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Cruising to Healthy


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My husband introduced me to Chia seeds a few years ago..in his country they are mostly "eaten" by soaking them in water for 30 minutes so they become like gelatin,then they are mixed in with natural juice and consumed that way. By themselves they are pretty tasteless but when you soak them they sorta remind me of the pearls in Bubble Tea.


Very common in central and south america..like usual, the states is the last to catch on to something healthy LOL


6 reasons to eat chia seeds: http://www.mindbodygreen.com/0-4353/6-Reasons-Why-You-Should-Eat-Chia.html


I've been putting flax seed in my greek yogurt, but am going to pick up some chia seeds at Whole Foods. The benefits sound wonderful!!

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Not to rain on the McDonald's parade, but I had to look this up out of curiosity..a grilled chicken sandwich has 880 grams of sodium...half a days worth..and 8 grams of sugar which is close to a teaspoon..and 9 grams of saturated fat..and the sandwich is under 400 calories which isn't that bad...but the rest of it isn't really healthy even without the bun.


Seriously...a teaspoon of sugar in a chicken sandwich? Maybe it's in the bread part, but still..bread doesn't have that much sodium so it has to come from how they made the chicken ..the fat..maybe that's from the mayo..but still even the chicken by itself doesn't sound so healthy and this would be something better for maybe once a month in a food emergency!


Wishing you good luck, Brooke, both with your house and with your weigh in. I must admit I don't understand those BMR calculations or WW points at all! For me, it's all about the carbs and I have been sugar free since I started this thing last August. For me, once you give up the carbs, the craving just goes away and let me tell you, doing these college tours 50+ lbs. lighter made a world of difference! No more was I the last one in the group huffing and puffing up hills. It was soooo worth all the "sacrifices", which really don't seem like sacrifices. I'm kind of a meat and veggie type person anyway, so if I can have some chicken and a green veggie or salad, I'm happy. The almonds curb my salt craving (I used to eat loads of goldfish and cheddar cheese rice cakes). It's all about changing what tastes good to you. Eating out is also not really a problem...I just have protein and veggies instead of a potato. I watch my salad dressings...there is often hidden sugar in vinaigrette...blue cheese seems lowest in carbs. Cobb salad is always a good choice for me...I love hard boiled eggs, bacon, cheese and some protein with the greens. I have them hold the tomatoes and avocado (if it's included).


I know McD has been getting a bad wrap lately, but what is wrong with a grilled chicken salad or with getting a grilled chicken sandwich and just eating the chicken? Many times I have gone through the drive-through and ordered a sandwich (either grilled chicken or burger) and just eaten the meat (I order mustard only...no carbs there). It's quick and easy and often my "go to" lunch when I'm working.


Hoping you see some results!:)

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bK: Oatmeal


S: banana


L: Subway turkey sub, light mayo and mustard, apples, water


s: grapes


W: 60 mins. ellpt. weights


D: Mom's been having dinner and nothing too bad lately, so I figure I'll see what she is going to make. I can always make something else.


Pamela, its addicting and a bit shocking..........hold on. :D I'm almost done a few more pages and I'll be done with all three books. Took me a almost a week. I don't use the handles. My chiropractor didn't like the way it made me lean over, so I swing my arm on one side or the other b/c I have balance issues and need the other one holding the handles. It is hard to read sometimes, but BOY does time go faster.


So, sad news this morning. The house wouldn't appraise high enough. I kinda knew it deep down, but I was just hoping. No matter though, wasn't as disappointed as I thought I would be. Kinda took a weight off my shoulders of having to worry about payments and not having time to save up money and stuff. So, I guess I have to find a house again............back where I started. But when you pray about these things and these things happen, you can believe that it was the plan. Hopefully, we can get out of the contract for the land.


But good news on the scale this morning.


Wed. 314.4


I hope I keep seeing progress.


Good choices.

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Sorry to hear the house didn't go through. I'm a big believer in fate and I'm sure your dream house is out there!


Way to go on the weight loss!


I'm really enjoying the book...it is addicting!

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Bummer about the house. However, I wish I didn't own right now. Bought a condo 8 years ago when I was 27... several foreclosures in my area have driven down the value 40%! I want to move badly, but I can't take that big of a hit!

