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Late into Victoria June 11th-Zaandam


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I recall someone asking if others got in late to Victoria on the Zaandam, so I wanted to report our experience. We were on the Zaandam June 5th-12th. We got to Victoria about 7pm or so(I didnt have my watch then). I was in the hall when we got the announcement that we were cleared to leave the ship and walked in to look at the clock and it was 745pm! So I am not sure what the deal is with getting there, we didnt seem to be going full speed from Ketchican, and according to the log we recieved we did not.(17 knots I think) We went close to 23 knots on the way up! We had a tour that we did not make it to, but we had not put our money on it yet so thats ok. Plus we were tired. I did post a full review on the member review place, not sure when it will appear.


If anyone has any questions let me know. I am happy to answer. We also travelled with a 9 year old that loved the kids clubs so I can help there as well!


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It's better to know in advance that there won't be much time in Victoria. Still, it's a bummer to have it listed as a port and not be able to actually tour the place.


My kids are 6 and 11, and we're heading out on Friday (6/19)--same itinerary/ship as yours. Did your 9-year-old make friends in Club HAL or hang out by his/herself? Just curious. I am wondering whether either of my kids will get into it. My 11-year-old son will like the video games. I'm not sure about my 6-(almost 7-) year-old girl. She's high energy, adventurous, and sporty.


I guess we'll find out...in a matter of days!


Thanks in advance for any feedback-


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I look forward to reading your review. We'll be on the Zaandam in August.

I have booked the evening Butchart Gardens tour.....hope to see at least part of it. Maybe by August they'll figure out how to get into port in Victoria a little earlier!!

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Hi Amy, great name by the way!


Yah it was kind of disappointing, but it was a small thing out of a great trip. Loved this cruise.


On Club HAL. OMG we couldnt keep her out of it! the thing is that she would be in the younger group, which I do not know much about, if she is 7 they may let her move up to be with her brother. Its up to the kids club. Are you on the Zaandam? Opps, just reread...talk to Fifi and ask her if you can bump your daughter up or not. Fifi was awesome with our 9 yr old. We planned most of our dinners, lunch, and other activities around kids club. I am in fact honestly surprised we got her off the ship at all! They go from about 9am to 1130am, then 1-4pm, then 7-10 pm. Plus two additional hours that you can buy, we did not do that. The activities were all great fun. I noticed that in the "tweens" group it started as even boys and girls, then ended up mostly being girls and they had a blast together. The only problem we had was the last night, the girls were all sad and a bit "catty" and so there were some tears. Plus some odd pillow fight thingy, which I really think was just that the girls were tired and got a bit to rough. Plus they were all sad:( We can not say enough good things about the kids program. I really think you will find your daughter loves it. They even have port activities, we did not do that though.


One word of advice....take your dramine/bonnie! That first two days was pretty rough, after that it was so smooth! I felt that the Zaandam was very...vibrating? That seems weird but it was just that it seemed off to me, it could have just been me though. The roughness we had was REALLY rough, that open ocean outside of Seattle till you hit the Inside passage areas was at one point close to Gale force 10, we had seas that were about 25-30 feet. You may get lucky but take it to be on the safe side!

Feel free to ask me anymore questions



It's better to know in advance that there won't be much time in Victoria. Still, it's a bummer to have it listed as a port and not be able to actually tour the place.


My kids are 6 and 11, and we're heading out on Friday (6/19)--same itinerary/ship as yours. Did your 9-year-old make friends in Club HAL or hang out by his/herself? Just curious. I am wondering whether either of my kids will get into it. My 11-year-old son will like the video games. I'm not sure about my 6-(almost 7-) year-old girl. She's high energy, adventurous, and sporty.


I guess we'll find out...in a matter of days!


Thanks in advance for any feedback-


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I just now got an email that my report is up. I think you should be able to see it now. I apologize for the long review! I am wordy:)


We had planned on the tour, but I had hear rumours that the ship had been arriving late, and it takes about 45 min to get there, so we would not get much time at the gardens. We maybe would have been loaded on to buses about 8pm, so we would have at best gotten an hour! Not worth the cost, even independent tours that we looked at would not have worked with the delays. I cant remember where I saw the post, but I think I saw 2 or 3 cruises have not been on time, now adding in mine from the same ship makes it at least 3! The cruises only started in May...so I dont know. I was glad we had not paid for a tour!

