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Everything posted by notamermaid

  1. I meant it as a general comment as compared to water levels for example, also off the forum. I hardly ever see it referred to elsewhere. Yes, we have talked about it here not infrequently and I think in the roll calls it is mentioned more often from the glimpses I have got. Connected to that topic: Yesterday I browsed through the "teaser" catalogue, i.e. a smaller edition of the main catalogue, of the agent for CroisiEurope in Germany. And right there clearly visible as a separate paragraph perfectly in view and not hidden in the fine print are all the "must-knows" about river cruising like water levels, locks, rafting and the sun deck being possibly closed. Good to read that you had a great time on Viking again. You had hot weather and unfortunately the (smooth) ship swap but on the Rhine you got the change to the more favourable temperatures for touring but with not little rain thrown in. Now we have gone full "non-summer" and today is the coldest and wettest August day I have experienced since I last went to Yorkshire a few years ago. notamermaid
  2. @Vilhelm2 Thank you for your honest review. This is on the Main river. It is something that is not often talked about and a big criticism with those sailing on that river and the Main Danube Canal. I hope the great memories of the cruise outweigh the negative ones, if not now then over time. notamermaid
  3. Special itineraries for D-Day commemoration: https://www.travelweekly.com/River-Cruising/Insights/River-lines-will-mark-D-Day-anniversary-with-cruises notamermaid
  4. Thank you for saying hello from your cruise. Glad to read that you are having a good time. notamermaid
  5. A new ship on the Douro for Riviera Travel: https://travelweekly.co.uk/news/tourism/riviera-travel-deploys-new-ship-on-douro From the livery it looks to be another cooperation with the Swiss company Scylla, i.e. Riviera charters the "Porto Mirante". notamermaid
  6. Welcome to Cruisecritic. It is actually a little on the cool side for July in Germany. No summer heat at all right now. Have a great cruise. notamermaid
  7. The ferry at Linz - and the excursion boat - part 3 (parts 1 and 2 are in posts #290 and #294) We headed to Brohl harbour and made a quick stop as I wanted to see the excursion boat "Carmen Sylva" for the last time. I explain. The boat was built in 1968 and had been doing excursions, day ones and a few longer trips, ever since. In 2022 it was put onto the market for sale (connected with the insolvency of the operator). It was supposed to be auctioned off in April 2023 but sank in Brohl harbour in March. "That's it.", I thought and as we were on the road it gave me the opportunity to see the almost completely submerged vessel for a last time before it was pulled out of the water and scrapped. When we got there the harbour area was busy with cars parked at the side of the road and people lining the embankment. A huge crane had arrived and had already started the procedure! I had not known the exact day for the rescue operation. It was certainly a spectacle in this small town and we watched for some minutes. The "Carmen Sylva" being fastened to the ropes of the crane: The barge (without engine) at the back is ready for her to be lifted on. The crane in its full height: The drizzly weather and the sight of the once beautiful boat left me somewhat in a contemplative mood. Time to head back home. At home we had the cake from Café Kleber and it was really good. My piece was a light and creamy cheese cake with cacao base and cassis topping: Recommended! Epilogue (kind of). Since the incident in the harbour the story of the "Carmen Sylva" has turned and twisted. First she was declared a wreck, then another court ruled against that declaring her "fit for floating" and that she can be repaired. So she went into auction. First there was no bidder. But then last week I read that a businessman in Andernach had bought her. A court will rule in August whether this sale will go ahead and he can really claim her as his ship. What will happen then, I wonder? notamermaid
  8. Yes, the current is relatively strong on the Danube. It varies. Officials give a range of 3 to 10 km/h at average volume of water. It is different from beyond Gönyü where there are abrupt changes but the river slows down and eventually creates a delta closer to the Black Sea. It also depends on how big the volume of water is. In flooding the river has a stronger current. notamermaid
  9. A nice reaction to the rainy weather of the river at Budapest: In Bavaria the cloudy/drizzle rainy weather is likely to continue during this week. notamermaid
  10. Pfelling gauge at 370cm. Some fun ship trivia to distract us from river levels on this Sunday. We all know that going against the current on a fast river requires some effort. In times past, without engines, this was done with sails and horses pulling the ships. But you could also just not bother and only go downstream with a ship - or raft. This is timber rafting: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timber_rafting You can transport people and cargo on such a raft but you may need a box for some cargo. Or you could make a "box" that is the boat. First a slightly fun/derogative name due its lightweight (if not flimsy) construction it has become the term for this type of historic boat used on the Upper Danube around Ulm, the "Ulmer Schachtel": https://english.ulm.de/0/the-ulmer-schachtel notamermaid
  11. Kaub gauge at 172cm. On track to reaching 200cm during the week. notamermaid
