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Everything posted by laurieal

  1. I didn’t really vibe with the activities for today. The only thing I had added to my calendar was the show in the theatre: hypnotist Marc Savard. I’m not into hypnotists. I’m also not into ventriloquists and I enjoyed that show a lot, so I decided to go see the hypnotist. The theatre felt full and there many people who went up on stage to volunteer (more people than chairs, actually). The first part of the show was him doing some hypnotism stuff and picking the « best » volunteers. In the end, I think he ended up with a dozen people. I liked some parts of the show. I thought it was pretty funny that he made someone dance or that someone was suddenly convinced that they were named something silly. But it made me uncomfortable that he made a lady be super repulsed by him. Even if it wasn’t real, her reaction felt real and her distress at his touch made me want to go up there and make him stop. I was also uncomfortable when one of the participants freaked out when he thought he was forced to confront what seemed to be a pretty serious fear or phobia. Again, the distress felt too real. I know one of the participants (if anyone saw the show, his name is E-I-E-I-O). Now I really want to run into him again to ask him how it felt when he was up there. I have many questions…
  2. I’m so sorry you had to cancel your trip on the Oasis. I really love the Solarium; it’s particularly beautiful in the evening when the lighting is all pretty 😍 It’s been around 19/20 Celsius for the last few days. In the shade when it’s windy it gets chilly, even for me, but I was comfortable all day today in the sun with a light jacket. I know everyone always says that, but it’s true: bring layers. I’d be interested in knowing what you plan on doing in Madrid. I have plans to visit for the first time in the fall and I’ll start actively planning when I come back from this trip.
  3. I think I am literally the only passenger in the Solarium outside the Bistro right now. It’s incredibly windy, but if you can make it to the middle without blowing away it’s so worth it. I’m enjoying a chocolate martini in the upper level as I watch the sky turning dark. It’s peaceful and so beautiful up here. Please don’t tell anyone.
  4. Dinner this evening was at the Solarium Bistro. The last time I had gone for dinner there was back in 2016 on the Harmony transatlantic. So, yeah, it had been a while. Back then, you picked up appetizers from the buffet and you ordered your entrée from a waiter. Now, unless you want one of the premium entrées with an up charge, everything is from the buffet. I started with some cheese and some cheesy bread. That would make a great title for my autobiography. The cheese that is red-ish was the spiciest spicy I have ever eaten. I loved it! I wish they had that in the Windjammer. Then, I had some meat and a Seafood Ceviche. They were ok. No complaints, but also nothing remarquable. For my main, I had the snapper. It was pretty good and I enjoyed the couscous enough to grab an extra plate. For dessert, I think I may have picked up some of the no sugar added cookies. They tasted like fake sugar and made me a bit sad. I also had some Baklava, which I loved. Would I go back to the Solarium Bistro for dinner? Sure. Would I rush to make a reservation there? No. Did I like it better when your ordered your entrées separately? Yes. Am I wondering how I’m going to get out of this questions/answers bit? Oh yes. It was a good dinner, but nothing really stood out other than the spicy cheese and the Baklava. I don’t think those two things are enough to keep me coming back. Also, full disclaimer, Mediterranean food is not my favourite, so that could 100% impact my judgement. Should you give the Solarium Bistro a try? Why not, it’s free. (Oh no, not that bit again. Send help)
  5. Once it seemed like all the whales had left, I returned to my stateroom for a shower and a pre-dinner rest. I wanted to have a cocktail in a new place, so I went to the pub. It was almost completely empty when I got there around 18:00. I had an Old Fashioned, which isn’t one of my usual fruity cruise concoction, but I had my reason. Bear with me. (Anyone else likes it when people write « bare with me »? Even as I get older, I never not find it funny. It’s like an invitation to start a naked party) In Epcot, there is a place where you can try Coca Cola products from around the world. One of the most famous ones is the Beverly from Italy. I had never tried it, but my friends said it was a rite of passage so we went there together. Almost everyone hates Beverly. They like it at first, but then it turns on them and becomes bitter and then the grimaces come. I was fully expecting to hate it. Except it wasn’t bad. In fact, I thought it would make a nice cocktail, something like an Old Fashioned. So I’ve had an Old Fashion on my mind since my last Epcot Day and when I saw it on the menu I knew I had to get it. When I left for dinner, the pub was quite full.
  6. The first couple to tell me about the coffee said that if they asked for a small coffee or latté or cappuccino their card wasn’t swiped. If they ordered something fancier then they scanned their card.
  7. I’m sorry I missed your post! I also got a note in my cabin on the Anthem, so I assumed the lack of note meant a lack of specialty coffee voucher. Next time I’m on a TA I’ll be sure to ask from the start. Someone saw you wishing you had a map and they have provided the biggest map I’ve ever seen on a cruise ship. I think you may be an influencer now!
  8. I feel like the ads on Cruise Critic are trying to send me a message… 👀
  9. I spent the whole afternoon reading outside. What? I told you it wasn’t going to be exciting! At one point, a couple approached me and asked if they could ask me some questions about cruising and accessibility. Their daughter has a friend who was in a car accident a couple of years ago and they are considering a cruise vacation. I was happy to answer. I always am, so if you ever seen me and you’re in a similar situation and you have questions, never hesitate to come and ask! When spinal cord injuries are concerned, there are no too weird questions. At one point, we heard the call… It was like Alaska all over again with everyone seeing the whales except me, but I saw them! And then we saw what we thought were dolphins? They looked like dolphins and swam like dolphins, but they were so small! I realize that I’m on a huge cruise ship all the way up on deck 16, but the ocean feels so close that it’s like my brain cannot comprehend that dolphins would look this small.