Let me know if the review was helpful, and ask any questions.



I look forward to reading your review. We'll be on the Zaandam in August.

I have booked the evening Butchart Gardens tour.....hope to see at least part of it. Maybe by August they'll figure out how to get into port in Victoria a little earlier!!

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Thanks for the details about Club HAL. I know my daughter would want to move up to be w/her brother, but I have heard that they do not allow that. As far as my son is concerned, that is a plus...I mean, what boy wants his pesky sister underfoot?


THANKS SO MUCH for the seasickness head's up. My family doctor (the phone nurse, actually...) balked at me when I asked what seasickness meds they recommend for kids. She said (in so many words) that I was worrying about nothing--there would be so little movement that seasickness would be virtually impossible. (Not sure why she thinks she's the expert on all cruises and ships...) You are the 3rd post that I've read describing rough waters at the beginning of this particular cruise, so I am going to expect the worst.


Thanks again. I am excited...but a little worried about being sick.



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Maybe by August they'll figure out how to get into port in Victoria a little earlier!!
The Zaandam has yet to arrive in Victoria by 6:00 pm this season. In fact,the Victoria Port Authority shows the scheduled arrival at Ogden Point to be 7:00 pm, which is more or less what's been happening so far. Plan your tours accordingly! :):) http://www.victoriaharbour.org/c_deepseacruises.php
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Hi Amy, great name by the way!


Yah it was kind of disappointing, but it was a small thing out of a great trip. Loved this cruise.


On Club HAL. OMG we couldnt keep her out of it! the thing is that she would be in the younger group, which I do not know much about, if she is 7 they may let her move up to be with her brother. Its up to the kids club. Are you on the Zaandam? Opps, just reread...talk to Fifi and ask her if you can bump your daughter up or not. Fifi was awesome with our 9 yr old. We planned most of our dinners, lunch, and other activities around kids club. I am in fact honestly surprised we got her off the ship at all! They go from about 9am to 1130am, then 1-4pm, then 7-10 pm. Plus two additional hours that you can buy, we did not do that. The activities were all great fun. I noticed that in the "tweens" group it started as even boys and girls, then ended up mostly being girls and they had a blast together. The only problem we had was the last night, the girls were all sad and a bit "catty" and so there were some tears. Plus some odd pillow fight thingy, which I really think was just that the girls were tired and got a bit to rough. Plus they were all sad:( We can not say enough good things about the kids program. I really think you will find your daughter loves it. They even have port activities, we did not do that though.


One word of advice....take your dramine/bonnie! That first two days was pretty rough, after that it was so smooth! I felt that the Zaandam was very...vibrating? That seems weird but it was just that it seemed off to me, it could have just been me though. The roughness we had was REALLY rough, that open ocean outside of Seattle till you hit the Inside passage areas was at one point close to Gale force 10, we had seas that were about 25-30 feet. You may get lucky but take it to be on the safe side!

Feel free to ask me anymore questions




We were on this cruise, also.

No exageration on the need for dramamine on first sea day!!

I am a light sleeper and the rough open seas kept me awake..my DH and DS slept like babies through it all:) Also, the first night the Captain announced the clocks would be set an hour backwards that night. At 2:00 AM..an annoying SQUEAK-SQUEAK sound (for at least 2 minutes)of our suite's clock being turned backwards.

Again...I'm wide awake...the men just snoozed on..:rolleyes:

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We are booked on the Buchart Gardens tours on the Zaandam in early July. It is dissapointing that the schedule says 6pm but really means 7pm. Must be HAL runs on a different time than the rest of us.


I am glad I booked through the ship, though. That means they have to get us back before they sail.

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You mentioned the Techspert program in your review. Are you referring to the Digital Workshop? I am interested, but reluctant to miss the scenery

outside to spend time at the workshop....:rolleyes:


I have used some online digital photo programs, but could always learn more. Would you please give some more details?



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Hi again Amy,

I know they did case by case on our ship so they are allowing them to move under certain circumstances, now I do not know what they are but it can not hurt to ask:) The only catch is that if you do that you have to approve them to sign in and out themselves. We were fine with that though.


