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    Can a mother choose between her children?? I love them all equally.

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  1. Gosh, as a soon-to-be granny the length of time not seeing Grandparents in the flesh is very sad. BUT FaceTime really does help. When my 32 yr and 33 yr daughters were small contact was via video to my parents and then twice yearly trips there or back (between uk and Gibraltar). It has been lovely to see that they have had a strong bond despite the distance. Sadly my father passed away last month. Both girls managed to get to visit and made calls while he was in hospital. They both spoke of their memories at his funeral and eldest played the Ave Maria on her flute. So why have I reflected on this to you all …. Lots of us are torn apart by geography, but if you do make the effort, regular calls and regular postcards or whatever way you choose to connect, it is worth that effort. I hope that my soon to be born grandchild will stay in Gibraltar, but it will have roots here, in northern Spain, UK, Italy and Canada- so who knows what the future may bring. I might need to re read this post sometime in the future.
  2. Weather in November is impossible to predict. I would have a plan B in case the sea is not kind. I have no idea if dolphins are seasonal in the straits - so I would recommend emailing one of the companies. They have that information.
  3. This is one of the few ship excursions I have done. I thought that planning myself from Livorno would be hard. It was mainly bus, boat and train. Not difficult. The descriptions from the cruise line mostly give you an activity level. I always take a travel towel and wear a bikini on this type of trip. I recall needing it at some point. Not near my photos so cannot check which.
  4. I agree alserrod. The app does help - so I got a few pounds back. Son in law was also doing it so it was worth stopping off at our exit point from Spain and getting the stamp on the paperwork, which, as I said before worked for two of the three transactions. It is a lot of work for little recompense.
  5. There is a global blue app that can help you too. Don’t ask me how to use it though! When I did my Christmas shopping in Spain I got tax back from two items, one of them did not get processed properly. I thought I did the same for all three.
  6. In your position after the overview of day one (and maybe the HoHo has commentary) I would be booking Sagrada Familia at the start of Day Two. You would be familiar with where to catch a taxi or metro to get there in good time (you need to be early to admire the outside). I have said before on this board that I love Rick Steve’s’ audio tours. As good as a private guide for me.
  7. I think most 9 yr olds can cope with wheeling luggage. I would try the suitcase before you purchase. Also my preference for city travel is a two wheel case. I find it much easier to go up and down curbs than four wheelers. For me the latter are for moving around ships and airports. I am sure there are those that will disagree. A couple of days in Rome and Milan is a great treat for your daughter. I hope she is taking part in the planning.
  8. I would think with one large suitcase you would be less likely to find storage near your seat. Smaller bags can usually go on luggage racks above the seat. Difficult really to know what to advise because I don’t know the age of the kid. if the child is still in a buggy then you’re going to struggle with a large suitcase. If the child is able to trundle their own suitcase, then you’re better off. I always think that traveling with the least amount of luggage possible is always the way to go. take a capsule wardrobe and don’t be that person struggling up and down pavements. I hope that helps.
  9. John Bull - all good advice. Pedestrians can walk across the runway between planes as before. I would not advise independent travel into Spain. Transport links are not great, more importantly the frontier is still erratic post-Brexit. Unless you are a citizen of EU you need proof of entry which is strictly administered. That means proof of funds and proof of overnight stay. There are interesting options apart from the regular Rock tour. I enjoy wandering around the Alameda Gardens and small zoo. Last week I did a walk organized by the museum for kids during the summer holidays. This included the 100 ton gun and parsons lodge. It really was an interesting 90 minutes. You could walk on to the lighthouse through Rosia beach for another couple of hours. The number 2 bus is regular and would get you back to the market place .
  10. I think it is a question of looking for other places to stay that are nearby. I get what the frustration is for locals. If they cannot afford to live in these popular tourist destinations then there will be no one to work there. If the traffic is terrible then they can’t get to work. I wish I had not got used to staying in Airbnb s. So much easier when you have a small group AND when you are trying to carry less luggage. Perhaps hotels will adapt to provide more cooking, washing and hanging out facilities.
  11. We stayed there for three nights about 5 years ago. Happy with the location.
  12. Dani I cannot imagine what life is like for you. I hope that you do not have to relocate but I’m glad that your son moved to Holland when he did so it gives you that option. Praying for a peaceful outcome Rachel
  13. This. We have done both on same day and it worked so well. Obviously you go to Lucca first - it is so lovely walking the walls. On the train back you could probably get off at the Campo dei miracoli rather than having to walk from the Pisa main train station. This is what we did because Lucca to Pisa was a local train. It is true that Florence is lovely. It is like an open air museum, but to do it with Pisa is a bit of a rush.
  14. Whichever is the cheapest. All are well recommended. I have stayed at Hotel Suizo and loved the location and price. Three stars suits me when all I want is a clean bed in a good location.
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