Edited by Chigirlcruzin
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I echo the thoughts about the house...but sometimes if it's getting too complicated then it's maybe better that it didn't work out.


Being a homeowner is a great thing but it's a lot of work..sometimes I wish I just had a little apartment. The foreclosure thing was so horrible in Florida that you can buy a home here for a song. My friend paid nearly $500k for her gigantic home a few years ago and now you could get if for around $160k. unreal. Last week they were advertising waterfront townhomes on the intracoastal at50% off..for like 150k. Rents are dirt cheap here now too


The right one is out there!

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Breakfast: Oatmeal


L: Subway, I ended having pizza b/c I didn't pay attention and subway wasn't open.


W: 60 ellpt. or bike depending on how the day goes.


D: depending on if we go with my nephews or not......I was planning on faijtas, but it is like 91 degrees and with no A/c cooking is a nightmare. So I might end up with a sandwich.


Thanks for saying all those nice things about the house. At this point we can't get out of the contract with the land. So we are trying just a few more avenues with the house (trying to get more comps to make the appraisal go up and then trying to see if my aunt will go with the original USDA loan b/c then I could keep the price down enough for the appraisal). If all else fails. I've just decided to go with my previous thought out back up plan and just make payments to my grandad on the lot over the next 2 years or so and then I should be able to use the lot for collateral to put a house on it or just resale it........whatever. Probably need to get used to a certain amount of money going out of my bank account anyway and maybe I'll have a raise or something by then that will let me get an even nice house or at least feel more comfortable paying for one by myself.


I do still feel sad though, b/c if that happens I will have to live with my parents for at least another year 1/2 to 2 years. I will be 30 by then. Its just depressing. Although my parents are VERY supportive and told me that it wasn't my fault that the markets crashed and the economy went south and its not a stable world out there. Still, I have plenty of friends out there living on their own (renting) and making it and the older I get, the less independent I feel relying on my parents for so much.


I even looked at renting prices in the area, but at $700 a month to rent a 2 bedroom apt.....I feel like my money would be better spent paying for the land and waiting. Though my freedom.........will hurt. And so will my sinuses when I have to endure another winter of cig. smoke and wood stoves. I guess I can only sit back and pray and hope what works out is what is best for me now. And think that at least I'm not having to worry about a roof over my head or food to eat (:rolleyes:), b/c there are worse things in life and I should feel blessed.


Maybe getting away this weekend will help. Though I'm worried about not getting my exercise in and over eating. I know I can control both, but questioning myself on whether I will. I think I will bring my scale with me to remind me while I'm there..........WHY I should stay on task. And the friend we are going to see is doing WW too, so maybe we can help each other. She lives in a nice little neighborhood, so I can probably do some walking at least. She said we could cook in some too, which will help with food intake. It will probably be hot as :eek: there, lol.


Good Choices.

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Sounds like you have a good plan to pay off the land and then build on it later (if the appraisal can't be raised on the house). As much as you'd like to be on your own, I wouldn't throw $700 a month away on rent. I think it is so much smarter to stay at your parents and save your money for a house. I wonder at these kids who rent right away and then wonder why they can't save for a house...just throwing money away without any ownership. Just my unsolicited two cents...:)


You don't want all your hard work to go away this weekend...remember your goal (cruise!). It's helpful to be around friends who are dieting too...so much less opportunity to splurge! Good luck

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Breakfast: Oatmeal


L: Subway, I ended having pizza b/c I didn't pay attention and subway wasn't open.


W: 60 ellpt. or bike depending on how the day goes.


D: depending on if we go with my nephews or not......I was planning on faijtas, but it is like 91 degrees and with no A/c cooking is a nightmare. So I might end up with a sandwich.


Thanks for saying all those nice things about the house. At this point we can't get out of the contract with the land. So we are trying just a few more avenues with the house (trying to get more comps to make the appraisal go up and then trying to see if my aunt will go with the original USDA loan b/c then I could keep the price down enough for the appraisal). If all else fails. I've just decided to go with my previous thought out back up plan and just make payments to my grandad on the lot over the next 2 years or so and then I should be able to use the lot for collateral to put a house on it or just resale it........whatever. Probably need to get used to a certain amount of money going out of my bank account anyway and maybe I'll have a raise or something by then that will let me get an even nice house or at least feel more comfortable paying for one by myself.


