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Parents... this ? is for you!


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I'm with KGF... you did exactly what you are telling all of us NOT to do. :confused:


Which part are you missing, and I'll type slower.


At no point did I engage in anything with this child. I sought out the adult, and handled it with the adult.


I expect the same with my child. DO NOT APPROACH MY CHILD. If he or she is doing something "wrong", seek ME out.


And again, if you approach MY child, I will be seeking YOU out.

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I made a parent mad last cruise , a kid , about 14 reached into the food to get it , I immediately called a server over and told him , word for word , that this little untrained dumbass contaminated the entire tray and asked if he would bring another .


LOL , the look on his parents faces' was priceless , I was hoping they would say something, but alas ,, they did not .

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I made a parent mad last cruise , a kid , about 14 reached into the food to get it , I immediately called a server over and told him , word for word , that this little untrained dumbass contaminated the entire tray and asked if he would bring another .


LOL , the look on his parents faces' was priceless , I was hoping they would say something, but alas ,, they did not .


LMAO!!! good one! I will have to remember that one:D

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People are crazy:confused:



I expect the same with my child. DO NOT APPROACH MY CHILD. If he or she is doing something "wrong", seek ME out.


And again, if you approach MY child, I will be seeking YOU out.


I wonder what's wrong with our children today. Remember the stories our parents told us about when they were kids and how they were reprimanded? I guess over compensation isn't working.

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Which part are you missing, and I'll type slower.


At no point did I engage in anything with this child. I sought out the adult, and handled it with the adult.


I expect the same with my child. DO NOT APPROACH MY CHILD. If he or she is doing something "wrong", seek ME out.


And again, if you approach MY child, I will be seeking YOU out.


I'm giving up... not because I feel that I'm losing the battle but only for the simple reason that I don't want to 'waste my time' covering this subject with you any longer! I think that you enjoy causing controversy and to me, that is childish. (as are some of your belittling comments)


So I have this last thing to say: Nothing you have said has changed my mind where children are concerned. IF a child is being unruly, misbehaving, or putting himself/or others in danger... I will speak up. If you/parents are there and this type of behavior is going on, then it wouldn't do any good to speak to you/parents. It's obvious that the you/parents would have already 'stepped up to the plate' if you/they really cared.


If your child is running up and down the halls yelling and screaming.. and I have to jump out of his/her way (back surgery 6 months ago), believe me when I say that I won't come looking for you. To find one person out of 2500+.. not going to happen. If you don't want me to say anything, then I will let security handle it. Which would you prefer?


Scare tactics used on this board is very immature! I wish you all the luck in your future posts but I hope you stay out of my threads. Find someone else to argue with or bully.. However, may God bless you and yours.


PS... for new posters, know that I would never reprimand a child for being a child! I want them to enjoy their cruise and for the most part, kids are very well-behaved.

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If it's something that is dangerous to them (or OTHERS), then yes, please say something. If nothing else, the sheer embarassment (for MY kids anyway) of having to be corrected by a stranger may be a big deterrent from doing that behavior again. Plus the fact that they learn that other people may be watching them, even if we (as parents) are not around (though I haven't decided at what point my kids will be allowed to be unsupervised for even a bit...thinking late teens, at which point they had BETTER be aware of what is acceptable behavior and what is not).


The only problem I can see with this is if the offending behavior is subjective. Things that other parents may deem acceptable, though you yourself may not.


Even though my children are grown, I welcomed other adults reprimanding my children if they were acting up. If my kids were running through the hallways, playing ding dong elevator, knocking on doors and running, cutting in line, misbehaving in the pool, or whatever they are doing to make someone's live unpleasant, by all means stop them and talk to them. If more people did this, the kids would calm down and realize that the boat is not their toy. I have done the same on many cruises, and I don't care whose kids they are or their parents feelings.


/just saying

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Wow, how old are you MrPete? When I was younger and I misbehaved my parent would've had no issues with others scolding me for doing something wrong...and then my parents would, also, once they found out about it. It has made me a better person because of that. Children need some discipline these days but some parents leave it up to someone else and then complain when it happens. No one is saying a stranger has the right to beat a child but a repremand is permissible whether you think so or not. If your child was misbehaving and you were out of earshot I would not go out of my way to find you. That is stupid! I would tell the child they need to think about others or about safety and to stop. Your threat about finding someone (and it is a threat no matter how you say it) is dumb. Good luck finding someone among 2500-3000 people on a cruise ship. Even if you could FIND someone...what then? Sure fire way to get kicked off a cruise ship. That would make the trip so much fun for your child. The bottom line is kids need not misbehave. Sure kids are kids that is fine. All people, kids included, need to be able to have fun. That is not the issue. Believe me it takes a lot for me to talk to a parent or child...but sometimes it is in order. That is how a kid grows into an adult by obeying the rules and being a decent human being. If you don't like it then they should be glued to your hip or you shouldn't be a parent. Kids are kids no matter how you raise them, sometimes they are angels and sometimes they test patience. The ones that I have issues with more is the teenagers drunk running down the hall and screaming at 4am. :( All I am saying is by you saying, "I will find you" doesn't set a good example for children which in turns means you may need to change something about yourself before jumping down someone elses throat. Macho ignorance isn't intimidating nor is it becoming of anyone. We need to set examples for our children. After all we SHOULD be the adult.

