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Everything posted by TxTeach79

  1. I didn’t watch Game of Thrones, but i absolutely know the theme song, it’s absolutely a banger, and they’re absolutely playing it right now
  2. Suras 🇹🇭 made this, but Vera 🇷🇺 told me that she can relax now because seeing me at her bar is the consistency and comfort she needs. Is that…. The nicest thing anyone has ever said to me?
  3. There’s a guy across the bar that looks like a hybrid of Mean Gene Okerlund and Locke from Lost, and I can’t look away
  4. Sunny Violins starting their set with November Rain. Here for it.
  5. He came back fast - which means I’m briefly double fisting. (Peep that boat on the draw too)
  6. Rain has finally stopped!!! The sun is up there, if not completely out. Lido dome still closed.
  7. It’s still raining, but it’s lightened up considerably from the morning. I’ve been enjoying most of it on the balcony, taking full advantage of another lazy day
  8. Serves me right I guess. I mean, I look like a fat pancake guy tbh
  9. Still in some big weather and we’re getting some movement going. I’m digging it. Always like the little reminder that you’re on a ship at sea
  10. Yeah I’ve noticed the way they serve things at the brunch tends to vary a lot plate to plate. I wouldn’t like that much either.
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