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BK: Oatmeal


L: Cheese/crackers/ham, cucumber slices


S: graham crackers/pb (just one serving)


W: ellpt/pool


D: Idk.


I've got the allergy fog today. I hope I can push through the day and then through exercise. I feel like just laying my head down and napping the rest of the day. I hate this feeling. I have lots of work to do and I have no energy to complete it.


The pool was nice yesterday. The cool water felt good after my workout. However, since we got our swim team back........they (naturally) removed the easy access stairs at the end of the pool. Now I have to climb straight down and up to get in and out. Plus the bars on each side are close together so I have to squeeze between them to get in and out. I'm not really complaining b/c I'm sure others are fine with it. But it was kinda scary trying to get out of the pool last night. I didn't know if I could make it. I mean trying to lift MY body up and out of a pool with no angle just straight up and the main source of power being my arms........lets just say I was def. scared that I wouldn't be able to get out or that I would fall back into the pool. Good thing I don't have my glasses on to probably see everyone staring at me. It kinda makes me not wanna go back again.


Of course, I was already a little mad b/c I had been texting a guy I met for a few days and thought maybe at least he might be a decent one. In the Navy and older than me........but alas............just another guy only after one thing. At least when I explained to him that wasn't what I was looking for he was nice about it. But I was nice about telling him, so I guess you get what you give. Still disappointing. Not so much about him, but just in general. Everytime I think a decent one comes along.......it takes about 4 days (sometimes not even that) for them to show their true colors. Def. Disappointing.


Anyway, let's see if I can work through this fog and get some work done today.


Good choices.


Sorry to hear of your disappointing experience with the guy. I have a single friend here and I hear it all the time...where are the good guys? I wish I could tell you where to find them.


The pool experience sounds scary without stairs. I don't know if I'd have enough upper arm strength to pull up either. The good news is that you did it! Good for you. Maybe it will be easier next time!


Hope you are feeling better. Allergies are no fun!


Tropical storm Debby has left FL so we have sun again...which is nice. I'm still working out every night...upped my bike to 3.20 miles (takes about 18 minutes) and using 3 lb. hand weights for some arm exercises. Someone mentioned 10 lb. weights...seems a bit high, but I really know nothing of this and should probably google it.


I'm in the middle of the second 50 Shades book. I'm kind of going slow on purpose so I can really enjoy the books and not rush through. I know I will be sad when I am finished with them. That's the mark of a good writer, when you don't want to finish the book...the writer kind of reminds me of the style of "Bridget Jones Diary," also written by an English writer. We lived in the UK for 4 years, so I love all the English expressions in the book.


Hang in there, Brooke. I hope you find your prince!!! I tell my single friend that she has kissed enough toads so her prince must be out there!!

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Sorry to hear of your disappointing experience with the guy. I have a single friend here and I hear it all the time...where are the good guys? I wish I could tell you where to find them.


The pool experience sounds scary without stairs. I don't know if I'd have enough upper arm strength to pull up either. The good news is that you did it! Good for you. Maybe it will be easier next time!


Hope you are feeling better. Allergies are no fun!


Tropical storm Debby has left FL so we have sun again...which is nice. I'm still working out every night...upped my bike to 3.20 miles (takes about 18 minutes) and using 3 lb. hand weights for some arm exercises. Someone mentioned 10 lb. weights...seems a bit high, but I really know nothing of this and should probably google it.


I'm in the middle of the second 50 Shades book. I'm kind of going slow on purpose so I can really enjoy the books and not rush through. I know I will be sad when I am finished with them. That's the mark of a good writer, when you don't want to finish the book...the writer kind of reminds me of the style of "Bridget Jones Diary," also written by an English writer. We lived in the UK for 4 years, so I love all the English expressions in the book.


Hang in there, Brooke. I hope you find your prince!!! I tell my single friend that she has kissed enough toads so her prince must be out there!!



I think I actually went through withdraw when I finished them. And when I'm bored I find myself going back over parts of the storyline in my head. I'm sure in a few more weeks I will forget most of it, its my coping skills, lol.

