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Cruising to Healthy


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don't mean to be judgemental as we are all in this together, but you're going to have trouble getting where you want to be if you continue to eat things like cookies and ice cream, regardless of the quantities or the amount of exercise you get.


I've lost 65 pounds since the end of February and while that has been in a medically supervised program, the biggest reason it has happened is that I'm changing my lifestyle. This from a guy who for years stopped every morning for a donut on the way to work and started sunday mornings w/ pastries from a local bakery, before moving on to sausage gravy and biscuits or blueberry pancakes w/ maple syrup. Often stopped at McDonalds on the way home for a cup of coffee and 3 of their choc chip cookies (480 calories) and then went home and ate a substantial supper and then answered the siren call of the ice cream tub about 9:30 at nite. So been there, done that.


Finally decided as I neared retirement that I had to make some changes in my life. With the support of the diet program it has been easier than I thought. I've reached a point where feeling better and buying smaller pants is more important to me than the donuts, cookies and ice cream. Wife is on the program with me, and has lost 59 pounds in that same period. Our biggest form of entertainment used to be going out to eat. Now we avoid restaurants as much as possible (and fast food entirely) and when we do go. we take our own packets of diet salad dressing (can be purchased online) and generally order fish and a veggie, along w/ a salad (and ask that they leave off croutons and cheese or egg). When we travel in the car we always carry a cooler w/ acceptable meal options in it, so that we don't have to fall back on restaurants if we are gone longer than we planned.


Now for entertainment we are going to more concerts, movies, walking and went out and bought bikes (first time on bikes in 30 years).


I told the dietitian we are working with that I ate what I darn well pleased for 64 years, so if I only have to clean up my act for the next 20 or so then that isn't such a bad deal. I just wish we had tackled the problem at your age as we would have had a better quality of life and likely wouldn't both have had to have our knees replaced.


Good luck in your quest. Just wanted to share my experience and see if there might be something of value for you in it.


Also take a look at the books I recommended a few posts ago. They were a big help to me. Also take a look at Chobani Greek Yogurt as a breakfast option. A good tasting product that comes in many flavors and is only 140 calories and has 14 grams of protein which is a great start to the day.



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I forgot to say I had about 6 cubes of watermelon last night and then I got into about 2oz of corn chips and salsa. Still came in at 47 points.


BK: 1/2 c of Oatmeal

1 tbsp of sugar


S: 1 medium banana


L: 1 6inch chicken breast on honey wheat sub

w/ light Mayo and Mustard

I forget if I asked for no cheese........




Drink: I might have a Diet Coke b/c I will be in a meeting all day long and might need to caff.


That is all I know for now.


I will post later what I end up eating. I need to go back and log what I ate from this weekend into my WW. Good thing I wrote it down here. :D


So Far 316 is my weight this week. Sad, but true. I can only hope that getting back to reg. exercise (despite my foot) and being more accountable for my food will help.


Good choices.

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Good for you. I'm headed there shortly:) How do you pass the time on the bike? I have been turning on HGTV lately and watching whatever is on that channel! But, I'm only up to 3.40 miles, about 20 minutes. Maybe one day I'll work up to 60!


I am an HGTV ADDICT lol. House Hunters. Property Brothers. Love it or List It. Holmes on Homes. I just love them all lol.


Brooke - you dont mention in your food break downs - what are you drinking throughout the day, only water? My calories unfortunately come WAYYYY too much from what i drink. Haven't quite gotten the drinking my calories thing under control yet. :(

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Also take a look at Chobani Greek Yogurt as a breakfast option. A good tasting product that comes in many flavors and is only 140 calories and has 14 grams of protein which is a great start to the day.


I eat chobani greek yogurt every day now. Mine is 160 calories though - guess we are eating different ones. I eat Pineapple and Strawberry Banana. I suppose plain would be best but...haven't gone that route just yet.


I add 1 cup of multigrain cereal to it too at the urging of a nutritionist who once told me i needed to get more fiber. I used to eat Kashi Heart to Heart in it, until I learned of their genetically modified soy. Now I tend to stay away from it. I'm not sure if there's many mass produced foods out there that we can trust, sadly, so it's likely that it's pointless that i'm avoiding it. Sigh. lol


Anyway, just wanted to throw in another vote for Chobani.