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.....teach their children. If they do something wrong, then something gets taken away. If they do something correctly, additional privileges come into play. I have a 12 yo son, and he knows if he does something inappropriate on a cruise, he won't have the opportunity to do it a second time. Thank goodness he loves to cruise so much so he knows how to behave. He points things out to me sometimes that other kids do that is wrong.


I'm divorced from his mother, and it is different parenting between us. She goes by the politically correct route, I go by the listen to Dad route. It doesn't matter to me what she does, as long as he behaves with me that's my only concern.





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I have 16 & 17 year old brothers, and we have a little "inside" comment...if they are misbehaving or such, I just give them the "look" and say to them "CRO" (this started about 5 yrs ago or so). Now, it is kind of a joke, but it still works. "CRO" stands for "crude, rude or obnoxious". If they would start to act up, I said that, and if anyone was around, they didn't want to have to explain what I was saying or why I was saying it.


Also, in response to the OP, if my child does anything that could be harmful to others, damaging to property, etc. (not going to happen anytime soon, esp not out of my sight, as she is not even 17 months old yet), BUT if she does, please feel free to give her the "look" or say something...and then, if you see me w/ her, feel free to inform me of the infraction and rest assured that she will have to deal w/ the consequences. ;)

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Which part are you missing, and I'll type slower.


At no point did I engage in anything with this child. I sought out the adult, and handled it with the adult.


I expect the same with my child. DO NOT APPROACH MY CHILD. If he or she is doing something "wrong", seek ME out.


And again, if you approach MY child, I will be seeking YOU out.

So - you waited for the other child to let your daughter go? You didn't immediately reach over and protect your child from the other child? You didn't say let her up?


WOW!! That is shocking to me. Good thing he let her up before she drowned. After all it seemed like it took a bit for you to locate the other parent and surely your child would have drowned in the time it took you to find the other parent if he would not have let her go.


Since you seem to be against organized events and others correcting your child -I am guessing you home school? If you don't - I would suggest you start b/c at school - your child is often corrected by other adults - and not just the teachers. When I am there volunteering and I see a kid running down the hall - I tell them to slow down.

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So - you waited for the other child to let your daughter go? You didn't immediately reach over and protect your child from the other child? You didn't say let her up?


WOW!! That is shocking to me. Good thing he let her up before she drowned. After all it seemed like it took a bit for you to locate the other parent and surely your child would have drowned in the time it took you to find the other parent if he would not have let her go.


Since you seem to be against organized events and others correcting your child -I am guessing you home school? If you don't - I would suggest you start b/c at school - your child is often corrected by other adults - and not just the teachers. When I am there volunteering and I see a kid running down the hall - I tell them to slow down.


Talk about a spin. :rolleyes:

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I'm giving up... not because I feel that I'm losing the battle but only for the simple reason that I don't want to 'waste my time' covering this subject with you any longer! I think that you enjoy causing controversy and to me, that is childish. (as are some of your belittling comments)


If your child is running up and down the halls yelling and screaming.. and I have to jump out of his/her way (back surgery 6 months ago), believe me when I say that I won't come looking for you. To find one person out of 2500+.. not going to happen. If you don't want me to say anything, then I will let security handle it. Which would you prefer?


Scare tactics used on this board is very immature! I wish you all the luck in your future posts but I hope you stay out of my threads. Find someone else to argue with or bully.. However, may God bless you and yours.




I can ASSURE you that is NOT my intent. I am very passionate when it comes to my parenting skills, and at NO time do I welcome any outside help while a kid is doing kid things. I'm insulted by you even THINKING I'm just trying to be controversial, while calling ME names?


How you would know my child is related to me as you "step in" escapes me. She is not attached at the hip.


And BTW, you have finally said something I agree with. If I see anything that requires attention while on board, I inform security. I don't take it up myself.

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Which part are you missing, and I'll type slower.


At no point did I engage in anything with this child. I sought out the adult, and handled it with the adult.