I do still feel sad though, b/c if that happens I will have to live with my parents for at least another year 1/2 to 2 years. I will be 30 by then. Its just depressing. Although my parents are VERY supportive and told me that it wasn't my fault that the markets crashed and the economy went south and its not a stable world out there. Still, I have plenty of friends out there living on their own (renting) and making it and the older I get, the less independent I feel relying on my parents for so much.


I even looked at renting prices in the area, but at $700 a month to rent a 2 bedroom apt.....I feel like my money would be better spent paying for the land and waiting. Though my freedom.........will hurt. And so will my sinuses when I have to endure another winter of cig. smoke and wood stoves. I guess I can only sit back and pray and hope what works out is what is best for me now. And think that at least I'm not having to worry about a roof over my head or food to eat (:rolleyes:), b/c there are worse things in life and I should feel blessed.


Maybe getting away this weekend will help. Though I'm worried about not getting my exercise in and over eating. I know I can control both, but questioning myself on whether I will. I think I will bring my scale with me to remind me while I'm there..........WHY I should stay on task. And the friend we are going to see is doing WW too, so maybe we can help each other. She lives in a nice little neighborhood, so I can probably do some walking at least. She said we could cook in some too, which will help with food intake. It will probably be hot as :eek: there, lol.


Good Choices.


Brooklyn: People say I have a lot of time on my hands and that sometimes I should get a life! Well for now my "Life" is taking care of my 91 year old father here in North Ft Myers FL. Did I ever think I'd be single again and living with my dad at 64??? Hell NO. I thought I'd be on my Iowa porch watching my grand kids run arond the 4 acres on our ATV. but God had other plans when i was filed on for divorce after 25 yrs together. When mom had her stroke in Sept '03 I never thought about moving down here to help him but when I arrived in May '10 it was clearly evident that they needed me. So don't feel bad about living w/ your parents cause they MAY be living with you some day. In many ways it's been a blessing for me and dad ( mom has passed away in July'10 ) You have BOTH your mom & dad and let them help you on your need to save but not enable you in your weight loss journey.


I too am dealing with weight as the effects of a steroid med and lack of exercise added 50# to my body since arriving here. 250# was 200#. Am I happy about it? No, but one thing I DON"T do is read my scale every day as that can be depressing and counterproductive. For your sanity do it once a week. There IS NO magic cure but one thing for sure is that 90% of the whole battle is in your head and changing your lifestyle. Everyone will give you their "solution" but that really has to come from your doctor, nutritionist and if you can your trainer at a health club. I wish you well in your journey as I am on one myself. Ken

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Sounds like you have a good plan to pay off the land and then build on it later (if the appraisal can't be raised on the house). As much as you'd like to be on your own, I wouldn't throw $700 a month away on rent. I think it is so much smarter to stay at your parents and save your money for a house. I wonder at these kids who rent right away and then wonder why they can't save for a house...just throwing money away without any ownership. Just my unsolicited two cents...:)


You don't want all your hard work to go away this weekend...remember your goal (cruise!). It's helpful to be around friends who are dieting too...so much less opportunity to splurge! Good luck


Thanks. It looks like this is the way its going, but like I said, its not like my world is coming to an end, so life will go on.:D

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Brooklyn: People say I have a lot of time on my hands and that sometimes I should get a life! Well for now my "Life" is taking care of my 91 year old father here in North Ft Myers FL. Did I ever think I'd be single again and living with my dad at 64??? Hell NO. I thought I'd be on my Iowa porch watching my grand kids run arond the 4 acres on our ATV. but God had other plans when i was filed on for divorce after 25 yrs together. When mom had her stroke in Sept '03 I never thought about moving down here to help him but when I arrived in May '10 it was clearly evident that they needed me. So don't feel bad about living w/ your parents cause they MAY be living with you some day. In many ways it's been a blessing for me and dad ( mom has passed away in July'10 ) You have BOTH your mom & dad and let them help you on your need to save but not enable you in your weight loss journey.