I used to not like it as much as other yogurts because chobani's consistency was thicker - but now I honestly prefer it over the others. Big change.


This is coming from the girl that for years ate 2 pop tarts for breakfast at work. Stopped that habit I guess 4 or 5 years ago. What was I thinking? Oh right, I wasn't.


It will always be a daily struggle. I'm a carb addict. Heck I'm a food addict but i'm moreso a junk food addict than a real food addict. Trying to change my thinking slowly over time. It's definitely a struggle.


Here's hoping we all reach our goals!

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Like the other gal said, the key is to "not" expect the noodles to taste like pasta or anything similar..but in a odd way , they did remind me of noodles. Go figure. I think it's going to call for playing a "mind trick" on yourself :)


I'm not a big fan of peanut butter, so probably would use the noodles as a base for shrimp scampi or curry. I serve my family shrimp scampi over angel hair pasta and I just eat the shrimp and sauce, but with these, I could have noodles too! I also like to make a low carb version of curry (no coconut milk, just spices), so I think this might be a nice with a curry.


I do like your soup idea. Let us know how that turned out!:)

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If you like yogurt and want to save some money, I highly recommend buying a yogurt machine. Yep, for real. I bought mine at Macy's for about $30 a couple of years ago. It has 6 one-cup containers and a quart container. The initial start up cost was really to buy a box of dry powered milk (about $5), a starter of greek yogurt (I don't like Chobani, there is another kind I use) and a half gallon of milk. The machine paid for itself within a couple of months and you can add whatever you want for toppings, flavoring. And, it is TRUE greek yogurt. If I make it weekly I end up using a box of powered milk over the cost of 6 weeks, and you only use a tablespoon of the chobani to start things off..then you can use some of the yogurt you made as the "starter" yogurt as you keep using the machine.


I haven't bought yogurt in about 2 years!:)


I eat chobani greek yogurt every day now. Mine is 160 calories though - guess we are eating different ones. I eat Pineapple and Strawberry Banana. I suppose plain would be best but...haven't gone that route just yet.


I add 1 cup of multigrain cereal to it too at the urging of a nutritionist who once told me i needed to get more fiber. I used to eat Kashi Heart to Heart in it, until I learned of their genetically modified soy. Now I tend to stay away from it. I'm not sure if there's many mass produced foods out there that we can trust, sadly, so it's likely that it's pointless that i'm avoiding it. Sigh. lol


Anyway, just wanted to throw in another vote for Chobani.


I used to not like it as much as other yogurts because chobani's consistency was thicker - but now I honestly prefer it over the others. Big change.


This is coming from the girl that for years ate 2 pop tarts for breakfast at work. Stopped that habit I guess 4 or 5 years ago. What was I thinking? Oh right, I wasn't.


It will always be a daily struggle. I'm a carb addict. Heck I'm a food addict but i'm moreso a junk food addict than a real food addict. Trying to change my thinking slowly over time. It's definitely a struggle.


Here's hoping we all reach our goals!

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I am an HGTV ADDICT lol. House Hunters. Property Brothers. Love it or List It. Holmes on Homes. I just love them all lol.


Brooke - you dont mention in your food break downs - what are you drinking throughout the day, only water? My calories unfortunately come WAYYYY too much from what i drink. Haven't quite gotten the drinking my calories thing under control yet. :(


I drink Water 90% of the time, crystal light, tea (mostly unsweet)8 % and a diet soda about 2% of the time. I don't mind water and every once in a while when I crave something with flavor the Crystal light will usually do the trick or just even some tea with splenda or very little sugar. Can't even stand fast food sweet tea anymore, it taste sugar water to me.

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Did you find that you lost your taste for those awful foods as you got used to not having them? Taste buds change over time they say.



don't mean to be judgemental as we are all in this together, but you're going to have trouble getting where you want to be if you continue to eat things like cookies and ice cream, regardless of the quantities or the amount of exercise you get.


