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I think it was the 2nd stop. We were in Cozumel and supposed to leave at a certain time in the evening. However we were alittle late leaving. Alot of people were late to board to get back on the ship. Including the drunk lady.


That would be a rough start to do that on the first day boarding. :eek:


Not to mention for the photo on her cruise card :D

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On our very first cruise, we were on the Caribbean Princess about to leave St. Thomas. We were watching sailaway from the platform that is directly above the bridge. There had been a few announcements asking the Smith family to contact the front desk. We assumed that they hadn't boarded yet, and Princess was trying to make sure they were aboard before we left.


Anyway, as we watched, the Smith family (mom, dad, son, and daughter) came through the gates and headed toward the gangway...walking as if nothing was the matter. There were NO passengers around; there were no crew around, just one crew member at the gangway, and still they leisurely walked, as if it were no big deal that 3,500 passengers and crew were waiting for them.


The captain was clearly watching this, and he was not happy. After about 30 seconds, he blasted the ship's horn several times. The horn somehow sound angry - lol. They broke into a run while everyone in a balcony cabin on that side of the ship clapped and yelled.

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We were sailing on the Enchantment several years ago. Late one night in the solarium there was a guy who got a hotdog and was over by the ketchup dispenser trying to put ketchup on his dog. He kept pumping the handle and it must have been jammed because nothing would come out. He lines his hotdog underneath the spout and with both hands jams down on the handle and shouts "Ill get you out of there Ketchup if its the last thing I do" At that point the whole dispenser comes flying apart and covers him from head to toe with ketchup. This story would have even been funnier if that Idiot wasnt me.:D

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We were sailing on the Enchantment several years ago. Late one night in the solarium there was a guy who got a hotdog and was over by the ketchup dispenser trying to put ketchup on his dog. He kept pumping the handle and it must have been jammed because nothing would come out. He lines his hotdog underneath the spout and with both hands jams down on the handle and shouts "Ill get you out of there Ketchup if its the last thing I do" At that point the whole dispenser comes flying apart and covers him from head to toe with ketchup. This story would have even been funnier if that Idiot wasnt me.:D


My new favorite post. What a GREAT ending! What was your reaction? Did you laugh or get really annoyed? Did anyone else see you? Just curious about part 2. :)

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My wife and one of her girlfriends were sitting at a table and saw the whole thing. They were laughing so hard to the point where they were crying. I wasnt mad at all. If your that stupid you deserve what you get. The worst part was walking back to the cabin. The looks I got were priceless.:eek:

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A couple of years ago on the Mariner, we had arrived for the parade on the Grand Promenade early so our 9-year old daughter could be in front to see everything. About 2 minutes before the parade began, an older gentleman came through, elbowed us aside and stood in front of our daughter. I said

"excuse me" and he turned to me and said, "well, I want to see the parade!" It just always amazes me how self-absorbed some people are!


OMG! I think he was on our JOS cruise to the Panama Canal in November!!! We arrived with our two sons (ages 8 & 10) early at the canal port talk to make sure we could get seats. Two minutes before the talk started, an older "genteman" walked up and did the EXACT SAME THING to my son! When I said, "Excuse me...I think you are standing in front of my son..." He replied with "Well, I need to be able to see!" :eek:


My boys have been cut off in line at the WJ buffet and never gotten an "excuse me" or "pardon me, but do you mind if I..." I have been intentionally rammed by a guy in a scooter in the WJ. I totally agree with the self-absorbed comment!

You know, people often complain about kid's lack of manners...Sometimes, I think the adults ought to take a hard look at themselves first!

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This is a little off topic because it doesn't involve cruising but is about kids being pushed around.


We took our boys on a land bus tour for the first time in England. They were 12 and almost 8. We put the fear of God into them before leaving about behavior telling them that if they didn't behave, then the next trip they were staying with the widow lady next door who would love to earn money babysitting them and we would save money not taking them.