I too am dealing with weight as the effects of a steroid med and lack of exercise added 50# to my body since arriving here. 250# was 200#. Am I happy about it? No, but one thing I DON"T do is read my scale every day as that can be depressing and counterproductive. For your sanity do it once a week. There IS NO magic cure but one thing for sure is that 90% of the whole battle is in your head and changing your lifestyle. Everyone will give you their "solution" but that really has to come from your doctor, nutritionist and if you can your trainer at a health club. I wish you well in your journey as I am on one myself. Ken


I'm sure my mom would feel the same way, she lost her mom in 1999 and she was out of the house and married at 18 years old. She probably would love to have more time to spend with her mom.


I'm very lucky I have pretty understanding parents. Though we have our butthead moments. And they aren't the best influence on my weightloss sometimes.


I'm just gonna get to it and start paying on the land as soon as I can (I have to pay a few things off first b/c I wasn't planning on having payments until at least August.) and I should have it paid off before I turn 30, so maybe I won't be 30 and still living at home:rolleyes:.


Thanks Ken. 18 more weekends.:D

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Well, I ended up going to McDs with the family last night. I couldn't help myself, I mean those little boys light up my world. I just can't get enough of them. Me and Adam did play "chase me around" for about five mins. until he found this adorable little girl to play with. It also gave me a chance to fill in my SIL and brother on the house situation. My SIL was really trying hard to think of a solution (she used to do loans and stuff, but she has been promoted far above that now). I told her that if you pray about something every night and this is where it has gotten you so far, then there has to be a plan and a rhyme and reason. I will hold onto that. Who knows, maybe I'll need to find another job (God please don't let that be it) or I'll need to move.......and a piece a property is so much easier to deal with than a house. So, there is a positive side.


Anyway, I had a grilled chicken breast (when I opened the bun and saw it, it was tiny......but then I remembered........its is not tiny......its actually the right size......3oz, a handful) and fries and a half/half sweet tea. I was planning on going home and exercising, except when I got home, my room was well 100 degrees and then I realized I needed to pack and get some laundry done before we leave this afternoon. I knew there would be times where exercise would not be able to happen, but hopefully I will be in more motion the next 4 days than normally, and get some walking in too.


BK: Oatmeal


L: ham/cheese sandwich, chips. Obviously I was in no mood for planning since I was thinking about all the stuff I needed to not forget to pack (finishing touches) when I got home. Plus I was running late b/c I had to try and find my cord for my GPS to update it.


D: I suppose we will eat on the road or when we get there.


W: Maybe I can get a late night walk in.


I can't help but think of our sweet little boys after all this mess with the house. What their lives were like before they came to us. The baby will be 1 year old come next week, that means they have been with us for about 10 months. The advancement they have made is amazing. I wish I could describe to you the changes, but we have to be careful what we put out there. Those boys know more about the bad things in life than I ever will. I've been kind of lamenting over the 50 Shades of Grey book since I started reading it as the back story of the male character hits close to home (Pam will know what I speak of) and I thought it was the story itself that got to me, but I think it might be that particular part of the story. I've never known what it is like to be hungry.........EVER. And when I think of those little boys..........I'm not sure if my emotions know what to do with the realizations that I think that book brought up. A friend of mine called the book dribble..........I guess its subjective, but it obviously meant something to me.


Anyway, enough with the "blah" on a Friday.


314.6 was my weight today.


But I came in at 314.4 as my lowest for the week, so that is what I logged and that puts me at 15.2lbs lost. :rolleyes: But I can see things working now. I think I will just hold on. Besides that would be a little over 2lb loss from the previous logged weight. That is the first time in a long time I lost more than 1lb in a week. Has to be a good sign.


Good Choices.

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Ok, first things first. Congrats on the weight loss! That is a real coup! Sounds like you now know what you need to do to show a loss each week!


Secondly, Who would dare to call "50 Shades" dribble? Oh my...I totally get you with the back story on Christian. I find it fascinating too (maybe it's just the psych major in me coming out!). I find the book so entertaining...kind of fills the void left when "Sex and the City" went off the air (I was not a big fan of the movies...loved the series though!). I'm almost through book 1 and on the library list for books 2-3. I may break down and buy them as a e-book though (I have a kindle app on my macbook), since I don't know if I can wait!


