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Cruising to Healthy


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Hi Everyone!


Brooke ~ you did a great job planning out all your meals. It is so much easier to be successful when we have a plan! I agree with pcrum, you should totally get a family discount on the house.....hope it all comes together smoothly for you. :) You are still on track to weigh in once per month, right? When is your first monthly weigh-in? Hoping for a good number for you!


pcrum ~ Sounds like you have quite a memorable trip in store with your daughter.....enjoy every minute of it! What is your recipe for mashed cauliflower?? I have made it before but it hasn't turned out the greatest. Sometimes I have a craving for some potatoes so I would love to find a good replacement recipe. :)


The week is off to a good start, although I already wish it were Friday! It's horrible how I have become about work lately. :o Weighed in this morning and FINALLY hit my first big goal I had set last year (5/24/11). As of this morning I was down 60.7 pounds (the goal was 60)! I was so happy! That put me under 200 pounds for the first time in about 15 or 16 years. I almost can't believe it. I started out at 260 pounds and making it to "one-derland" seemed so far off. It has definitely been a lot of work but I am finally feeling like maybe I can do this! My next goal is to be down 75 pounds by our summer cruise on 8/18/12. The pounds are coming off slower, so it will be a challenge - but I am ready for it!! :D Initially ~ I set out to ultimately lose 100 pounds. I haven't weighed 160 since I was in junior high. Hopefully, in 39.3 pounds I will know how it feels again.


Here's to successful, on-program weeks for all of us!!! :D


I told you it would come off!!! So it took you just a tiny bit longer than expected........it happened and that is all that matters! Onward and "downward."


I will probably weigh next Saturday. Mother Nature should be well over by then and hopefully (God Willing) the scale will look good.

Edited by brooklynfc
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Congratulations on the weight loss! That is incredible!! As for the cauliflower, I used to boil the cauliflower (1 head), but found that left too much liquid in it. Now I microwave it with just a couple of tablespoons of water and then drain it in a colander. Next, put the cauliflower in a bowl (it should break up pretty easily once cooked) and add butter, salt and half and half or heavy cream (I count carbs, so the cream is less carbs) and mash with an electric mixer until it's a smooth consistency. I don't really measure...just kind of taste as I go along, but if I had to guess, I'd say it's about 3-4 TBSP of butter and 1/4 to 1/8 cup of cream with about 1 tsp salt. My son eats it just like you'd eat mashed potatoes...with gravy on it along with our holiday turkey. I like it with cheese melted on top.


I do it about the same. I use those Ziplock Steamer bags and steam the cauliflower that way, no water needed. Then I take it and put it in my cheaper version of the Magic Bullet (b/c I'm the only one eating it), put some butter, salt, pepper, little bit of milk and a sprinkle of garlic and blend it, then just pour it on the plate.

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Its raining and MN is here, so.........I'm just in a blah mood, though.......not a bad mood. lol.


BK: Oatmeal


S: 1/2 serving of those little mini pancakes (about 3 points) Gonna get rid of what I bought and then try to make flax ones......though the recipes I've found don't look right.


L: Ham/swiss cheese panini. I put the asparagus on the side, but the recipe called to put in on the sandwich. I figured I'd get more of a serving of veggies this way.


S: Pineapple


S3: Protein bar (I'll explain)


W: They sent out a notice that the gym will be open today and on a schedule for now. Although construction may cause it to close eventually or partially. But I'm gonna take advantage while I can. So I will go do the ellpt. for 60 mins today. And that is the reason for the extra snack. I didn't remember to bring my whey powder.


D: Grilled Chicken with mashed cauliflower.


I wish sometimes that I could just close my eyes and *poof* things would happen, lol.


Went to see my aunt about the house yesterday. I had a lot of questions and I was getting so confused about it. Plus I needed to ask about a discount price.


Well, I can say at least I think I got some questions answered, but I doubt the discount. She said, "I did what I could." Which was a nice way of saying, "No." She said she would have money tied up in the house while my loan was coming through, so she really didn't have room for that. But she tried not to overload the house with extras to help me. We tried to find a few more things to take out to help too. I think only about $1,000 came off. But, maybe I caught her off guard, maybe she will think about it.....that's all I can do. I mean, I already know she has the best prices in our area, so..:o.


Anyway, on top of that I can't get a USDA construction loan which would have allowed me to purchase the land and house separately (I make too much, go figure), so I have to find a way to purchase the land b/c my aunt can do it and package it. This is the most frustrating process I've ever been through and sometimes I think, "Why spend all this money, have to be on a budget, not get to cruise as much, worry more about money, and go through all this stress? I could just stay home, save some more money and wait until I get a raise or something............" All it takes is for me to think about having to spend another winter smelling the smoke from the wood stove and my dad's cig. smoke floating up from the basement...........and I'm willing to be poor. Sad, but pretty much 50% true, the other 50% is that I'm 28 and need to get out there and either fail or succeed. Jump out of the nest, per say.


Anyway, this is just one stress in my life and if I've only got one going on..........I'm doing pretty good.


Good Choices.

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BK: Oatmeal


S: 1/2 protein drink


L: roasted/baked potato slices with low sodium turkey sausage. I need to cook the potatoes a bit more in the microwave b/c they didn't cook too well. Not sure what I did wrong and they seem a bit grainy. Oh well.....I only used half the potato.


