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Cruising to Healthy


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:)My son saw the cotton candy and he's like we have to go so I can dip my cotton candy in the chocolate fountain, I told him to go with his friends DD and I try to stay away from the buffet DH has zero willpower at buffets, he is good at working off the excess calories. Sounds like you have been enjoying summer. Keep up your good work, you always have great advice I enjoy reading it and your reciepe tips. I love spice also.:)


Dipping the cotton candy in the chocolate...there is a kid with a vision! Never thought of that one! I will have to pass it on to my kids!


Glad you enjoy the recipes. I need variety to stay on track!


Made a meatloaf this weekend...did my low carb version, which consists of 2-2.5 lbs. of meat: ground beef and ground pork (2/3 beef and 1/3 pork), mixed with 1 egg, 1 pkg. Lipton garlic and herb dry soup mix, about 1/4 cup Hunts tomato sauce (the lowest carb sauce I've seen) and about 1/4 cup parmesan cheese. I top the meat loaf with the remaining can of tomato sauce and more parmesan cheese. Bake for 1 hour at 350. For the kids, I serve it with pasta. This is also the same mixture I'd use for meatballs, but it's easier to bake as a loaf rather than to make individual balls. It's one meal my kids really appreciate and my DH will eat just about anything!


I had to chuckle at your story. My friend calls Golden Corral , "The Golden Trough"..my mother in law likes to eat there on occasion and it's not too bad if your careful. However, what really keeps me eating there is that I have two psychiatric patients that, to their credit, have made some good changes in their life and they got their jobs through a vocational rehabilitation program which is admirable. However, I know way too much about their lifestyles and hygiene habits which is more than enough to make me stay away!:rolleyes:


Ok, well, I guess it will be another 10 years or so before I go back to the Golden Corral, lol. But, I'm sure the same can be said for other chain restaurants. We parked behind Chili's one day and saw the cooking staff standing outside on their smoke breaks. It kind of ruined our appetites to see who was preparing the food! We really eat out very little and when we do, we try to make sure it's decent food. We like the restaurants at Disney because I feel like their cleanliness standards are pretty high. There is also a Brazilian steak house we love where they come and carve the meat right at the table. It's a carb counters dream...all that meat!! If you are ever in Orlando pre- or post- cruise, I highly recommend Texas de Brazil on International Drive!

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I think another big reason why I'm so turned off by eating out (besides not really doing it growing up) is that I work as a consultant/expert witness for the state child welfare program in our state and I have the lovely (?) opportunity to advise judges and other professionals whether or not to terminate a parent's rights. I interview a LOT of parents over the course of a year and many of them work in restaurants. Between the drug deals that have gone down in kitchens of known restaurants, the homes I've had to visit of some of these people who serve the food, and so forth, well, it kinda takes away my appetite to eat out..LOL. I know it's the only viable job for some and there is nothing wrong with that, but when you know too much about their personal hygiene and other habits, well, you know...


The cotton candy.. reminds me of when I was in grad. school the first time in the midwest, I can remember driving through a snow storm to eat..get this..a whole container of cool whip and cherry pie filling when I was stressed. Oh to have those days again when I could do that and not gain weight!



Dipping the cotton candy in the chocolate...there is a kid with a vision! Never thought of that one! I will have to pass it on to my kids!


Glad you enjoy the recipes. I need variety to stay on track!


Made a meatloaf this weekend...did my low carb version, which consists of 2-2.5 lbs. of meat: ground beef and ground pork (2/3 beef and 1/3 pork), mixed with 1 egg, 1 pkg. Lipton garlic and herb dry soup mix, about 1/4 cup Hunts tomato sauce (the lowest carb sauce I've seen) and about 1/4 cup parmesan cheese. I top the meat loaf with the remaining can of tomato sauce and more parmesan cheese. Bake for 1 hour at 350. For the kids, I serve it with pasta. This is also the same mixture I'd use for meatballs, but it's easier to bake as a loaf rather than to make individual balls. It's one meal my kids really appreciate and my DH will eat just about anything!




Ok, well, I guess it will be another 10 years or so before I go back to the Golden Corral, lol. But, I'm sure the same can be said for other chain restaurants. We parked behind Chili's one day and saw the cooking staff standing outside on their smoke breaks. It kind of ruined our appetites to see who was preparing the food! We really eat out very little and when we do, we try to make sure it's decent food. We like the restaurants at Disney because I feel like their cleanliness standards are pretty high. There is also a Brazilian steak house we love where they come and carve the meat right at the table. It's a carb counters dream...all that meat!! If you are ever in Orlando pre- or post- cruise, I highly recommend Texas de Brazil on International Drive!

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I admit, I didn't read all 100+ pages of this thread, so forgive me if i ask any questions that have already been answered :-)


You mentioned not getting enough sleep - have you ever had a sleep study done, just to rule out potential apnea? It's not tied to weight specifically, but it does increase the more we weigh typically due to more skin in the throat area. Just a thought that you might want to check out if you have the ability.


