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which cavetubing company?


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We just returned yesterday and we used Major Tom. We were very disappointed. First it was very difficult to get off the ship. The tender process was not really organized people were very upset.We just rolled with it and they did wait for everyone so I guess all those stressed out people that got in line at 630 or 7am were really mad.

The bus ride to the tube area was really really long!!!! The microphones on the bus did not work really well even though we sat in the first rows we still could not understand to much. It was kind of boring.

We got to the tube area which looked like a bus station with buses everywhere and people everywhere. We thought we had minor Tom as a guide but then some other guys showed up and I have no idea who our guide was but I don't think he wanted to be there.He walked us through the jungle,we had no idea who was really in our group,he did not point out anything we had to ask questions to get any response it was strange. There were 4 of us we walked with a mom and her daughter and we just kept trying to ask what things were.

When we got to the start there were other groups there and then he had us all hook up. My son 22 was told to be in the back and then he had 2 other people in front of him?? I said wait we are with him but was ignored. He pointed out a few rocks but nothing else he moved us along quickly. When we got out of the caves we saw the rope swing and my sons asked if they could do it and he said well if your really quick. So they did not. Apparently everyone else did behind us. We got out of the tubes and he walked us back no swimming or anything. He said we had to go. Well when we got to the bus Major Tom said we did not preorder lunch but we could get the same thing across the road and it was $5 instead of $6 but we only had 5 min.Well we must have been in a diff time zone because their 5min is really an hour.We rushed over got the lunch got on the bus and ate,well by the time everyone got on to leave we had been sitting there an hour.We found out they all swam and jumped off the rocks and swang on the rope swing.There were people on our bus who thought they were going to the zip line but there was no time. We got ack about an hour before the last tender. Sorry to be so negative but I thought it would be a lot more fun.

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We just returned yesterday and we used Major Tom. We were very disappointed. First it was very difficult to get off the ship. The tender process was not really organized people were very upset.We just rolled with it and they did wait for everyone so I guess all those stressed out people that got in line at 630 or 7am were really mad.

The bus ride to the tube area was really really long!!!! The microphones on the bus did not work really well even though we sat in the first rows we still could not understand to much. It was kind of boring.

We got to the tube area which looked like a bus station with buses everywhere and people everywhere. We thought we had minor Tom as a guide but then some other guys showed up and I have no idea who our guide was but I don't think he wanted to be there.He walked us through the jungle,we had no idea who was really in our group,he did not point out anything we had to ask questions to get any response it was strange. There were 4 of us we walked with a mom and her daughter and we just kept trying to ask what things were.

When we got to the start there were other groups there and then he had us all hook up. My son 22 was told to be in the back and then he had 2 other people in front of him?? I said wait we are with him but was ignored. He pointed out a few rocks but nothing else he moved us along quickly. When we got out of the caves we saw the rope swing and my sons asked if they could do it and he said well if your really quick. So they did not. Apparently everyone else did behind us. We got out of the tubes and he walked us back no swimming or anything. He said we had to go. Well when we got to the bus Major Tom said we did not preorder lunch but we could get the same thing across the road and it was $5 instead of $6 but we only had 5 min.Well we must have been in a diff time zone because their 5min is really an hour.We rushed over got the lunch got on the bus and ate,well by the time everyone got on to leave we had been sitting there an hour.We found out they all swam and jumped off the rocks and swang on the rope swing.There were people on our bus who thought they were going to the zip line but there was no time. We got ack about an hour before the last tender. Sorry to be so negative but I thought it would be a lot more fun.


Thanks for the review. We were thinking about using Major Tom and doing the cavetubing/ziplining combo. I don't think we will now b/c you aren't the first person to say there wasn't enough time to do the ziplining.


Did you email Major Tom and let him know you were disappointed with the tour. If so, what was his response?

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We just returned yesterday and we used Major Tom. We were very disappointed. First it was very difficult to get off the ship. The tender process was not really organized people were very upset.We just rolled with it and they did wait for everyone so I guess all those stressed out people that got in line at 630 or 7am were really mad.

The bus ride to the tube area was really really long!!!! The microphones on the bus did not work really well even though we sat in the first rows we still could not understand to much. It was kind of boring.

We got to the tube area which looked like a bus station with buses everywhere and people everywhere. We thought we had minor Tom as a guide but then some other guys showed up and I have no idea who our guide was but I don't think he wanted to be there.He walked us through the jungle,we had no idea who was really in our group,he did not point out anything we had to ask questions to get any response it was strange. There were 4 of us we walked with a mom and her daughter and we just kept trying to ask what things were.