Among the things we told them was (this was our first bus tour), that we didn't care if they had been sitting in a seat for the week if an adult came along and wanted the seat they were to say "yes, ma'am, may I help you with your bag" and get up. Turns out you rotated seats every day on the bus. Didn't take the boys long to figure what day they would have the coveted front seats. The day comes and an elderly couple was sitting in the seat. So, per instructions, they sat in our seats which were directly behind them. We get on the bus and ask what is going on, they tell us. So husband informs the couple politely that he believes that it was our sons' day to have the seats. They told him the boys could sit in their seats (which were now at the back of the bus as they had sat in the front seats the day before) because "they were just kids" and we are older and deserve respect from youngsters. Husband got a little firmer and said that they really had been looking forward to the front seats as they were small and would have the opportunity to see the scenery straight on instead the back of the seat in front of them. No sale. Husband pointed out that age had nothing to do with it, they paid the same fare and deserved equal treatment. No sale. Finally had to get the tour guide to remediate it. Glowering they trooped to their proper seats.


The next day, was our turn for the seats but, of course, we let the boys have them. The following day as they were proceeding to their new seats, the couple whose turn it was stopped them and said the boys could sit there, they had grandchildren who had toured with them and knew how much nicer it was for "short" people to be in the front. For the rest of the tour, almost every day whoever had the front seat would give it up to the boys.


I would like to add that the bus driver, the tour guide, and many of our fellow passengers told us how well behaved our boys were and what a pleasure it had been to see the sights through the eyes of the young.


Tucker in Texas

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We were sailing on the Enchantment several years ago. Late one night in the solarium there was a guy who got a hotdog and was over by the ketchup dispenser trying to put ketchup on his dog. He kept pumping the handle and it must have been jammed because nothing would come out. He lines his hotdog underneath the spout and with both hands jams down on the handle and shouts "Ill get you out of there Ketchup if its the last thing I do" At that point the whole dispenser comes flying apart and covers him from head to toe with ketchup. This story would have even been funnier if that Idiot wasnt me.:D


That is fantastic! I thought things like that only happened to me! :)


And sorry for not clarifying the "Smith cabin" comment. I always assume everyone was as consumed with that case as my bf and I were, but I guess I need a life!

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We were sailing on the Enchantment several years ago. Late one night in the solarium there was a guy who got a hotdog and was over by the ketchup dispenser trying to put ketchup on his dog. He kept pumping the handle and it must have been jammed because nothing would come out. He lines his hotdog underneath the spout and with both hands jams down on the handle and shouts "Ill get you out of there Ketchup if its the last thing I do" At that point the whole dispenser comes flying apart and covers him from head to toe with ketchup. This story would have even been funnier if that Idiot wasnt me.:D


Any ketchup actually make it on the hotdog?


Great story - thanks for the laugh!! :D


Edited to add: I had the news on mute as I was typing this - just looked up to see a grill full of hotdogs with the text "hotdog warning labels". Made me chuckle even harder. :)

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Worst scene ever was on the Majesty right after visiting Key West. It was the last night of the cruise. A young man in his 20s came to dinner feeling quite proud of the T shirt he just bought. The shirt had big letters saying "F" YOU, YOU "F"ING "F". Of course there were no abbreviations. He sat a couple of tables over where I couldn't look at some of my tablemates without seeing him. I asked the Head Waiter for our area about this person's lack of respect and wondered why RCL couldn't ask him to change. The reply was that if they did that he might start yelling about his personal rights. An English gentleman at our table asked what about the right the rest of us have to not be insulted? The Head Water only shrugged and moved off. The Englishman said his answer was not satisfactory and there would be no tip for the Head Waiter. DW wouldn't let me withhold our tip but the envelope got a little thinner.

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On our last cruise, I was in line at the breakfast buffet, waiting my turn patiently, when a young lad about 5 or 6 years of age came up and stood in front of me. He just stood there and stared at me. I smiled at him, and he said, "You look like a stupid idiot!" I thought I had certainly misunderstood him. I said, "What did you say, sweetie?" He repeated, "You look like a stupid idiot."