Also - just an aside - I just started on a weight loss journey myself. I started on June 6th. I don't know why that date, just did. I signed up for "Lose It!" online (and i use their apps on my mobile devices as well).


I HATE the idea of tracking calories. Matter of fact, never had done it really my whole life. I'd eat what I thought was an OK amount but boy was I kidding myself.


When I entered my stats in Lose It, it told me I should be eating around 1700 ish calories a day in order to lose 1lb a week. I can guarantee you that I'd not been eating that few. I've been doing it since 6.6 and as of my weigh in yesterday (1 month) I had lost 7.6 lbs (even though my goal was 1 lb a week).


If you haven't already done something like this, maybe try it. It sucks. It does, I won't sit here and tell you it doesn't. Reality slapping me in the face sucks, but, I needed it because it does indeed make me think twice about whether or not i am making the right choice to eat. (Am I hungry, am I bored, etc).


I still dont eat well and I'm the first person to admit that. My diet sucks and I still need to work on reducing the carbs and increasing my vegetables - but baby steps.


Anyway if you happen to join lose it, i'd love to "friend" you and cheer you on as well.


It's a journey. We didn't get this way overnight and it wont come off overnight either.


And for the record, since we are all being honest, here's my stats....

38 years old, female, 193.3lbs on 6/6. My first goal set was to be 175lbs by my cruise in October. According to lose it, if i continue on my current path, I'll attain it at the end of September.


I just keep trying to think of how amazing it will feel to know i've applied myself and lost weight for once in my life. I've never EVER lost more than a few pounds. I don't think I've ever thought about it this much.


I also hope to feel less cramped on the airplane but well I'd have to lose like 100lbs to feel ok there right? Stupid cattle car airplanes.


Anyway i just found this page yesterday, so I'm trying to settle in. Hopefully I'll get to know you all soon and we'll all get healthier together!


Its okay, it is a lot to read :)


I do Weight Watchers b/c it simplifies things for me, but I do pay attention to my BMR (Basic Metabolic Rate). Well, I just recently stared paying attention to it. But this is the basic amount you can take in that your body needs to just do basic everyday functions. Obviously, the bigger you are the more it will be. So, I'm about 2200 calories. I've adjusted my WW to reflect this. So, that is what I'm eating. And starting today I'm back to getting my full workouts in again, despite my ankle..........gonna suck it up.


So, yes I'm getting enough calories in and not too many, I hope.


Thanks for the input. Its always nice to get fresh perspectives! :D

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Had a great weekend. Went to see Bon Jovi and camped out with my aunt and cousin. The ankle was really being a pain on Friday. I mean really. I made a trip over to our campus subway which about a 5 min. walk........, but on my way back I was getting intense pain up to my knee and then it went up to my back. It hurt like when I had a pinched nerve. I went back and got some work done and then asked if I could go home. Went home and put my ankle up and ice'd it......still hurt, finally took a couple Ibprofin and it eventually relaxed all the way up. I was sitting and there was still pain there for a while. Had me worried. So, needless to say I decided to rest this weekend.


I went all day yesterday without the brace. I have some soreness in my ankle and calves, but when its used to having extra support and then you take it away.........its gotta get used to that again. I have to start strengthening it, but I plan to get back to exercise.......on the bike as recommended........again and at a higher volume b/c......


I want to lose 5lbs in two weeks. Its an aggressive goal for me. I usually play it safe, but that hasn't gotten me anywhere. I figure it I push a bit that maybe I will realize my full potential. I'm also headed to the beach in two weeks, so it would be good to get 5 off so I don't gain as much.........technically. I'm hoping I can be better than good at the beach though and that is my goal. I should have plenty to do with the kids around, so I shouldn't have to to just sit around and eat. And there is a perfectly good beach for some night time walking that I should take advantage of too.


Anyway, thought I would do 100 mins on the bike this week. Then do weights 3 x this week. With my intake right at 44 points........that should get me somewhere if I don't mess it up.


I have to focus. Make my thoughts and actions match, especially when it comes to food.


So, I'm gonna try this and see where it gets me. 1 year was just too far out to make a goal. Maybe I just need to think it short term (speaking of # goals) and not try and look that far out. Two weeks.........5lbs...........:p


BK: Kashi cereal


s: cucumber slices and a bit of ranch (its about 1 tbsp if you were wondering)


L: Ham sandwich on low calorie/high fiber bread w/ some light mayo/mustard and an ear of corn.


s: cheese stick


D: I think I will have a steak (6oz ribeye) with some seared broccoli.


w: 100 mins. on the bike, 5 sets of 30 upper body weights. I might have to take a short break on the bike to make it to 100 mins. but I will probably do the weights if I need to stand up and get feeling back in my lower half, so that I keep my rate up.