When we got to the start there were other groups there and then he had us all hook up. My son 22 was told to be in the back and then he had 2 other people in front of him?? I said wait we are with him but was ignored. He pointed out a few rocks but nothing else he moved us along quickly. When we got out of the caves we saw the rope swing and my sons asked if they could do it and he said well if your really quick. So they did not. Apparently everyone else did behind us. We got out of the tubes and he walked us back no swimming or anything. He said we had to go. Well when we got to the bus Major Tom said we did not preorder lunch but we could get the same thing across the road and it was $5 instead of $6 but we only had 5 min.Well we must have been in a diff time zone because their 5min is really an hour.We rushed over got the lunch got on the bus and ate,well by the time everyone got on to leave we had been sitting there an hour.We found out they all swam and jumped off the rocks and swang on the rope swing.There were people on our bus who thought they were going to the zip line but there was no time. We got ack about an hour before the last tender. Sorry to be so negative but I thought it would be a lot more fun.

Wow... what an exact OPPOSITE of my experiences... I mean EXACT OPPOSITE !!!:eek:


As for the tendering and getting off the ship... that has NOTHING to do with Major Tom or the tour. Had you researched this thoroughly, you would have found that whoever you book this tour with, an approx. 1hr. ride each way is the norm to get to Jaguar Paw and the rainforests to the caves. ;)


Regarding the tour guide... if thats what you say happened, so be it, but I have used Major Toms services several times and never have been treated the way you state you were.:confused:


Sorry your tour did not go as expected, but if you were that disatisfied with the tour, why would you not have requested some type of refund if they did not provide what you were told they would ? :confused::rolleyes:

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We just returned yesterday and we used Major Tom. We were very disappointed. First it was very difficult to get off the ship. The tender process was not really organized people were very upset.We just rolled with it and they did wait for everyone so I guess all those stressed out people that got in line at 630 or 7am were really mad.

The bus ride to the tube area was really really long!!!! The microphones on the bus did not work really well even though we sat in the first rows we still could not understand to much. It was kind of boring.

We got to the tube area which looked like a bus station with buses everywhere and people everywhere. We thought we had minor Tom as a guide but then some other guys showed up and I have no idea who our guide was but I don't think he wanted to be there.He walked us through the jungle,we had no idea who was really in our group,he did not point out anything we had to ask questions to get any response it was strange. There were 4 of us we walked with a mom and her daughter and we just kept trying to ask what things were.

When we got to the start there were other groups there and then he had us all hook up. My son 22 was told to be in the back and then he had 2 other people in front of him?? I said wait we are with him but was ignored. He pointed out a few rocks but nothing else he moved us along quickly. When we got out of the caves we saw the rope swing and my sons asked if they could do it and he said well if your really quick. So they did not. Apparently everyone else did behind us. We got out of the tubes and he walked us back no swimming or anything. He said we had to go. Well when we got to the bus Major Tom said we did not preorder lunch but we could get the same thing across the road and it was $5 instead of $6 but we only had 5 min.Well we must have been in a diff time zone because their 5min is really an hour.We rushed over got the lunch got on the bus and ate,well by the time everyone got on to leave we had been sitting there an hour.We found out they all swam and jumped off the rocks and swang on the rope swing.There were people on our bus who thought they were going to the zip line but there was no time. We got ack about an hour before the last tender. Sorry to be so negative but I thought it would be a lot more fun.


I do hope you emailed, or somehow let Major Tom know about your experience. I saw another not so good review on here recently (maybe it's the same guide). From what I've read, the reviews of MT cave tubing are usually WONDERFUL. I would think he would be interested in this sort of feedback.

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I have to agree with some of the recent posts regarding cave tubing. I previously cave tubed in 2003 with reggie and again this month with Major Tom. The river this month was EXTREMELY crowded. Beyond the point of being enjoyable. There were two ships in port so that added to the pressure.


The entire process was rushed with guides telling two older ladies in our group to constantly hurry up even though they were walking at a good pace. This was my last time cave tubing and would suggest a snorkeling trip in Belize instead.