I just tried to ignore him. His father then came over and took him away. I shared with my husband and friends at breakfast what had happened while I was in line. I told them it really made for a great way to start the morning. Since I am a retired teacher, I felt like I was back in the classroom. We all had a good laugh!:D As we were finishing breakfast, I saw the father and son come into our area of the dining room. He pointed to me and made the son come to my table and apologize. I just figure the lad is some dear teacher's nightmare. SO GLAD I AM LOVING RETIREMENT!


I thought this was too funny! Maybe it is b/c I used to work with difficult kids. At least the dad made the kid apologize.

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I thought this was too funny! Maybe it is b/c I used to work with difficult kids. At least the dad made the kid apologize.


Great story. I'm so glad the dad made the kid apologize. I was honestly afraid (knowing people today) that when the dad and son left, she was gonna say that the dad said, "You know son, you're right!"


whew! :)

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OMG!! these stories have me laughing out loud!!! so funny! i especially like the ketchup story and the one about the heavy people eating and 'bathing by the pool'.


the one thing that stands out to me as shocking was on our snorkeling excursion in the bahamas (while aboard enchantment). you get rum punch at the end of snorkeling on this excursion. well, there were a couple teenage boys on the cruise who were unsupervised. probably between 15-17 years of age. well, they weren't checking any ID's of course and the 3 boys drank about 3 pitchers of rum punch! you could tell they weren't used to drinking and they were soooooooo drunk!!! they really didn't leave much for anyone else, and they were definately past their limit. :)

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Love the stories -- humanity never ceases to amaze me!


Two summers ago on Liberty, a table near us had a young family from the south (can't remember which state) and a family from Mexico. The southern wife was, um, not educated, shall I say, based on the many loud discussions we easily overheard. Most :eek: comment by her to the family from Mexico (and one of those "make Americans look bad moments): "Ya'll are a lot smarter than I thought." Her husband also questioned the color of their skin, wondering why it was so light if they were Mexican.


The family from Mexico was gracious, regardless of the stupid comments and questions.



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This past January on the Independence we were sitting in the Viking Crown Lounge while docked in San Juan. It was dark and we were looking over at the ship docked next to us - I think it was the Explorer, not for sure - but we could very clearly see one of the men's public restroom entrances and could also see inside. It was interesting to see how many actually washed their hands after using the restroom - amazingly most of them did!

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That would be the room where George Allen Smith fell off the balcony to his death on his honeymoon back in 2005. This was a big story at the time as there were allegations that it was actually a murder. No one has ever been charged.


I am just wondering how many more 'Smith rooms' there will be on Oasis. I look at that open area over the boardwalk and central park and can just picture drunk idiots leaning over the rails to wave to people below.


People seem to get more stupid all the time, and it seems that these balconys may offer plenty of opportunities for Darwin awards.

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We were sailing on the Enchantment several years ago. Late one night in the solarium there was a guy who got a hotdog and was over by the ketchup dispenser trying to put ketchup on his dog. He kept pumping the handle and it must have been jammed because nothing would come out. He lines his hotdog underneath the spout and with both hands jams down on the handle and shouts "Ill get you out of there Ketchup if its the last thing I do" At that point the whole dispenser comes flying apart and covers him from head to toe with ketchup. This story would have even been funnier if that Idiot wasnt me.:D


This would have been even funnier if you weren't try to put ketchup on a hot dog( sacrilegious) :D

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While waiting in line to tour the 911 site in New York during our Eastern Canada/New England tour last October. My wfe felt a bump in her back. The line we were in was moving slowly but continously and she did not respond. In a moment there was a second hard punch in her back. My wife turned arround and a little old lady said "I punched you". My wife said "Iknow you did". We got no explination and proceded into the exibit.

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One night at the Captain's cocktail party, my sisters and I were sitting at a table in the lounge with another group of about 4 (strangers). A waiter came by with little fried shrimp appetizers. When offered the plate, instead of using a toothpick to take some shrimp, one of the "ladies" (and I use the term loosely) from the other group used her 9-inch nails to scrape a bunch of shrimp from the plate onto her napkin.:eek: I almost fell out of my seat when I saw that. Not only that, she didn't even leave any for anyone else at the table!!! To this day, whenever we're in a situation where there is food being passed around, one of us always does the little scraping motion.