S: strawberries and other half of the protein drink


W: well, I don't think it will happen. I remembered last night that I'm going to my friend's twins little pre-k graduation tonight.


D: Depends on if I can get home to cook or if I just head to on in for the graduation, its about 45 mins. drive.


I didn't get to the ellpt. yesterday. I had to make a choice. And though I was dying to get on that ellpt and off that bike for a while.......I had to go back to the bike. The gym hours are 5-7:30pm. Well, I needed to get off work at 4:30 b/c I had to go see my grandfather.


Yep, it came down to if I really wanted this modular or not. So I had to find a way to get the land. The only thing I could think of that would get us to the point of getting the house on the land as a package was to ask my grandfather to buy the land for me. Once he had the land, then he could give permission for my aunt to go ahead and set the house up on it and do the package deal. This meant I had to go ask him for help/money. My grandad is a smart business man and built a little small town empire, lol. He also owns half of the business my aunt has with the homes. But this of course makes him a target for people to come calling when their pockets are low on cash. And he has a giving nature too. I hate asking him for money for that reason. I don't want him to think I'm just like everybody else. Though my brother says he actually kinda enjoys that people need him. In any case, he did say yes and I think he and my agent will be working out details to make an offer on the land today. Now, if they accept the offer, then that will get me past that part of things. I'm not gonna think about if they don't :o.


The only reason I talk about these things is that they are kinda relevant to getting healthy. Life factors play a big part on health. The only thing that makes me feel good about having to get him to front the money (per say) is that I pretty much know that in no more than probably 60 days, he will get his money back when my loan comes through. AND if this for some reason doesn't happen, I have a back up plan to kinda "rent-to-own" the land eventually. Always gotta have a back up plan and its important to me when dealing with money and family to make sure I keep my end of the deal, somehow.


Anyway, the property is bank owned, so I'm hoping that a low offer, since its been on the market for a while, will be taken. I'm not sure if my grandfather will offer cash or not, so that may be a factor.


So lets talk food and hormones. OMG! It was like something exploded inside me and left me like a crazy person just wanting to eat, eat, eat. I tried to curve it the best I could, but still. Thank God for weekly points that I didn't devour over the weekend. I will confess my sins now:



1/2 of a giant Rice crispy bar (about one reg.)

1 slice of pound cake

serving of corn chips/salsa

large bowl of ice cream

1 fudge round




But I feel better today and in more control. I def. planned better today too. I brought that protein drink b/c it is chocolate flavored :p AND filling. Strawberries for sweetness and the potatoes should cover the carbs. I guess I just didn't see that irrational hormone reaction coming.......I guess I forget how intense it can be after 3 months. Anyway...............moving on :rolleyes:.


Here is to more control.


Good choices.

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Hormonal eating: been there, done that, got the Tshirt! LOL


Question: Did you seriously enjoy what you ate? Curious. If I was going to blow 800 calories I'd rather blow it on a giant piece of fine, fine, chocolate or homemade cake and enjoy every morsel. The stuff you listed is too "ordinary" for me (anyway) to spend the calories and I'd want to make it worth my calories I'm going to blow.


Mindfulness...Onward we all go ! :)




BK: Oatmeal


S: 1/2 protein drink


L: roasted/baked potato slices with low sodium turkey sausage. I need to cook the potatoes a bit more in the microwave b/c they didn't cook too well. Not sure what I did wrong and they seem a bit grainy. Oh well.....I only used half the potato.


S: strawberries and other half of the protein drink


W: well, I don't think it will happen. I remembered last night that I'm going to my friend's twins little pre-k graduation tonight.


D: Depends on if I can get home to cook or if I just head to on in for the graduation, its about 45 mins. drive.


I didn't get to the ellpt. yesterday. I had to make a choice. And though I was dying to get on that ellpt and off that bike for a while.......I had to go back to the bike. The gym hours are 5-7:30pm. Well, I needed to get off work at 4:30 b/c I had to go see my grandfather.


Yep, it came down to if I really wanted this modular or not. So I had to find a way to get the land. The only thing I could think of that would get us to the point of getting the house on the land as a package was to ask my grandfather to buy the land for me. Once he had the land, then he could give permission for my aunt to go ahead and set the house up on it and do the package deal. This meant I had to go ask him for help/money. My grandad is a smart business man and built a little small town empire, lol. He also owns half of the business my aunt has with the homes. But this of course makes him a target for people to come calling when their pockets are low on cash. And he has a giving nature too. I hate asking him for money for that reason. I don't want him to think I'm just like everybody else. Though my brother says he actually kinda enjoys that people need him. In any case, he did say yes and I think he and my agent will be working out details to make an offer on the land today. Now, if they accept the offer, then that will get me past that part of things. I'm not gonna think about if they don't :o.


The only reason I talk about these things is that they are kinda relevant to getting healthy. Life factors play a big part on health. The only thing that makes me feel good about having to get him to front the money (per say) is that I pretty much know that in no more than probably 60 days, he will get his money back when my loan comes through. AND if this for some reason doesn't happen, I have a back up plan to kinda "rent-to-own" the land eventually. Always gotta have a back up plan and its important to me when dealing with money and family to make sure I keep my end of the deal, somehow.


Anyway, the property is bank owned, so I'm hoping that a low offer, since its been on the market for a while, will be taken. I'm not sure if my grandfather will offer cash or not, so that may be a factor.