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Let me start by saying that the cruise companies will try to discourage you from planning excursions on your own for various reasons. If the ship is delayed arriving at the port, you will not be able to go on the excursion and you will not be guaranteed a refund. You aren't guaranteed to get back to the ship on time and the ship will sail away without you. It's dangerous outside the terminal. They will tell you they work with the reputable excursion operators and that you aren't guaranteed a pleasant experience and a fair price if you plan on your own.

Rubbish! We had a blast with Cave-Tubing.com! When we booked the trip, we were sent specific instructions via an email response to meet them just outside the terminal at a specific exit and that they would be waiting there with a sign with our name on it. They encouraged us to try to get on the first tender out if possible to allow more time in the caves. They also said that even if we couldn't, not to worry, they would be waiting for us no matter what. We did get on an early tender, number 2, but wouldn't you know it, our ship was delayed by 1 1/2 hours getting into Belize because the Belizean pilot which had to meet our ship overslept. We began to worry that when we finally did get off the tender in Belize, no one would be there and we would have to scramble to find another excursion there in the port. We were also a bit dubious about exiting the terminal based on the information we were getting from the cruise line, but the staff of Cave-Tubing.com were right there waiting with smiling faces and organization which put us instantly at ease.

As promised by Cave-Tubing.com, we boarded a nice, air-conditioned bus and waited for the other, smart cruisers who had booked this trip to arrive. We were given ice-cold, bottled water while we listened to music. Once everyone was on board, introductions were made. Among them, there was Keith, Miles, and Junior. As we travelled through Belize City, we were given insight into the city, it's people, and it's culture. It was interesting, and at times, very funny. The staff have a fantastic sense of humor and made the 45 minute trip from Belize City to the caves informative and fun. We were given the rules and instructions we would need for the ATV ride and for the cave tubing. When our responses to their instructions started to wane, Keith announced he needed to get our attention. And get our attention he did! He called for "Cashew Music" and had the staff break out the bottle of Cashew Wine, a local treat. All of those on board who desired to sample it and who were of legal drinking age could. It was quite a surprise and provided some very funny moments.

Once we got to the ATV site, a lovely palapa, we had a short bathroom break and it was onto the bikes. They were very nice machines and the staff of Cave-Tubing.com made sure multiple times that we all understood how to operate the vehicles and how to navigate the trails and water safely. They said we would get dirty and that the ride would provide some great "Kodak" moments. That was an understatement! We had such a great time and the staff handled our cameras for us to make sure we got those priceless moments in photographs. They ran through the jungle and along the trails making sure we were safe, helping us if we got stuck, and snapping hilarious photos along the way. This is the hardest working group of men you will find anywhere.

Next up. we carried our headlamps, inner tubes, and life jackets on the short walk through the Belizean jungle to the river. Our guide showed up the poisonwood tree (more dangerous than poison ivy or oak), the gumbo limbo tree (which grows near the poisonwood tree and is the antidote), and pineapple plants. It was almost like a botany lesson. We heard a wild animal sound and questioned him if it was the spider monkeys we had heard so much about. He replied "No...that would be a baboon!"

Upon reaching the river, our guides had us strap on our life jackets and loaded us into our inner tubes. They had us link arms and feet to form a chain. The water was cold, but refreshing. And then the adventure was on. We entered the first dark cave not knowing what to expect. We turned our headlamps on and we were awestruck. They pointed out stalagtites and stalagmites that resembled sculptures of a woman holding a baby and an angel, among others. They pointed out bats, which quite honestly were a little freaky. Along the river, the guide would shout "Butts Up!" I will tell you now, if you plan this excursion....do yourself a favor and listen to them, haha! It was truly a memorable experience, one my family has continually mentioned in the days following our cruise.

After the tubing, we went back to the palapa to allow everyone to dry off, change clothes, purchase an inexpensive, traditional, delicious Belizean lunch or drinks and snacks. I would highly recommend ordering a "Panty Ripper" drink - Delicious! Don't forget to pick up a "Butts Up" t-shirt. It's the perfect souvenir to remember the trip and a conversation starter when you get back home!

As promised, we were back to the port a full hour before the last tender left for the ship. The most amazing thing about this excursion. We never paid a single dime before the bus ride back to the port. Even when we made the reservation, it was a simple verbal agreement. Cave-Tubing.com has a policy that they want to ensure that their customer's are 100% satisfied before they pay. I know that you will be as satisfied as we were.

