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RCCL Child Under 2 My Recent Experience


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Just got back from a great cruise on the Enchantment. I will first start off with the good. The aqua tots program which is available every morning from 9:00 AM to 10 AM was outstanding. A nice mat was laid out with all the fisher price toys you could imagine. They had some fun kids type music playing in the background. The RCCL rep was tremendous. She played with the kids, read them a book and various other learning activities with the toys. I was impressed. The baby splash zone was a huge hit, my daughter loved it and yes she wore a swim diaper with no issues. I would say 80% of the kids in the splash area had swim diapers on as well, so I am not sure why the recent controversy on the boards.


The Bad- We were one of the first onboard and I knew to go straight to the Pursers desk to reserve in cabin babysittg. Once there, the rep acted like she did not know what I was talking about. Then she proceeded to scramble all over the place for 15 minutes looking for a reservations book. Finally she booked me for each night at dinner time per my request. We had late seating so the drill was we fed, bathed, put pajamas on baby and then would have a nice late seating dinner to ourselves. Ok so first night we had a sitter show up and she had zero personality, zero communications, and appearance wise just not the type of person (let alone a complete stranger) we would leave our baby with. Regardless, we rolled the dice and proceeded as planned, however we called and popped in a couple times. The second night the same sitter showed up, and this time my normally happy around strangers child bolted for the door not wanting anything to do with the sitter. I ate real quick and came back to the room and relieved the sitter of her duties. I am not saying she did a bad job, I am just saying she would not pass an interview on any level.


The ugly- On day 3 I went to the pursers desk and said I was having second thoughts about the program and the supervisor steps in and said she will take care of it, they were short handed the first days and tried some new people out. She said they would get their best person for me this night. So... on the 3rd night a nice personable young lady shows up but is looking like she has not slept in 3 days. Completely exhausted and I think she even made a comment indicating same. She did a good job and we were happy. This takes us to the last night....unfortunately we were stood up. No phone call, no notice, nothing. We called the pursers and they said the assigned person was ill and never called to inform them. At this point we were happy just to work around dinner ourselves and to be quite honest the baby seemed happier as well.


We have another cruise scheduled soon and at this point I think we will leave the baby with grandma until she is 2 (unless the ship has a nursery like Disney or Oasis).


In closing, I will not recommend in cabin babysitting. I do however highly recommend the aquatots program and am hoping they will extend this fleetwide in a nursery type capacity just as Disney has.

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Thanks for posting the great links to your photobucket. Looks like you really absorb as much information as you possibly can. I used to save all my daily itineraries, but decided I didn't need them like I thought, until I find we have new cruisers traveling with us and wish I had them again.


You are a true veteran cruiser. Maybe someday my list will be just as long too.



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I'm glad you had a good time.


"The baby splash zone was a huge hit, my daughter loved it and yes she wore a swim diaper with no issues. I would say 80% of the kids in the splash area had swim diapers on as well, so I am not sure why the recent controversy on the boards."


The controversy over this is that according to RCI, Echantment does not have the "baby splash zone" that Freedom and Liberty do. Enchantment has the "Splash Deck," and (again according to RCI) children must be potty trained to use any part of it. Based on RCI's own information, your daughter wasn't supposed to be in the splash area. Just because no crew member enforced the rule doesn't mean it doesn't exist.



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I'm glad you had a good time.


"The baby splash zone was a huge hit, my daughter loved it and yes she wore a swim diaper with no issues. I would say 80% of the kids in the splash area had swim diapers on as well, so I am not sure why the recent controversy on the boards."


The controversy over this is that according to RCI, Echantment does not have the "baby splash zone" that Freedom and Liberty do. Enchantment has the "Splash Deck," and (again according to RCI) children must be potty trained to use any part of it. Based on RCI's own information, your daughter wasn't supposed to be in the splash area. Just because no crew member enforced the rule doesn't mean it doesn't exist.




:eek: OH! I didn't realize that was the issue!


I thought (once again) that RCCL had just failed in communicating about a feature on one of its ships. Specifically, I thought that there is an intended baby slapsh zone on the Enchantment that RCCL fails to advertise.


From what you are saying I understand that the real issue is that there is no baby slash zone on the Enchantment, just a lot of Enchantment crew that do not enforce the 'no swim diaper' rule.

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:eek: OH! I didn't realize that was the issue!


I thought (once again) that RCCL had just failed in communicating about a feature on one of its ships. Specifically, I thought that there is an intended baby slapsh zone on the Enchantment that RCCL fails to advertise.


From what you are saying I understand that the real issue is that there is no baby slash zone on the Enchantment, just a lot of Enchantment crew that do not enforce the 'no swim diaper' rule.