I didn't know the story of your nephews. I take it they are adopted or foster kids? What special people your brother and SIL must be to take that on!! My DH works for the State of FL and is always going on about the kids who really need homes and cannot get adopted because most people want that perfect infant baby. It takes special people to take in a child who has had a rough start to life. Adoption is a topic very close to my heart... I suffered from infertility for 4 years before having my twins and I would have loved to have adopted, but my husband at the time (we are since divorced) was against it. I persevered and eventually gave birth to two wonderful children, but I would have adopted in a heart beat too!


Enjoy your weekend away. I'm sure you will remember your good choices this weekend!! BTW, what size hand weights do you use? I've been using 3 lb. weights, but wonder if it's enough. It certainly feels heavy when I do my bicep curls (I think that's what they are called?). I certainly don't want to build...just want to make the arms less flabby!!


Have fun this weekend...forget about the housing thing for a few days and just enjoy!!

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Enjoy your weekend away. I'm sure you will remember your good choices this weekend!! BTW, what size hand weights do you use? I've been using 3 lb. weights, but wonder if it's enough. It certainly feels heavy when I do my bicep curls (I think that's what they are called?). I certainly don't want to build...just want to make the arms less flabby!!


For flabby arms you want to work your triceps. And that takes heavy weights I use 10lbs for that. French presses should be as heavy as you can stand. Great for your shoulders and triceps.


On a good note down other 2 lbs. I feels so much better and have a ton of engery. Planning on staying under 6 grams carbs, Till june 30th my daughters wedding that day I'm still going to really watch what I eat but will have a couple glasses of bubbles. Wasn't going to do cake at all but my daughter thinks if I don't at least have a bite its bad luck. LOL


Then right back to the 6 grams or under till sept when we go on our cruise

I am going to up my calories after the 30th I have been keeping them at 1000/ 1200. I know low but I wanted to drop 20 fast,and have. Hoping for other 5 or 6 by the wedding.

Want to be down other 20lbs by cruise sept 17. I can do this!!!:)

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But good news on the scale this morning.


Wed. 314.4


I hope I keep seeing progress.


Good choices.


Brooke: I read your first post of May 2009 345.5 and now 3 yrs later you're 31# lighter. 9% weight loss. Way to go. Like I said it's a journey NOT a sprint. Try weighing only once a week but keep doing your food/calorie/exercise journal. It's a matter of calories in-calories burned. When you think that to lose 1# you need to burn 3000 calories! Drink 8 8 oz glasses of water ( I usually put lemon and sweet & low in mine) daily. 6 smaller meals not 3 the biggest in the am and NOTHING after 7 pm. But YOU allready know all about this! So By the cruise what's your goal? I am shooting for 1# a week. Doesn't being below 300# sound awesome? Oh and for me it's only 2 decks up to the Gym and I plan on hitting the gym for 1 hour ( it opens at 6am) daily. OK Now I'll get off my soapbox and if you're mad at me for telling you all this I apoplogize but I ain't got lot of room to talk myself! Ken

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Brooke: I read your first post of May 2009 345.5 and now 3 yrs later you're 31# lighter. 9% weight loss. Way to go. Like I said it's a journey NOT a sprint. Try weighing only once a week but keep doing your food/calorie/exercise journal. It's a matter of calories in-calories burned. When you think that to lose 1# you need to burn 3000 calories! Drink 8 8 oz glasses of water ( I usually put lemon and sweet & low in mine) daily. 6 smaller meals not 3 the biggest in the am and NOTHING after 7 pm. But YOU allready know all about this! So By the cruise what's your goal? I am shooting for 1# a week. Doesn't being below 300# sound awesome? Oh and for me it's only 2 decks up to the Gym and I plan on hitting the gym for 1 hour ( it opens at 6am) daily. OK Now I'll get off my soapbox and if you're mad at me for telling you all this I apoplogize but I ain't got lot of room to talk myself! Ken


It's 3500 calories to lose/gain a pound. Not eating after 7 pm is a myth. Your body doesn't know what time it is. Calories in vs calories out is all that matters, regardless of when they are consumed/burned.