All I can say is Keith and his crew were marvelous. They were polite, humorous, informative and professional. They worked non-stop to ensure that everyone had a fantastic experience. When they said, "we don't have problems, we find solutions", they mean it. If you have any concern, tell them and they will find a way to put you at ease. We can't thank you enough and we will never forget you!


The Comer Family (Bob, Colleen, Mark and Michael) and Julianne and Nick




Thanks for the review.. I'm doing this tour with my family next week and I was wondering if you needed sneakers to ride the ATV's. My girls usually only wear flip flops and then since we are cave tubing I didnt know what we would do with the sneakers once we got in the water??? How dirty do you get on the ATV's..... Thanks for any extra info you can give me to get my little diva's prepared for the trip... they are 17 and 14 so style is way more important to them... LOL



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Thanks for the review.. I'm doing this tour with my family next week and I was wondering if you needed sneakers to ride the ATV's. My girls usually only wear flip flops and then since we are cave tubing I didnt know what we would do with the sneakers once we got in the water??? How dirty do you get on the ATV's..... Thanks for any extra info you can give me to get my little diva's prepared for the trip... they are 17 and 14 so style is way more important to them... LOL



We always wear an old pair of sneakers that we can not worry about getting dirty because they will ! I would not suggest wearing flip flops for ATV and definately not cave tubing. The walk thru the rain forest can be slippery.....We leave our sneakers for the locals to have as a donation that they appreciate. The girls can leave their flip flops in the van or bus you are transported in along with other things i.e. change of clothes, etc...

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  • 4 weeks later...
How about the zipline/cave tubing at jaguar paw resort? Has anyone used them? They sound good on the website--the combo price is right ($70)and includes lunch, but I'm hesitant to book something sight unseen, so would appreciate any feedback.


Just returned from Belize. Went with ncgadventures dot com. This is a smaller outfit and thus gives personal attention to the group. There were 6 of us . Transported in an A/C van with Nacho giving us info on the area (Cynthia, his wife, was out of town) Did zip lining- beat the crowd of buses- then did cave tubing. Other groups did not because of previous heavy rains closed original location. Nacho must know more ppl because our experience was great and safe. Lunch at Jaguar Paw was excellent. Chicken, rice and beans, slaw. And the ever-present Coca-Cola. I've heard some tours offer snack outside. We were inside a great rainforest lodge after being allowed to change into dry, comfy clothes.

Nacho was very aware of our time requirements and had us back in tme to do some shopping before last tenders departed.

The drive is about 45 min. but was made very entertaining and informative.

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Thank you for the review on X-tream we are considering using them since I hear they are the only non linked outfit (squeemish about other people's feet ..lol silly I know). Is this the case? :confused:


Also did you get to do two caves? no complaints? I'm excited then I think they may be the one =) :)Ohh one more question how many people in your group and was the ride over ok?


Thank you!:o

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We just got back this past week from our cruise. We done the zip line and cave tubing with Major Tom. They assured us we would be back at the dock 30 minutes before the last tender boat at 4:00. They rushed us through the zip lining and cave tubing so fast it could not be enjoyable because they were behind schedule. Even worse, at 4:00 we were still on a bus and not even back in the city yet. It was terrifying to me. They had to call the ship and they gave them an extra 30 minutes leadway. We did not get to the tender boat until 4:20 . I would definately not plan on doing both excursions because there is not enough time. If you only done one, it might be ok. However I will never go back.

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Thank you for the review on X-tream we are considering using them since I hear they are the only non linked outfit (squeemish about other people's feet ..lol silly I know). Is this the case? :confused:


Also did you get to do two caves? no complaints? I'm excited then I think they may be the one =) :)Ohh one more question how many people in your group and was the ride over ok?


Thank you!:o


have not gone yet...my trip is next week. They limit their group to only 14 people max they say. They do not link tubes...I wouldnt like that if they did. after reading all the reviews about the zip line I am glad I didnt book that as well.

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we used cave-tubing.com (Yhonny) a few years ago and the tour was wonderful. we went thru 2 caves, lunch on the way back. new, clean bus. the tour guides were fantastic, very attentive and informative. when we were there it was very muddy on the hike, and the gentlemen helped us on the trail (there were 9 women in our group). i would highly recommend cave-tubing.com.

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We used Major Tom when we were in Belize. It was such an awesome time. Our guide was very knowledgeable and on the drive to the cave tubing park, they gave us a very insightful tour of Belize City. I am sure that you will have a great experience with either tour company. We enjoyed the personable guides and the entire experience!


