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Posts posted by jayblue

  1. Just got off Explorer of the Seas today from a 5 Night cruise to Bermuda. We had excellent weather and smooth sailing until today when we arrived to rain in Bayonne. Someone else started a thread about the problems getting off the ship today, but that didn't affect me too much.


    The staff, crew, guest entertainers, and fellow passengers were great. This is what keeps me coming back time and time again. Most of the time I sail solo, but not because I want to be alone. I can get the alone feeling on a land based vacation. I cruise because it is a great way to meet people and not feel alone. The only time I felt alone this cruise was the first night in Bermuda I was at my dinner table by myself as my tablemates were still out exploring the islands. Even then, my Assistant Waiter Oswald and another Assistant Waiter talked with me after dinner. We talked about the ships along with Quantum replacing Explorer out of Bayonne, and I brought up the Dynamic Dining and the elimination of the MDR. I told them this is what I enjoyed about cruising. We got to know each other a little more, and it's something I wouldn't get eating in a different restaurant each night with different waitstaff.


    I get home and access the online survey (replaces the paper ones fill out on the ship at the end of the cruise) via an email. At first they were having technical difficulties. When I finally accessed it, I was appalled by the travel companion section. There were many choices for travel companions, but only one at the bottom called "Alone".


    I would have preferred any other the following: Single, Solo, Myself, Individual, or Independently. I realize in a thesaurus alone comes up under solo and solitary comes up under single, but not everyone who travels by themselves is looking for solitude or to be alone.


    It just shows that some people in the corporate office are out of touch with their passengers and should probably spend some time on the ships working to get to know their passengers just as well as the staff and crew.

    Their current promotion is get the 2nd person in the stateroom for 50% off when paying 100% for the 1st person. So they're gonna charge 150% for 2 people, but 1 person will pay 200%? Doesn't sound like Royal Caribbean corporate is interested in the solo traveler.


    I'm inclined to agree. Their wording makes it seem like there was zero interaction with others.

    Not very encouraging for the solo traveler. Almost disrespectful...


    jayblue RCCL cruiser

  2. I think I will like this! I am an introvert when I want to be (70% of the time). The purpose of my cruise is relaxation (except on formal night). Good reading material, a decent cup of coffee, and a bit of entertainment is all I am looking for. And Liberty is huge enough for me not to feel crowded.


    jayblue RCCL cruiser

  3. OP - Just wanted to say that while the coffee on RCI is hit or miss as folks have said, in comparison to Disney I think you'll find the coffee is sooooo much better. Disney - and DCL - has the deep true luvs for that Nescafe concentrate crap, as I'm sure you well know. :p Anything is a step up from that, so if you're comparing the two you'll most likely be much happier with RCI, even if it doesn't meet coffee snob standards. ;)




    Disney should be ashamed for what they pass off as coffee!


    Life is too short for bad coffee!!


    jayblue RCCL cruiser

  4. I'm a total coffee snob. I only buy coffee that has been roasted that month and grind only enough to pull my double shot of liquid gold. I search out local rosters. To me, Starbucks is the worst coffee ever. It tastes like licking a dirty ashtray. I know I'm in for coffee trouble on the cruise. However, having said nasty things about Starbucks, I find that I like the instant Via. I'm going to be bringing those with me to make in the cabin so I can enjoy a cup on the balcony before I get dressed. Hopefully the cappuccino aren't too horrible in Lattetudes.


    Sent from my SGH-M919 using Forums mobile app


    I thought I was a proper coffee snob with my like of Starbuck's. Obviously, I could use lessons.




    jayblue RCCL cruiser

  5. I've just booked my first cruise since 1997. Can anyone tell me, aside from what I see from reading here, what changes have been made? What do you like/dislike? This will be my first solo sailing. (YAY!)


    I know that many veteran cruisers dislike the change in dress code. I will likely be dressing for dinner on my formal night, but this will likely be my last cruise doing so.


    I will be on Liberty of the Seas, which is unofficially my first megaship. I've been on Majesty (twice) and Enchantment of the Seas, which were considered megaships in their day.

  6. Hi! I'm Jennifer! I am in the planning stages of my first solo cruise in November in Liberty of the Seas. I've cruised and vacationed with family before, and I took a solo trip in preparation (I LOVED it!!!). I can't wait!!!


    jayblue RCCL cruiser

  7. A lot of good information. I have two follow-up questions, if I may.


    Wayfinder? I'm imagining ships map, is that right?


    Flip-flops in the MDR? What is considered flip-flops? I have a pair that have a piece of leather separating my big toe from the other 4 toes, but they are nice made of leather. Is no flip-flops a hard and fast rule? Or do the mean plastic/foamy soled shoes?


    I eagerly await the answer to this last question. I have a ton of what could best be described as dressy flipflops.


    jayblue RCCL cruiser

  8. I am stunned that this thread has continued and devolved into name-calling and hurt feelings all around.


    PEOPLE, IT WAS INTENDED TO BE TONGUE-IN-CHEEK!!! The OP was obviously making an ill-spelled attempt to tweak noses by writing like a stereotypical high-class snob (British, from his phrasing).


    Right now, he's sitting back somewhere, ROFL at people's utter failure to "get the joke."


    This is a non-issue. Bottom line is that less than .000001% of anybody CARES what you wear to eat. If you feel defensive and hostile because you wear very casual clothes to dinner and think everyone is looking down at you, I suggest you either dress up a notch or go see a shrink because you've got self-esteem issues.


    (OK, don't kill me. I'm joking! Another example of tweaking your nose. If I just got you all hot and bothered instead of smiling at my absurdity, you didn't get it. :D)


    Take a deep breath and lighten up. Your blood pressure will thank you. :)


    On the money!


    I will dress up in my formal gear and enjoy my dinner right next to the diner that dresses casually and even snap pictures.


    Cruising is about diversity. Right now, I like the idea of dressing up. Cruising veterans may feel a bit "meh" about it. However, I enjoy the company of all, formally dressed or not.


    When you pay as much for cruising as many of us do, you should have the freedom to relax.


    That being said, I hope none of you consider me to be riff-raff.



    jayblue RCCL cruiser

  9. It's only ridiculous that you reply to threads about comparing cruise lines. You just come off as kind of silly.


    My point: If I am a "loyal" RCCL (or Carnival, or Norwegian, or Celebrity) customer, I don't want to look to any other company to satisfy my cruising needs.


    That being said, I have looked into Norwegian because they have single cruiser cabins.


    jayblue RCCL cruiser

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