  10. How nice of them, wanting to share their books ❤️ There weren’t many books in the library, but if they redirect everyone to a shelf on deck 11 perhaps that’s why.
  11. Hi! I’m still in my reading spot, but I have had some food and drinks. I asked for a Kraken Colada, but I think this could be a Kraken Lava Flow? Not sure, but it was excellent either way. Eventually I made a quick detour by the Windjammer and got some cheese, meat and bread. It was a nice little snack. And because I had had some “lunch”, I figured I needed dessert so I had a Lava Flow.
  12. Is everyone aware of the secret Diamond specialty coffee thing? Is it always loaded on our SeaPass, or only for sailings where the Crown Lounge coffee machine is overwhelmed?
  13. Good morning! Now that I know about the secret coffee loaded onto the Diamond and above SeaPass cards, I skipped the Crown Lounge entirely this morning and headed to the Park Café instead. (Thanks again to the people who told me about this yesterday, one of which could be reading this thread 👋) I got some fruit, a small burrito and an iced latté. The burrito was very nice and I liked that is was small. I think it’s made with the same chili from El Loco Fresh. Either way, I enjoyed it. I stayed for a while in Central Park reading my book and enjoying my coffee. It was a bit chilly in the shade, so I have now moved to my usual spot on deck 16 where I plan on doing absolutely nothing interesting for a while. See you when I order a drink or have some food, I guess! 😂
  14. I left the Music Hall and headed to Studio B for the game show Battle of the Sexes. I had to cross the ship, so I took a quick stroll through Central Park. I’m not sure if I’ve ever seen that game show. I kept confusing it with the Perfect Couple one. I ended up running into someone from the solo meetup on day 1 and we watched together despite rooting for different teams. I ordered a fruity drink with a vodka or rum base and oh god please no bananas. I don’t know what it’s called, but it was delicious and had some Peach Schnapps in it. The game show was really fun! They were going to transition the final giant conga lines into a Silent Disco party. I have to admit it’s a pretty clever way to get everyone on the dance floor. For me, however, it was time to attend a different silent party in my room. Also, I forgot to say earlier but this arrived today. I feel like it’s too early for another one. I got one shipped for the Anthem transatlantic in 2022. As soon as it got to my place, I proceeded to drop it on my kitchen floor. The block exploded a little from the inside and it cracked my kitchen floor. Considering that trip was a little cursed, I thought it was fitting and I put it in my library nonetheless. Let’s hope this one makes it home in one piece 🤞
  15. After dinner, I found myself once again in the upper floor of Music Hall to enjoy the music of Shock Waves and a Strawberry Field. They have some cocktails with good, punny names and next time I need to try that. But when the bartender welcomed me by my name and said “Strawberry Field?” I had to agree. The place was hop-ping. Seriously. The dance floor was packed. Even I got the dance fever and I found myself doing that weird swaying with weird arm stuff I call dancing.
  16. Look at that dapper gentleman. I’m sorry for your loss; I’m glad Taco got to spend his last moments with the people he loved/tolerated. What are Punk and Dobby’s middle names?
  17. It was Izumi Hibachi time! Now I realize that I haven’t exactly been giving any tips or tricks regarding accessibility. But here’s one! If you use a mobility device and want to do the hibachi experience, try to aim for the xx:30 spot. You will be seated closer to the door and won’t have to navigate around people. The hibachi is a little intimidating as a solo, but I was seated next to a really nice couple from Canada. I started with one of my favourite drinks, She’s a Geisha. I’m sorry about the food pictures. They never look super appetizing at the hibachi, but trust me when I say everything was delicious. Fried rice and veggies. Beef tenderloin. And now lobster. For dessert, I had the ice cream mochi. It was an excellent meal. The beef was very tender and the star of the show for me. I had booked this meal as part of my three nights dining package. If you do this, know that there is a 15$ up charge to do the hibachi experience. (I hadn’t noticed until I posted, but I love how there’s the tragic story of my cocktail getting emptier in each picture)
  18. The Blankety Blank thing was alright. Not something I would go out of my way to see. Since I had some time before I had to be at Izumi for dinner, I went to the Crown Lounge to check out their evening offerings. I was tempted by some things, but I resisted in order to be super hungry for dinner. Then, since I was right next to it, I attempted to gamble. As I said previously, I didn’t have my Crown & Anchor credits loaded to my SeaPass and it looks like I have no idea how to gamble. Too bad. Dinner it was, then.
  19. The last time I saw you, I was enjoying an iced latté in the Solarium. I wasn’t feeling the best and it was getting chilly even for me, so I went back to my stateroom for some rest. Laying down helped, I think, and I’m now somewhat refreshed and ready for dinner. There was Disney trivia in Spotlight Karaoke, so I went there early to get a table and a Curaçao Cosmo. I ran into the guy who organized the solo meetup on the first day and he was wearing a Disney shirt, so obviously I wanted him on my team. We were joined by another solo. While we don’t have a highlighter or a keychain to show for it, we had a good time. Dinner is only at 19:30 so I’m staying in Spotlight Karaoke for the Blankety Blank game and maybe another cocktail. We’ll see how things go.
  20. Thank you! So far I’m really enjoying Oasis. She’s showing her age in some places, but she still looks great. It’s been smoother today. Hopefully it stays that way.
  21. How dare you. Bananas are disgusting and they need to be sent to their room without dessert. (Which should never involve bananas, anyway) I will agree that dogs are great. I just don’t like it when someone loves me unconditionally. If I don’t have to work for it, it’s meaningless. I’m confused by your comment. As a Canadian I feel like I am legally obligated to apologize. But as someone who has had that happen with other reviews, I am not sorry. Enjoy the Mariner cruise!
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