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What shocked you the most

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Wots a "bare minimum"?:D


But I agree. At first these were funny. Now I am appalled at what I can expect on my first RCCL cruise - Aug - Mediterranean


Could someone please reassure us that these people are in a minority and will be swamped by normal human beings.:eek:


I can honestly say that on 8 cruises I have not encountered a thing that would cause more than a slight shake of the head

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The only thing I can think of right now is that shocked me was what I saw from my balcony one evening. I was watching the people who were late to get on the ship. This one group came along and this lady was very drunk. I could see she fell down on the gang plank and her group had to carry her into the ship. I would imagine that would be so embarrassing.


Hopefully it wasn't the first day boarding :eek:

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I know lots of shocking things happen at 'The Quest' thats what makes it so funny but we were on Explorer in January and I think the question was 'anything on your body' or something like that, A man stood up and popped out a false eye:eek: Dave Chapman the Cruise Director looked shocked (and a bit sick)! We couldnt decide it it was for real or not but it was effective.


I thought what happens at Quest was supposed to stay at Quest?


But there always seems to be a slender gray haired man in his late 60's/70's who thinks we want to see much more of him than we really do.


Additionally, on Independence last April, the final quest was for each of the 12 team male captains to come to the Cruise Director dreassed in a certain way that those who have been to Quest before will understand. Graham Seymour counted to 12 and then pointed to the 13th [slender gray haired, late 60's/70's] gentleman and said "Who are you?"

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OK, the Bermuda scooter story has me in stitches!!! I know I shouldn't laugh because she got hurt, but I just have this visual image of her going off the end of the pier.


My story was on a Holland America cruise. Pompous well-to-do older man in his early 60's cruising with his very nice wife and adult daugher, all of whom were at our dinner table. One night he actually had a temper tantrum worthy of a 3 year old all because his peaches were not flambeed (sorry I can't get the accent mark above that first "e") tableside. He even carried on his tirade with the maitre d' in view of the entire dining room. His poor wife and daughter were just mortified at the way he was acting. My mom and I still laugh about that one.

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On a cruise with my wife a few years back (the ship will have to remain nameless) we were sitting at the table for dinner in the main dining room (MINSTRAL) during the first formal night. During dinner, at the table next to us, a young boy somehow managed to spill a drink on the "lady" sitting next to him. His mother apologized to the "lady". The "lady" said to the mother "if you had controlled your trailer trash kid in the first place, it wouldn't have happened". The mom punched the "lady" smack in the mouth and the cat fight followed.


Not quite Ali vs Foreman... But close.


Was this followed by shouts of "Jerry, Jerry, Jerry" :)

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On one of our cruises my husband and I held our breath :eek: as we watched an older woman climb out of the pool, dry off, then proceed to wrap her towel around her ample body, and wiggle out of her swimsuit under the towel, then dress without losing her towel, although with the breeze on the deck. . . very little was left to the imagination. It was quite humorous, we saw her go through the same routine several other days. Some of the best entertainment we saw on that cruise!!


At least she managed to do it without losing her towel! I saw an older woman do it in the Solarium, just turning her back, not even TRYING to cover herself with a towel! :eek::eek::eek: Oh! My EYES!!! :D

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On a cruise with my wife a few years back (the ship will have to remain nameless) we were sitting at the table for dinner in the main dining room (MINSTRAL) during the first formal night. During dinner, at the table next to us, a young boy somehow managed to spill a drink on the "lady" sitting next to him. His mother apologized to the "lady". The "lady" said to the mother "if you had controlled your trailer trash kid in the first place, it wouldn't have happened". The mom punched the "lady" smack in the mouth and the cat fight followed.


Not quite Ali vs Foreman... But close.

LOL! Wow. That must have been something!

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On our first RCI cruise we were in solarium when a group of young (12 -14 yr old) boys came in with cell phone cameras to attempt to take pictures of the "unmentionable" areas of women in bikinis sleeping. Worst part - as I was getting up to chase them out one of their father's came in behind them giggling and encouraging them!