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I just discovered Firefly Skinny Tea Sweet Tea Flavored Vodka (found at Total Wine). No carbs, as it's sweetened with truvia. I can probably count the number of drinks I've had on one had since I began this thing last August, but I do miss the occasional cocktail. Not that I intend to indulge every day or even every week, but for the occasional cocktail, this seems like a good option. I mixed it with crystal light lemonade last night and found it a bit sweet, so switched to crystal light margarita mix (I like really tart drinks). I might try mixing it with the crystal light green tea honey and lemon flavor next time. I know that even with no carbs, the alcohol is not great for weight loss, but like I said, for an occasional drink, it's got to be better than some of the other options out there. Even a glass of wine is something like 4-5 carbs.


On the positive note, I am now well below 200! I have not seen this weight in about 6 years, so I am elated. Of course, I delivered twins at 198 lbs., so it's not a great weight for me (at 5'2"), but it's the lowest I've been in a while, so I will take it.


Still trucking along...made fajitas last night and had mine without a tortilla and without sour cream...just chicken, some chopped up red and yellow pepper, onion, and seasonings. Lunch was sandwich without bread...salami and cheese. I did see a cute option though for a "sandwich". You cut a green pepper (or red or yellow) so you have two relatively flat ends and then fill with meat and cheese. I bet it would be nice grilled too!



Hope everyone is having a good weekend. Central FL is a wetland...I think we've had rain every day since school has been out. I'm tempted to turn off my sprinkler system this month and save on the water bill since Mother Nature is taking care of watering the lawn!! The pool overflows daily with all the rain water...not a great summer!:D

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I don't like Salami or lunch meat but I do like the look of that pepper! Now you've got me thinking of making some type of vegetarian stuffed peppers to eat for meals this week..there are many different types of fillings you can make using brown rice, beans, quinona and other grains.


Have you ever had roasted red peppers? They sell them in jars but they are very easy to make at home either on the grill or in the oven, and it only takes a few minutes to 'scorch" them..when the skins turn dark then you take them out and the skins slip right off. Somehow the roasting part makes them sweeter. I've also discovered water chestnuts..yep..they have next to no calories and I love the crunch..plus only like .50 a can sometimes.




I just discovered Firefly Skinny Tea Sweet Tea Flavored Vodka (found at Total Wine). No carbs, as it's sweetened with truvia. I can probably count the number of drinks I've had on one had since I began this thing last August, but I do miss the occasional cocktail. Not that I intend to indulge every day or even every week, but for the occasional cocktail, this seems like a good option. I mixed it with crystal light lemonade last night and found it a bit sweet, so switched to crystal light margarita mix (I like really tart drinks). I might try mixing it with the crystal light green tea honey and lemon flavor next time. I know that even with no carbs, the alcohol is not great for weight loss, but like I said, for an occasional drink, it's got to be better than some of the other options out there. Even a glass of wine is something like 4-5 carbs.


On the positive note, I am now well below 200! I have not seen this weight in about 6 years, so I am elated. Of course, I delivered twins at 198 lbs., so it's not a great weight for me (at 5'2"), but it's the lowest I've been in a while, so I will take it.


Still trucking along...made fajitas last night and had mine without a tortilla and without sour cream...just chicken, some chopped up red and yellow pepper, onion, and seasonings. Lunch was sandwich without bread...salami and cheese. I did see a cute option though for a "sandwich". You cut a green pepper (or red or yellow) so you have two relatively flat ends and then fill with meat and cheese. I bet it would be nice grilled too!



Hope everyone is having a good weekend. Central FL is a wetland...I think we've had rain every day since school has been out. I'm tempted to turn off my sprinkler system this month and save on the water bill since Mother Nature is taking care of watering the lawn!! The pool overflows daily with all the rain water...not a great summer!:D

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Brooke: I read your first post of May 2009 345.5 and now 3 yrs later you're 31# lighter. 9% weight loss. Way to go. Like I said it's a journey NOT a sprint. Try weighing only once a week but keep doing your food/calorie/exercise journal. It's a matter of calories in-calories burned. When you think that to lose 1# you need to burn 3000 calories! Drink 8 8 oz glasses of water ( I usually put lemon and sweet & low in mine) daily. 6 smaller meals not 3 the biggest in the am and NOTHING after 7 pm. But YOU allready know all about this! So By the cruise what's your goal? I am shooting for 1# a week. Doesn't being below 300# sound awesome? Oh and for me it's only 2 decks up to the Gym and I plan on hitting the gym for 1 hour ( it opens at 6am) daily. OK Now I'll get off my soapbox and if you're mad at me for telling you all this I apoplogize but I ain't got lot of room to talk myself! Ken