I've lost 65 pounds since the end of February and while that has been in a medically supervised program, the biggest reason it has happened is that I'm changing my lifestyle. This from a guy who for years stopped every morning for a donut on the way to work and started sunday mornings w/ pastries from a local bakery, before moving on to sausage gravy and biscuits or blueberry pancakes w/ maple syrup. Often stopped at McDonalds on the way home for a cup of coffee and 3 of their choc chip cookies (480 calories) and then went home and ate a substantial supper and then answered the siren call of the ice cream tub about 9:30 at nite. So been there, done that.


Finally decided as I neared retirement that I had to make some changes in my life. With the support of the diet program it has been easier than I thought. I've reached a point where feeling better and buying smaller pants is more important to me than the donuts, cookies and ice cream. Wife is on the program with me, and has lost 59 pounds in that same period. Our biggest form of entertainment used to be going out to eat. Now we avoid restaurants as much as possible (and fast food entirely) and when we do go. we take our own packets of diet salad dressing (can be purchased online) and generally order fish and a veggie, along w/ a salad (and ask that they leave off croutons and cheese or egg). When we travel in the car we always carry a cooler w/ acceptable meal options in it, so that we don't have to fall back on restaurants if we are gone longer than we planned.


Now for entertainment we are going to more concerts, movies, walking and went out and bought bikes (first time on bikes in 30 years).


I told the dietitian we are working with that I ate what I darn well pleased for 64 years, so if I only have to clean up my act for the next 20 or so then that isn't such a bad deal. I just wish we had tackled the problem at your age as we would have had a better quality of life and likely wouldn't both have had to have our knees replaced.


Good luck in your quest. Just wanted to share my experience and see if there might be something of value for you in it.


Also take a look at the books I recommended a few posts ago. They were a big help to me. Also take a look at Chobani Greek Yogurt as a breakfast option. A good tasting product that comes in many flavors and is only 140 calories and has 14 grams of protein which is a great start to the day.



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don't mean to be judgemental as we are all in this together, but you're going to have trouble getting where you want to be if you continue to eat things like cookies and ice cream, regardless of the quantities or the amount of exercise you get.


I've lost 65 pounds since the end of February and while that has been in a medically supervised program, the biggest reason it has happened is that I'm changing my lifestyle. This from a guy who for years stopped every morning for a donut on the way to work and started sunday mornings w/ pastries from a local bakery, before moving on to sausage gravy and biscuits or blueberry pancakes w/ maple syrup. Often stopped at McDonalds on the way home for a cup of coffee and 3 of their choc chip cookies (480 calories) and then went home and ate a substantial supper and then answered the siren call of the ice cream tub about 9:30 at nite. So been there, done that.


Finally decided as I neared retirement that I had to make some changes in my life. With the support of the diet program it has been easier than I thought. I've reached a point where feeling better and buying smaller pants is more important to me than the donuts, cookies and ice cream. Wife is on the program with me, and has lost 59 pounds in that same period. Our biggest form of entertainment used to be going out to eat. Now we avoid restaurants as much as possible (and fast food entirely) and when we do go. we take our own packets of diet salad dressing (can be purchased online) and generally order fish and a veggie, along w/ a salad (and ask that they leave off croutons and cheese or egg). When we travel in the car we always carry a cooler w/ acceptable meal options in it, so that we don't have to fall back on restaurants if we are gone longer than we planned.


Now for entertainment we are going to more concerts, movies, walking and went out and bought bikes (first time on bikes in 30 years).


I told the dietitian we are working with that I ate what I darn well pleased for 64 years, so if I only have to clean up my act for the next 20 or so then that isn't such a bad deal. I just wish we had tackled the problem at your age as we would have had a better quality of life and likely wouldn't both have had to have our knees replaced.


Good luck in your quest. Just wanted to share my experience and see if there might be something of value for you in it.


Also take a look at the books I recommended a few posts ago. They were a big help to me. Also take a look at Chobani Greek Yogurt as a breakfast option. A good tasting product that comes in many flavors and is only 140 calories and has 14 grams of protein which is a great start to the day.