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Well the family will be in this afternoon when I get home so I'm sure it will be a whirlwind when I get home. I'm gonna try and work through lunch to leave early.


BK: Oatmeal


L: subway, I'll explain in a min.


S: Cucumbers/little ranch


W: probably not, but I will see what I can work in


D: I guess what mom fixes for everybody, I will have to watch.


Okay, so last night I didn't workout. I KNOW, not good. But I was completely EXHAUSTED. From what? I don't know. Allergies maybe, left over stress........idk. I just know my body was done. I went home and tried to refuel hoping to get on the bike.......but I fell asleep in the chair around 7, got up and got in the bed at 8 and except for the few times I woke up and rolled over..........I slept all the way through to my alarm at 6:30. I thought I would feel miserable for sleeping so long, but I felt MUCH better. Compared to yesterday where I was in a fog all day and kept practically falling asleep trying to read stuff at work.........I feel 110% better. I hope it last, b/c then maybe I can get a late night workout in on the bike.


Anyway, my morning starts with a work meeting..........


And yet another guy bit the dust last night. But I have to say they both were honest about what they wanted and so was I in return, so it was more of a......Okay..........good luck, see ya.


Good Choices.

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Ugh...I so hear you on the guy thing. I'm a bit older than you (35), and I don't even know where to meet a guy any more. You'd think in a city as big as Chicago that there would be tons of guys...not so. I did Match.com for a while and had an absolutely horrendous experience. I had to call my trainer (who is a big guy and lived a block from where I was) to come help me. It was horrible, and really turned me off/scared me from online dating.


My hip flexor is still hurting :( I hate not being able to spin. I joined a master swim class at my gym, though, and I love it! My gym pool has zero entry in the main pool area, but there are no steps whatsoever in the lap area. I never would have thought of that, but I can see how that would be frustrating and scary...but you did it!

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I think I actually went through withdraw when I finished them. And when I'm bored I find myself going back over parts of the storyline in my head. I'm sure in a few more weeks I will forget most of it, its my coping skills, lol.


I'm anxious for the movie version. Although it probably won't do the books justice (movies rarely do), it will be interesting to see how they cast it. I've wasted way too much time thinking of casting. My pick for Christian is Ryan Gosling. I don't know who I like for Ana. I was thinking Anne Hathaway, but I think she's a bit mature now for the role...maybe Amanda Seyfried? I just finished book 2 so now have to decide if I'll wait on the library to come through with book 3 or buy the e book. My resolution has been not to buy any more books, because I have no place to store them, but e books take care of that problem, don't they! So easy to just download them!!


I never read the Twilight books, but both of my kids did...well, I did read the first chapter of the first book and decided it wasn't for me. But I thought the casting of Bella was horrible...I don't think Kristen Stewart can act at all. To me, the movies were horrible (I only saw the first and most recent one), but I do like the British guy who plays Edward...he is cute! I do hope the 50 Shades movie is of better quality and although I have heard of the Edward actor from Twilight mentioned for Christian, I don' think he is right for it.


I'm also waiting for the Les Mis movie, although I think Hugh Jackman is horribly cast as the lead. Maybe Russell Crowe would have been better as Jean Valjean rather than as Javert?


Have a fab weekend with the family! I know you will remember your good choices!! We have nothing planned for the 4th...maybe the kids will have some friends over to go in the pool. Last year I made Italian sausages and served them on the King's Hawaiian bread sub rolls. This year, it will be NO bread for me and the thing is, I really don't miss it!!

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That's horrible..thank goodness your trainer lived nearby and was on standby!


As someone who NEVER thought she'd get married (enjoyed being single too much?), I did last Nov. and we're having our church wedding on July 28. All I can say is, when I gave up it happened and it ended up being the brother of a very close friend. He and I had been friends for over 2 years, we all went traveling together overseas in 2009 and bam..suddenly we were in love. And I have a couple of years up on you..and I can honestly say it was worth every tear ever shed while waiting...and I'd had a couple of chances to get married before, too..When my husband asked me to marry him he did it in a church..yep..we were hiking in Central America and came upon a beautiful old church and he said he wanted to go in and ask me to marry him because he wanted the whole thing private 'between God, he, and me". And I had no doubts, there were no "weird situations" that needed to be worked out, and it just was so easy. So hang on! It can happen!


