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Everything posted by laurieal

  1. After I was done with Fantasyland (for now), I headed to Frontierland. On the way, I ran into the Disney Adventure Friends Cavalcade. It’s only a few minutes and it’s super cute so I had to pause and check it out. After that, I got a return time for Big Thunder Mountain. Since it was only 15 minutes away, I decided to stay close and have a water, sunscreen and Cruise Critic break. I was offered to ride Big Thunder twice, again. This time, I realized that if I do that the cast members don’t have to roll my wheelchair all the way to the other platform. It’s fine. It makes their job earlier and I get more enjoyment out of my transfer. Win-win! I wanted to try Peco’s Bill for a quick lunch snack, but I was in the mood for nachos and they don’t have those in a kids portion. I decided to skip it, but I’m so looking forwards to El Loco Fresh on Oasis! Instead, I had an order of hush puppies from Columbia Harbour House. If you’re planning a Disney World trip and it’s been a while since you’ve been: mobile orders. This is the way. You’ll save so much time versus waiting in line, especially during peak meal hours. Also, you can ask for free glasses of cold water in all the quick service restaurants. This is also the way.
  2. Quick mid-day update. The Little Mermaid ride only had a 5 minutes posted wait, so it would have been rude not to ride. Then, I saw Mickey’s Philharmagic. They added a Coco scene since the last time I saw the show, so it was good to see it again. It’s always such a delight. Seems like I was connecting with some people on this thread, because my next stop was It’s a Small World. What? I’m going on a cruise soon. I need my sea wheels.
  3. All the screaming related to the price of admission was done previously while at home. Same for the screaming related to the conversion rate between CAD and USD. I’m ashamed to say I didn’t even realize what I was writing regarding the Virgin Lady. I’ll blame it on the lack of sleep 😂 Thank you for joining me and also for giving me a good laugh.
  4. Hello from Magic Kingdom! I’m flying solo today. My friends are having brunch at Topolino’s and then a very well deserved rest day. We will meet up later for a fun dinner. Since I’m alone, I’ll aim for a few short updates during the day. We’ll see how it goes. Before I get started, since there are a few Disney World fans reading this thread, what is your favourite thing to do/eat/see in that park? I’m starting my day with a breakfast of champions in Tomorrowland: some cinnamon and caramel sticky bread and a cold brew float. They were both delicious. If I may say something brave and controversial, I preferred the sticky bread to the cinnamon roll at Gaston’s Tavern. Fuelled by caffeine and sugar, I will now head to Fantasyland.
  5. I was actually going to ask about the renting of points. Do either of you have a site to recommend for renting? My friends and I made a quick stop in Animal Kingdom Lodge yesterday and it sparked a conversation about DVC resorts and which ones we’d like to stay in one day as part of a split stay.
  6. I’m so excited to see it through your eyes! I thought they did a really good job creating an immersive world. I’m also not a fan of getting wet, but I have a policy that if a theme park made a ride accessible for wheelchair users to transfer more easily, then I have to do it. That’s how the Freezing Cold and Wet Incident happened in Universal the last time I was there. So many (three) accessible water rides 😔
  7. So you are basically doing the Amazing Race Canada to get back home, except the prize is doing laundry 🤪 I hope you enjoy the TA. I sure do love them and all of their sea days. Safe travels to Miami and see you soon!
  8. Hello and thank you 😊 Don’t hesitate to chime in with thoughts and opinions about the cruise if you have an internet package and want to. I’m sure people would like to hear about things that are not cocktails and trivia. Safe travels and see you soon!
  9. First one in Barcelona pays for the drinks! 😉 I’ve never seen a Virgin lady up close, so I’m hyped for that! I will definitely be checking out your review once I’m out of the Disney bubble/whirlwind. Have you done Galaxy’s Edge before? Is Rise of the Resistance in the plans?
  10. Alright, people. A plan has been formed. Thanks to everyone who has offered suggestions. I went to the front desk last night when I came back to the resort and they gave me the number of the company they deal with for scooter and wheelchair rentals. They don’t do repairs, but they gave me the number of a company who does. The conversation with the guy went like this: Me: one of my brakes is broken Him: you probably have a screw loose Me: the screw fell off Him: well it’s definitely loose, then That company doesn’t do “at home” repairs, but I booked an accessible taxi with Mears to take me there on Thursday. I can manage fine until then, I just want to get it fixed before the cruise where the waves could make transferring more…interesting. But now I’m late on my review again! I’ll just skip yesterday’s day in Animal Kingdom for now since I’ll be going again later this week.
  11. Good evening, everyone! I find myself in a bit of a…situation. One of the brakes on my wheelchair broke. Wheelchair usually function better with two of those. I know it’s a long shot, but is anyone aware of any repair service in the Orlando area that does “at-home” repairs for mobility devices?
  12. How fun! I was on Wonder for her TA back in 2022 and had a wonderful time. If you have any questions about Disney or Magic Kingdom, don’t hesitate to ask!
  13. Rise of the Resistance was fantastic, as usual. I’m so glad we got to ride it in the end. Millenium Falcon ended up being a super fun experience, because it was just me and my two friends in the cockpit. After that, it was time for a feeding. We went to Docking Bay 7 in Galaxy’s Edge for some space delicacies. One that tray is one chicken kid’s meal, one beef entrée, and a dessert that was some kind of mousse. I had the yucca fries with a space coffee and some space popcorn. Heck yeah, space food! That popcorn ended up being surprisingly delicious. It’s a mix of fruity and spicy. Very unusual and definitely not for everyone, but I would get it again. We hung out in space for a bit making plans for the next day, but we still had one last ride booked. But before we went there, we made a stop for some passion fruit, orange and guava gelato and the Muppet 3D show. We rode Mickey and Minnie’s Runaway Railway, and then slowly made our way out of the park.