So lets talk food and hormones. OMG! It was like something exploded inside me and left me like a crazy person just wanting to eat, eat, eat. I tried to curve it the best I could, but still. Thank God for weekly points that I didn't devour over the weekend. I will confess my sins now:



1/2 of a giant Rice crispy bar (about one reg.)

1 slice of pound cake

serving of corn chips/salsa

large bowl of ice cream

1 fudge round




But I feel better today and in more control. I def. planned better today too. I brought that protein drink b/c it is chocolate flavored :p AND filling. Strawberries for sweetness and the potatoes should cover the carbs. I guess I just didn't see that irrational hormone reaction coming.......I guess I forget how intense it can be after 3 months. Anyway...............moving on :rolleyes:.


Here is to more control.


Good choices.

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I totally get you with the emotional eating, Brooke. I was there myself yesterday! Dealing with the bureaucracy of the public school system and having to sell a guidance counselor, of all people, on the value of an arts education...well, I was driven to come home and raid my fridge. I ate "healthy" things, but way too much. I finished up the homemade chicken salad and ate all of the leftover fajitas (without a flour tortilla). Fortunately this was mid-afternoon, so for dinner I just ate a 2% Fage Greek yogurt because I was so full, lol!!


But, we've all been there and all you can do is pick yourself up and start again. Can't beat yourself up over the past!! Buying a house is very stressful...I think moving and buying a house are right up there on the stress scale with divorce and starting a new job!! Hope your grandfather is able to help...that's what family is for!! My parents gave us the downpayment for our first house. You will likely do the same for your kids and/or grandkids. The circle of life...


Since we were talking about cauliflower, I found 2 interesting recipes for pizza dough and "bread" sticks made from cauliflower. I haven't tried them, but plan to. They are low carb alternatives and I think the "bread" sticks sound pretty tasty!


Cheesy cauliflower bread sticks: http://whatsfordinner-momwhatsfordinner.blogspot.com/2012/06/cheesy-garlic-cauliflower-bread-sticks.html


Cauliflower crust pizza: http://www.recipegirl.com/2012/01/16/cauliflower-crust-hawaiian-pizza/


Good luck, Brooke!

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Hormonal eating: been there, done that, got the Tshirt! LOL


Question: Did you seriously enjoy what you ate? Curious. If I was going to blow 800 calories I'd rather blow it on a giant piece of fine, fine, chocolate or homemade cake and enjoy every morsel. The stuff you listed is too "ordinary" for me (anyway) to spend the calories and I'd want to make it worth my calories I'm going to blow.


Mindfulness...Onward we all go ! :)


I wish. My taste are not very evolved, lol. When I go bad I go for simple things. When I was a kid, mom said that she couldn't get me to eat any ice cream but vanilla with sprinkles. I'm not really a fan of the chocolate melting cake on carnival........like one for the week.......is enough. Then for the most part I get the banana split off the kids menu for dessert :eek:.



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I totally get you with the emotional eating, Brooke. I was there myself yesterday! Dealing with the bureaucracy of the public school system and having to sell a guidance counselor, of all people, on the value of an arts education...well, I was driven to come home and raid my fridge. I ate "healthy" things, but way too much. I finished up the homemade chicken salad and ate all of the leftover fajitas (without a flour tortilla). Fortunately this was mid-afternoon, so for dinner I just ate a 2% Fage Greek yogurt because I was so full, lol!!


But, we've all been there and all you can do is pick yourself up and start again. Can't beat yourself up over the past!! Buying a house is very stressful...I think moving and buying a house are right up there on the stress scale with divorce and starting a new job!! Hope your grandfather is able to help...that's what family is for!! My parents gave us the downpayment for our first house. You will likely do the same for your kids and/or grandkids. The circle of life...


Since we were talking about cauliflower, I found 2 interesting recipes for pizza dough and "bread" sticks made from cauliflower. I haven't tried them, but plan to. They are low carb alternatives and I think the "bread" sticks sound pretty tasty!


Cheesy cauliflower bread sticks: http://whatsfordinner-momwhatsfordinner.blogspot.com/2012/06/cheesy-garlic-cauliflower-bread-sticks.html


Cauliflower crust pizza: http://www.recipegirl.com/2012/01/16/cauliflower-crust-hawaiian-pizza/


Good luck, Brooke!


The worse is that its not really emotional..........its impulsive. Like a current going through me, anxiety like.........really weird. But I think maybe the stress on top of hormones is not really helping me any.


Those look good........I'll see if I can not mess them up. lol.

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BK: Oatmeal


S: protein drink 1/2


L: 6 oz rib eye with a black bean salsa on it. Apple


S: protein bar


W: Ellpt.


D: SW chicken with broccoli


Wow, yesterday went from a high to a low in a day's time. Started off happy that my grandfather agreed to help buy the land and then ended in a low when I realized I'd have to pay to closing cost which meant $1,000 extra. So, after trying to find more loop holes.............Mother Nature on the rampage..........I just went from "okay" to "?" Don't even know what to call what I was. On the verge of tears, depressed, unhappy, a little bratty, silent and stoic. Yep, that might describe it.