Thanks, but as many of the others here can tell you, (as they have tried) I'm not yet in a place to give up those things. Its a struggle enough for me to limit them. And as the others can tell you it takes time for me to accept things and come around. Not saying that its not hurting me now, b/c it is, but I'm always fighting the hardest battle of not just Giving Up and if having a cookie or a scoop or two of ice cream keeps me in the game (not winning, obviously) then I will allow it.................for now.


For I'm of the mind, that it has to be my choice and my commitment or it won't fly just like the countless times before that Dr. or friends/family have told me to try something and it never last. My Irish background makes me stubborn as a mule and I'm determined to find a balance that I can live with, hopefully for at least 75 more years. Or until I'm too old to chew or give a crap......:D


But your story is amazing and inspirational. Thanks for sharing.

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Modification from lunch


They didn't deliver my apples with my sub, so of course the only thing available was a vending machine, mostly empty............the only thing I even halfway liked was poptarts, s'mores ones to boot.


I forgot my banana at my desk too, so my co-worker had an extra Quaker Oat mini chewy chocolate chip gronola for 100 calories. For a mid-morning snack.


I had the banana around 3pm.

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Thanks, but as many of the others here can tell you, (as they have tried) I'm not yet in a place to give up those things. Its a struggle enough for me to limit them. And as the others can tell you it takes time for me to accept things and come around. Not saying that its not hurting me now, b/c it is, but I'm always fighting the hardest battle of not just Giving Up and if having a cookie or a scoop or two of ice cream keeps me in the game (not winning, obviously) then I will allow it.................for now.


For I'm of the mind, that it has to be my choice and my commitment or it won't fly just like the countless times before that Dr. or friends/family have told me to try something and it never last. My Irish background makes me stubborn as a mule and I'm determined to find a balance that I can live with, hopefully for at least 75 more years. Or until I'm too old to chew or give a crap......:D


But your story is amazing and inspirational. Thanks for sharing.


I have to say, I'm in the same boat as you on this one. I know that certain foods/drinks are bad for me - however - I'm off to find a BALANCE of the good and the bad. I don't want to say anything is off limits - I just want to make it so things are within limits but also within reason. That's the part that's hard.


I've found that tracking my food, so far, has lead me to making difference choices in terms of quantity- which is a good start for me. I know that I'll need to ween myself off the soda stuff - i know - and I have been - just not as fast as people might say I should. For example i'd have 20 ounces at work daily, now I'm trying to go down to 12. It's 8 ouncess (100 calories) less - and it's a start.


The journey of a thousand miles starts with the first step. Doesn't matter how big or small that step is, in my opinion. I want to take steps comfortable to me and my brain and body - because in the end I'm the one that has to live in me. :-)

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I am an HGTV ADDICT lol. House Hunters. Property Brothers. Love it or List It. Holmes on Homes. I just love them all lol.


Brooke - you dont mention in your food break downs - what are you drinking throughout the day, only water? My calories unfortunately come WAYYYY too much from what i drink. Haven't quite gotten the drinking my calories thing under control yet. :(


Yes, I love me some HGTV...everything except that Holmes guy. DH likes to watch him, but it's too much contractor talk for me. I like the decorating stuff more. Love House Hunters, Property Brothers, Kitchen Cousins, List it or Love It.


I eat chobani greek yogurt every day now. Mine is 160 calories though - guess we are eating different ones. I eat Pineapple and Strawberry Banana. I suppose plain would be best but...haven't gone that route just yet.


I add 1 cup of multigrain cereal to it too at the urging of a nutritionist who once told me i needed to get more fiber. I used to eat Kashi Heart to Heart in it, until I learned of their genetically modified soy. Now I tend to stay away from it. I'm not sure if there's many mass produced foods out there that we can trust, sadly, so it's likely that it's pointless that i'm avoiding it. Sigh. lol


Anyway, just wanted to throw in another vote for Chobani.



I do the Fage Total Greek Yogurt (plain) with flax seeds (plan to buy some chia seeds when the flax seeds are gone) and splenda. I love Greek yogurt and cannot eat regular yogurt!


