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WiFi fees on Voyager

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We'll be on the July 31 Baltic cruise and were wondering what the internet usage charges were on the ship. We're trying to decide whether to bring our laptop or not. Any knowledge that can be shared is appreciated. Looking forward to a wonderful journey!!!

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Time Plan #1: $0.25 per minute - 250 minutes for $62.50


Time Plan #2: $0.35 per minute - 100 minutes for $35


Pay As You Go: $0.55 per minute




One-Time Account Activation Fee _ $3.95 (Applies to all users on first login only)


Please note that a Time Plan cannot be used on more than one computer at the same time.


On your first cruise after you have cruised 21 nights on RSSC, you get free internet. Debbie

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Is it correct to assume that if one reaches the 21 day mark during a cruise that the next days 22nd, 23rd etc before the end of that cruise aren't eligible for free internet.


Correct. The free internet (part of becoming Silver level in the Seven Seas Society) take effect on your first cruise (or cruise segment) starting after you've sailed 20 days or more.


Debbie, one additional note: the Internet pricing applies whether you use your own laptop or the ships' computers in the computer room. If you just want to send a few messages, or check email sporadically, then you can use the computers available without bringing your laptop. If you plan to use the computer more frequently, or use it for downloading pictures from you camera's memory cards, then a laptop comes in handy. I always take my laptop (although it's a fairly small and lightweight Mac; I might think twice if I had the hulking full-size laptops I see some people travel with). Once you've created your onboard account and picked your billing plan, you can log in from any computer.


-- Eric

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Is it correct to assume that if one reaches the 21 day mark during a cruise that the next days 22nd, 23rd etc before the end of that cruise aren't eligible for free internet.


Unless you are doing a back to back cruise which are considered separate cruises.

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I love having my computer in the cabin. I know it is a pain to lug it along (it's a MacBook, not abbreviated in size), but I use the computer case to pack other valuables (jewelry and cameras) that I wouldn't want to check, plus all the wires and rechargers that I need for batteries, camera, and my books, mags, noise canceling head phones, the list goes on and on for what goes into that bag. Love being able to download pictures and send them home to friends or family as I go along (plus knowing they are stored somewhere else just in case I would lose a memory card).

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How available are the computers in the computer room? Is there usually a wait or are there alot of them down at a time?



We have not seen a wait very often, but prefer the convenience of being able to use the laptop in our suite. By the way, depending on what you do the free internet can be a HUGE perk. Also, when the speed is very slow it is comforting to know that at least you are not paying for that slooooooooooooow connection =)

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There are lots of them on the Voyager, somewhat less on the Mariner, and maybe 5-6 on the Navigator. I've only experienced a wait on the Navigator, and once in awhile on the Mariner on a full ship. Never a wait on the Voyager from my experience.


Rally is correct. Free internet a huge perk for me, and the one it took very few cruises to get!

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There are lots of them on the Voyager, somewhat less on the Mariner, and maybe 5-6 on the Navigator. I've only experienced a wait on the Navigator, and once in awhile on the Mariner on a full ship. Never a wait on the Voyager from my experience.


Rally is correct. Free internet a huge perk for me, and the one it took very few cruises to get!


I don't know if these are on the new and imporoved Voyager, and we never used them, but we were intrigued by what we called the "floating computers" set up outside the Coffee Connection on Mariner. I never saw one empty (available) but they sure looked more appealing than sitting in the internet cafe (as nice as it is, it is still an internet cafe.) Do they have this configuration on Voyager now?

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Unless they have changed, Voyager has always had two adjacent rooms with computers (directly across from the boutique). One with them all around a circle with the attendant sitting in the middle, and the other in individual niches next room. Rally, you haven't been on Voyager? I have rarely seen one "out of order", although I have often seen this on Navigator. Before the coffee corner, Mariner used that space for computers, and last I was on, they were lined up back to the windows on the garden promenade or whatever they call it, and most of them in that nondescript room behind the coffee corner. Of course, you were just on, so surely you know their layout!

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Unless they have changed, Voyager has always had two adjacent rooms with computers (directly across from the boutique). One with them all around a circle with the attendant sitting in the middle, and the other in individual niches next room. Rally, you haven't been on Voyager? I have rarely seen one "out of order", although I have often seen this on Navigator. Before the coffee corner, Mariner used that space for computers, and last I was on, they were lined up back to the windows on the garden promenade or whatever they call it, and most of them in that nondescript room behind the coffee corner. Of course, you were just on, so surely you know their layout!


Yes, we have been on Voyager but not since the refit (we will be on August 14) and I wonder if the refit included something like Mariner's Coffee Connection (yes, yes, I know . . . . but it is getting harder and harder to read the deck plans --- maybe they are intentionally printing them smaller? Couldn't be me you know.)


