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Posts posted by Jennizor

  1. Sorry Joecco, you are right. Our 2022 Baltic cruise is in May. It is replacing our June 2020 one that was cancelled. It was going to be for my 70th birthday and our 20th wedding anniversary. We spent in the garden, drinking fizz with our two families instead. We had a lovely day. (Apologies for the mistake, that’s what happens when you get to my age😁).

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  2. I don’t sleep well most nights at home. On a cruise, it is completely different. If I do wake up I go out onto the balcony and the rhythm of the waves soon works it’s magic. I love the chatter at meal times. We love the bars where you can get to know the staff and they soon get to know your tipple. I love that there is no pressure, if you want to do something, there is lots to do. If not, you can just relax and do your own thing. We have had two cruises cancelled and expecting our May one to be cancelled any time soon. Our last cruise was last March to the Caribbean, we were on one of the last flights home before lockdown. I have resurrected our cancelled cruises. Hopefully Eastern Med in September, Canaries in February 22 and Baltic in June 22. Fingers crossed. Keep safe.

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  3. We have two 2022 cruises booked. Both are ones we missed due to COVID and both from Southampton. Feb 22 on Iona to the Canaries and June 22 on Britannia to the Baltic. We have two med cruises from Malta booked this year, both on Azura. One in May, expecting it to be cancelled and the other in September, not sure that will happen but you never know. 

  4. Purplesea, it just shows the difference between living in the north and south. Your garden is obviously a lot further on than mine. I am getting very impatient to get out there and start doing stuff but the snow is still at least a couple of inches on the borders and lawns, paths are clear now though. We have rain forecast for the next few days as well.

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  5. Not much colour in my garden, a lot of promise though. Couldn’t believe how long we had fuchsia flowering, there were still some well into December. I planted up 2 pots of Coronilla Citrina in early autumn and put them either side of the patio doors. The lemon flowers are quite delicate looking but have been a joy when there isn’t much else to look at. 

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  6. I am getting vaccinated tomorrow morning. I am 70, live in Bolton. Wasn’t surprised as lots of friends of the same age were vaccinated earlier in the week. It’s at our GP surgery which is a 5 minute drive away so couldn’t be easier. Very relieved to be having it. 

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  7. I really thought about this before I raised the issue of penicillin. It came from a retired GP who has just returned to work to help with the vaccinations. She said not to worry about stocks of the Oxford vaccine but,  as they are ramping up the numbers vaccinations, I did exactly that. 

  8. Lots of over 80s in our area have had their vaccinations and some their second one. I am in the group that should be done by mid Feb but have a concern. I have been told that if you are allergic to penicillin, as I am, you can only have the Oxford one. I have been told to remind the practice when I get my letter/phone call. My worry is if they don’t have any left, I will have to wait till new supplies come in. 

  9. I haven’t worn a dress for months. Even on Christmas Day, when I usually wear one, I settled for trousers and sparkly jumper. Only went briefly to see my three grandsons (allowable as I am part of their childcare bubble and they only live a quarter of a mile up the road). I have loads of short dresses gathering dust in the wardrobe, not sure how they will fit though!!!!!!

  10. We visited Guadeloupe a few years ago. At that time we hadn’t watched Death in Paradise so we were not interested in visiting where it was recorded. We had a tour round the island instead. Was not impressed really  apart from the beach bar we found that was really entertaining. We started watching it last night for the first time, it was OK - just light entertainment which was fine at the moment.

  11. And we like the same colours. Love your black dress. You and your husband follow the same rules as we do - bow tie has to match the dress.

    I really do miss cruising for lots of reasons, not just the dressing up bit. We have never had a bad cruise and seen so many lovely places. We have only had a couple of land based holidays in the last few years and, although we enjoyed them, I yearned for waking up in a new place everyday..  We also like the sea days, they are so relaxing, lots of things to do if you want to or just relaxing, reading or doing puzzles.  I’ve got my fingers crossed for our September cruise but who knows? Keep safe.

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  12. Ann,  I think we will all have that problem. I am trying to eat sensibly but like lots of us, for me eating has become the highlight of the day.  We are following the rules, only going shopping once a week plus a delivered shop.  No social mixing. We are part of my daughter’s childcare bubble but only go there when needed. When I wake up in the morning my first thought is what are we eating today? Now, where are those chocolates  I have been hiding?

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