Its hard to say Que sera sera about a serious decision like this. But I just had to leave it up to a greater power. I'm going to go ahead and let my grandfather make a cash offer to purchase the land. If they don't come in at our price, then I'm gonna to take a break from the housing market for a bit. I'm going to re-evaluate my choices/options. It might mean more time at home..........but I'll think about that when we find out about the bid.


So I was supposed to go to my friend's twin's pre-k thing, but when all this happened I was then gonna meet with my agent, but that ended up not happening either. So, I just ended up with the family and boys at McDs. I'm sorry to say, my funk, was even a little too deep for them to help with, though I did enjoy it. Mostly that I got a hamburger and fries and a McFlurry. Not great choices, but I feel better that I had the points for it. I'll see how I feel about it when I decide to step on the scale again and maybe don't see what I want to. Can't change the past though.........the future is available though.


I just keep repeating that "Today is going to be a good day." And though I didn't post it above, there will be a little bit of alcohol involved this evening.


Hopefully, I WILL get in the gym today and get on the ellpt. and work some stress away. Although, I might need a jump start b/c I tossed and turned last night. Not even b/c of the stress, but the fact that as I was falling sleep (at a decent hour) I heard something run across my mattress...............I set a trap, but nothing happened so of course..........I had a hard time sleeping.


I will say I'm feeling my body change a bit. I've been having a bit of soreness (the good kind) like in the stomach area.....you know when you put your hands on your hips.......that area of the stomach.......on the outer edges. I'm thinking that is a good sign.


Good choices.

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Okay, this is probably just for me, so I can maybe get excited about buying a house again.........But I took some video of the model home that will be like mine, except mine will be a Modular and it will be 4 ft wider in the living room and dining room (line straight down the middle) and each spare bedroom will be 2ft wider also. This isn't my color scheme either and the kitchen will be a little upgraded. Otherwise........pretty much it. I'm apologize that its sideways, but I thought photobucket would let me rotate the video, but it wouldn't.










Sorry this one is loud and short.......right by the road.


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The house looks nice. Love the crown molding chair rail. Plus, it looks like there is lots of storage. Love the walk-in pantry in the kitchen and large walk-in closet in the bedroom.


What is the difference between a "modular" and the last video of the outside of the house?


I hope the land sale goes through. Sometimes you just have to leave these things up to fate. I'm a big believer in karma...if it's meant to be, it will happen.


Been so busy here with getting ready to leave for our trip on Sunday. Lots of last minutes appointments and meetings now that school is out. Thank goodness the Publix deli does a mojo roasted pork. That was my dinner while the rest of the family had the spicy Publix chicken wings. No veggies I could eat at the deli though. Sometimes they have collard greens, but today it was black beans, mac and cheese, and rice, all "no no's" for me. So, no veggies today.


Have been consistent with the exercise bike every day except yesterday. We were out past midnight watching the touring show of "La Cage Aux Folles". I usually do the bike last thing at night before I take my bath because I get all sweaty and last night I just didn't have it in me. Need to plan better for late nights! The plus side is the show was great and we bought our tickets through a group that organized a "question and answer" session with some of the cast members after the show, so that was nice for my son and his friend, both of whom want to get BFAs in musical theatre.


I hope you get good news soon, Brooke!!

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The house looks nice. Love the crown molding chair rail. Plus, it looks like there is lots of storage. Love the walk-in pantry in the kitchen and large walk-in closet in the bedroom.


What is the difference between a "modular" and the last video of the outside of the house?


I hope the land sale goes through. Sometimes you just have to leave these things up to fate. I'm a big believer in karma...if it's meant to be, it will happen.


Been so busy here with getting ready to leave for our trip on Sunday. Lots of last minutes appointments and meetings now that school is out. Thank goodness the Publix deli does a mojo roasted pork. That was my dinner while the rest of the family had the spicy Publix chicken wings. No veggies I could eat at the deli though. Sometimes they have collard greens, but today it was black beans, mac and cheese, and rice, all "no no's" for me. So, no veggies today.


Have been consistent with the exercise bike every day except yesterday. We were out past midnight watching the touring show of "La Cage Aux Folles". I usually do the bike last thing at night before I take my bath because I get all sweaty and last night I just didn't have it in me. Need to plan better for late nights! The plus side is the show was great and we bought our tickets through a group that organized a "question and answer" session with some of the cast members after the show, so that was nice for my son and his friend, both of whom want to get BFAs in musical theatre.


I hope you get good news soon, Brooke!!


Thanks. The diff. Between a modular and the model is really how they are set and the foundation. The model is a doublewide and it can be picked up and moved bc the foundation is only semi perm. At least that's how i understand it.


I wish you a safe and fun trip.


And way to go with the bike!

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I'm sure you will enjoy the new home. Hope things work out for you!


Just did my 3 miles on the bike tonight. I packed workout clothes for the trip because I think at least 2 of our hotels have gyms...no promises if I will make it or not. From past experience, these college tours require a lot of walking, so that just might be my exercise! I have said before that I think so much of weight loss is mental and just "getting in the zone". It took me a LONG time, but I am finally in the working out zone...I feel good after I do my time on the bike and shower!


Enjoy the rest of the weekend!!

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:) We bought a modular home 17 years ago and put it on a foundation we could not find a house with an open floor plan and we have a son in a power wheelchair and we wanted him to be able to get around. We still love our house very much even after all these years, so Brooke I think you will be very happy with your purchase. The house looks great they have upgraded some since we bought ours.