As for "out of order" I don't know where that comes from. Wasn't me.


I do know abut Voyager's two connected computer rooms . . . .and spent way too much time there last year. We own an internet business (the good news is that we can get away from the office; the bad news is that we cannot get away from the computer; on that 30 day Voyager cruise (our longest to date) I met a Canadian financial columnist and we had dinner with him and his wife; when I told him what we do and that I spent 2 - 3 hours/day on the computer he asked why I even bothered to cruise! I simply reminded him of the other 22 - 23 hours in a normal day. He ended up writing about our conversation in a column.)


Anyway (is this getting off topic at all? Gosh I hope not!) when Mrs. Rally and I booked that 30 day cruise we were scheduled for a 7 day cruise on Navigator in the Med, and realized that if we just did a back-to-back we would be Silver for the 30 dayer, hence, yes, FREE INTERNET! When it was all over, the money we saved on internet fees later just about paid for the second week on the Navigator. Now don't tell me that can't be --- some of us cruise in steerage (well, never without a verandah, but never in the Master Suite or whatever.)


Mrs. Rally actually asked me this morning what I thought about a Cunard cruise next year. I asked her if we were going steerage and she just gave me a dirty look. Good Lord, I would be like Jack on the Titanic (and where in the world did Jack get that tux for dinner by the way? Although Mrs. Rally has made me watch that movie 17 times I still haven't figured that part out.


Now, I have to go read all these emails I have gotten today about something called Acai Berry. Maybe it will help my eyesight.

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Rally, nor have I been on Voyager since the refit, (last on May/June 2008 with a whole bunch of cc people from "another board community") but the new coffee corner on Voyager is on the same level as reception, over by the TV area where they always had a little coffee area anyway and just a few chairs opposite. That was the part refigured, moved things around a bit and fit it in with tables and a larger coffee service area. Not as nice as the Mariner, which required major change/refit, but nice, since Voyager already had plenty of computer space, just not enough "coffee/social" places, I assume.


The "out of order" computers on the Navigator have always been an annoyance to me on my 4 cruiss with her, but not enough to irk the hell out of me, (not much is) because I had my computer in the cabin, ALWAYS steerage, but with a balcony. Give me low and middle on that ship any day after my first cruise when I chose Deck 9.


I think it is great that improved internet service is allowing more and more people in your situation (private biz) to cruise and continue to operate for a limited time while having fun being away! Works well for you, and for Regent, and all the friends you meet along the way!


Editing to say that I have no personal knowledge of Cunard. However, cruiseluv from this board, with whom I've happily cruised before, speaks highly of it! And yes, she was in "steerage" (which means nothing, just like on Regent) and had a perfectly fine time AND cabin!

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Rally, nor have I been on Voyager since the refit, (last on May/June 2008 with a whole bunch of cc people from "another board community") but the new coffee corner on Voyager is on the same level as reception, over by the TV area where they always had a little coffee area anyway and just a few chairs opposite. That was the part refigured, moved things around a bit and fit it in with tables and a larger coffee service area. Not as nice as the Mariner, which required major change/refit, but nice, since Voyager already had plenty of computer space, just not enough "coffee/social" places, I assume.


The "out of order" computers on the Navigator have always been an annoyance to me on my 4 cruiss with her, but not enough to irk the hell out of me, (not much is) because I had my computer in the cabin, ALWAYS steerage, but with a balcony. Give me low and middle on that ship any day after my first cruise when I chose Deck 9.


I think it is great that improved internet service is allowing more and more people in your situation (private biz) to cruise and continue to operate for a limited time while having fun being away! Works well for you, and for Regent, and all the friends you meet along the way!


Editing to say that I have no personal knowledge of Cunard. However, cruiseluv from this board, with whom I've happily cruised before, speaks highly of it! And yes, she was in "steerage" (which means nothing, just like on Regent) and had a perfectly fine time AND cabin!


Judy (John? Jerri? Janet? Jalupa? Jumanji? Janelle? Jack? Joe? Let's go with jhp; Forgive me.) this is a huge relief. I remember the "coffee corner" on Voyager. . . . .a few world cruisers congregated there each morning, watching CNN, drinking coffee, complaining about everything on the ship, and then walking over to book their next cruise. One day when we were onboard the magnificent machine broke down ---------- there was almost a mutiny, I swear! ----- but was fixed the next day. Near there is where they served bullion for those who could not survive until lunch; that was where I met most of my male friends onboard, each of us padding down early in our otherwise-forbidden bare feet to procure a steaming cappuccino for our beloved upstairs (but that's another story.) So that is now the Coffee Connection? Do you think they serve Chocolate Russians? Just wondering hypothetically.


