might just head down to the workout room instead. I was there for about 50 minutes last night on the elliptical, and had a GREAT workout. I find that just listening to music and zoning out really helps me. I don't focus on the time or the TV, just think about my day. Having some dance tunes on there really helps - it's like a dance party in my head. Sometimes I even want to move my arms around and dance but I try to restrain myself so other people don't think I'm crazy. But it does put me in a good mood if I have good happy music on. :)



That is GREAT news that you don't need to have a colonoscopy! How has the lactose-free diet been going? That would be hard for me, since I love my dairy. Cheese, milk, cottage cheese, yogurt, etc. BUT if it leaves you feeling better that it will be worth it! What kind of car did you have before? Good luck looking on Saturday! I hope you find something that you love.


I've had an ok couple of days, food-wise. I made shredded chicken the other day, so we've had it so far on a pizza (I make the crust, but still can only eat 1/4 to 1/3 of the pizza without too many calories. I do count everything, though. Using a bit of goat cheese helps, seems to be lower in calories AND it seems more fancy that way. :) I added bell pepper, onion, and 3 garlicky olives sliced up. It was delish... used some homemade marinara from the sauce from last summer. My marinara is really just a bit of olive oil, and entire chopped onion, few cloves of garlic chopped, and some salt and crushed red pepper. After the onions are softened I add 4-6 chopped tomatoes (kind of eyeball it). Then I just let it simmer for a long time, and blend it at the end so it's not quite so chunky. But it's a pretty healthy sauce overall. I had a bunch frozen, but now it is all gone. :( Anyway, I have a slice left of my side of the pizza (the part with olives), but hubby ate his whole half.


I think tonight I am going to make a recipe from Eatingwell.com that uses asparagus, penne pasta, and I'll throw some chicken in there too. I think I might actually double the recipe so that we have leftovers. Being part Irish, I really should be making corned beef and cabbage or something, but.... oh well! Here is the recipe, I'll let you know how it turns out!



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Sorry i didn't post, but we had a leadership conference on campus yesterday and we kinda had to attend, not that I minded.




NO DAIRY! I HEART milk.......don't know if I could do it, but if it helps you feel better I hope it works!




I wish I could look foods up to make and fix.......I did for a while, but I get lazy and just don't want to. Its enough for me not to be too lazy to get my butt to the gym. And yes it was a pain that they killed if after all of that, but I asked for a meeting today to at least go over the draft I did so I can get something out of this.


I had two meals out yesterday. We had lunch at the conference and it was an Irish themed lunch. I had three little corn bread roll things! I miss corn bread and it was good. Sheperad's pie, some kind of meat puff pastry (Colecannon?) red potatoes and cabbage with apple pie for dessert. Dinner for my brother's bday was 8oz grilled chicken breast (I ate half) green beans, fries (I did leave 3 on the plate of the big crinkle kind), roll and pepsi of the non diet kind.


I was exhausted last night. I mean at one point I put my fork down b/c I was just too tired to eat......though I was hungry. I've been that way all week. About 2 or 3pm I just bottom out. I mean I take vitamins twice a day, so I'm not sure what is wrong. I hope its just the time change, but geeeezzzzz that's a big effect.


Gonna go to the gym again tonight. I'm gonna do like at least 30 mins if not more. I'm going to a the campus play tonight and it starts at 7:30, so I figured I could get a workout in........some dinner and then head over there. I forgot to bring some make-up to redo my face, but oh well.....it will be dark in the theatre, lol.


I slept in a bit this morning and came in a little late (I come in at 8am, but don't really have to be here til 8:30am), but I still feel tired. I'm hoping my clock will reset this weekend.


Gonna try and get through Friday. I might just take it easy today. No major projects looming, so I may just play catch up.


Good Choices.

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Brooke I have to tell you I have felt the same all week too and I also take vitamins. Today has already been especially hard because 1. I got up late and 2. forgot to take my morning meds and I've already got a headache. I really do think the time change has screwed me up because I'm going to bed like an hour later everynight, feeling like I don't have time after workouts to accomplish anything before bed. Oh and too top it all off, not sure if my allergies are kicking up or what but I've got the runny nose and sneezing like crazy this morning. :( I am totally sleeping IN tomorrow!


Rachel -


Sounds like you got some great meal planning going on. It's going to be harder for me to make meals without cheese and I love my skim milk too but it's only a trail period and I haven't started it yet because I just bought dairy stuff the day before and I'm not wasting my money, especially since food prices are going up. I don't see the Doctor again for another 2 months, so I have time.


I hope this weekend I get revitalized and get more energy because this week just totally blew.


Hope everyone has a great weekend!

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I'm getting tired of the same lunches over and over... any ideas there? Something quick, but I do have access to a microwave, toaster over, etc. Maybe I'll get some stuff to make southwest salads. :cool:


Every Sunday, I make a big batch of soup or chili. I bring this throughout the week. Today I made turkey 3 bean chili. I get a lot of my recipes from skinnytaste.com. Haven't had a bad one yet. Last week I made the lentil chicken soup.

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Hi girls. Just a quick check in. Seems like you girls are sticking with it! I am NOT doing good at all. Richard is starting the new weight watchers system so I think I am going to do it with him. Hopefully by Mid May I will feel better even if I haven't lost a lot of weight yet.


Richard got a call from a company that he interviewed with last week. They asked him if he was still interested and that he should hear something by the end of the week. My sister worked in human resources so I called her and told her what they said and she said it sounds very good esp since they called him. SO we are just praying about it.


Hope everyone is having a great evening/


I haven't posted here in a LONG time. I lost 24 pounds on WW 2 years ago and kept it off for the most part. Last fall, I went to Vegas for a week, then Hong Kong for two weeks for work, then Vegas for another week. Then when I came back, I didn't get back on the horse and ended up gaining 8 of my 24 pounds back. Right about then was when WW introduced the new program. I started that, and the weight is gone! It is SO easy to follow, and you truly get a lot of food. I honestly feel this is going to be a forever thing as I NEVER feel deprived. I highly recommend the new WW program.

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