Soooooooooo, let's see what happens.


Good Choices.

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Good for you! I think short term goals are way easier to deal with than long term. Think how great you will feel on the beach 5 lbs. lighter!


I haven't kept track, but it's been about a month that I've been using hand weights on my arms. I do a bunch of different exercises holding 3 lb. weights in each hand...I have no idea what they are called, but one is raising my arm straight up over my head with the weight, then another is out to the side with the weight and then the other is holding the arm down and then bending at the elbow. I do 2 sets of 18 reps each of each exercise (on both arms of course:)) every night. Well, I have this shirt that I've been trying to wear for awhile, but the arms were always too tight. Last night, I saw it in my closet, and thought I'd just give it a try...and it fit!! So, perseverance does pay off! It sucks to exercise and I still really hate it, but I like the results, so that is what I think of while I do it! You will never find me jogging outside in the FL heat, but inside in air conditioning standing under a ceiling fan turned on full blast, I can make it to do time on the bike and my arm exercises!

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Well, I have this shirt that I've been trying to wear for awhile, but the arms were always too tight. Last night, I saw it in my closet, and thought I'd just give it a try...and it fit!!


Wow, that must have felt awesome! My arms are not good. I should probably try doing free weights like you each day. I want to be able to someday wear sleeveless without putting something on over top of it! So many dresses are so cute, and I can't do them without the cover up thing it's annoying! Toning my arms with weights I'm sure would make a world of difference.


I have a pair of capri pants i bought a few years ago that are a size 14. I really really hope to wear them someday. I'm wearing 16s pretty OK now, so maybe in time that pair will fit. Here's hoping!


One day at a time.

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Hi All sounds like everyone is doing pretty good...yea us! Somehow I managed to lose 4lbs while I was at the wedding. This thrilled me I was very careful about what I ate. But I didn't think I would loose anything.

While I still have a good way to go I'm down 26lbs and can get in to some of my 12:).. Lets all keep up our good work!!!

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Wow, that must have felt awesome! My arms are not good. I should probably try doing free weights like you each day. I want to be able to someday wear sleeveless without putting something on over top of it! So many dresses are so cute, and I can't do them without the cover up thing it's annoying! Toning my arms with weights I'm sure would make a world of difference.


I have a pair of capri pants i bought a few years ago that are a size 14. I really really hope to wear them someday. I'm wearing 16s pretty OK now, so maybe in time that pair will fit. Here's hoping!


One day at a time.


The weights do work great for the arms. Now, if I could just get rid of the belly fat...maybe old-fashioned sit-ups?


I'm sure you will be in the 14's soon...isn't it 15 lbs. equals one dress size? I thought I read that somewhere, but I'm not sure how accurate it is.

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The weights do work great for the arms. Now, if I could just get rid of the belly fat...maybe old-fashioned sit-ups?


I'm sure you will be in the 14's soon...isn't it 15 lbs. equals one dress size? I thought I read that somewhere, but I'm not sure how accurate it is.


Sit ups will help tone the stomach muscles, but they won't melt away belly fat. That is accomplished through cardio and diet.


How many pounds equals a size is dependent on the size of the person. For people that are heavier, it can be 20 pounds; for people that are smaller it can be 8 pounds.

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The weights do work great for the arms. Now, if I could just get rid of the belly fat...maybe old-fashioned sit-ups?


I'm sure you will be in the 14's soon...isn't it 15 lbs. equals one dress size? I thought I read that somewhere, but I'm not sure how accurate it is.


:) Give Pilates a whirl it will tone your core in no time, 20 minute Windsor Pilates you won't regret it.:)

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Chis is absolutely right on that...if you Google belly fat and "dieting" the majority of the programs will tell you cardio..like almost every day..and weights only 2-3 times per week. To really make a difference in the belly fat you need to do a lot of it too..not just 20 minutes 3x per week of something.


Someone asked about the arms..push ups are great for that..there is some website I heard about like a couch to 5k program but it's about doing push ups..will try to find it..



Sit ups will help tone the stomach muscles, but they won't melt away belly fat. That is accomplished through cardio and diet.


How many pounds equals a size is dependent on the size of the person. For people that are heavier, it can be 20 pounds; for people that are smaller it can be 8 pounds.

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Some good information being passed around, that is great.


BK: fiber cereal


S: apple


L: I might go to the store up the road and put something together. I was not feeling anything in the fridge and only Pizza place is open today or the cafeteria, but that place is dangerous.


S: Cucumbers and dip


D: some protein with broccoli


w: 100 mins. on the bike.


I still managed to stay in my points though I ate breakfast and lunch out yesterday. And I got my exercise in too. I did do 60 mins. and then took a break for dinner, then did 40 more. But i think that is okay. Since I got off early, it was easier to split the time up.


