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Posts posted by MollyFlyer

  1. As an overpacker (one who's had to pay the extra weight charges on the plane at least once) I find that it's less the things that might come in handy (duct tape, nail stuff, hair stuff, sunscreen) that take up room so much as the clothes that I think I might wear and never end up wearing. Sunscreen and makeup you'll probably get a lot of use out of, but if you go through your clothes I bet there's at least one item that takes up more space than a tube of sunscreen that, on reflection, you'll never actually wear.


    My advice: Try everything on, or at least hold it up in front of a mirror. Ask yourself honestly if you're likely to end up wearing it on the cruise, and thin your suitcase accordingly. I stopped myself from packing a heavy turtleneck to the Western Caribbean that way.

  2. Are you talking about the chlorine in the pools or in the showers? Waiting for my first cruise myself, so I'm not sure what to expect.


    There are shampoos and conditioners designed for swimmers, to help remove the chlorine and protect your hair. Just head to Wal-Mart or a well-stocked drugstore when you arrive and look for products that say they're for swimmers.

  3. Think about what she likes, what her interests are, and shape the proposal around that. A proposal that keeps in mind who you're proposing to is a better option than a generically romantic one.

  4. Wow, I was just trying to help you know what to expect! If you read my reply again, you'll see that I never said not to enjoy the ship's spa and to go to a local one instead. Who knows- maybe one day you'll live somewhere that DOES have a spa closer by, or you'll visit a friend who has one closer On the off chance that you did that, I simply wanted you to know that ship prices are not the prices you'll find everywhere. Again, just trying to give you as much info as possible, but you seem to have taken offense to what I said. :confused:


    Terribly sorry, that one wasn't directed at you -- your post was very helpful. I need to get into the habit of quoting the message I'm replying to.

  5. Gonna say again -- location for us is not what you seem to think; if we wanted to go to an "average hometown" spa, it would involve driving for well over an hour, and she's not a fan of long drives. Comparable price doesn't mean that much when you consider the sheer inconvenience to go to an "average" spa.


    Sounds like the best option will be to just take the spa tour and see what sounds good to us; I think my grandmother would enjoy a pedicure, at the very least.

  6. This is the first visit either of us have had to a spa; our hometown doesn't have one, just a place where you can get your nails done (which we also haven't used, so). Hmm . . . I guess a trip to one of the port spas might be doable, but thought having booked Aqua class would give an edge.

  7. My grandmother and I are travelling on the Silhouette in April, Aqua class, and since we kinda live in the middle of nowhere, we can't exactly hit the spa whenever we feel like it and we both plan to take advantage of the ship's facilities.


    Problem being, without having prior spa visits, we're not sure what services are best to opt for. I'm 29, she's 88 -- what would you recommend?

  8. I think the trick to a proposal is to customize it to her tastes -- what are her interests? What are her tastes? Beyond preferring a private proposal (good call, btw -- I always feel like public proposals put undue pressure on the target), what way could you customize it for her? A balcony proposal with champagne is perfectly romantic, but also a little generic -- what about an autographed book by her favorite author, with the ring tied to a ribbon as bookmark?

  9. Ugh, I hate water retention. I'm only 29, but for no apparent reason lately my feet have been swelling up -- it's hard to squeeze them into my boots if I have to go out, so annoying.


    Cruise has been finalized -- we leave on April 6. I'm thinking of getting in some regular exercise for the next month, at least -- I don't need to lose weight, but I'm a bit flabby, if that makes sense. Too much time on the computer.


    On the bright side, I found a nice earth-y bathing suit -- warm browns and beige.

  10. hmmm, let's see . . . my regular bag, a dressy crossbody, a drawstring backpack for excursions.


    Shoes -- a pair of sneakers, a pair of boots, and a pair of sandals. All in neutrals, so versatile.


    Jewelry? Seven necklaces and 15 pairs of earrings because I have trouble deciding until the last minute what earrings I'm going to wear.

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