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Goodtime Cruizin

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Posts posted by Goodtime Cruizin

  1. Interesting price drop. We have a D1 booked for 9/14 LoS, Med Cruise. We were able to take care of the April savings which netted us a $150 drop. Then yesterday AM, the same rate was in place. Then yesterday afternoon the rate dropped, another $396. Now... this morning, that $396 drop is gone. I'm glad I called RCCL on the spot and was able to grab the less than 24 hr drop. :D

  2. Hi everyone. I’m new to the forum, as well as cruising in general. My boyfriend and I will be on Navigator of the Seas in May, and I’m so excited for my first cruise. I would love some helpful hints/pointers, if you guys don’t mind.


    Is the Ultimate Drink Package worth it? Do you get your money’s worth?

    Are the specialty restaurants worth the extra money?

    I’ve heard horror stories about how small the cabins are. Is there room for your empty luggage? Or, would it be best for duffles that collapse?

    And the million dollar question – is it possible to get your cabin upgraded?


    Thanks in advance!


    Welcome and congrats on your first cruise. It'll be exciting and memorable.

    We've always purchased the Premium Alcohol Pkg. Here's the math... most of the frozen drinks are $10, some even $12. Bud, Bud Light are $7. You really need to do the math for your drinking style etc. For me, it works well. Five to Seven drinks per day is doable for me while on vacation. Not so much for the wife. You'll have 4 days at sea, 3 at port.


    We selected Sabor for a break in the MDR. Fabulous food. And here's a hint. They also have hands down the best Margaritas on board the ship. These are $12 drinks and your drink pkg covers the first $10. Sabor is located across from the Schooner Bar and several times while enjoying the dualing pianos, I'd walk over to Sabors and order a Margarita.


    Cabins are small. But built for extreme effieciency & functionality.


    Enjoy your cruise.

  3. I wish they would just allow champagne and wine. There is this champagne I love that I would love to be able to sit with on my balcony as my husband and I celebrate our anniversary. It's so much more money on the cruise vs. here, I feel like I am being robbed by purchasing it on the ship. I am fine with buying mixed drinks and all, but for a cheap bottle of champagne they shouldn't be doubling the cost. I was able to bring champagne onboard Princess, so it was nice. Champagne isn't exactly something I can put into a rum runner :(


    RCCL will allow a cabin a max of two bottles of wine, champagne or a combo of both. We crried a very nice bottle of Champagne onto the Mariner last March. We declared it up front and there were no issues.

  4. With the Select, Premium, or Ultimate packages on Royal, you pay the difference.


    Well this is not exactly correct. I'm thinking it really depends on the Bartender and how he/she keys in the sell of the drink. I know that my buddy was charged a full price on his folio and I was charged the difference. This was at two different bars w/ of course two different Barkeeps.


    My suggestion is to clarify w/ the bartender how you want the transcation to be handled.

  5. We just returned from a sail on the Navigator. The Ultimate Pkg basically is the Premium Alcohol pkg combined with no alcohol pkg. The $10 limit is the max the Alcohol Pkgs cover. In otherwords, there are 'specialy drinks' at the bars that are not covered. As an example, we checked out the new Sabor restaurant. They offered some great Margaritas for $12. Our pkg covered it up to $10, we paid the additional $2. There are drink menus at each bar. Most of these blended drinks are not covered in the Alcohol Pkg.


    Also, please note, the Premium Pkg does not include Guiness beer any longer. I was told it had something to do with inventory space. A nice new change though is that now, a Premium Alchol Pkg can be purchased as a party of one, meaning the other adults staying in your cabin are not required to purchase. This makes it pleasant for us as the wife does not drink very much.

  6. Wow I really thought this board was for people to talk to other cruisers and get advise, I really wouldn't have thought people would be so rude in their replies.


    I am just lost for words, even if you didn't think I had any ground to complain, you didnt have to be rude and attack me personally. Sad that people act like this.


    I attempted to word my response in such a fasion as to not upset you. Having said that.... it appears that you want a specific answer or no answer at all. Perhaps I'm wrong as this internet message board can be tricky at times.


    You are a very blessed person and IMO, there is no reason to complain about your purchase or much of anything really.

  7. Since you asked, I will say this...


    I think by the way you described your bracelet, it's beautiful and you love it. You've also stated that is is worth 3 times the value that your husband purchased for. This is a major win for you and your husband. I'd go w/ this and enjoy it to no end.


    Purchasing goods overseas, especially at Ports can be tricky w/ so many different rulings and laws that are in play. 8% maybe a chunk of change, but bottomline you have an absolute piece of jewelry that you'll treasure forever. Enjoy it and count your blessings!

  8. Very nice. Did you stay on the ship?


    Yes. They cancelled the trip on Monday night but stated all could stay or come & go as they wish. The four in our group were all from Houston so we decided to stay on the ship until we grew tired. Then on Tueday afternoon they announced a one port cruise to Cozumel, complete with refund. We enjoyed the balance of the cruise and that refund arrived today. :D

  9. We just recv'd our refund for our 3/23 Navigator Cruise to the Carribean. It was out of the Port of Galveston which was filled w/ a major oil spill the day before we were scheduled to embark. Today the full refund came, along w/ a 3 day refund on the Premium Drink Pkg. Still to come is a 25% future cruise certiifcate. This is why we sail RCCL. They do take care of their guests or at least they did for us.


    Thank you again RCCL.

  10. That was most likely my post. I recently returned from the NoS 3/23-30, I stopped in 5 or 6 times. Nothing was going on each time. Perhaps my timing was bad, but I don't think so. It appeared to be regulated as a Smoking Area.

  11. Compman: I am a Brit. I live in both cultures and I think you are being a tad rude yourself with your comment above. Again, I disagree with you re, your take on cultural norms. There are rude people in all cultures. One more point: If I am in a different culture, I do not expect that culture to change for me. I try to adapt. I suggest you do the same.


    I tend to agree. If you're standing around with food on your plate getting cold, one should plan to leave a bit earlier instead of getting frustrated. BTW... this not a cultural thing by any means, it's common sense. If somebody is sitting at a table looking around for the mate I take no issue with that except to say I should made my way down earlier.


    Now it's different if I go to the pooldeck and there are no bodies around a larger group of chairs but yet there are towels "reserving" them... i'll move one, perhaps two if the wife is with me. I've been approched before for doing this and I just point to where their towels are and tell them "well there's plenty of charis, please do join me! :D Most don't, but I'm not sitting in the shade or standing in the sun when there are a couple of hundred empty chairs not being used except to hold a towel.

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