Ugh...I so hear you on the guy thing. I'm a bit older than you (35), and I don't even know where to meet a guy any more. You'd think in a city as big as Chicago that there would be tons of guys...not so. I did Match.com for a while and had an absolutely horrendous experience. I had to call my trainer (who is a big guy and lived a block from where I was) to come help me. It was horrible, and really turned me off/scared me from online dating.


My hip flexor is still hurting :( I hate not being able to spin. I joined a master swim class at my gym, though, and I love it! My gym pool has zero entry in the main pool area, but there are no steps whatsoever in the lap area. I never would have thought of that, but I can see how that would be frustrating and scary...but you did it!

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Thanks ladies. I hope things will get better. N the bad side...........we have no power from a nasty storm we had, though my brothers in laws who have power let us use their generator so we can run some air and the fridge. My gparents r in and in 104the temps we had to do something. But this means i got no exercise in and probably wont all weekend bc of the high heat.................on top of it, i have either sprained or severly twisted my left ankle. I stepped down on the ground from the last stair and my ankle slippled off my flip flop and turned and i heard a crack. Lucky i grabbed the rail and caught some of my body weight and then sat down on the stairs immediately. I cudnt check my breath and i felt a little sick and like i was going to pass out. Of course then the tears started a bit, but i didnt get all hysterical. My parents helped me up and i cud put pressure on it so i put it up and took ibprofen and put ice on it for about 30to mins. I then walked a bit and limped around, so im pretty sure it is not broke. But it is swollen a bit, sore, and i dont have complete range of motion and its rather blue around the area. I think i will see the chiro next week to make sure i didnt hurt my back too and to see what he recommends. It might be the bike for a week until it heals. I will probably cut back on points a bit to counteract lack of exercise too. I wont let this stop me. Though it may slow me down a bit.


Good choices.

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Sorry to hear about your ankle and lack of power! I know your area got some bad storms. Hope your ankle is feeling better. I'd keep it wrapped for awhile...I sprained my ankle trying to learn to ski about 10 years ago and it felt sooo much better when wrapped! I'd ask your dr abut exercise...my dr recommended physical therapy for my ankle, but we were living in England at the time and it just seemed like more hassle than it was worth, so I skipped the PT and it healed just fine. Decreasing your WW points seems like a good idea to compensate for the lack of exercise. Hope you are feeling better soon!

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We saw the coverage of the storms on the news, feel your pain; we lost power for 10 days last summer due to the hurricaine (we were on a cruise for this one) that hit the north east and again for a week in October because of that freak snow/ice storm. Each time we lost everything in the fridge and freezer. Re: the ankel, you might want to have an x-ray just in case...

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Still no power, cud be the weekend.......


Wrk has power though so at least i have that. I have an apt with my chiro today and will have him look at the ankle. Its swollen and blue bruised but just achy. I have it wrapped and elevated at wrk. But the stairs r no fun with it. Plus im leaning n my bad hip a lot. I figure that the recumbent bike wudnt hurt my ankle.....but ill wait until chiro says something. For now i have reduced my point intake to help cmpensate for lack of physical activity. Not by to much though .....200 calories. I gained up to 319 the over th last week and i NEED to stop that. So i figure if i reduce movement, the i reduce food.


Good choices.

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Still no power, cud be the weekend.......


Wrk has power though so at least i have that. I have an apt with my chiro today and will have him look at the ankle. Its swollen and blue bruised but just achy. I have it wrapped and elevated at wrk. But the stairs r no fun with it. Plus im leaning n my bad hip a lot. I figure that the recumbent bike wudnt hurt my ankle.....but ill wait until chiro says something. For now i have reduced my point intake to help cmpensate for lack of physical activity. Not by to much though .....200 calories. I gained up to 319 the over th last week and i NEED to stop that. So i figure if i reduce movement, the i reduce food.


