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Blackjack Players Step Inside!

Yo Eleven

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The continous shuffling machines are worse than bad players. I won't play blackjack against the shuffling machines any more.


Bad players do not influence the probability of winning. It amazes me that people who understand the statistics of blackjack by playing correct strategy would allow bad plays by other players affect their game.


The law of probability states that is just as likely to help you as hurt you. However, once everyone sees a bust card with the dealer they assume that the dealer is going to bust. If he does not bust some of the smart players will look to place blame if someone does not play correct strategy. No one ever complains when that dumb play produces a bust for the dealer and that play is quickly forgotten.

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terbear...your claims about other players having nothing but a negative effect on you is patently ridiculous and false,especially with the CSMs.

You can't know if third base is going to get a 10 or a 5 when he hits a 16. And maybe the 5 would have given the dealer a 21 and the 10 busts him.You and Yo only remember when it is vice versa.


I suggest you read some of the sites noted here.


BTW..I hate sitting with players like you who blame their bad luck on everyone else at the table and telling everyone how to play their hand. It is my money and what I do is none of your business!!


And many a time I have told people like you at my table to mind your own freakin business.:eek:


Cheers all.






You got it all wrong..... My claim is that Players that do NON basic stratigy crazy moves are the cause of Dealers winning too much and other players losing too much. This has been proven by jkirby4 in his post #261 above. He had to get away from those terrible players to get his losses back plus finally get ahead for his cruise.


And I for one , and Yo eleven I'm sure , can attest several times over to that same experience that happened to jkirby4 on his cruise .


But you are correct about the CSM"s . No one knows what to expect from a machine like that.


I think the Cruise Ships were more profit motivated to put them CSM's in use.


And I think they also love players like you for their profits too.


You can have all the CSM"s to yourself and players like you cause I think you are a by guess and by golly kind of player.


You might do just as good or better at the roulet wheel or Slots .


I suggest you read up on Basic Stratigy and give it a real solid try. You might do better and like it . Maybe even get surprisingly and happily converted to it.


You won't have to worry about sitting with players like me cause I won't be there next to players like you.


I recognize your kind very fast.


So you can just mind all your own freakin business with yourself and the players like you.


I hope you can win big with your BlackJack Lotto system .

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terbear..Why would you assume that I play "by guess and by golly". My point is that you don't understand or recognize that poor players have no long term effect on your results. I guess you must lose a lot and need to blame someone other than youself.


How about this scenario...Third base takes the dealer's bust card and you lose. Then on the next three deals you get three blackjacks. Did that mistake in the first hand hurt or help you?? Uh-Oh....He helped you!!!:eek:

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terbear..Why would you assume that I play "by guess and by golly". My point is that you don't understand or recognize that poor players have no long term effect on your results. I guess you must lose a lot and need to blame someone other than youself.


How about this scenario...Third base takes the dealer's bust card and you lose. Then on the next three deals you get three blackjacks. Did that mistake in the first hand hurt or help you?? Uh-Oh....He helped you!!!:eek:

What don't YOU understand?


The fools that play dumb aggravate the knowledgeable players at the table to the point that it affects their game, mentally. Most of these "fools" as I said take up more time, ask stupid questions, make stupid comments and simply ruin the game for the others. I decided to stop playing blackjack all together because of it. I decided it is nice to be free rather than sharing a cell with a guy named Bruno. Therefore, I stopped playing. Plus the rules are so slated that playing BJ is such a ripoff.


Nobody really cares what a player does in terms of play. But, people like this who I described above tend to be annoying. I even tried to play at the high stakes BJ tables in a last ditch effort to enjoy the game. But it seems since the game tends tolerate idiots no matter how much they have in their wallet. It just didn't do it for me. Fortunately, craps scares most idiots from playing, OR if they decide to play, they end up losing all their money in less than five minutes and never play again.


Class dismissed! :p

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Nobody really cares what a player does in terms of play.


Well apparently your genius friend does. He persists in his insistence that poor players always cause him to lose. Hey, if novices interfere with you enjoying the game:(...That is a different story altogether.


I have been playing about once a week at the Indian cssino in Tampa. I play at the $10 tables and you would not believe some of the things I see. It just doesn't bother me. As I said before..the people that DO bother me are the ones who try to tell everyone how to play and blame their bad luck on others.



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Nobody really cares what a player does in terms of play.


Well apparently your genius friend does. He persists in his insistence that poor players always cause him to lose. Hey, if novices interfere with you enjoying the game:(...That is a different story altogether.


I have been playing about once a week at the Indian cssino in Tampa. I play at the $10 tables and you would not believe some of the things I see. It just doesn't bother me. As I said before..the people that DO bother me are the ones who try to tell everyone how to play and blame their bad luck on others.



I'll let my genius friend fight his own battles. As for the rest of your post, I am cool with it.

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terbear..Why would you assume that I play "by guess and by golly". My point is that you don't understand or recognize that poor players have no long term effect on your results. I guess you must lose a lot and need to blame someone other than youself.