She is just stating an opinion. Fact is she does not know. I agree with another poster in another thread, it was designed as a splash zone but must have failed an inspection so now its up in the air as to what to do with it. Funny thing is unless the child is standing naked, I see no way any issues could arise. I would be more worried about the water analysis from those 50 or so bathing beauties in the adult pool. Do you see anyone shower before they get in the pool? HOw many times have you heard stories of people getting it on late at night in the hot tub or pool? Think about that the next time you take the plunge and have that water touch your lips. Yet a few people on here have a mental breakdown over the thought of a small child being held by its mother in which water spouts up, lands on them and evaporates through their clothing. My opinion until they can decide what to do with the sprinkler area... shut it down.

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Actually, we were just on the Enchantment on June 22-27 and these are the signs by the splash deck. Just because they don't enforce it, doesn't mean that the signs aren't there clearly stating that children in diapers/swimmers are NOT allowed.






On our cruise, they weren't enforcing the no-diaper rule in ANY of the pools that I could tell, but that doesn't mean that it wasn't posted on multiple signs.

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Sas - this is the trick of the diseappeaing and reappearing signs on Enchantment.


Enchantment never had the "Baby Splash Zone" signs.


Then magically, one day in June 2008, they did. And someone here posted pictures. So I contacted RCCL to verify and they said it didn't exist. THEN, I sent them pictures of the area that supposedly doesn't exist with the signs (Baby Zone signs) saying it does. So THEN, they come back and say "Oh it does exist, but is subject to change" :eek:


So then now, this year, the signs disappear again and are replaced by the NEW signs, saying no diapered babies allowed. :rolleyes:


So, yes, as usual, RCCL is as clear as mud.


And I think rolloman has it right, the area was created to be one, they put the Baby Zone signs up, then they didn't get approval, so they took them down and replaced them with the "No babies" sign. :(

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Sas - this is the trick of the diseappeaing and reappearing signs on Enchantment.


Enchantment never had the "Baby Splash Zone" signs.


Then magically, one day in June 2008, they did. And someone here posted pictures. So I contacted RCCL to verify and they said it didn't exist. THEN, I sent them pictures of the area that supposedly doesn't exist with the signs (Baby Zone signs) saying it does. So THEN, they come back and say "Oh it does exist, but is subject to change" :eek:


So then now, this year, the signs disappear again and are replaced by the NEW signs, saying no diapered babies allowed. :rolleyes:


So, yes, as usual, RCCL is as clear as mud.


And I think rolloman has it right, the area was created to be one, they put the Baby Zone signs up, then they didn't get approval, so they took them down and replaced them with the "No babies" sign. :(


Lol, I had to read that post slowly.....


I'm still confused as to weather or not the Enchantment has baby splash zones - but it doesn't really matter as I'm not scheduled to sail on the Enchantment....


You are right, clear as MUD! Typical RCCL!

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Lol, I had to read that post slowly.....


I'm still confused as to weather or not the Enchantment has baby splash zones - but it doesn't really matter as I'm not scheduled to sail on the Enchantment....


You are right, clear as MUD! Typical RCCL!


TODAY - officially, no they don't. But that is subject to change again tomorrow. :eek:

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Well, If I were a lawyer (which I'm not) I will say that the sign says children in diapers, it doesn't say children in swim diapers, technically differents diapers, don't you think...Do not mind me, it is a joke...


What is the problem with swim diapers, the solids won't go thru, there is not way that someone can convince me that the adults' swimming pools don't have "other liquids"...

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What is the problem with swim diapers, the solids won't go thru, there is not way that someone can convince me that the adults' swimming pools don't have "other liquids"...


Actually those swim diapers (like the ones made by pampers and huggies), the solids aren't really trapped anywhere, it kind of makes it a poop soup in those diapers {ewwwwww} ;)


So the bacteria floods from the diaper into the pool...which if it was a normal land based pool, they would have tons of chlorine and filtration systems to counteract that. But at sea - you can't add lots of lots of chemicals to water that will be dumped right back out into the ocean later that evening. :)


And if you really look at the sign, it says "or who are not toilet trained" ;)

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Crusinmama06: I enter in your site with the kids club information and I have a question: How do you get the compass, Do you get it as soon as you arrive , do you go to some place to look fo it, or you get it dayly? When I was at Princess, I really didn't used the program, my DD was two and we were only there sometime, she was allowed to ply, but I had to be with her, so we only used the days at sea but I never saw or asked for a compass...


BTW, very good information in the site.


Ah!...I didn't know about the solids and the swimming diapers, I can see why is an issue and why it is save to used in land but not at sea, if the pools or facilities are not prepared. I don't remember what we did in Princess, she didn't go to the pool, it wasn't very children friendly so we were in the kid's club must of the time...

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Crusinmama06: I enter in your site with the kids club information and I have a question: How do you get the compass, Do you get it as soon as you arrive , do you go to some place to look fo it, or you get it dayly? When I was at Princess, I really didn't used the program, my DD was two and we were only there sometime, she was allowed to ply, but I had to be with her, so we only used the days at sea but I never saw or asked for a compass....


The AO compass will be in 2 different places each day. Your cabin attendant will put one on your bed (for the age of your child) each evening. And extras will be available outside of the Adventure Ocean room.