Make sure you order the lunch! It was only $6 per person and very tasty!


We did cut it a little close getting back to the pier before the last tender back to the ship.


I would highly recommend Major Tom to anyone! Great time!!

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My wife and I used Jaquar's Paw for our cave tubing when we went to Belize on the Carnival Valor. They were an amazing company to deal with. I booked the package online for just cave tubing and just followed the instructions in their confirmation e-mail. We met up with William (who turned out to be both our driver & guide) at the Radisson just outside the pier (about a 3-5 minute walk). We waited for about 30 minutes for another couple to show up, who was just doing zip lining with Jaquar's Paw. Once they showed up, we got in their Toyota Highlander and were driven the hour to the resort.


The drive was uneventful. But we did get to see alot of Belize. Which included both beautiful scenery and not-so-pretty city.


When we arrived at the resort, we dropped the first couple at the zip lines. We got out with them and walk through the jungle to the zip line area. After they were all set, we got back in the truck and head about 1/4 mile to the cave tube section where we got our tubes, life vests & head lamps.


We saw where all the other people were dropped off from other tours and Jaguar's Paw does save you about 15 minutes of walking, but the hike really isn't that hard. We hiked about 20-25 minutes in the jungle with our tubes & guide, William. What was great was that it was just me & my wife with our guide, so he spent lots of time showing cool stuff in the jungle. He even found some nuts for us to try... which actually tasted like coconut.


Once we arrived at the river, we hopped in. Needless to say, the water was brisk. After days of snorkeling in the warm ocean water, the fresh water was "refreshing". After about 2 minutes though, we were both used to it. The cave tubing took about an hour and a half, but went by really quick. We saw quite a few bats in the cave and William even pulled us over to a waterfall, to get a great close up view. All the other tours had about 8-9 people, so their guides just kept them against the far wall.


If my memory serves me correctly, we only did 2 caves. I could have sworn he said he would do 3, but after we exited the last cave, there wasn't any more to go through. So perhaps one of the larger caves is considered 2. I'm not quite sure... but either way we had a great time.


After we got out of the river, we were right at the resort (about 3-5 minutes away). We had a great lunch with chicken, rice & beans & coleslaw inside the resort. We ate with the other couple who did the zip lining and then we decided to head back to the port to get some shopping in.


I would highly recommend Jaguar's Paw for cave tubing. With the small groups, the individualized service & great guides, it was our best excursion of the cruise.

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My wife and I used Jaquar's Paw for our cave tubing when we went to Belize on the Carnival Valor. They were an amazing company to deal with. I booked the package online for just cave tubing and just followed the instructions in their confirmation e-mail. We met up with William (who turned out to be both our driver & guide) at the Radisson just outside the pier (about a 3-5 minute walk). We waited for about 30 minutes for another couple to show up, who was just doing zip lining with Jaquar's Paw. Once they showed up, we got in their Toyota Highlander and were driven the hour to the resort.


The drive was uneventful. But we did get to see alot of Belize. Which included both beautiful scenery and not-so-pretty city.


When we arrived at the resort, we dropped the first couple at the zip lines. We got out with them and walk through the jungle to the zip line area. After they were all set, we got back in the truck and head about 1/4 mile to the cave tube section where we got our tubes, life vests & head lamps.


We saw where all the other people were dropped off from other tours and Jaguar's Paw does save you about 15 minutes of walking, but the hike really isn't that hard. We hiked about 20-25 minutes in the jungle with our tubes & guide, William. What was great was that it was just me & my wife with our guide, so he spent lots of time showing cool stuff in the jungle. He even found some nuts for us to try... which actually tasted like coconut.


Once we arrived at the river, we hopped in. Needless to say, the water was brisk. After days of snorkeling in the warm ocean water, the fresh water was "refreshing". After about 2 minutes though, we were both used to it. The cave tubing took about an hour and a half, but went by really quick. We saw quite a few bats in the cave and William even pulled us over to a waterfall, to get a great close up view. All the other tours had about 8-9 people, so their guides just kept them against the far wall.


If my memory serves me correctly, we only did 2 caves. I could have sworn he said he would do 3, but after we exited the last cave, there wasn't any more to go through. So perhaps one of the larger caves is considered 2. I'm not quite sure... but either way we had a great time.