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We were sailing on the Enchantment several years ago. Late one night in the solarium there was a guy who got a hotdog and was over by the ketchup dispenser trying to put ketchup on his dog. He kept pumping the handle and it must have been jammed because nothing would come out. He lines his hotdog underneath the spout and with both hands jams down on the handle and shouts "Ill get you out of there Ketchup if its the last thing I do" At that point the whole dispenser comes flying apart and covers him from head to toe with ketchup. This story would have even been funnier if that Idiot wasnt me.:D

I agree with the post above. The ketchup dispenser must have come from Chicago where we know it to be a sin to ruin a hot dog with ketchup.

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A large table of totally unsupervised kids ranging in age from about 8 to about 16 in the main dining room being horrendously rude to the waiter. They enjoyed the power of knowing he'd do whatever they wanted and continuously sent back food they didn't like and ordered something else. They'd laugh as the waiter trotted off to fill their next command.


I learned from the waiter the following eveing that all the parents were at another large table, only a few feet away, and none of them stepped in to address their horrible behavior. The waiter shrugged it off saying that different cultures have different attitudes about appropriate behavior. I never want to visit anyplace where behavior like that is considered acceptable! (I don't believe they were American kids as they did not all speak English, but I don't know where they were from or even if the entire group was from the same place.)

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Well I have two things:

First when disembarking in Bayonne, the "friendly" port traffic man told us to double park and quickly load our things. As we jumped into our car, some other car almost rear ended us, so we blew our horn. That must have triggered something in "friendly" port traffic man, because he started yelling at us, telling us to get the F*** out of here! (even though he was the one who told us to park there)


Second thing was on the EOS and I was waiting to go to the restroom outside studio B. A woman was on her cell phone yelling at whomever it was in vulgar, vulgar language, and just wouldnt stop. I just listened, fortunately my kids werent around. Someone finally told her to tone it down, and she politely returned "Mind your own F**** business"



New Jersey and the F word go hand in hand ... though I still love sailing out of Cape Liberty!


I was in line to speak with someone (can't remember -- maybe excursions, but it doesn't matter). It was a beautiful end to a lovely day. I had a cup of tea in my hand, while waiting for the next available person. A person opened up, just then a French woman pushed me so hard from behind, my tea splashed all over me. She kept on walking, it was clear she had no clue I was even there. My husband and children saw the whole thing, and as my children ran to me, my husband interrupted her as she spoke to the RCCL employee, who looked stunned as she saw the whole event. The passenger was incredulous for my husband's "rude" interruption and told him so, saying I shouldn't have been standing where I was standing (even though I was standing in line). It really was quite a scene, as my husband insisted that she appologize to me and tea dripped all over my gown. Just then, as it became clear that she was French, my son replied, no wonder people think the French are rude. She mumbled about us being rude Americans and huffed away.


The good news is, we used this as an opportunity to talk to our children about the dangers of stereotypes, the importance of paying attention to others around you, and the old saying ... Don't try to teach a pig to sing, it wastes your time and annoys the pig, oh, and even when surrounded by ignorant ones ... fun can still be had! What a great trip that was!


As for the punching lady ... that's why we dine alone!

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New Jersey and the F word go hand in hand ... though I still love sailing out of Cape Liberty!


The good news is, we used this as an opportunity to talk to our children about the dangers of stereotypes, the importance of paying attention to others around you, and the old saying ... Don't try to teach a pig to sing, it wastes your time and annoys the pig, oh, and even when surrounded by ignorant ones ... fun can still be had! What a great trip that was!


As for the punching lady ... that's why we dine alone!


Excuse me, but did you mention to your children what you said in the first line? I am from NJ and I do not, nor anyone in my family, use the F word ... Stereotyping you were saying ...:rolleyes:

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