Pcrum have a great trip and enjoy your daughter, my 2 kids just graduated from college and now they are working and ready to branch out on their own. Time goes by quickly.:rolleyes:

:):)Jen great job keep up the good work.:) So happy for you. I'm so hoping Brooke can start seeing good results soon.

:DHave a great day everyone.

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I'm sure you will enjoy the new home. Hope things work out for you!


Just did my 3 miles on the bike tonight. I packed workout clothes for the trip because I think at least 2 of our hotels have gyms...no promises if I will make it or not. From past experience, these college tours require a lot of walking, so that just might be my exercise! I have said before that I think so much of weight loss is mental and just "getting in the zone". It took me a LONG time, but I am finally in the working out zone...I feel good after I do my time on the bike and shower!


Enjoy the rest of the weekend!!


You do so well with food though, its like opposite for me. I find the exercise easier than the food part. But just stay in the zone and you will see the results.

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:) We bought a modular home 17 years ago and put it on a foundation we could not find a house with an open floor plan and we have a son in a power wheelchair and we wanted him to be able to get around. We still love our house very much even after all these years, so Brooke I think you will be very happy with your purchase. The house looks great they have upgraded some since we bought ours.

Pcrum have a great trip and enjoy your daughter, my 2 kids just graduated from college and now they are working and ready to branch out on their own. Time goes by quickly.

:):)Jen great job keep up the good work.:) So happy for you. I'm so hoping Brooke can start seeing good results soon.

:DHave a great day everyone.


Its amazing what they can do with them nowadays. We have tried to talk my grandad into buying one that is made for handicap accessibility b/c he has a hard time walking and standing and it would be great for him to have a house with large walkways etc. so he could move around easier. But he just stays in his little single wide trailer circa 1970 that is falling apart around him. Stubborn.


Hope all is well for you :)

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BK: mini pancakes, ran out of milk and not enough time for eggs.


L: Rib eye steak with spinach salad, apple


S: Protein shake, Mashed cauliflower


D: Grilled chicken w/ steam broccoli


W: Well, if the gym is open today, then the ellpt. This is going to be super hard after not seeing it for about a week.


I got my exercise in this weekend. I'm avg. 60 mins. a day for 6 days a week. I'm still doing my hand weights with every exercise time and I started back to planks last night b/c my back felt strong enough again to do it.


Got a late start to my exercise on Friday b/c my brother needed an extra pair of hands b/c they had a temp. foster child with them for the weekend. 18 month old and they def. weren't prepared for a toddler who wanted to get into everything. So, I helped out by getting the baby ready for bed and the 4 year old into bed. I got home about 9:30pm and knew I just had to get on the bike. I mean it was Friday and nothing was really going on the next day, so........


Saturday we watched the nephews all day b/c my brother and his wife were helping teach a foster class. They took the temp. child with them b/c he had a feeding tube.


Mom and dad and the 4 year old went out to yard sales, me and the baby played for a bit in the floor, but then he fell forward and was asleep, lol. So I laid down beside him and fell asleep too, lol. Then we went down to our pond and they fished for a while and I watched the baby in the back of the truck in the shade. Lunch, nap time again some pool time, then ready to go home. I took a nap after they took them home, lol. And I ended up with a late workout again b/c of the nap.


I had sinus issues on Sunday, so between that and the decongestant.....I fell asleep about mid-afternoon. Got up and did my exercise, shower, late dinner, bed.


So that is my exciting weekend, lol.


My agent and my grandad are suppose to sign the offer on the land this morning. All in all I will end up paying double closing cost on the land. But like I said, I'm gonna go with this step first. See if they will take the offer, then I'll worry about the rest. Its too stressful otherwise.


Good Choices.

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BK: Pancakes.......I think I'm done with this little run now.


L: Veggie beef soup, fruit cup


S: cauliflower mash (gotta use it up today or it will go bad)


WS: Protein bar before workout


W: Ellpt-60 and weights


D: Grilled chicken and broccoli (I was late home and just too tired to cook so I ate a ham sandwich with a few (yes a few) chips and a snack cake for dessert, but I had the points and came in just at my cap.)


Lets see...................


I got my land. :D Well, so far. Remember, I'm taking it one step at a time right now.


Step one: Bid on land


Step two: Get bid accepted


Step three: Get perk test and appraisal of house and land


Step four: ...........


I don't know what step four is b/c I don't know how step three will go yet. Step three could void the contract if the perk test doesn't come back good. Just waiting on my cousin to get the Health department out to the lot to do it all. We only got 10 days to do it though, so I'm nervous about that.


The ellpt. was hard to do, but not as hard as when I first started it. But I'm afraid that I popped my SI joint out again last night. I heard a pop when I was in the shower trying to reach down to give myself a inbetween pedicure:rolleyes:. Its sore this morning and stinging a bit. I'm hoping to stretch out today and maybe help it or maybe :rolleyes: pop it back in.


Well, Friday is quickly approaching and it will be the first time I've weighed in about three weeks. I can tell you that I think it is way more nerve wracking and stressful for me not to look at the scale everyday. I def. have been really worried that I will look at that scale and see just a 1lb gone in three weeks or worse.........nothing..........or worse..........a gain. I mean, it just seems worse in my head to have waited three weeks and put in the effort and then the scale :(. I just keep praying that I will see what I would consider a successful loss, which would be 3lbs. A lb a week. More would be great, but I won't hold my breath. Maybe I'm just at that point where I want to see results and if I don't it will be disappointing no matter when I had decided to weigh. I also pray that If its the worst, that I will be able to keep a positive outlook. What can you do, but wait and see.