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Gosh some of these are really funny but some are quite scary


My most shocking experience with another guest happened a few years ago. I child, probably about 10, ran around a corner straight into me knocking me flying. Now it was a genuine accident and I was in no way cross about it and the child immediately started to apologise. That is until her mother turned the corner and said to the child 'don't apologise to her she's English' !!!! I won't mention the nationality of the people, but English obviously wasn't their first language, so I was appalled that she actually made the decision to tell her daughter not to apologise to me in a language that I would understand. If she felt that strongly about it, why not speak to her daughter in their language??


Also, I broke my leg very badly last year and it hasn't healed well, leaving me still really struggling with stairs. On our cruise in April, I was 'told off' by an elderly lady for only using the lift for one floor. She turned to her husband, when I had just pressed the button and said 'isn't it amazing how lazy some people are that they can't even walk down one flight of stairs' and then proceeded to glare straight at me. Now, I know I don't look like I have a physical problem, apart from a small limp, but this just shows that you shouldn't judge people unless you know the full story.


It take all kinds !!

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Wots a "bare minimum"?:D


But I agree. At first these were funny. Now I am appalled at what I can expect on my first RCCL cruise - Aug - Mediterranean


Could someone please reassure us that these people are in a minority and will be swamped by normal human beings.:eek:

I'm here to reassure you!!:D The reason these people and stories stand out in our minds is because they are so rare, I promise!:)

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They are getting more and more common as the prices of cruises have plummeted. Not meant to insult anyone, but, it's a sad but true reality.

Not to be "wealthist" but I've found that the people that are the most offensive and intolerable (on cruise ships) are of the wealthier class. So I don't think that price will affect anything in the behavior realm, in my opinion. :) I'm just going by my own personal experiences and those of others I know.

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Not to be "wealthist" but I've found that the people that are the most offensive and intolerable (on cruise ships) are of the wealthier class. So I don't think that price will affect anything in the behavior realm, in my opinion. :) I'm just going by my own personal experiences and those of others I know.


True, the wealthy think they are "deserving" of special service and complain if their butts aren't kissed (they should be KICKED :D )


I was more referring to the laptop dances and the pole dancing types....and the idiot who cracked his head open....... That's strictly "no class." ;)

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On our Mariner of the Seas cruise two years ago, the night of the midnight buffet...we got there early and was sitting on the side waiting for the doors to open...the crowd got so large, people started pushing and shoving and a fist fight was just starting when security got there to break-up the melee. A few of the dinning room staff tried to calm things down, obviously it did not work. We were surprised that there were no security there to begin with to keep things orderly and that this sort of situation would happen on Royal Caribbean. Thought there were no rowdies on this line. :eek:

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On the Mariner last year, I had gone to get some fries and onion rings from Johnny Rockets before meeting my husband and our friends in the Solarium hot tub. When I got there, there was another couple chatting away in the hot tub who were obviously highly intoxicated. The woman was drinking some sort of rum-based drink from a Big Gulp sized cup. I had set the fries by the side of the tub while I got settled in and the Big Gulp lady comes swimming over and starts eating my fries. Then, in a moment of clarity, she realized that maybe it was uncouth to do that and offered me a sip from her Big Gulp in return. I refused. She proceeded to do seal tricks for more fries which I gladly handed over to her.

Not totally shocking, but it gave us a good laugh...

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On our Mariner of the Seas cruise two years ago, the night of the midnight buffet...we got there early and was sitting on the side waiting for the doors to open...the crowd got so large, people started pushing and shoving and a fist fight was just starting when security got there to break-up the melee. A few of the dinning room staff tried to calm things down, obviously it did not work. We were surprised that there were no security there to begin with to keep things orderly and that this sort of situation would happen on Royal Caribbean. Thought there were no rowdies on this line. :eek:

Oh boy! Well, there's rowdies on every line, sadly!:o I think there is a big misconception that certain 'types' of people cruise certain lines. I think we all know that money doesn't equal class and neither does any particular cruise line, I guess :p It seems that the rude go on EVERY line to me! :D

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True, the wealthy think they are "deserving" of special service and complain if their butts aren't kissed (they should be KICKED :D )


I was more referring to the laptop dances and the pole dancing types....and the idiot who cracked his head open....... That's strictly "no class." ;)

Ah yes - the last group transcends every class into 'no' class! Agreed!:p

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This one happened on a shore excursion in St. Martin. We had taken a catamaran snorkel trip, and the boat anchored just offshore from a small island for a beach/swimming stop. After we finished swimming, I was drying off with my DD (she was probably 8 years old at the time), and I saw two nude couples coming out of the bushes onto the beach. I tried to divert my DD's attention, but not quickly enough. Her comment? "Wow, Mommy, I wonder why those naked people are wearing hats? Are they worried that their heads will get sunburned?"


