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x lindsay x

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Everything posted by x lindsay x

  1. Onboard the MG the restaurants included for kids in FH rooms are the ones that have an upfront surcharge - Rudi's Seagrill, the Steakhouse, Teppanyaki. The a la carte upcharge places are not included, Emeril's Bistro, Bonsai Sushi, and Seafood Shack. Cucina, Chi-bang and Guy's Pig and Anchor are complimentary to everyone on the ship. I know others in FH rooms have struggled with this in the past because the current online booking system does not recognize your FH status when pre-booking dining that you pre-pay for such as Teppanyaki. They've been told they need to book onboard to receive the complimentary child reservation which is a real crap shoot for Teppanyaki since it is usually completely sold out. Honestly I would book now and try to sort it out on the ship if you really want to partake in this experience. I took my 4 year old and there was no kids menu for her, she ate what everyone else ate. She didn't eat $35 worth of food but really enjoyed the experience.
  2. I' also got this offer. It says its only good for 2 people in a stateroom but they will allow three and charge double the rate of the first two passengers. Obviously we will not be booking that rate.
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