My highest weight so far this week was 317.8


My lowest weight this week so far is 315.4


Basically that is Monday-today b/c I didn't weigh over the weekend b/c of the trip. So, I can handle that, no reason to become obsessive, but staying informed is good. Like......I know that 317 is high, but over the past two days it has gone down 1lb a day. That tells me I'm doing something right. So, my two weeks began on Monday. It will throw me off b/c usually my weeks begin on Friday b/c of my weigh in day, but I will just have to remember that I started this goal on Monday.


Monday the 23rd will be 2 weeks. I don't leave for the beach until Saturday morning, so I guess I could give it until then, but I think i will just stick with the two weeks for now.


Good Choices.

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Boy I didn't feel like exercise yesterday. But I made myself and made it to 60 mins. So at least I made it that far.


I had a bought of utter drowseiness yesterday.........like dizzy too. I think my sinuses are messing with me. That and I kinda ignored my hungry signals yesterday and kept working on.......I think I crashed and it took a while for the food to bring me back up. I made sure to bring plenty of food today though.


BK: Fiber cereal


S: broccoli/dip


L: Ham sandwich on low cal bread with cheese stick and cucumber slices and dip


S: 1/4 of a protein bar and fruit cup


D: Grilled cheese and some mashed cauliflower.


w: Lets see if I can manage 100 mins tonight. and some weights.


Good Choices.

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I don't know if you read Oprah Magazine (I don't as a rule, but my DS subscribes, so it comes to the house). This month, they had an article regarding a study that was done on eating protein for breakfast. I'm quoting from the article:


"In summary, two groups of overweight and obese people were instructed to consume the same no. of calories daily; the difference was that one group ate a modest breakfast each morning, while the other went all out with a high calorie (500), high-carb (60 grams), high protein (45 grams) meal that included a sugary treat.


After 8 months, the dessert at breakfast group had lost an average of 38 more lbs. per person than the traditional dieters. During the first 16 weeks, both groups dropped the same amt. of weight. But over the next 16 weeks, the big breakfast eaters continued to slim down (losing another 15 lbs) while the small breakfast eaters gained back more than 75% of the weight they'd lost. Why? They'd start to cheat--which makes sense given that they reported feeling hungrier and had higher levels of the appetite hormone ghrelin.


...Previous research suggests that an energizing dose of protein at breakfast leads to a greater sense of satiety than protein consumed at either lunch or dinner. And topping off the a.m. meal with dessert might provide a rush of serotonin (the 'happy' chemical) that diminished cravings for the rest of the day. Plus, your levels of adrenaline and cortisol are at their peak early in the day: 'these hormones help convert food into energy rather than fat, so the same food is less fattening in the morning than in the afternoon.'


...'If you're hungry before lunch, you didn't eat enough protein in the morning, and if you crave a sweet in the afternoon, you forgot your cookie at breakfast'".


Roberts-Grey, Gina. "Feeling Good". Oprah Magazine, August 2012, Vol. 13, No. 8


This kind of goes with the same the same theory of the Carbohydrates Addict diet which says if you are going to eat carbs, do it in one sitting one time a day.


While I don't have a sweet treat at breakfast, I can so tell a difference if I go a morning without having my protein. If I forgo the protein, by 10 am I am starving. So, I really try to have my 2 hardboiled eggs and bacon bits in the morning. If I do that, by lunch time, some days I'm not even really hungry, but I will force myself to eat some protein at work, so I'm not starved by the end of the work day.


I know you have to take all studies with a grain of salt and that Oprah Magazine is not a peer reviewed journal, but for what it's worth, I found the study interesting and certainly on par with my own experience! So, thought I'd share.


On another note, I am trying to plan a cruise for our 50th birthdays. DH turns 50 12/1 and I turn 50 12/31. Ideally, we'd have liked to have done a New Year's Cruise with the whole family, but DD doesn't want to be away from her boyfriend on New Year's Eve and since the boyfriend is starting his freshman year of college and will only be home for Christmas break, I don't want to ask his parents to let him come away for a week (he is an only child). We could invite the parents too, but we really just wanted family time, so it's a dilemma. I've about decided to forgo the family cruise until next June, after both kids have graduated (they have different weeks off for spring break, unfortunately...2 different high schools...son is in a special theater magnet) and just do a cruise with DH and I over Thanksgiving week, when the kids are with their dad. It's close to DH's birthday and well, I can celebrate a month early, can't I?