  12. rosepetalsbeck, welcome to Cruisecritic. thank you for your kind words. First: I second the comments of CastleCritic. Check your port for disembarkation. Vilshofen should be fine. Problems are further upstream. As regards the problems themselves. We have no idea of knowing which of the dates you mention will be worse next year. On the Danube there is not much in it. The second dates that you mentioned will give you cooler nights in general and of course less daylight. There is daylight saving time in Europe. For details check this website: https://www.timeanddate.com/ Unless you are used to being in a very hot climate you should be fine. Layer up, check good weather websites. Days in September and beginning of October can still be warm. Not gloves weather yet... Have fun planning and perhaps see you in the Danube thread. notamermaid
  13. Welcome to Cruisecritic. Thank you for your kind words. You will be cruising on the Moselle, too. May I recommend that thread to you? Hope you enjoy Trier and its famous Porta Nigra. Have a great cruise. notamermaid
  14. Quick look at Kaub gauge. 170cm and still rising. Peak expected for tomorrow. Rainy weather continues into tomorrow according to the forecast. Great! I think that level sorts it, meaning this is good for a decent level for river cruise ships well into August. All of August? Well, not clear and a bit optimistic of course but with the rain having filled Lake Constance a bit, things are looking better than a week ago. notamermaid
  15. Pfelling gauge at 376cm. While the river can surprise as in this area and the level has gone done from a peak during the night of over 400cm, I think we can relax about the level this weekend. The cloudy and rainy weather will be with us into the weekend. notamermaid
  16. Such a pity but good to read that you got a great land trip together instead. The big difference between the Reichsburg and Burg Eltz is of course that the former is rebuilt while the latter is a real intact one. I would say that your itinerary is a really nice one to experience the Moselle in a bit more detail and with more activity (if one wishes to be so active). The other version to Metz is also really nice I find. The ships again do these itineraries or similar ones this year. I enjoy Metz greatly, been three times but have not seen everything I have wanted to see, every visit was a bit too short. Unfortunately very few itineraries on the small river cruise ships, meaning bigger than the barges for bike & barge, go as far as Metz. Would love to do this one by a Swiss tour operator (it calls itself "Reisebüro" but is a tour operator): https://www.mittelthurgau.ch/reise/excellence-pearl-nancy-metz-trier-saarbruecken-elnan2 notamermaid
  17. That is spooky. Nice shot. Reichsburg Cochem looks dramatic in fog. A photographer named Andreas Pacek has taken a very good one. I really like such photos. notamermaid
  18. North of Worms and South of Cologne. Hence the fact that I have very little experience of the Canal d'Alsace or the other lock controlled stretches of the Rhine. Not sure that I have mentioned this in this thread, my current avatar photo was taken in the Upper Rhine valley at Rhinau. The view is from the ferry looking upstream. That was a short trip quite a few years ago. New developments in the "tragic soap opera" of the excursion ship that is still to feature in the last part of my trip to Linz. Must really get those photos sorted... A cool and drab day on the Rhine today. Is it July? Was going to go to the river proper for a trip out with shopping and café visit but I think there are better days for photo ops. My holiday is coming to an end so no furiously waving at a river cruise ship from an excursion boat for a while. Just has not worked out. notamermaid
  19. Pfelling gauge at 359cm. After a relatively fast rise it is still going up but more slowly so. Could the river reach a plateau soon? Or will the continued rain mean that the level will go up considerably still? It is too cool for July and really rainy over much of Germany. notamermaid
  20. Thank you, I like this article. Good research and no dramatic headline. It is fascinating for me still to see what is transported on the river. I have seen almost everything from space ship and army vehicles to scrap metal. Of course there are the barges that have closed hulls so you cannot see the bulk cargo. Tankers, container barges with unknown contents. The Viking Orva pulling a landing stage. Barges pulling hulls of river cruise ships alongside are my highlight of course. So rare for me to spot them. notamermaid
  21. Yes, all so much better now. Nice of the captain to react so quickly and get rid of the worries passengers may have. Have a great cruise. Sorry about the 139cm I posted earlier - a typo. It is 123cm now but the way things are looking we will get to 139cm and above that. With a bit of luck the level will stay above 150cm for a while. Plenty of water for river cruise ships. Sorry, I cannot figure this one out. But I am not discussing with a captain in his absence of course. Hope you had a great cruise. 87cm means the depth of the navigation channel at Kaub area is 200cm. notamermaid
  22. Thanks. What a disappointment. Tells you that I do not play scrabble. Then as two-letter words we can only use the mundane ones like "an", "er", "es", "so", "tu", etc. The supposedly most points under a specific circumstance you can get with the word "enzyklopädische" in German, Google tells me. Y and ä are certainly good letters to have in a word. Y is much less frequent in German than in English. Fun fact: contrary to this the mountain and lady are called Loreley in German usually but Lorelei in English usually. Ley (or lay, or lei) is an old word meaning rock. notamermaid
  23. Yes, Vilshofen to Budapest (or vice versa) is a good itinerary to avoid the worst problems. With the recent rain the area around Budapest should be fine for at least a few days and of course better than Pfelling should the level fall again. Thank you for helping with explaining this to Merlin_AZ. Have a great cruise. Budapest is fabulous. notamermaid
  24. Kaub gauge at 117cm. Quite a bit of rain still forecast. Level to go up to over 150cm. All good. notamermaid
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