Good choices.


Brooke I hope your power comes back Frito's went out again last night but came back on. Hope your ankle heals, but that is no excuse for not doing some weight resistance exercises with your arms I am sure you know which ones and they too will burn calories. Go for it! Ken

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Brooke I hope your power comes back Frito's went out again last night but came back on. Hope your ankle heals, but that is no excuse for not doing some weight resistance exercises with your arms I am sure you know which ones and they too will burn calories. Go for it! Ken


Thanks Ken. On top of it. Actually my arms are pretty sore from using them to redistribute some of my weight off my ankles for stairs etc. But I have hand weights at home I use.


The Dr. cleared me for the recumbent bike as long as I wear a brace and no when to stop.

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I found this article about the weight watchers plan..I'm not on it but thought it made a lot of sense as seems several here are.




Hope those without electricity are back on..


Good article. I will re-evaluate and make sure I'm doing all of that.


And yes, we have power back on..........for now.:D

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The chiropractor evaluated my ankle and determined it was a pretty typical 2nd degree sprain. He used a sonogram to reduce swelling and a magnetic tape to help with the circulation. I have a lateral support brace on it to keep from letting my ankle twist again. I have to wear it for 7-10 days and then i can start exercises to strengthen my ankle back up (drawing ABCs in the air with my foot). He said I can swim, but not after he heard about the ladder access in the pool...........so he relented on the recumbent bike as long as I wore the brace and listened to my ankle's pain and swelling level for how long I should go.


And the electricity is back on, but I say "for now" b/c ........well........its still touchy. But it got me in my room and on the bike last night as it will the rest of the week, I hope. I only did 30 mins b/c my foot started going pretty numb and I thought I should not push too hard, too fast for my ankles sake.


I reduced my intake just by about 100-200 calories to help with the lack of exercise. And this morning I went from 319 two days ago to 316. So that makes me feel better. B/c we just sat around eating during the blackout........to try and 'save food' and b/c we were bored and hot. I didn't go crazy, as I thought I would do with food and boredom. I kept track of my points the best I could with no internet.


Last night we had chicken fajitas on low carb wraps........thats right......even my dad. I had some graham crackers for a sweet tooth (pb and honey on it)


I had a bologna sandwich, cucumbers, cheese stick, banana with a little bit of pb on it for lunch.


BK was oatmeal.




BK: oatmeal and a peach mid morning


L: leftover chicken from fajitas, no wrap, broccoli and some ranch for dip, cheese stick


S: banana


D: We r trying to get rid of the stuff in the fridge from the blackout, so mom may have burgers tonight. I will go bunless if that is the fact.


W: Whatever my ankle will let me do on the bike. most likely 30 mins.


As you can see I've tried to increase my veggie and fruit intake and decrease my carbs some.


Positive thinking is the only thing I can think of right now.




Good Choices.

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Glad you have power and hope it stays on! That's great that you lost 2 lbs!! Hope the ankle is feeling better. If you can go 30 minutes on the bike, you are better than me! I do 3.20 miles, which takes 18 minutes on average, but it is a struggle. I thought about doing it twice a day instead of just once a day...maybe I'll work up to that! I also have been doing the hand weights and actually thought I noticed a bit of definition in my upper arm today. Hopefully something is working!!


I saw the ad on TV for Golden Corral and how they now have cotton candy. Well, my kids love cotton candy and although it had been a good 10 years since I had set foot in a Golden Corral (and after that, I swore I'd never go back!), we gave it a try. The steak was seasoned pretty well and I just ate steak along with a salad made of romaine, blue cheese crumbles, chopped egg and bacon with a little blue cheese dressing. It was actually pretty good! I don't know that I need to go back for a while, but it was nice to be able to go to a buffet and zero in on what I knew I could eat and be satisfied with that, while the rest of my family indulged in the yeast rolls, pasta, chocolate fountain, etc. The worse I can say is I probably overate, but since it was pretty low carb fare, I don't feel too badly!