I was looking at the Valor (Grand Cayman, Coz, Ochos Rios), but for $200 more, we can do Liberty (Coz, Belize, Roatan, Grand Cayman) with all of the 2.0 upgrades. Plus, Liberty goes to Roatan, which I've always wanted to visit. Or, we could do the cheapie Imagination for just 4 nights to Key West and Cozumel (fav ports), but that doesn't seem like enough of a birthday celebration. Decisions, decisions!! I'm leaning towards the Liberty and just making this DH's and my birthday and christmas gift to one another. You only turn 50 once, right! But, with 2 kids going to college next year, should I do the cheapie 4 night cruise instead?? Hard to decide, but Carnival's 72 hour sale ends at midnight, so will most likely book today. With the sale, we can get a room on a higher deck at no extra charge...we usually are on the lower decks, which we like for getting off the ship in ports and going to the MDR, but I've never had a room on the Lido Deck before, so am thinking this might be good to try once. I know Brooke is doing the Liberty in Nov. I think we would be getting on as you are coming off, as we are looking at the 11/17 cruise. Oh well, will let you all know what we decide!!

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Hi ladies,


Haven't had many insightful things to contribute lately but I have been keeping up with you by reading your posts.


pcrum - love the information from the magazine....very interesting. About four months ago I "reordered" my caloric distribution throughout the day making breakfast my biggest meal of the day. I eat a total of about 1200 to 1250 calories per day, in a breakdown that typically looks like this:

BREAKFAST ~ 400 calories

LUNCH ~ 300 calories

SNACK ~ 200 calories

DINNER ~ 300 calories

A bulkier breakfast for me really does help keep me satiated throughout the day!


In regards to your cruising dilemma (man are we blessed for these to be our dilemmas, lol!) ~ I would go for the Liberty! We are sailing the Liberty next month and are so looking forward to testing out those 2.0 upgrades. Also, we have visited Roatan a few times and it certainly ranks as one of our top three favorite tropical locales. Have fun planning!!!

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Ok..going to play devil's advocate and please don't think I'm being antagonistic here because that's not the aim...


How do you know the drowsiness was not due to not eating enough??


Many have suggested you are not eating enough and I am starting to think the same. How many calories do you burn on the bicycle? It seems that this meal plan posted is around 1500 calories, assuming you are eating proper portion sizes. If your burning around. say, 300 calories on the bike then that's about 1200 calories. They say you need about a 500 lb calorie deficit per day for a week to lose 2 lbs a week.


You've posted your weight numerous times, and I think I read somewhere that even if someone your weight and size were eating 2000 calories per day the you'd be losing more on a regular basis. You have the calorie deficit and assuming you are posting everything "verbatim" what you are eating you should be losing weight. I've perused the weight watchers board and it seems they are all losing weigh pretty consistently and it also seems like some of those folks are even exercising less and eating more than you.


I do weigh less than you and recently lost 25 lbs in about 7 weeks and I did that with about 1000 calories a day and burn about 700 calories 4x per week by doing a one hour endurance training workout. If I lost that rapidly and I am smaller, I don't understand how you are not losing as consistently by eating almost as much as I am and exercising on the bike everynight.


That's how I got to my conclusion you are not eating enough. I thought you were supposed to eat 1 gram of protein per day or something for each pound of your weight. So I hope I didn't offend you. Just thinking logically here.


Menina :)





Boy I didn't feel like exercise yesterday. But I made myself and made it to 60 mins. So at least I made it that far.


I had a bought of utter drowseiness yesterday.........like dizzy too. I think my sinuses are messing with me. That and I kinda ignored my hungry signals yesterday and kept working on.......I think I crashed and it took a while for the food to bring me back up. I made sure to bring plenty of food today though.


BK: Fiber cereal


S: broccoli/dip


L: Ham sandwich on low cal bread with cheese stick and cucumber slices and dip


S: 1/4 of a protein bar and fruit cup


D: Grilled cheese and some mashed cauliflower.


w: Lets see if I can manage 100 mins tonight. and some weights.


Good Choices.

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In regards to your cruising dilemma (man are we blessed for these to be our dilemmas, lol!) ~ I would go for the Liberty! We are sailing the Liberty next month and are so looking forward to testing out those 2.0 upgrades. Also, we have visited Roatan a few times and it certainly ranks as one of our top three favorite tropical locales. Have fun planning!!!


Well, Liberty it is! What sold me was that they had an outside room on deck 6 facing the "secret deck," so we go out the door next to our room and have an almost (I hope) private balcony. We are room 6206. We were ready to book Valor for $300 less, but then I went through the Liberty rooms online and saw this room and thought if we are driving to Miami anyway, why not go for the 2.0 upgrades. And, I will look forward to Roatan. Any hints for things to do there? We'll probably just hang at the beach at the port, as it looks so pretty


McFam5, I see you are doing Dream during Thanksgiving week. I came very close to booking a spa cabin on that one and if it was doing the western itinerary that week, we probably would have gone with Dream, but DH really dislikes Nassau. Port Canaveral is just 45 minutes from our home, so the convenience factor can't be beat. Now, we will be driving 4 hours to Miami, but we might go down the night before and try to get a hotel/parking package. Enjoy your cruise! We hope to sail a Dream class ship one day. The Breeze was doing a 2 night cruise out of Miami during the same week, but to drive all that way for 2 nights seemed a bit much!