This struck me as so funny, since the nudity didn't seem to phase her at all. We are still talking about it 8 years later!

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This one happened on a shore excursion in St. Martin. We had taken a catamaran snorkel trip, and the boat anchored just offshore from a small island for a beach/swimming stop. After we finished swimming, I was drying off with my DD (she was probably 8 years old at the time), and I saw two nude couples coming out of the bushes onto the beach. I tried to divert my DD's attention, but not quickly enough. Her comment? "Wow, Mommy, I wonder why those naked people are wearing hats? Are they worried that their heads will get sunburned?"


This struck me as so funny, since the nudity didn't seem to phase her at all. We are still talking about it 8 years later!



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The most shocking thing I ever saw on board was the bar tab portion of my sea pass bill on my first cruise! :eek:


Now it is not so much shock, it is more like trying to beat the last high score. ;):rolleyes:




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The most shocking thing I ever saw on board was the bar tab portion of my sea pass bill on my first cruise! :eek:


Now it is not so much shock, it is more like trying to beat the last high score. ;):rolleyes:






And here I was thinking my I'm the only one!


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I was on the NCL Gem TA last November playing poker in the casino late one evening. One of the people playing was a very quiet young man and we were having a great game when the fun started. This young woman came up to the young man at the table and started screaming at him about the fact that he was playing poker and what the "F**K" was she supposed to do while he was playing cards....and that was the nicest thing she had to say to him for the next four or five minutes. He took it quietly, just trying to calm her down. Security finally had to ask them to leave the casino. Some of the other players said they had seen this woman's abusive attitude towards the man earlier in the cruise. The topper was it turned out they had been in the Newlywed Show the night before and said in the show they were on the cruise on their honeymoon. I wonder if they're still married????

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The most shocking thing I ever saw on board was the bar tab portion of my sea pass bill on my first cruise! :eek:


Now it is not so much shock, it is more like trying to beat the last high score. ;):rolleyes:





I love it!

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On the Mariner last year, I had gone to get some fries and onion rings from Johnny Rockets before meeting my husband and our friends in the Solarium hot tub. When I got there, there was another couple chatting away in the hot tub who were obviously highly intoxicated. The woman was drinking some sort of rum-based drink from a Big Gulp sized cup. I had set the fries by the side of the tub while I got settled in and the Big Gulp lady comes swimming over and starts eating my fries. Then, in a moment of clarity, she realized that maybe it was uncouth to do that and offered me a sip from her Big Gulp in return. I refused. She proceeded to do seal tricks for more fries which I gladly handed over to her.

Not totally shocking, but it gave us a good laugh...


I was in the Mariner hot tub last year, quitely minding my own business, when this lady turned up with a huge bucket of fries and onion rings and placed them by the side of the tub.


We were so shocked at the lack of couth in bringing greasy food near the hot tub! So to avoid a scene, I decided the best thing would be to eat em up. I offered her my drink in fair exchange. Smiles all round!:)

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On the Mariner last year, I had gone to get some fries and onion rings from Johnny Rockets before meeting my husband and our friends in the Solarium hot tub. When I got there, there was another couple chatting away in the hot tub who were obviously highly intoxicated. The woman was drinking some sort of rum-based drink from a Big Gulp sized cup. I had set the fries by the side of the tub while I got settled in and the Big Gulp lady comes swimming over and starts eating my fries. Then, in a moment of clarity, she realized that maybe it was uncouth to do that and offered me a sip from her Big Gulp in return. I refused. She proceeded to do seal tricks for more fries which I gladly handed over to her.

Not totally shocking, but it gave us a good laugh...


Sounds like the night I went to my niece's Sweet 16 and there was a wedding going on. I was standing outside getting ready to leave when the bridal party got into a limo right in front of me. I had the need to get into their limo and eat cookies that one of them was holding. I was pretty sloshed but not so sloshed that I don't remember that happening...although I did have to be REMINDED of it. I was like, "Oh yeah, I DID do that, didn't I? Okay back to Diet Coke from now on!"



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