When you arrive on the first day as well, there should be a general info one on your bed. By turndown that night, you will receive the schedule for the next day. :)

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She is just stating an opinion. Fact is she does not know. I agree with another poster in another thread, it was designed as a splash zone but must have failed an inspection so now its up in the air as to what to do with it. Funny thing is unless the child is standing naked, I see no way any issues could arise. I would be more worried about the water analysis from those 50 or so bathing beauties in the adult pool. Do you see anyone shower before they get in the pool? HOw many times have you heard stories of people getting it on late at night in the hot tub or pool? Think about that the next time you take the plunge and have that water touch your lips. Yet a few people on here have a mental breakdown over the thought of a small child being held by its mother in which water spouts up, lands on them and evaporates through their clothing. My opinion until they can decide what to do with the sprinkler area... shut it down.


I was just stating what RCI's website said and what others have reported. It wasn't my opinion in any way. I must agree with sas80 and cruisinmama06 that RCI's waffling has made the issue clear as mud--Nothing new there.


It's sad, but I have to agree with your opinion that that part of the splash area should be shut down until the issue is cleared up. Either get the thing retrofitted and approved for babies in swim diapers (which would be nice) or leave it as it is and stop with the back-and-forth-the-right-hand-doesn't-know-what-the-left-hand-is-doing nonsense. The CDC, et al might decide to get cranky if RCI doesn't get their act together on this.



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Sorry about your experience. I used in-cabin once on Celebrity and it was great. But even on Celebrity- the incabin sitting is subject to availability and you can't make these arrangements in advance. So it is like rolling the dice.


I stopped cruising until my son was 3 almost 4 and could go to the youth program. That was so much more bang for the buck.

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The idea of leaving my child with a stranger on a cruise ship ..to babysit.. seems so bizarre and the idea of having children who are not toilet trained in communal water is just as bizarre.

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As a father of an infant, I can see the annoyance of paying full third-passenger prices for a little one who doesn't eat the food and can't use the pools. Of course, didn't stop me from booking, but it would be nice if she could have her own splash area. But, I can understand the concerns about it.


The babysitting thing I'm a little skeptical to try myself.

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Well.. in regards to infants and toddlers in swim diapers...



I remember on the two times I took my family on a cruise aboard the Disney Magic, there would be long periods of time when the one "Mickey Pool" (the shallow, infant friendly pool) would be closed, drained, and swarmed over by yellow jumpsuited Cast Members who were power disinfecting the pool because of some nastiness that made it out of a kid and into the water.


It was comical... the pool would be closed and disinfected thoughout the Sea Day... basically unusable the majority of the day.




I think that is why CC members are apprehensive about supporting swim diapered kids in the water.


It happens... if you really pay attention on any ship, the bathrooms on the pool decks are rarely used.. by childen or adults... Kinda grosses me out.

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The idea of leaving my child with a stranger on a cruise ship ..to babysit.. seems so bizarre and the idea of having children who are not toilet trained in communal water is just as bizarre.


I do not know of any families who do not take advantage of the kids programs onboard or as you call it "leaving kids with strangers". Non toilet trained kids are not allowed in communal water, so its kind of "bizzarre" you are bringing this into the thread. The water activity this thread is about is the intermittant sprinklers on Enchantement originally designed for all small children.

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Funny that OP thinks the nursery is a good program. I found that a let down. If we have to be the kid why bother.....


Seriously? I don't have any first-hand knowledge of the aqua tots/aqua babies programs (that's the nursery you're talking about, I believe), but you're seriously saying that if you "have to be with the kid, why bother"? Why bother spending time with your child having fun while on vacation?


Wow, just wow.




p.s., I'm all for children enjoying the children's programs where the parents drop them off; I'm all for parents having adult time while their children have fun with other children and enjoy the often cruise-related activities in the children/teen's programs. I do not understand why a parent would consider it a burden of some kind to actually attend the babies and toddlers sessions.

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The previous poster said "be the kid" not "be with the kid".


I also found the aquatots program didn't really provide value to us either. I could have read books/sang songs to my child or played with him in a lounge myself. IMO, having a child be able to play with toys for 40 minutes and then telling them that they can't play with the toys anymore and have to leave, is not so great of a feature.

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Funny that OP thinks the nursery is a good program. I found that a let down. If we have to be the kid why bother.....


Well what can I say.... some people enjoy taking time out of their day to play with their kids. An added bonus in this instance RCCL provided a great set up as well as one on one interaction with the coordinator. Sorry your expectations were not met......

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The previous poster said "be the kid" not "be with the kid".


I also found the aquatots program didn't really provide value to us either. I could have read books/sang songs to my child or played with him in a lounge myself. IMO, having a child be able to play with toys for 40 minutes and then telling them that they can't play with the toys anymore and have to leave, is not so great of a feature.


They allowed us to take a toy back to our room each day....

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