Let me tell you, they told us the same! And we really could have used the patch for Sophia! The first two nights were just awful as far as movement go. I know it can change but that ship just seems to not handle it well. I think I read somewhere(not sure where again) that a stabilizer was broken? It just was rocking and rolling! Now I took my meds, and made everyone else, all but one did it! The one who didnt is the one that got the sickest. You really dont need to worry about it as much as prepare ahead of time for it! Its so much easier to prevent, rather than stop the feeling! There is an over the counter med to help with nasuesa(spelling?), we used that for Sophia and it worked as well when she did get a bit on the green side. Plus, keep this in mind, if you did get sick the meds the dr can give you are really good, but they do knock you out for a good 8 hours! So you have lots of options to help you out. Also, green apples, ginger(ask dr), and crackers help. I was told by Fifi from the kids club that at first not to load up on fluids because it makes it worse, stick with food. She did comment that the night I am talking about was one of the worst she had felt, so hopefully it will not be the same for your cruise.


When you go say hi to Alvin for me(you can see him in the Lido buffet), tell him Canada wouldnt let me stay and I had to go back to work:) I sure miss him! I hope you have a great trip. Again happy to help with questions.





Thanks for the details about Club HAL. I know my daughter would want to move up to be w/her brother, but I have heard that they do not allow that. As far as my son is concerned, that is a plus...I mean, what boy wants his pesky sister underfoot?


THANKS SO MUCH for the seasickness head's up. My family doctor (the phone nurse, actually...) balked at me when I asked what seasickness meds they recommend for kids. She said (in so many words) that I was worrying about nothing--there would be so little movement that seasickness would be virtually impossible. (Not sure why she thinks she's the expert on all cruises and ships...) You are the 3rd post that I've read describing rough waters at the beginning of this particular cruise, so I am going to expect the worst.


Thanks again. I am excited...but a little worried about being sick.



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LOL Slewiss:) We were in "steerage" class we didnt have a clock to set back:) LOL


I was amazed at the motion that night!


We were on this cruise, also.

No exageration on the need for dramamine on first sea day!!

I am a light sleeper and the rough open seas kept me awake..my DH and DS slept like babies through it all:) Also, the first night the Captain announced the clocks would be set an hour backwards that night. At 2:00 AM..an annoying SQUEAK-SQUEAK sound (for at least 2 minutes)of our suite's clock being turned backwards.

Again...I'm wide awake...the men just snoozed on..:rolleyes:

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Hi there Roberta...I can not say enough about how great this program was! I really enjoyed it and actually was disappointed I did not go to more of them. My advice is to go on the first few times, because it was then that he gave out a few fun assignments and I would have tried some new tricks had I gone:( They teach a few different classes, I will try to list them, I may not have the list completely right though.

1. Getting your pictures out of your camera and onto the computer(pretty basic, figured I didnt need this one)

2. Editing your pictures using Windows Live! Best face forward I think was the name. This is the one I missed and am still kicking myself in the rear over. He is really good, and I only caught the last few min of it:(

3. Making movies out of pictures-LOVED this, wow it was great:) I think my partner hates it because its all I want to do now. Lord knows nobody wants to sit through an hour long self made video of my trip, other than myself! But great information!

4. Your 15 min of fame, blogging about your trip-fun!

5. Then another one about signing up for your own webpage...I kinda got part of that one as well.

Then he offers "techspert" time, which is typically 1 to 2 hours where you can just work on the laptops and he walks around helping you. This was a nice time to be able to view my pictures and get advice from him on editting and stuff.


I consider myself pretty well trained with the computer and I learned a lot. He does go slow sometimes but he knows those that are comfortable will work ahead. Another nice touch is that you get a handout to help you when you get home. Plus I think he also gave us his contact information. Super nice guy! One thing is to go early, the seats fill up fast, ask for a mouse he will provide. Bring your camera and memory cards.


Hope this helps!





You mentioned the Techspert program in your review. Are you referring to the Digital Workshop? I am interested, but reluctant to miss the scenery

outside to spend time at the workshop....:rolleyes:


I have used some online digital photo programs, but could always learn more. Would you please give some more details?



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