Brooke, I was mistaken. I thought we'd be coming on as you disembark, but it looks like we are 2 weeks after you. Maybe you'll have time to write some impressions of the ship before we leave! (No pressure:))

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Well, Liberty it is! What sold me was that they had an outside room on deck 6 facing the "secret deck," so we go out the door next to our room and have an almost (I hope) private balcony. We are room 6206. We were ready to book Valor for $300 less, but then I went through the Liberty rooms online and saw this room and thought if we are driving to Miami anyway, why not go for the 2.0 upgrades. And, I will look forward to Roatan. Any hints for things to do there? We'll probably just hang at the beach at the port, as it looks so pretty


McFam5, I see you are doing Dream during Thanksgiving week. I came very close to booking a spa cabin on that one and if it was doing the western itinerary that week, we probably would have gone with Dream, but DH really dislikes Nassau. Port Canaveral is just 45 minutes from our home, so the convenience factor can't be beat. Now, we will be driving 4 hours to Miami, but we might go down the night before and try to get a hotel/parking package. Enjoy your cruise! We hope to sail a Dream class ship one day. The Breeze was doing a 2 night cruise out of Miami during the same week, but to drive all that way for 2 nights seemed a bit much!


Brooke, I was mistaken. I thought we'd be coming on as you disembark, but it looks like we are 2 weeks after you. Maybe you'll have time to write some impressions of the ship before we leave! (No pressure:))


:) Been on Liberty you will love it, big ship with lots to do and great shows. My DH did the Zip Line in Hati for his 50th bday it was so fun I tagged along. I recently increase my protien in the morning and I have noticed a huge difference at night.I never feel the need to snack before bed. :) So excited for your cruise I think that is going to be my next cruise the Belize,Cozmel. I really love Cozmel. I looked at that cruise but my DD wanted to go to Grand Cayman and this is her first cruise so we let her pick.

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:) Been on Liberty you will love it, big ship with lots to do and great shows. My DH did the Zip Line in Hati for his 50th bday it was so fun I tagged along. I recently increase my protien in the morning and I have noticed a huge difference at night.I never feel the need to snack before bed. :) So excited for your cruise I think that is going to be my next cruise the Belize,Cozmel. I really love Cozmel. I looked at that cruise but my DD wanted to go to Grand Cayman and this is her first cruise so we let her pick.


We did Liberty during Thanksgiving week of 2010 and I think it is one of Carnival's prettiest ships! I can see why they chose it to receive the 2.0 upgrades!


Zip lining in Haiti...what a way to celebrate. Not sure I'd be that brave!!


In GC, I recommend Nativeways watersports if you are going to stingray city. We've done the Reef, Rays, and Rumpointe tour and the shorter Starfish, Rays, and Snorkeling tour. Rumpointe is gorgeous and that tour includes lunch! It was a great day!


Yes, I need my protein in the morning!! Just makes the entire day so much easier!!

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Ok..going to play devil's advocate and please don't think I'm being antagonistic here because that's not the aim...


How do you know the drowsiness was not due to not eating enough??


Many have suggested you are not eating enough and I am starting to think the same. How many calories do you burn on the bicycle? It seems that this meal plan posted is around 1500 calories, assuming you are eating proper portion sizes. If your burning around. say, 300 calories on the bike then that's about 1200 calories. They say you need about a 500 lb calorie deficit per day for a week to lose 2 lbs a week.


You've posted your weight numerous times, and I think I read somewhere that even if someone your weight and size were eating 2000 calories per day the you'd be losing more on a regular basis. You have the calorie deficit and assuming you are posting everything "verbatim" what you are eating you should be losing weight. I've perused the weight watchers board and it seems they are all losing weigh pretty consistently and it also seems like some of those folks are even exercising less and eating more than you.


I do weigh less than you and recently lost 25 lbs in about 7 weeks and I did that with about 1000 calories a day and burn about 700 calories 4x per week by doing a one hour endurance training workout. If I lost that rapidly and I am smaller, I don't understand how you are not losing as consistently by eating almost as much as I am and exercising on the bike everynight.


That's how I got to my conclusion you are not eating enough. I thought you were supposed to eat 1 gram of protein per day or something for each pound of your weight. So I hope I didn't offend you. Just thinking logically here.


Menina :)



I don't mind you pointing things out. We can't always see what is going on when we are inside the box.


I really don't think that drop was from not eating enough in total though. I think it was b/c I skipped a morning snack and then waited for lunch longer than I should have. Then I ended up getting pizza b/c I was too hungry to do anything else..........so then I overloaded my body with serious carbs (though it was a meat pizza) and thats why I think I just literally crashed.