I expect the same with my child. DO NOT APPROACH MY CHILD. If he or she is doing something "wrong", seek ME out.


And again, if you approach MY child, I will be seeking YOU out.


T h a n k s

f o r

t h e

w a r n i n g !

I s

t h i s

s l o w

e n o u g h

f o r

y o u ?


Cause you must be crazy thinking someone is going to "hunt" you down to "tell" on your child... security would be involved long before.

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Cause you must be crazy thinking someone is going to "hunt" you down to "tell" on your child... security would be involved long before.


Yes, I've sen many shackled children being led from the elevator for pushing an extra button.


Those that splash or chew with their mouth open? I've seen them cowering from inside the whale tail.


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My husband is a middle school administrator. I can't see him NOT correcting any child, be it potentially dangerous or simply annoying (hitting all the elevator buttons) behavior.


As for our kids, the youngest has been cruising since age 6 (she is now 17). 3 kids in all and about 5 cruises each. Pre-cruise they were all given lessons in table manners and told was and was not acceptable behavior. You can't expect a kid to behave if they don't know what is expected.


It must have had some effect, we are still great friends with our first tablemates from Scotland.

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Which part are you missing, and I'll type slower.


At no point did I engage in anything with this child. I sought out the adult, and handled it with the adult.


I expect the same with my child. DO NOT APPROACH MY CHILD. If he or she is doing something "wrong", seek ME out.


And again, if you approach MY child, I will be seeking YOU out.


I am just curious...if you child is running along the ships railing, or trying to look over the railing and someone came up and told them to stop or grabbed them down...would we be in the wrong in your eyes??? Or should we seek you out first??:rolleyes:

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I am just curious...if you child is running along the ships railing, or trying to look over the railing and someone came up and told them to stop or grabbed them down...would we be in the wrong in your eyes??? Or should we seek you out first??:rolleyes:


As I said earlier, nope and nope.

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I give them the 'Grandma LOOK' and they usually stop what they are doing - well it works for most kids under 12 or so. Make eye contact!!


Last cruise 3 11yr old boys were laying on the floor of the elevator putting paper in the door crack - the door opened for me and DD, to get in and they jumped up, like they were not doing anything. So We got in the elevator and I said to my DD -" I know what cabin they are in, lets go report them!" I didnt report them but every time they saw me, they looked scared!!! LOL!!!:D


LOL! Love this! I use what my children call my "Teacher Look" and it works most of the time as well. I STRUGGLE with NOT saying something to misbehaving kids because I"m a teacher and do it all day everyday! It has to be pretty bad for me to step in but sometimes I just can't help myself! On the other hand I think my own children know that if they did something so bad that another adult had to step in and correct them they would be in HUGE trouble with me! My rule (and they are sick of hearing it).....Don't do anything that would embarrass me or your father... and you should be fine!!

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When I was growing up, you never knew which uncle or dad's best friend was going to give you a swatt on the butt for screwing up.


Absolutely. But the worst was when they then went and told your parents of your misdeed(s). You would get it again from the folks. The amazing thing is most of us have reached adulthood and gone on to productive lives.

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I work with children for a living. I own an entertainment company and I see them waiting in line for face painting and getting bored and hot. I find, honestly, that most kids are good. But there are always a few that I want to knock into tomorrow.


I've been on 8 cruises and I do see some kids get out of hand, but most of the kids are really good. It's always a couple of kids out of hundreds that cause problems. And because of this, it makes me sick and tired reading all of these posts from cranky old people that are just plain kid-haters. If they want to cruise with zero kids onbaord, then they should avoid summer and holiday weeks and cruise on different lines that cater to the that instead of taking a CCL or Disney, or RCCL in the summer then ***** about it.


If a kid is going nuts, find his mom or correct him and then chill out. It doesn't matter whether they are 2, 10 or 65. Lots of crazy people in this world in every age group. I see adults acting nuts too. I wish I could have their mommy's correct them.


Now drunken wild teens throwing up in the halls.... that's another story......


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Talk about a spin. :rolleyes:

Call it spin if you want but if you got your child out of the dangerous situation then you engaged the other child in some way.


If your child is putting someone else in danger - I WILL say something to them. And if they don't listen to me, I will not be seeking you out - I will be seeking security.


I don't advocate saying something in every situation but your claim that it is NEVER appropriate is wrong.

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Call it spin if you want but if you got your child out of the dangerous situation then you engaged the other child in some way.


If your child is putting someone else in danger - I WILL say something to them. And if they don't listen to me, I will not be seeking you out - I will be seeking security.


I don't advocate saying something in every situation but your claim that it is NEVER appropriate is wrong.


Wrong, wild applause as I agree, and I never said NEVER (read post 95).

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