For drinks, I'm a crystal light girl. Love the mocktails--appletini and margarita are my favs along with the green tea honey lemon flavor. I will have maybe 1-2 diet cokes a week and 1-2 cups of chai tea per day with about 1 tsp of 1/2 and 1/2.


If you like yogurt and want to save some money, I highly recommend buying a yogurt machine. Yep, for real. I bought mine at Macy's for about $30 a couple of years ago. It has 6 one-cup containers and a quart container. The initial start up cost was really to buy a box of dry powered milk (about $5), a starter of greek yogurt (I don't like Chobani, there is another kind I use) and a half gallon of milk. The machine paid for itself within a couple of months and you can add whatever you want for toppings, flavoring. And, it is TRUE greek yogurt. If I make it weekly I end up using a box of powered milk over the cost of 6 weeks, and you only use a tablespoon of the chobani to start things off..then you can use some of the yogurt you made as the "starter" yogurt as you keep using the machine.


I haven't bought yogurt in about 2 years!:)


I never thought of making my own. I will have to check that out. How much time does it take?

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If these work out, you will have to post the recipes and I will def. give them a try.


Shrimp Curry (may use chicken too): http://allrecipes.com/recipe/authentic-and-easy-shrimp-curry/detail.aspx


Note: I can't find curry leaves...I use curry powder and it comes out fine. I also buy the bags of cooked frozen shrimp at Walmart and just thaw them in a colander under running water and take the tails off.


Another recipe I use sometimes (from Good Housekeeping Cookbook):


Indian Shrimp Curry


1/2 cup Greek yogurt (plain)

2 TBSP minced fresh ginger root or 2 tsp ground ginger

2 TBSP white wine vinegar

2 tsp salt

2 tsp ground turmeric

1 tsp ground cumin

1 tsp equal or splenda

1/4 tsp crushed red pepper

2 medium tomatoes, cut up (I usually just use 1 to keep carbs down)

2 large garlic cloves

1/3 cup vegetable oil (I use olive oil)

2 16-oz pkgs. frozen cooked shrimp, thawed and tails taken off

1 cup minced onion


In blender, blend first 10 ingredients at medium speed until smooth.


Heat oil in skillet, cook onion til tender. Stir in yogurt mixture, heat to boiling. Add shrimp, simmer 5 minutes, stirring.


Serve over rice for family (not for me!) or with special noodles!


Shrimp Scampi (Adapted to our tastes from Good Housekeeping cookbook)


2 16-oz pkgs. frozen cooked shrimp, thawed and tails taken off

4-6 large garlic cloves (I like a strong garlic flavor...adjust to taste)

1 stick butter

1 TBSP lemon juice

1 tsp salt

1/2 tsp oregano

1/8 tsp pepper

1/4 cup white wine


Heat butter in skillet and cook garlic until tender. Add rest of ingredients except for shrimp. Stir and cook 1-2 minutes. Stir in shrimp and cook until shrimp is heated through. For the family, I serve with angel hair pasta...I cook the pasta and then put the pasta in the skillet with scampi to coat. I only eat the shrimp and sauce, but I'd try the magic noodles.


Bon appetit!

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I drink Water 90% of the time, crystal light, tea (mostly unsweet)8 % and a diet soda about 2% of the time. I don't mind water and every once in a while when I crave something with flavor the Crystal light will usually do the trick or just even some tea with splenda or very little sugar. Can't even stand fast food sweet tea anymore, it taste sugar water to me.


I like the Nice! drink packets at Walgreens. Lots of flavor variety and half the price of Crystal Light.

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I've reached a point where feeling better and buying smaller pants is more important to me than the donuts, cookies and ice cream.


Congratulations to you and your wife! I do think the weight loss battle is at least 90% mental...you do have to mentally reach that point where the delayed gratification of losing weight, health benefits, and wearing a smaller size is more important than the immediate gratification provided by eating a sweet. It took me several years of being overweight to reach that point!!

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Lets see:


D: 4 oz of deer meat with taco seasoning

1 c of lettuce

1/2 tomato

1 tbsp sour cream

4 oz tortilla chips


S: 1 cup of ice cream, 4 vienna cookies.