And trust me, I do eat more than I list. Usually everything during BK and Lunch stays the same, but dinner and snacks at night usually are where I pick up more calories.


But its things like this that makes me get all befuddled about dieting and frustrated too.


Like on Extreme Weightloss they had a girl on there who was younger than me who weighed 323lbs and their plan for her was


1500 Calories a day

2-4 hours of cardio exercise 6 days a week

3 days of weights


Putting her at a 3500 calorie deficit.


How come people say you can't starve yourself to lose weight and then these shows turn around a pretty much do that.........? Its very confusing and def. sends a bad message out to the masses.


I'm def. eating around 2200-2400 calories a day. My idea wasn't to reduce my points to starve myself, it was a mind trick. I was eating over my daily points almost every single day into my weekly points. I didn't see this as healthy, but my mind has decided it has permission to do this and I can't seem to reprogram it. So I thought I would do a mind trick. If I lowered my points to 44 and then used some weekly points, then I would actually be eating the 47 points a day like I'm supposed to with WW. Which is basically what I've been doing.


Though, you are right that it doesn't seem that I'm losing what I should be. But some of you asked me to try and just be consistent for a while with something before judging if it works or not. I'm trying to do that. Too many excuses have been in my way lately to let me be as consistent as i need to be. So, I'm going to focus on trying to achieve a short goal and go from there.


But you have a good point, but I did talk to my Dr. (well the PA for my GYN visit, but she basically is a Dr.) and told her what I was doing (BMR) and she was very satisfied with that. I mean my reg. Dr. once tried to put me on a 800 calorie a day diet................


So confusing.

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Well, Liberty it is! What sold me was that they had an outside room on deck 6 facing the "secret deck," so we go out the door next to our room and have an almost (I hope) private balcony. We are room 6206. We were ready to book Valor for $300 less, but then I went through the Liberty rooms online and saw this room and thought if we are driving to Miami anyway, why not go for the 2.0 upgrades. And, I will look forward to Roatan. Any hints for things to do there? We'll probably just hang at the beach at the port, as it looks so pretty


McFam5, I see you are doing Dream during Thanksgiving week. I came very close to booking a spa cabin on that one and if it was doing the western itinerary that week, we probably would have gone with Dream, but DH really dislikes Nassau. Port Canaveral is just 45 minutes from our home, so the convenience factor can't be beat. Now, we will be driving 4 hours to Miami, but we might go down the night before and try to get a hotel/parking package. Enjoy your cruise! We hope to sail a Dream class ship one day. The Breeze was doing a 2 night cruise out of Miami during the same week, but to drive all that way for 2 nights seemed a bit much!


Brooke, I was mistaken. I thought we'd be coming on as you disembark, but it looks like we are 2 weeks after you. Maybe you'll have time to write some impressions of the ship before we leave! (No pressure:))


I will do my best to send some info your way! I've been on the Liberty pre 2.0 too and loved her, so I'm sure she will just be even better this time. Though I will miss some aspects of the Dream Class.

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Well, some valid points were made and I always try to listen, so I'll compromise and I will do my best to list every morsel that passes my lips down here.......if not just for good practice and honesty to myself. I'm sure once I do that there will be no doubt I'm eating enough, might be some questions as to 'what' I'm eating. Of course I will have to do it partially everyday b/c I will have to report dinner and night time snacks the next day.


So, to start off my new week right and hopefully meet my 5lb goal........


BK: Frosted Mini Wheats probably about 2cups (9g Protien, 5g fiber) and something sweet like Oprah said, lol.

1 cup 1% milk


S: 1 pear fruit cup


L: 2 Slices of 45 calorie high fiber bread

4 slices of thin slices lunch meat ham

1 tbsp of light mayo

1 tsp of mustard

1 low calorie cheese stick

1 sliced medium sized cucumber

1 tbsp of ranch dressing for dip


S: *Maybe a cheese stick or about 1 oz of dry cereal


I will have to report dinner tomr.


100 mins for a workout was a pretty high goal, but I think I'm proud that I did 3 days of it and then 2 days of 60 mins. Though I'm worried that the intensity might be why I'm not losing anything.


I average about 14 RMP speed and I lowered my tension way down b/c of my ankle. I sweat, but not a lot (not as much as I do on the ellpt. which I hope to get back to next week if the gym is open). On the Gym bikes its not RMP for speed......it can't be MPH though, but the speed I keep on those bikes are around 70, maybe is MPM (miles per min. lol) Idk. I just don't feel like I'm getting the best challenging workout...........could this be my problem? Or should the fact that I'm consistently on the bike for at least 60 mins, 5-6 days a week be enough.


Now granted, my weight for this week was gonna have to be up. Though I did try to workout a bit with my ankle, I didn't push it. And then I was gone for the weekend and didn't eat well either. The weekend before we had not electricity and therefore I didn't workout on my bike due to heat and my ankle...........and I was eating out of boredom.