How about this scenario...Third base takes the dealer's bust card and you lose. Then on the next three deals you get three blackjacks. Did that mistake in the first hand hurt or help you?? Uh-Oh....He helped you!!!:eek:





I think you play by guess and by golly because of your chat here.


It looks like you finally admit that You are a Poor Player. Thanks for being Honest.


I take my lumps about losing a hand just like anybody else does that plays basic stratigy.


But when it comes to an Idiot player or a chichen out player that is scared of losing , and he is chicken to take his hit( 16 against dealers 7), Or a third baseman that takes the dealers break card when he thinks his 15 is not good enough to beat the dealers 6 , Then at that point it is not fun anymore and the table usually starts losing to the dealer .


Ive seen that scenairo way too many times. And it can be costly and stupid to stay with idiot players like that, So I will rid myself of them bad players and move to a better table, as jkirby4 did.


By the way , I have never got 3 blackjacks in a row after a stupid third baseman took a dealers bust card. But I got plenty of storys about idiot players that ruin the tables.


In all my past BJ games, I have never won at a table because of an idiot player doing ignorant stuff. NEVER. I might have won 1 or 2 hands that way but that is about it and it seems to go bad right after that kind of play.


So I get away from them kind fast. As other smart players will.


I do lose at BJ sometimes And more times than not , it seems that there is always 1 or 2 Idiot players at those particular tables.---- Go figure .


Also I have noticed a lot that some idiot players will be sitting there losing and getting desperate and don't want to dig $$ anymore and they have just bet their last $5 chip, and then when they get a 14 or 15 against a dealers 7 or 8 , That is when they will chicken out and wave off their hand . They lose and I lose and most every body loses that particular hand, Cause the dealer just got 20 and beat us. And then to top that off, on the very next Deal , The dealer gets Blackjack. --- Iv'e seen that scenario soooooooooo many times.


The POOR Players seem to play good untill they get low on money and then all of a sudden they will play chicken and it causes me and outhers to lose that particular hand . I have seen this scenario over and over and over way too many times, as I'm sure others here have seen it too.


Ring any bells RANTHEMAN??


I HAVE played long term with idiot players a few times due to the fact that every table open that day had a few of them. I recognized a few of them at other tables so I didn't even want to try their tables. Needless to say I lost those days . But at least I tried . Big mistake on my part to play those days. I learned.


In the beginning I thought these poor Players were "SHILLS" . But I couldn't bring myself to believe that The casino would have that many of them on their Payroll. HAHAHAHAHA



I've have won into the 10's of thousandsof $$$$ at blackJack before several times, but Only when there were decent Basic Strategy players at my table.


One night at a casino , I happened to stumble on to 2 guys that I have played with before and just we 3 played at this $25 table for about 7 hours. They bought in for $200 each and I bought in for $600 . They played a little conservative betting and I was betting agressive after I got ahead a bunch on the House's money. By 3 Am they were $3000 and $4000 ahead and I was $54,000 ahead. We all played Basic Stratigy and Never once Chickened out or took dumbass hits .


We took our lumps and We lost a few big bets once in a while but very few . The cards sort of fell into place for us a lot, and I mean a LOT............ "If YOU can imagin that-- RANTHEMAN."



At the end of that night, I tipped those 2 guys $500 each for playing BASIC STRATEGY, and went home and all the way to the bank.


You got any stories Ranttheman ??

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Read this quote from a previous post by you,,


I have found it that if ALL the players at a table were Consistent and played Basic Stratigy , then they ALL would get more winning hands and get good hits when they need them .

And the dealer would also break a LOT more when they are supposed to.


On what basis do you base such idiotic statements?

BWAAHAHAHAHA!! If you play right,do the BJ gods smile on you:eek:.




You got any stories Ranttheman ??


Sure..Last Saturday I bought in with $50.00 at about 9 AM and when I walked out at Noon, I cashed in $352,000.00 in chips, tipped evryone at the table $5000.00 and bought a 52 foot SeaRay cabin cruiser.


I spit on a measly $54000.00!!!

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Read this quote from a previous post by you,,


I have found it that if ALL the players at a table were Consistent and played Basic Stratigy , then they ALL would get more winning hands and get good hits when they need them .


And the dealer would also break a LOT more when they are supposed to.


On what basis do you base such idiotic statements?

BWAAHAHAHAHA!! If you play right,do the BJ gods smile on you:eek:.




You got any stories Ranttheman ??


Sure..Last Saturday I bought in with $50.00 at about 9 AM and when I walked out at Noon, I cashed in $352,000.00 in chips, tipped evryone at the table $5000.00 and bought a 52 foot SeaRay cabin cruiser.


I spit on a measly $54000.00!!!



My statements are based on on experience, oberservations and truth.


Basic Strategy will work if all players at a table would allow it to.


Money management would be another strategy for players to learn to win with.