After we got out of the river, we were right at the resort (about 3-5 minutes away). We had a great lunch with chicken, rice & beans & coleslaw inside the resort. We ate with the other couple who did the zip lining and then we decided to head back to the port to get some shopping in.


I would highly recommend Jaguar's Paw for cave tubing. With the small groups, the individualized service & great guides, it was our best excursion of the cruise.




Hi Macleod518,


We have upcoming trip on Valor, probably the same itenerary as yours. (GC, Belize, Roatan, Cozumel)...what are your thoughts /experiences from the other ports. If this was your 'best' I just wanted to compare. Thanks for your thoughts! Peggy

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No problem. Here is what we did in the other ports:


Grand Cayman - Eden Rock Snorkeling & Shopping. The price was right :). And actually, it was very good snorkeling. Saw some large tarpon and three barracuda. Shopping was also the best out of all the ports, especially when it came to liquor.


Roatan - Fins & Flippers Resort. Hmm... this is a tough one. Now thinking about it, I enjoyed this more than the cave tubing, but my wife like cave tubing more. This was hands down the best snorkeling we've ever done. Not sure if it's worth the $50 they are charging now, but for $20pp, it was great. I heard snorkeling off West Bay & Tabayanna Beach are great too (perhaps even better), and costs about $20 each way for a taxi.


Cozumel - just shopped. Our plan was to go to the Money Bar and do more snorkeling, but after going to Fins & Flippers, we knew we'd be disappointed. We've done Chankanaab a few years back and it was no where near as good as Fins & Flippers, so we decide just to shop for the day.


I know, not much else for comparison. But we've cruised before and we felt completely safe with Jaguar's Paw. At no time was I worried about getting back to the boat on time. Take my review with a grain of salt, but I'd book with Jaguar's Paw again. I'd probably do zip lining next time or some different combination of excursions. I hope you enjoy your cruise on the Valor, it's a great boat!

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Just returned from our cruise on RCCL Enchantment of the Seas. Our last port was Belize, and we had a fabulous day with Cave-tubing.com!! Dennis was a HOOT and we highly recommend them. They even threw in the lunch (regularly $5. pp) for FREE!!! We only bought our drinks. $1. for canned sodas, or $3. for a bottle of local (delicious) Belikan beer or a mixed drink. They also had ice cream or snacks for sale too. Fantastic day, and we got a BARGAIN while supporting the local economy rather than just taking a cruise ship tour.

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Have no FEAR for CAVETUBING.com is here! We would totally recommend them to anyone. I was initially concerned about returning to the ship on time, but once we got on board the bus, all my concerns went away. Our guide, Kieth was AWESOME along w/FAT JACK. They were always concerned with our safety & making sure that we had a great time.


We had only signed up for the caves & not the ATV so I can't comment on those.


You will not be disappointed with them at all!!!

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Just got back from Belize. did cave tubing with X-stream cave tubing booked through island marketing. AMAZING experience. the tour group was small..only 8 people!!! air conditioned van and a very nice guide who was very fun to be around all day. The tubing was a blast!!!! We did a leg of the river that most do not do so that made things even better. I would highly recommend using x-stream cave tubing.

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.All the suggestions and feedback are soooo helpful...Thanks so much! Peggy


No problem. Here is what we did in the other ports:


Grand Cayman - Eden Rock Snorkeling & Shopping. The price was right :). And actually, it was very good snorkeling. Saw some large tarpon and three barracuda. Shopping was also the best out of all the ports, especially when it came to liquor.


Roatan - Fins & Flippers Resort. Hmm... this is a tough one. Now thinking about it, I enjoyed this more than the cave tubing, but my wife like cave tubing more. This was hands down the best snorkeling we've ever done. Not sure if it's worth the $50 they are charging now, but for $20pp, it was great. I heard snorkeling off West Bay & Tabayanna Beach are great too (perhaps even better), and costs about $20 each way for a taxi.


Cozumel - just shopped. Our plan was to go to the Money Bar and do more snorkeling, but after going to Fins & Flippers, we knew we'd be disappointed. We've done Chankanaab a few years back and it was no where near as good as Fins & Flippers, so we decide just to shop for the day.


I know, not much else for comparison. But we've cruised before and we felt completely safe with Jaguar's Paw. At no time was I worried about getting back to the boat on time. Take my review with a grain of salt, but I'd book with Jaguar's Paw again. I'd probably do zip lining next time or some different combination of excursions. I hope you enjoy your cruise on the Valor, it's a great boat!

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