Good Choices.

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You do so well with food though, its like opposite for me. I find the exercise easier than the food part. But just stay in the zone and you will see the results.


The low carb truly takes the cravings away. I am fine with the food, but do not like exercise, getting all hot and sweaty...etc. There is really nothing I LIKE about exercise other than I feel I am doing something healthy for my heart. That and the fact I get to listen to my ipod!


Have not made it to the hotel gyms, but these college tours involve lots of walking, so hoping it kind of even outs. Have been sticking to the diet though...hotel breakfasts offer lots of protein options and when eating out, have been sticking to low carb choices.


Brooke, hoping your steps all work out so you are in your house soon. Once the land purchase goes through, how long does it take them to put your house up?

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BK: Oatmeal


L: homemade spaghetti with homemade sauce and deer meatballs, green beans, fruit cup


S: I didn't really plan for these.


W: Hopefully the ellpt.


D: I'm at the point I'm having to use what I have around the house, I've spent too much money. So, I will figure something out.


So, now I have to get the perk test......well.....permit. $425 :rolleyes:. But I don't know yet if the house will appraise at the value I need. But my contract didn't allow for that, so no matter if it does or not......I have to buy the land, unless it does not perk. Which it should b/c we found an old permit on record. We are gonna see if we can just get it updated since the Health department did it in the first place. So maybe that will cut my cost a little bit, but not by much I'm sure. Then the appraisal will come in around $400 too. There goes most of my savings.........sigh. Hopefully, I will have a few more months of pay without a house payment to put it back while they get everything set. I figure worst case, I end up having to pay my grandad back and wait on the house for a bit.


Okay, so I'm going to confess that I looked at the scale last night. My anxiety was getting too high and I thought if I just peeked last night it would not bring such a difficult situation on Friday. I'm not going to tell you what it said. It does make me nervous though, but I know weighing at night is night the smartest thing either, so I'm not going to worry about it at this point.


But speaking of: Might as well have a plan of attack should the results not be good. First let me take in the factors:


1. There was Memorial Day weekend where I let loose too much though I kept up with exercise.


2. Second week I was getting back on track in a more normal range with food.


3. Third week, mother nature showed up and though I had one-two days of eating that weren't that great, i still didn't do as bad as Memorial Day weekend.


4. I have consistently kept up with 60 cardio sessions and 5 min. of planks or weights for about 6 days a week for the last three weeks.


5. When I up'd my WW points to their level, I started gaining weight.


6. I don't go hungry, that is for sure, never felt like I ended the day unsatisfied.


7. Actually, with me lowering my points manually, I do tend to eat into my weekly points enough each day to equal WW recommended point intake.


8. I checked my BMR and the math looks like this:


BMR - 2200


WW Points calorie equals- (47 points a day) 2,350


Avg. use of Weekly points per week- (20 points) 1000 calories


Avg use of Weekly points per day- (5-7pts) 350 calories (high end)


Avg. daily calorie intake:




That's 500 calories over my BMR, which will let me lose weight.


Okay, so by this math (God knows I'm bad at math, but I think I'm right here)


I actually need to take my WW points (btw, I did research and found that most websites conclude that WW points equal about 50 calories per point) down to about 44 points a day to eat 2200 calories. However, if I'm still eating an avg. of 5 points of weeklys, then I need to decrease that. But I think that is too drastic at this point.


What do you guys think. I honestly believe my problem is my food intake. I know my choices aren't always the best, but if basic science is correct then I just need to put out more than I take in. I don't think my exercise is the problem at all. I think the way I've been going I should have lost weight by now, but if I'm still eating above what I should (to lose weight) then that won't happen will it?


Just something I'm thinking about for a game plan should Friday not go the way I want. I've really thought about it and it seems really obvious, now. I also feel that if Friday doesn't turn out well that having a plan now, will help me not get into a funk.


Good Choices

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Well, you asked for thoughts..here's mine.


1. I think it's the kinds of foods you are eating. You might be eating the right number of calories , but 200 calories of vegetables and fruits is going to help your body burn fat more efficiently then 200 calories of starch. Who ever heard of someone gaining weight from 200 calories of celery? Celery has a high, high, water content so a lot goes out through sweat and pee.


2. Meat: Not lean enough. Bacon is not lean. Turkey bacon is better. Hamburger is not really lean even if it says it is.


3. Carbs: Did a little google search, to really be "low carb" and burn you should be around 100 or so a day. I will confess I have been on a low carb diet for 2 weeks as I have to fit into a wedding dress by the end of July (got married in November overseas but having church wedding in July). I went to a doctor supevised program, had ZERO carbs for one week..500 calories per day in protein..and was given phentramine. Hard as hell as I am NOT a meat eater. I lost 13 lbs the first week mostly water weight but the second week lost 3 lbs of fat (they measured it through this thing on the scale) I am slowly adding carbs back in, am allowed 20 per day BUT through certain fruits/vegetables.


4. Given your medical issues, I still am convinced that inflammation is part of your problem.


5. I don't think the exercise thing is your issue..but it seems to me somehow your gaining back whatever your burning from the exercise.