BK: 1/2 cup dry oatmeal

1 cup 1 % milk

1 tbsp sugar


S: banana, medium size


L: 3 oz of pork roast

1 cup of mashed potatoes

1/2 c of green beans


S: Peach


Got my 60 mins in last night and I'm doing a better job of feeling like I'm getting a good workout.


Right now my SI joint is out of places and it is highly annoying and about a 5 of the pain scale. I can't get into the chiro until Thursday evening. So pretty much two more days of this, unless it decides to pop back in on its own. I could have given up workouts for a while, but in all honesty........it doesn't hurt as much when I workout. The chiropractor says its b/c when you are in movement your brain relishes chemicals to help kill the pain b/c you are moving and it considers that important enough to reduce the pain. Kinda makes sense right? In any sense, sitting at work for 8 hours is really gonna be painful. Too one Ibprofin this morning and I waited 2 hours to take another to try and spread it out so I don't thin my blood too much.


Here is to hoping the day goes by fast. Right now..........its not feeling too great.


Good choices.

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Question, what kind of scale do you use for weighing your meat and is that the cooked weight or "raw" weight...just a thought on the protein..if this is the raw weight, it does shrink some during cooking and you might be consuming less protein than you think. I am allowed to eat a 5 ounce turkey burger (you can buy them pre-made frozen and very reasonable) but it shrinks about 2 ounces so I can add a little more protein for the meal that I am eating it for.


Lets see:


D: 4 oz of deer meat with taco seasoning

1 c of lettuce

1/2 tomato

1 tbsp sour cream

4 oz tortilla chips


S: 1 cup of ice cream, 4 vienna cookies.


BK: 1/2 cup dry oatmeal

1 cup 1 % milk

1 tbsp sugar


S: banana, medium size


L: 3 oz of pork roast

1 cup of mashed potatoes

1/2 c of green beans


S: Peach


Got my 60 mins in last night and I'm doing a better job of feeling like I'm getting a good workout.


Right now my SI joint is out of places and it is highly annoying and about a 5 of the pain scale. I can't get into the chiro until Thursday evening. So pretty much two more days of this, unless it decides to pop back in on its own. I could have given up workouts for a while, but in all honesty........it doesn't hurt as much when I workout. The chiropractor says its b/c when you are in movement your brain relishes chemicals to help kill the pain b/c you are moving and it considers that important enough to reduce the pain. Kinda makes sense right? In any sense, sitting at work for 8 hours is really gonna be painful. Too one Ibprofin this morning and I waited 2 hours to take another to try and spread it out so I don't thin my blood too much.


Here is to hoping the day goes by fast. Right now..........its not feeling too great.


Good choices.

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Question, what kind of scale do you use for weighing your meat and is that the cooked weight or "raw" weight...just a thought on the protein..if this is the raw weight, it does shrink some during cooking and you might be consuming less protein than you think. I am allowed to eat a 5 ounce turkey burger (you can buy them pre-made frozen and very reasonable) but it shrinks about 2 ounces so I can add a little more protein for the meal that I am eating it for.


Oh, I measure after I cook it. Sometimes I eyeball it, sometimes I measure......I probably should be more consistent.

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Lets see:


D: 4 oz of deer meat with taco seasoning

1 c of lettuce

1/2 tomato

1 tbsp sour cream

4 oz tortilla chips


S: 1 cup of ice cream, 4 vienna cookies.


BK: 1/2 cup dry oatmeal

1 cup 1 % milk

1 tbsp sugar


S: banana, medium size


L: 3 oz of pork roast

1 cup of mashed potatoes

1/2 c of green beans


S: Peach


Got my 60 mins in last night and I'm doing a better job of feeling like I'm getting a good workout.