Im not mad. Lol. I like to look at it as i have maintained a weightloss for 3 years which is something i have never done before. Weightloss is okay but ultimately keeping it off is the long term goal. Thats why i hate quick loss programs, sure i will lose fast but i think about will i be able to keep it off? Long term is my goal.


25# is the goal, ive lost 5 so far..........4 months to lose 20:rolleyes:


Im still on my mini vacay.....been doing well with food, but i did splurge last night on a seafood buffet. I did walk a lot on sat and then made a point to go out and walk my friends neighborhood . It wasnt much bc my back was actually swollen from being out all day, but i probably did 30 mins.


Gonna get out and try to get more walking in today. We will head hme tomr.

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Well, back from my mini vacation! It was relaxing and I felt like it was the perfect getaway from my problems and stress. I did pretty good with food, though I did indulge a bit two nights for seafood and pizza. But I did do some walking around outlets and stuff and I did make a few rounds around my friend's neighborhood walking. I feel like I might gain a bit or stay the same b/c of the lack of exercise this week. But, I also feel like it won't be hard to get back on track, in fact, already on it. :D


We got back late afternoon yesterday so I decided to do some extended time on the bike to get in some more exercise to try and counter act some eating and make up for the lack of exercise. So I managed 90 mins on the bike with just a brief break after 60 mins. where I did my hand weights for about 5 mins.


I was reading through my work emails last night to get a head start and noticed that they have the pool open this week. So the gym opens at 5 and the pool at 6. I figured I would go to the gym for 60 mins. then hit the pool for 30 mins or so.


I need to do what I can b/c my family will be in this weekend for a visit and to celebrate my nephews 1st bday. I will have to try and make sure I get in some exercise around my family being there. These next few weeks will be a testament to how well I can do with getting in exercise when I have extra things on my plate. I will also need to pay attention to my food choices.


BK: Oatmeal


L: I had packed cheese/crackers/ham and a whole cucumber cut up for lunch............its on the counter at home. :rolleyes: And the subway isn't open until 3pm today, so I guess i will have 2 grilled wraps from DQ with a side salad.


W: Ellpt/pool


D: Might just be a sandwich and a veggie b/c its just hot in the kitchen.


here is to 20lbs in 4 months....................



Good Choices.

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BK: Oatmeal


L: Cheese/crackers/ham, cucumber slices


S: graham crackers/pb (just one serving)


W: ellpt/pool


D: Idk.


I've got the allergy fog today. I hope I can push through the day and then through exercise. I feel like just laying my head down and napping the rest of the day. I hate this feeling. I have lots of work to do and I have no energy to complete it.


The pool was nice yesterday. The cool water felt good after my workout. However, since we got our swim team back........they (naturally) removed the easy access stairs at the end of the pool. Now I have to climb straight down and up to get in and out. Plus the bars on each side are close together so I have to squeeze between them to get in and out. I'm not really complaining b/c I'm sure others are fine with it. But it was kinda scary trying to get out of the pool last night. I didn't know if I could make it. I mean trying to lift MY body up and out of a pool with no angle just straight up and the main source of power being my arms........lets just say I was def. scared that I wouldn't be able to get out or that I would fall back into the pool. Good thing I don't have my glasses on to probably see everyone staring at me. It kinda makes me not wanna go back again.


Of course, I was already a little mad b/c I had been texting a guy I met for a few days and thought maybe at least he might be a decent one. In the Navy and older than me........but alas............just another guy only after one thing. At least when I explained to him that wasn't what I was looking for he was nice about it. But I was nice about telling him, so I guess you get what you give. Still disappointing. Not so much about him, but just in general. Everytime I think a decent one comes along.......it takes about 4 days (sometimes not even that) for them to show their true colors. Def. Disappointing.


Anyway, let's see if I can work through this fog and get some work done today.


Good choices.

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