  14. Since our next plan was in Toy Story Land, we stoned my the Walt Disney Presents exhibit and enjoyed some AC for a bit while we had a look. Then, since our next plan was in Toy Story Land, we each got a kid’s meal from Woody’s Lunch Box. I rode Slinky Dog Dash with one of my friends and then we rode Toy Story Mania all together. I don’t have any pictures with just me from that part of the day, so you’ll have to believe me. While we were taking a hydration and sunscreen pause, we saw that Rise of the Resistance had some Individual Lightening Lanes available, so we grabbed that. Then, we saw that we could book Millenium Falcon for not too long after so we also grabbed that. Suddenly, we were in our Star Wars era.
  15. Wifi wanted nothing to do with me last night, so I skipped posting pictures and went straight to sleep. I can’t say I was too mad; those Disney days can be pretty tiring. Our plan was to book Rise of the Resistance right at seven, but what we later learned was that the ride was having issues and would be down at park opening. They decided to block most, if not all, of the lightning lane purchases for the day so we just figured we wouldn’t be able to ride it and planned our day accordingly. I was at the park early to be one of the firsts to ride Tower of Terror. It’s one of my favourites and my I figured I would get it done early while my friends were still at the resort. Then, because it was still early and the wait was so low, I rode Mickey and Minnie’s Runaway Railway. When my friends joined me, we shared a couple of blueberry Mickey waffles for breakfast. We were just across the street from the Beauty and the Beast show, so we made our way over there after breakfast. Beauty and the Beast is my favourite movie, because a love story without some kidnapping and Stockholm Syndrome just doesn’t do it for me. Also, Gaston is my favourite (but also the worst). Olaf had a posted short wait, so we went to say hello.
  16. According to the experts (and by experts I mean strangers on the internet), all orange cats share one single brain cell. I don’t think Juliette has had a turn yet, so I don’t expect any mischief, but I wouldn’t be surprised to find her stuck under a couch cushion.
  17. Hello, fellow Canadian! My mother’s side of the family is from New Brunswick, but I have yet to visit. If you have an internet package, don’t hesitate to chime in with thoughts and opinions along the way! That is quite the detour! I would have thought there would be some options via Toronto. How long will it take you to get home?
  18. Embarkation day isn’t until April 21st. I’m not entirely sure what day or date it is, but I still have a few days left at Disney before I get on the ship 😊
  19. I don’t have many pictures from the rest of the day and most of them have my friends in them. But the most important thing is we had a really fun time. We rode Haunted Mansion, which is one of my favourites, saw the parade and then went on Jungle Cruise. I rode Big Thunder Mountain by myself, because my friends aren’t really into thrill rides, and I got to ride it twice in a row because the cast member felt like making things a little bit more magical. It was so much fun, even if I left feeling a bit shaky. We took the train, which had been closed during my last two visits. We rode it to Fantasyland where we did Enchanted Tales with Belle (very cute) and then tried to pull Excalibur from the stone. Needless to say none of us is now the king. After that, we separated again while my friends had some food and I rode Tron. It was way too short, but loads of fun. I love coasters with wild accelerations. I then had a watermelon refresher with yuzu citrus, ginger and popping candies. It was indeed refreshing and very delicious. Since we were all exhausted, we decided to leave early(ish) to rest for our Hollywood Studios day tomorrow. By then, it had been a while since I had eaten and I grabbed some garlic shrimp with mashed potatoes and green beans from the hotel’s food court. Yes, that is a vegetable. In Disney. No, it’s not fried. Yes, I ate it willingly 😂 It was surprisingly delicious. The mashed potatoes were the highlight of the meal for sure. I’m off to bed, now. Tomorrow I go to space! 🚀
  20. Once my friends came out from Pirates of the Caribbean, we tried the spring rolls from Adventureland. They were a hit with all of us. Then, because we were in need of dessert and AC, we got a coconut Dole Whip float with a passion fruit, orange and guava juice float. We took our treat to the Enchanted Tiki Room where a good time was had by all.
  21. I’ll try to! It’s lovely when we get to use the outdoor sections of the ship and it’s also good for spreading the crowds.
  22. It’s another splendid day here at Disney World. The weather so far has been gorgeous: beautiful and sunny, but not too hot or humid. We are also very lucky with the crowds that are very manageable. I’m taking a nice slushy break while my friends are riding Pirates of the Caribbean. It’s very tart and refreshing, kind of like drinking a Sweet Tart, actually. Cheers! I started my day by visiting Mickey Mouse, because I’ve been told it’s rude to visit someone’s home and not say hello. He was planning on doing all sorts of magic tricks during the day. Then, I met up with my friends for breakfast at Gaston’s Taverne. We shared the famous cinnamon roll, a cupcake with Grey Stuff on it and a Lefou’s Brew. We then went Under the Sea with Ariel, which is always a delight, and then I rode Seven Dwarfs with one of my friends. There may or may not have been some screaming involved.
  23. I missed most of what was happening around me story-wise because I couldn’t comprehend what was happening ride-wise. I have another Epcot day later and I’ll have to ride it again and pay more attention to the story.
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