6. Please don't be offended by this comment: But even a few small slip ups add up over time. It's one thing if you have a slip up once a week, it's different if it's three times a week.


7. I think you somehow need to get over your fruits and vegetables texture thing and eat more of them (again, don't be offended, I mean well :) )


My thoughts..I could be totally wrong, but these things jump out of me. I think your motivation is there, no doubt and you always persevere..but these things just don't add up to me.:)






BK: Oatmeal


L: homemade spaghetti with homemade sauce and deer meatballs, green beans, fruit cup


S: I didn't really plan for these.


W: Hopefully the ellpt.


D: I'm at the point I'm having to use what I have around the house, I've spent too much money. So, I will figure something out.


So, now I have to get the perk test......well.....permit. $425 :rolleyes:. But I don't know yet if the house will appraise at the value I need. But my contract didn't allow for that, so no matter if it does or not......I have to buy the land, unless it does not perk. Which it should b/c we found an old permit on record. We are gonna see if we can just get it updated since the Health department did it in the first place. So maybe that will cut my cost a little bit, but not by much I'm sure. Then the appraisal will come in around $400 too. There goes most of my savings.........sigh. Hopefully, I will have a few more months of pay without a house payment to put it back while they get everything set. I figure worst case, I end up having to pay my grandad back and wait on the house for a bit.


Okay, so I'm going to confess that I looked at the scale last night. My anxiety was getting too high and I thought if I just peeked last night it would not bring such a difficult situation on Friday. I'm not going to tell you what it said. It does make me nervous though, but I know weighing at night is night the smartest thing either, so I'm not going to worry about it at this point.


But speaking of: Might as well have a plan of attack should the results not be good. First let me take in the factors:


1. There was Memorial Day weekend where I let loose too much though I kept up with exercise.


2. Second week I was getting back on track in a more normal range with food.


3. Third week, mother nature showed up and though I had one-two days of eating that weren't that great, i still didn't do as bad as Memorial Day weekend.


4. I have consistently kept up with 60 cardio sessions and 5 min. of planks or weights for about 6 days a week for the last three weeks.


5. When I up'd my WW points to their level, I started gaining weight.


6. I don't go hungry, that is for sure, never felt like I ended the day unsatisfied.


7. Actually, with me lowering my points manually, I do tend to eat into my weekly points enough each day to equal WW recommended point intake.


8. I checked my BMR and the math looks like this:


BMR - 2200


WW Points calorie equals- (47 points a day) 2,350


Avg. use of Weekly points per week- (20 points) 1000 calories


Avg use of Weekly points per day- (5-7pts) 350 calories (high end)


Avg. daily calorie intake:




That's 500 calories over my BMR, which will let me lose weight.


Okay, so by this math (God knows I'm bad at math, but I think I'm right here)


I actually need to take my WW points (btw, I did research and found that most websites conclude that WW points equal about 50 calories per point) down to about 44 points a day to eat 2200 calories. However, if I'm still eating an avg. of 5 points of weeklys, then I need to decrease that. But I think that is too drastic at this point.


What do you guys think. I honestly believe my problem is my food intake. I know my choices aren't always the best, but if basic science is correct then I just need to put out more than I take in. I don't think my exercise is the problem at all. I think the way I've been going I should have lost weight by now, but if I'm still eating above what I should (to lose weight) then that won't happen will it?


Just something I'm thinking about for a game plan should Friday not go the way I want. I've really thought about it and it seems really obvious, now. I also feel that if Friday doesn't turn out well that having a plan now, will help me not get into a funk.


Good Choices

Edited by Gathina
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Well, you asked for thoughts..here's mine.


1. I think it's the kinds of foods you are eating. You might be eating the right number of calories , but 200 calories of vegetables and fruits is going to help your body burn fat more efficiently then 200 calories of starch. Who ever heard of someone gaining weight from 200 calories of celery? Celery has a high, high, water content so a lot goes out through sweat and pee.


2. Meat: Not lean enough. Bacon is not lean. Turkey bacon is better. Hamburger is not really lean even if it says it is.


3. Carbs: Did a little google search, to really be "low carb" and burn you should be around 100 or so a day. I will confess I have been on a low carb diet for 2 weeks as I have to fit into a wedding dress by the end of July (got married in November overseas but having church wedding in July). I went to a doctor supevised program, had ZERO carbs for one week..500 calories per day in protein..and was given phentramine. Hard as hell as I am NOT a meat eater. I lost 13 lbs the first week mostly water weight but the second week lost 3 lbs of fat (they measured it through this thing on the scale) I am slowly adding carbs back in, am allowed 20 per day BUT through certain fruits/vegetables.


4. Given your medical issues, I still am convinced that inflammation is part of your problem.


5. I don't think the exercise thing is your issue..but it seems to me somehow your gaining back whatever your burning from the exercise.


6. Please don't be offended by this comment: But even a few small slip ups add up over time. It's one thing if you have a slip up once a week, it's different if it's three times a week.