And, for those who visit Disney, we had dinner at Boma at the Animal Kingdom Lodge last week and their dinner buffet was filled with lots of low carb options...carved meats, a lamb curry, and salad offerings. All of it was seasoned so well...I do like my spices!! They have a crab soup that is the closest I have found to she crab soup in FL! I definitely recommend it if you are at Disney!


Happy 4th to everyone. We have thunderstorms today! Not sure what that will mean in terms of the theme park fireworks tonight!!

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Wow, the day got away from me. Campaign mode, that's what my office is in.


Anyway, Still holding steady at 315.


BK: Kashi wheat cereal (ran out of oatmeal)


S: 1 graham cracker


L: low sodium bacon/low cal. bread/low cal mayo/tomato sandwich. raw broccoli and cucumbers, string cheese, little ranch to dip, apple.


S: 1 graham cracker and some M&Ms


D: Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, idk


W: probably about 40 mins on the bike. Thats about what I can stand until my ankle starts getting achy.



The bruising is nasty on my ankle. Nearly the whole foot is blue/green right now. I'm also getting cramps in both legs. I've been trying to do periodical stretches. The swelling is mostly gone though, so I think I'm on the right track. Just have to be careful not to re-injure and the brace should help that. I have pics of it on facebook.


I haven't been doing bad. Was pretty decent yesterday than probably normal on July 4th. But we didn't have any major plans either. We just had some hamburgers and my brothers and then took the kids to see the fireworks. I managed to get my workout in before all that happened, otherwise it would NOT have happened b/c we got back around 11:30 and I had to still shower and pull clothes for work.


This weekend I think I still get to go see Bon Jovi in concert at the Greenbrier. I will have to be EXTREMELY careful with my ankle b/c my aunt fell in a hole last year there.......not to mention stupid drunk people always seem to step on me.........then of course my own clumisiness.


In anyway, I'm almost done with my work day and then one more day until the weekend........:D


Good Choices.

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:)My son saw the cotton candy and he's like we have to go so I can dip my cotton candy in the chocolate fountain, I told him to go with his friends DD and I try to stay away from the buffet DH has zero willpower at buffets, he is good at working off the excess calories. Sounds like you have been enjoying summer. Keep up your good work, you always have great advice I enjoy reading it and your reciepe tips. I love spice also.:)



Glad you have power and hope it stays on! That's great that you lost 2 lbs!! Hope the ankle is feeling better. If you can go 30 minutes on the bike, you are better than me! I do 3.20 miles, which takes 18 minutes on average, but it is a struggle. I thought about doing it twice a day instead of just once a day...maybe I'll work up to that! I also have been doing the hand weights and actually thought I noticed a bit of definition in my upper arm today. Hopefully something is working!!


I saw the ad on TV for Golden Corral and how they now have cotton candy. Well, my kids love cotton candy and although it had been a good 10 years since I had set foot in a Golden Corral (and after that, I swore I'd never go back!), we gave it a try. The steak was seasoned pretty well and I just ate steak along with a salad made of romaine, blue cheese crumbles, chopped egg and bacon with a little blue cheese dressing. It was actually pretty good! I don't know that I need to go back for a while, but it was nice to be able to go to a buffet and zero in on what I knew I could eat and be satisfied with that, while the rest of my family indulged in the yeast rolls, pasta, chocolate fountain, etc. The worse I can say is I probably overate, but since it was pretty low carb fare, I don't feel too badly!


And, for those who visit Disney, we had dinner at Boma at the Animal Kingdom Lodge last week and their dinner buffet was filled with lots of low carb options...carved meats, a lamb curry, and salad offerings. All of it was seasoned so well...I do like my spices!! They have a crab soup that is the closest I have found to she crab soup in FL! I definitely recommend it if you are at Disney!


Happy 4th to everyone. We have thunderstorms today! Not sure what that will mean in terms of the theme park fireworks tonight!!

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Well came in at 314.6 this morning. I still a havent got any closer to the 20# i want t lse but i guess i will take what i can get right now.


Bk was cereal


Snacks are veggies, fruits, graham crackers


Lunch is subway


Dinner will be probably a sanwich its too hot.