Right now my SI joint is out of places and it is highly annoying and about a 5 of the pain scale. I can't get into the chiro until Thursday evening. So pretty much two more days of this, unless it decides to pop back in on its own. I could have given up workouts for a while, but in all honesty........it doesn't hurt as much when I workout. The chiropractor says its b/c when you are in movement your brain relishes chemicals to help kill the pain b/c you are moving and it considers that important enough to reduce the pain. Kinda makes sense right? In any sense, sitting at work for 8 hours is really gonna be painful. Too one Ibprofin this morning and I waited 2 hours to take another to try and spread it out so I don't thin my blood too much.


Here is to hoping the day goes by fast. Right now..........its not feeling too great.


Good choices.


I think that was more of 4 oz of pot roast, but I did have to scrap off a bit of it that was just fatty.......still I think 40z is more accurate.

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I find i might embarrass myself into eating less....


S: 2 mini ice cream sandwiches


D: 2 slices of low cal bread

. 5 tbsp of butter

1 slice cheese

That's a grilled cheese, btw

1.5 c of chopped garden tomatoes

15 bbaked wrinkle fries


2 c unsweet tea.



Oh and I ate a sliced cucumber and watered down ranch 1tbsp. As a snack earlier.


My back is a bit better so I'm waiting on my room to cool down and to the bike.

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I find i might embarrass myself into eating less....



That's kinda the point :) Not to embarrass yourself but to make yourself more aware of what you are eating. When you track everything that goes in your mouth, it makes you pause and give second thought.

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Have you tried sugar free jello as a snack? That is my "go to" dessert when I want something sweet. I always keep it at home. You can also whip heavy whipping cream and add splenda for a low carb topping.

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I don't get it..embarrass yourself? Huh? You mean it might make you aware you weren't measuring accurately? I don't think that'd be something to be embarrassed about if that's what you mean.. I think it'd be an eye opener and that would be really good! :)


Seeing Pcrum mentioned mind tricks and we all chatted about that before...you had said that you "weren't ready to give up some things like the McDonald's, etc. I don't know anyone said you had to give them up..you just can't have them regularly the way you are accustomed to. It's another mind shift. Eating it 2-3 x per month is different than eating it 2-3x per week.


But seriously...like , what is the worst possible thing that could happen if you determined you were going to eat NO fast food for a week or two....the way you determined to not weigh yourself every day? I mean, maybe you think the worst thing you would do is binge on fast food one day, but if you did, I bet you'd get real sick after not having it and you'd think twice about it. Just a thought..


I find i might embarrass myself into eating less....


S: 2 mini ice cream sandwiches


D: 2 slices of low cal bread

. 5 tbsp of butter

1 slice cheese

That's a grilled cheese, btw

1.5 c of chopped garden tomatoes

15 bbaked wrinkle fries


2 c unsweet tea.



Oh and I ate a sliced cucumber and watered down ranch 1tbsp. As a snack earlier.


My back is a bit better so I'm waiting on my room to cool down and to the bike.

Edited by Gathina
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I don't get it..embarrass yourself? Huh? You mean it might make you aware you weren't measuring accurately? I don't think that'd be something to be embarrassed about if that's what you mean.. I think it'd be an eye opener and that would be really good! :)


I meant the two mini ice cream sandwiches........bethought to myself as a was getting ready to write it ' who does that?' Exact quote. But odd that I've eaten way worse than that and didn't give it a second thought. Like I've eaten an entire tombstone pizza before....years ago....but the only reason i wudnt now is bc i wud be embarrassed to admit it, not bc i cudnt eat it.


Sorry for the abbreviations....tablet.

Edited by brooklynfc
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Tonight I introduced my mother to the Lose It application. She determined that today she ate 1500 calories OVER her allotted 2100 (OMG i wish i got that many lol) with the 2 meals she ate.


Today was her birthday - so she went to Denny's and had a free Grand Slam breakfast (for those not enlightened it's 2 eggs, 2 pancakes, 2 bacon strips, 2 sausage links). She was amazed at how many calories she'd had. You know that you're overeating but you never realize just HOW MUCH until you track it.


I started tracking only 7 weeks ago and I can't believe the numbers myself. Of course tracking makes you think twice, which is good. Do I really want to enter that into my daily log??? That's what i ask before I eat things now. Before it was like "do i want that? yes i do! i shall have that!".


Not the same. lol

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