So, is it safe to say that for the past two weeks that I have NOT been consistent in exercise and food and therefore, no weightloss should have happened, per my own fault?


I think so. And this is why I wanted to do this 2 week challenge to lose 5lbs.


I have decided I'm going to give myself until the day before I leave for the beach which will be the morning of July 28th. I think it was unfair to myself to try and start out of my weekly WW start point. But Im glad that I was trying all this week. So, a 2 weeks and like 4 days.............lol.


Good Choices.

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BK: Frosted Mini Wheats probably about 2cups (9g Protien, 5g fiber) and something sweet like Oprah said, lol.

1 cup 1% milk


S: 1 pear fruit cup



I am not an expert in any sense, but if I just had cereal (especially sweet cereal) and a fruit cup until lunch, I'd be starving. I know the Oprah article talked about having a sweet at breakfast, but the main point I took out of the article was that a heavy protein breakfast is what keeps the hunger pains away.


I'd suggest meat, cheese and/or eggs in the morning. I keep hard boiled eggs made, so there is no cooking involved and then I top them with mayo and real bacon bits (from a pkg). I wonder if there is a high protein powder you could use also to make a shake (I'm trying to think of quick foods that involve little or no cooking for the mornings)? Maybe GNC would have something? The other alternative is a European breakfast of just cold meats (ham?) and cheese (not American!) with maybe some high protein greek yogurt. You mentioned eating more at night and snacking at night and I'm just thinking it's due to your protein being too low throughout the day!


Everyone is different, but what I've learned for myself is that eating carbs (like cereal and sugar in fruit, even whole fruit with no added sugar) causes me to a: continue to be hungry and start a chain of snacking for which there is no amount of eating that leaves me satisfied, just full and bloated beyond belief; and b: to be hungry 1 hour later.


Just my non-medical two cents...it's just what works for me and obviously might not work for everyone!

Edited by pcrum
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Very valid points and lots of good advice everywhere!


For me, my "standard" is 3 pieces of Jenny-O Turkey bacon and 1/4 cup of egg whites, daily for breakfast. Butterball even makes a pre cooked turkey bacon that you can heat in the microwave for 30 seconds. 1/4 egg whites is like 70 calories and the turkey bacon is about 60. Sometimes I add a half cup of strawberries for 5 carbs. I ate all of that this morning at 6 and it's almost 1 and I am no way hungry, but am going to eat anyway.


Lunch I eat a turkey bugger from Jenny-O, about 200 calories and no carbs and a simple lettuce cucumber salad (2 cups-50 calories and 10 carbs). I hate dressing so I forgoe that.


If I feel like a snack, it might be 2 pieces of celery with 1tbp peanut butter (about 25 calories and 5 carbs)


Dinner: usually about 5oz white chicken meat (around 200 calories) and another salad or a cup of cucumbers or asparagus.


In the end, I usually eat about 25 carbs a day while in losing mode, and to maintain my weight I eat about 60. On heavy training days I add another 5 ounces of protein. I found a protein shake with 1 carb and 100 calories that I really like so I add that.


I Am NOT a meat eater..I hate it to be honest ..and I am slowly going back to a mostly plant based diet..but I had a ton on of inflammation and this is what the doctor put me on for that and the weight loss. When I am back to where I want to be I will be around 60 carbs a day on a plant based diet. Things I used to eat I cannot stand anymore, like even bread or potatoes and rice!


I am not an expert in any sense, but if I just had cereal (especially sweet cereal) and a fruit cup until lunch, I'd be starving. I know the Oprah article talked about having a sweet at breakfast, but the main point I took out of the article was that a heavy protein breakfast is what keeps the hunger pains away.


I'd suggest meat, cheese and/or eggs in the morning. I keep hard boiled eggs made, so there is no cooking involved and then I top them with mayo and real bacon bits (from a pkg). I wonder if there is a high protein powder you could use also to make a shake (I'm trying to think of quick foods that involve little or no cooking for the mornings)? Maybe GNC would have something? The other alternative is a European breakfast of just cold meats (ham?) and cheese (not American!) with maybe some high protein greek yogurt. You mentioned eating more at night and snacking at night and I'm just thinking it's due to your protein being too low throughout the day!


Everyone is different, but what I've learned for myself is that eating carbs (like cereal and sugar in fruit, even whole fruit with no added sugar) causes me to a: continue to be hungry and start a chain of snacking for which there is no amount of eating that leaves me satisfied, just full and bloated beyond belief; and b: to be hungry 1 hour later.


Just my non-medical two cents...it's just what works for me and obviously might not work for everyone!

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I found a protein shake with 1 carb and 100 calories that I really like so I add that.



Do you mind sharing the name of the shake and where you purchase it? That sounds like something I'd like to try!



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