Workout on the bike.


Ive had these moments of exhaustion lately. I have been taking a decongestant to keep my ears clear, but its supposed to be non drowsy......but the last time i remember being this way was when i was on my cruise with my mom and just cudnt seem to get enough sleep........didnt realize that the meds the dr. Had given me for a sinus infection that i was still taking included a decongestnat. I mean it was hard not to want to nap all the time. Getting up, eating and then almost an hour later wanting to sleep for hurs again.


I will have to change the time i take them to see if that helps. I will take them at night and hopefully it will still do its job and i wont be trying to keep my head up at work.


Good choices

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I had to chuckle at your story. My friend calls Golden Corral , "The Golden Trough"..my mother in law likes to eat there on occasion and it's not too bad if your careful. However, what really keeps me eating there is that I have two psychiatric patients that, to their credit, have made some good changes in their life and they got their jobs through a vocational rehabilitation program which is admirable. However, I know way too much about their lifestyles and hygiene habits which is more than enough to make me stay away!:rolleyes:


Glad you have power and hope it stays on! That's great that you lost 2 lbs!! Hope the ankle is feeling better. If you can go 30 minutes on the bike, you are better than me! I do 3.20 miles, which takes 18 minutes on average, but it is a struggle. I thought about doing it twice a day instead of just once a day...maybe I'll work up to that! I also have been doing the hand weights and actually thought I noticed a bit of definition in my upper arm today. Hopefully something is working!!


I saw the ad on TV for Golden Corral and how they now have cotton candy. Well, my kids love cotton candy and although it had been a good 10 years since I had set foot in a Golden Corral (and after that, I swore I'd never go back!), we gave it a try. The steak was seasoned pretty well and I just ate steak along with a salad made of romaine, blue cheese crumbles, chopped egg and bacon with a little blue cheese dressing. It was actually pretty good! I don't know that I need to go back for a while, but it was nice to be able to go to a buffet and zero in on what I knew I could eat and be satisfied with that, while the rest of my family indulged in the yeast rolls, pasta, chocolate fountain, etc. The worse I can say is I probably overate, but since it was pretty low carb fare, I don't feel too badly!


And, for those who visit Disney, we had dinner at Boma at the Animal Kingdom Lodge last week and their dinner buffet was filled with lots of low carb options...carved meats, a lamb curry, and salad offerings. All of it was seasoned so well...I do like my spices!! They have a crab soup that is the closest I have found to she crab soup in FL! I definitely recommend it if you are at Disney!


Happy 4th to everyone. We have thunderstorms today! Not sure what that will mean in terms of the theme park fireworks tonight!!

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I had to chuckle at your story. My friend calls Golden Corral , "The Golden Trough"..my mother in law likes to eat there on occasion and it's not too bad if your careful. However, what really keeps me eating there is that I have two psychiatric patients that, to their credit, have made some good changes in their life and they got their jobs through a vocational rehabilitation program which is admirable. However, I know way too much about their lifestyles and hygiene habits which is more than enough to make me stay away!:rolleyes:


Oddly enough..............I don't find myself at buffets too often........at least I don't think so. Most of the time we choose 1 serving restaurants (I mean they over load the plate at it is). I used to it buffets ALOT when I was younger. I think it was b/c it was cheaper for my parents in the long run. They used to have a Golden Coral in our town too. It closed down though and the nearest buffet of any kind is at least 30 mins-50 mins away.

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I don't eat out often, and if I do, I want it to be decent quality food. There is an "all you can eat" sushi place here I like but I try to limit that to every couple of months. On the cruises I've been on, the buffet is never appealing to me. I just don't like people pawing over the food, kids at it unattended grabbing things, and I don't want to eat something at a buffet I could easily get at home. And maybe it's judgmental, but I hate it when you see people with loads and loads of food that they don't finish on their plates, and then they go back for more. That's wasteful.