My story just so happened to be the truth. And I have more like that one.


Unlike the farce you provided.



It looks like you are grasping at straws now.


I don't know which you are about ready to do next ,.............


....................Wind your watch or kick the cat.................


I hope that your BlackJack Lotto System works for you big time some day .



RANTTHEMAN; --- A good thought for you to remember would be...............................


................"THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE" .................

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terbear....I am just messin' around on a slow Wednesday.


Nevertheless, your experiences and observations may seem to prove what you believe to be fact,but they don't.


Why don't you open your mind and investigate some sites that discuss the randomness and the probabilities associated with a six deck shoe or CSM.


I know you won't,so this is RANTHEMAN....OVER and OUT.


BTW..You are right...it took me until 2PM to win $352,000.00.:eek:


Cheers to all:D:D:D

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tenbear, maybe you could share with us what this basic stratigy is all about? Is it like basic strategy only better? lol


About your story - Let's see...going from $600 to $54,000 in 7 hours?


$25/hand = 2160 hands

$100/hand = 540 hands

$200/hand = 270 hands


Assuming 60 hands per hour given shuffles, crew changes & washroom breaks (likely high), that works out to about 420 hands played.


Given that you came to the table with only $600...well....


Gotta love the internet where everyone can be an anonymous superhero :D

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I have been following this argument for days now and I think it is truly classic. Obviously bad players don't have any long-term effect on the cards. The one thing that does have an effect is the player who takes forever and ever to ponder his or her play. The player thinks for ten seconds with a 12 against a 7 and finally takes a hit. When the play gets a 3 to make a 15, he or she takes another ten to fifteen seconds to make a decision.


The long-term effect that this type of play has is to actually SAVE everyone at the table money. The longer each hand takes, the less hands you play per hour, the less you lose (and the more you get in comps for less hands).

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The long-term effect that this type of play has is to actually SAVE everyone at the table money. The longer each hand takes, the less hands you play per hour, the less you lose (and the more you get in comps for less hands).


Exactly! :)

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Bad players don't have an effect on the cards. If you let a bad player upset you, it can have an effect on your game.


I agree, Bad players make you loose your concentration and your thoughts become clouded. I play by the "book", I practice on simulator games every couple of days to stay sharp but even knowing what to do when I have two 9's against the dealers nine, I still make mistakes on occasion when I am dealing with a bad player by trying to answer questions or sending them messages by telepathy (lol).





BTW, I would split the two 9's against the dealers 9. If I loose, the good players are proud of me and if I win, everyone is proud of me (lol, again).



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BTW, I would split the two 9's against the dealers 9. If I loose, the good players are proud of me and if I win, everyone is proud of me (lol, again).

Ditto. And at least SOME bad players now understand hitting 12 against 2 or 3.


Matter of fact, it was on the subject of splitting 9's that I saw in the second book I ever read about blackjack - Thorpe's classic "Beat the Dealer" back in 1969 (my first was "Scarne on Cards" which was a great book for its day!) - the advice to not look for "reasons" to make decisions, but to do what the math tells you to do.


Shalom, Andy

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Hello! I figured I would start a spinoff thread from our very successful successful Craps discussion. Perhaps we can start others like this if the topic is getting hot as I can see Blackjack is really discussed here on this site.


I'll be the first to start. I used to be a heavy Blackjack player. I had a lot of fun playing it until "morons" started to annoy me. The last straw was when someone clown was splitting tens and doing all sorts of stupid stuff. YES, it you are free to play how you like, but if you make the other players at the table miserable then in my opinon you are out of line.


I then thought I had a solution. I thought maybe the morons play only at the 5 dollar minimum table. Boy was I wrong. The same fools play at $25 minimum table and are even more arrogant. I even tried to find a table that was empty and play alone. That did work, but a few minutes later the table gets filled. So that ended. I got so sick of the game and the fools that play it I forced myself to learn craps. As soon as I learned the game and developed my system I rarely ever play Blackjack. I think I know a lot and still like to discuss the game for those who are interested.


So anyone here splitting Tens? :D


I sailed on Carnival Freedom in February. I sat next to a guy who did exactly what you pointed out...split tens! I had a large bet out and I was playing third base. I asked him why he would do that and his answer was "the odds are I'm going to get a 10 or a face card". He had been drinking but he was not gooned. He then said "that's what the book says to do". I almost fell out of my chair. So of course the table lost. Sure, you can move to another table but there are idiots at every one of them. I was also surprised to learn that you can't surrender.


Thank God my wife hit on a slot for $1,500!

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WoW.. This thread has been up almost a year.. Hello to all.. I love Black Jack.. I would love to play next to some of you and I would run from a table if some of you sat next to me. I am the same, I believe what the player next to me does hurt the table..I am what I consider to be a good BJ player.. I usually leave AC up by at least $2000.. Hope the same is on Carnival Pride in August..

I will continue to watch this thread though. Love talking about Black Jack.. Love playing it more..

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