7. I think you somehow need to get over your fruits and vegetables texture thing and eat more of them (again, don't be offended, I mean well :) )


My thoughts..I could be totally wrong, but these things jump out of me. I think your motivation is there, no doubt and you always persevere..but these things just don't add up to me.:)


I see your points. But I have been eating lean hamburger, venison, chicken, and turkey. I haven't had bacon in about a month. My veggies/fruits are lacking. I get about 3 a day on avg. I need five to make the min. requirement. I tend to go towards fruit more b/c its sweet. But I have been eating a serving of fruit or veggies for lunch and dinner. If I added some fruit in for breakfast, I could probably do better. If I replaced sweets for fruit I'd do better too. It is VERY hard when mom brings home cin. rolls............but that's my problem not hers.


Here is why i think I still need to decrease my calories: Even if I'm eating some bad things, but keeping with calories, I should see some results even if it is small weight loss. But I'm not really seeing any, just holding steady. So, I changed up my exercise to double and yet I'm probably still gonna see the same weight on the scale.


I think I'm gonna do a test run. Knowing what I weighed last night, I can guess what a morning weight would be. So, I'm going to decrease my points to the 44 mark for the next 3 days. I SHOULD see a result from that by Friday if I keep the exercise up. And barring that I don't feel like I'm starving myself, then I think that might give me an answer. BUT I will make it a point to increase my veggie and fruit intake and decrease my sweets.


All in all........I think this might so much easier if I lived on my own. I might actually have to not eat if I can't afford it :rolleyes:


forgot to say thanks!

Edited by brooklynfc
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Well, only you know what works..if this isn't working then try something else.


You would probably do well on this program I am on, it's a medically supervised program and I see a doctor every week otherwise there's no way I'd do it. I am not a meat eater so it's funny but this is my challenge is not eating a lot of fruit and vegetables at first. I am eating more now and like what I see. I also get a b12 shot and have other vitamins. I have always been an athlete and was shocked to find out that what I thought was my "normal" weight really wasn't. I am 20 lbs heavier than the 15 I only thought I had to lose. I was lucky that I got in through a radio show promotion. I was only chosen as a runner up but I still got the program for around $200..the whole program in itself is about $500. But I'm already seeing the improvements in my athletic performance (I run) so I imagine that when and if I lose all they think I should I will decrease my time by a couple minutes per mile. But it's funny, a lot of people go off the wagon by sweets, etc..and here I am trying to not go off the wagon by eating too much fruit..LOL


I see your points. But I have been eating lean hamburger, venison, chicken, and turkey. I haven't had bacon in about a month. My veggies/fruits are lacking. I get about 3 a day on avg. I need five to make the min. requirement. I tend to go towards fruit more b/c its sweet. But I have been eating a serving of fruit or veggies for lunch and dinner. If I added some fruit in for breakfast, I could probably do better. If I replaced sweets for fruit I'd do better too. It is VERY hard when mom brings home cin. rolls............but that's my problem not hers.


Here is why i think I still need to decrease my calories: Even if I'm eating some bad things, but keeping with calories, I should see some results even if it is small weight loss. But I'm not really seeing any, just holding steady. So, I changed up my exercise to double and yet I'm probably still gonna see the same weight on the scale.


I think I'm gonna do a test run. Knowing what I weighed last night, I can guess what a morning weight would be. So, I'm going to decrease my points to the 44 mark for the next 3 days. I SHOULD see a result from that by Friday if I keep the exercise up. And barring that I don't feel like I'm starving myself, then I think that might give me an answer. BUT I will make it a point to increase my veggie and fruit intake and decrease my sweets.


All in all........I think this might so much easier if I lived on my own. I might actually have to not eat if I can't afford it :rolleyes:


forgot to say thanks!

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:) I hope we did not steer you wrong with the longer weigh in, I have been holding off on weighing until Friday also to see if it works for me, now I'm not sure it was such a good idea. Your house will be so worth it in the end, it took us about 8 months start to finish with all the loans getting it bundled all the permits and tests, we had a garage added to ours too. A big headache at the time but so worth it in the end. Your lucky your not rushed to get out so you can do things right. Hang in there and think thin for Friday.:)

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Gathina gave you excellent advice. Here's what I see, and I am not trying to be mean, snotty, rude, etc. You keep doing what you think is right. You are making valiant efforts. However, it's not working. You are not taking the doctor's advice (completely), but you are combining programs, making modifications to programs, etc. You need to pick a method and stick with it. Give it time to get results. Follow it 100% for a month and then judge it. Don't judge after a week with 3 "exception" days.


Which WW program are you following? In the old program 1 point is approximately 50 calories. In the new points plus program, it's more like 35 calories per point.


In the past I've questioned if you're eating enough. You said that you eat more than you list here. Are you tracking everything that goes in your mouth? If not, you need to do so, whether or not you post it on here, though I think it would be helpful to post it here.


As for fruits and veggies, yes, the recommendation is 5 servings per day, but at your weight, you should be consuming closer to 9 servings. You need more veggies than fruit.


Good luck with your appointment. I think you need to probe more at your appointment. If the doctor tells you to cut back on carbs, find out what that means. Don't come up with your own hybrid version. If the doctor tells you to increase exercise, find out what that means in terms of time, days per week, etc. Don't assume anything. Don't let the doctor rush you.


When you get good, solid advice such as Gathina's, don't rationalize why it won't work for you. Figure out how to make it work.


Fingers crossed for a good appointment. I know you're trying and the desire is there. If we all knew what to do, there would be no need for programs like WW, Jenny Craig, etc, and we'd all be a healthy weight.

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