Oddly enough..............I don't find myself at buffets too often........at least I don't think so. Most of the time we choose 1 serving restaurants (I mean they over load the plate at it is). I used to it buffets ALOT when I was younger. I think it was b/c it was cheaper for my parents in the long run. They used to have a Golden Coral in our town too. It closed down though and the nearest buffet of any kind is at least 30 mins-50 mins away.
Edited by Gathina
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Well came in at 314.6 this morning. I still a havent got any closer to the 20# i want t lse but i guess i will take what i can get right now.


Bk was cereal


Snacks are veggies, fruits, graham crackers


Lunch is subway


Dinner will be probably a sanwich its too hot.


Workout on the bike.


Ive had these moments of exhaustion lately. I have been taking a decongestant to keep my ears clear, but its supposed to be non drowsy......but the last time i remember being this way was when i was on my cruise with my mom and just cudnt seem to get enough sleep........didnt realize that the meds the dr. Had given me for a sinus infection that i was still taking included a decongestnat. I mean it was hard not to want to nap all the time. Getting up, eating and then almost an hour later wanting to sleep for hurs again.


I will have to change the time i take them to see if that helps. I will take them at night and hopefully it will still do its job and i wont be trying to keep my head up at work.


Good choices


I admit, I didn't read all 100+ pages of this thread, so forgive me if i ask any questions that have already been answered :-)


You mentioned not getting enough sleep - have you ever had a sleep study done, just to rule out potential apnea? It's not tied to weight specifically, but it does increase the more we weigh typically due to more skin in the throat area. Just a thought that you might want to check out if you have the ability.


Also - just an aside - I just started on a weight loss journey myself. I started on June 6th. I don't know why that date, just did. I signed up for "Lose It!" online (and i use their apps on my mobile devices as well).


I HATE the idea of tracking calories. Matter of fact, never had done it really my whole life. I'd eat what I thought was an OK amount but boy was I kidding myself.


When I entered my stats in Lose It, it told me I should be eating around 1700 ish calories a day in order to lose 1lb a week. I can guarantee you that I'd not been eating that few. I've been doing it since 6.6 and as of my weigh in yesterday (1 month) I had lost 7.6 lbs (even though my goal was 1 lb a week).


If you haven't already done something like this, maybe try it. It sucks. It does, I won't sit here and tell you it doesn't. Reality slapping me in the face sucks, but, I needed it because it does indeed make me think twice about whether or not i am making the right choice to eat. (Am I hungry, am I bored, etc).


I still dont eat well and I'm the first person to admit that. My diet sucks and I still need to work on reducing the carbs and increasing my vegetables - but baby steps.


Anyway if you happen to join lose it, i'd love to "friend" you and cheer you on as well.


It's a journey. We didn't get this way overnight and it wont come off overnight either.


And for the record, since we are all being honest, here's my stats....

38 years old, female, 193.3lbs on 6/6. My first goal set was to be 175lbs by my cruise in October. According to lose it, if i continue on my current path, I'll attain it at the end of September.


I just keep trying to think of how amazing it will feel to know i've applied myself and lost weight for once in my life. I've never EVER lost more than a few pounds. I don't think I've ever thought about it this much.


I also hope to feel less cramped on the airplane but well I'd have to lose like 100lbs to feel ok there right? Stupid cattle car airplanes.


Anyway i just found this page yesterday, so I'm trying to settle in. Hopefully I'll get to know you all soon and we'll all get healthier together!

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Oh - one last thought for you to ponder over brooklyn....


Have you ever considered the notion that you might be eating too little???


I looked at your meals for 7/5 and well, if you're eating that much at your weight, you'd think weight would be falling off of you.


It's possible that you're not eating enough calories, and therefore your body is storing as much as it can in order to "survive".


You really really should consider an app like Lose It - you might be surprised and find out you're actually working against your goal by eating too little. :-)

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Everytime I think a decent one comes along.......it takes about 4 days (sometimes not even that) for them to show their true colors. Def. Disappointing.



Be thankful they show their spots so soon, rather than after 4 weeks/months/years/etc. :-) No use in wasting your time, right?! :-)


Disappointing, yes, however when the right one does come along, you'll be glad you didn't spend too much time with "mr right now".

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