Ah yes, steerage . . . . the only thing better would be crews quarters (did you know the crew actually sleeps on board? I wonder if that is true on mass-market ships? ) Actually, we enjoy the movement of the ship. The only thing wrong with a Tahiti cruise is the "houseboat" feel; give me a Force 3 Storm any day! Horatio at the gates! (or something like that.) We had one of those storms on Voyager one night (Capt Dag --- Wendy you must meet him one day) came on the horn to call for calm and actually said, "this is what we call a storm." Thanks, Capt.) Anyway, Mrs. Rally didn't mind at all --- we were in Horizon Lunge and making our way to dinner; she made the acquaintance of at least five male passengers by falling into their laps, one by one; each was most gracious, as was she. I got over it by the time we got to dinner (it was much to rough for a duel.)


And as for my comment about steerage: please don't mention this to grandmamma if you run into her --- she still thinks the gold mining stock from Burma is supporting us. Dear thing . . . . . she can't understand why we refuse to fly BEA. And please don't' mention my "situation" to her --- she never has approved of the mercantile class.

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I have no personal knowledge of Cunard. However, cruiseluv from this board, with whom I've happily cruised before, speaks highly of it! And yes, she was in "steerage" (which means nothing, just like on Regent) and had a perfectly fine time AND cabin!


Well, I don't have personal knowledge either but wonder what it must be like to accidentally meet a couple sailing Queens Grill whilst you are cruising steerage, and finding out that you cannot join them for dinner (unless, of course, they are willing to drop dwon to steerage and join you.) Also, arenb 't their seperate pool showers so that germs are not passed? Or maybe seperate pools altogether? Are you absolutely certain they have lifeboats for steerage?

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when I told him what we do and that I spent 2 - 3 hours/day on the computer he asked why I even bothered to cruise! I simply reminded him of the other 22 - 23 hours in a normal day.


Rally, you've also apparently figured out how to do something I've been trying to figure out for years, and which would be most helpful: if you spend 2-3 hours a day on the computer and have 22-23 hours free, you've figured out how to get 25 and even 26 hours into each day. Since our days are never long enough (whether at home or cruising), I'd love to know how to get more hours into the day, if you don't mind sharing. ;)


-- Eric

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Rally, you've also apparently figured out how to do something I've been trying to figure out for years, and which would be most helpful: if you spend 2-3 hours a day on the computer and have 22-23 hours free, you've figured out how to get 25 and even 26 hours into each day. Since our days are never long enough (whether at home or cruising), I'd love to know how to get more hours into the day, if you don't mind sharing. ;)


-- Eric


Suyre, Eric, this is something I learned while getting my MBA from Stanford: 24 hours/day less 2 hours = 22 hours; 24 hours less 3 hours = 21 hours UNLESS YOU HAVE CROSSED THE INTERNATIONAL DATELINE IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION ON THAT PARTICULAR DAY in which case you have 22 - 23 hours free respectively. Works just like the stock market, recently.

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Rally, LOL! Your "situation" is one all of us would love to have! Most of us have to retire, because we are missing your "gene".


I remember all those world cruise ladies gathering each day in that area of Voyager on one World Cruise segment: thank god the coffee machine didn't break. I think they were wrapping a ball of yarn from the skein. This is difficult work, and takes lots of cooperation among many.Guess we need to get this back "on topic" about internet or Host may slap hands. You are not used to that like I am sometimes when I stray.

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Rally, we are missing "gene".



I know, I miss Gene, too. Was he the tuba player on Navigator or the Samba dancer on the PG? No, I think he was the nautical charts lecturer on Voyager, the one who kept insisting we were East of the equator. Good guy.

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I know, I miss Gene, too. Was he the tuba player on Navigator or the Samba dancer on the PG? No, I think he was the nautical charts lecturer on Voyager, the one who kept insisting we were East of the equator. Good guy.


No. Gene was the "genial" chap with a white hat who frquently beat the hell out of a chap in a black hat. Always hopping on and off a horse, usually a white one too, if I remember. Played a guitar and sang a tuneful song under a tree. Wish I could recall what his horse was called. Gee-up or Whoa or something like that. (unless the cameras weren't rolling, when it would probably have been *!*$$£%**.


About coffee corner on Voyager, there is also a coffee machine inside the computer room.

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This thread has made lovely morning reading:)


I find it interesting that so many people want to (or have) cruised on Cunard. . . anything larger than the Voyager/Mariner is too large for me


We are anxious to see the coffee corner on the Voyager -- it's placement seems to be much better than on the Mariner (which is a bit too noisy to be next to the library and computer room).


Is the coffee machine in the computer room the same type that was in the coffee corner area?

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Is the coffee machine in the computer room the same type that was in the coffee corner area?


I didn't take advantage of coffee in the computer room but I recall seeing an urny type silver thing on the ledge on the far side with cups and paraphanalia by the side. Occasionally the computer lady went to it. I was too busy thumping the computer trying to get a connection.

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