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Everything posted by laurieal

  1. I left the Music Hall and headed to Studio B for the game show Battle of the Sexes. I had to cross the ship, so I took a quick stroll through Central Park. I’m not sure if I’ve ever seen that game show. I kept confusing it with the Perfect Couple one. I ended up running into someone from the solo meetup on day 1 and we watched together despite rooting for different teams. I ordered a fruity drink with a vodka or rum base and oh god please no bananas. I don’t know what it’s called, but it was delicious and had some Peach Schnapps in it. The game show was really fun! They were going to transition the final giant conga lines into a Silent Disco party. I have to admit it’s a pretty clever way to get everyone on the dance floor. For me, however, it was time to attend a different silent party in my room. Also, I forgot to say earlier but this arrived today. I feel like it’s too early for another one. I got one shipped for the Anthem transatlantic in 2022. As soon as it got to my place, I proceeded to drop it on my kitchen floor. The block exploded a little from the inside and it cracked my kitchen floor. Considering that trip was a little cursed, I thought it was fitting and I put it in my library nonetheless. Let’s hope this one makes it home in one piece 🤞
  2. After dinner, I found myself once again in the upper floor of Music Hall to enjoy the music of Shock Waves and a Strawberry Field. They have some cocktails with good, punny names and next time I need to try that. But when the bartender welcomed me by my name and said “Strawberry Field?” I had to agree. The place was hop-ping. Seriously. The dance floor was packed. Even I got the dance fever and I found myself doing that weird swaying with weird arm stuff I call dancing.
  3. Look at that dapper gentleman. I’m sorry for your loss; I’m glad Taco got to spend his last moments with the people he loved/tolerated. What are Punk and Dobby’s middle names?
  4. It was Izumi Hibachi time! Now I realize that I haven’t exactly been giving any tips or tricks regarding accessibility. But here’s one! If you use a mobility device and want to do the hibachi experience, try to aim for the xx:30 spot. You will be seated closer to the door and won’t have to navigate around people. The hibachi is a little intimidating as a solo, but I was seated next to a really nice couple from Canada. I started with one of my favourite drinks, She’s a Geisha. I’m sorry about the food pictures. They never look super appetizing at the hibachi, but trust me when I say everything was delicious. Fried rice and veggies. Beef tenderloin. And now lobster. For dessert, I had the ice cream mochi. It was an excellent meal. The beef was very tender and the star of the show for me. I had booked this meal as part of my three nights dining package. If you do this, know that there is a 15$ up charge to do the hibachi experience. (I hadn’t noticed until I posted, but I love how there’s the tragic story of my cocktail getting emptier in each picture)
  5. The Blankety Blank thing was alright. Not something I would go out of my way to see. Since I had some time before I had to be at Izumi for dinner, I went to the Crown Lounge to check out their evening offerings. I was tempted by some things, but I resisted in order to be super hungry for dinner. Then, since I was right next to it, I attempted to gamble. As I said previously, I didn’t have my Crown & Anchor credits loaded to my SeaPass and it looks like I have no idea how to gamble. Too bad. Dinner it was, then.
  6. The last time I saw you, I was enjoying an iced latté in the Solarium. I wasn’t feeling the best and it was getting chilly even for me, so I went back to my stateroom for some rest. Laying down helped, I think, and I’m now somewhat refreshed and ready for dinner. There was Disney trivia in Spotlight Karaoke, so I went there early to get a table and a Curaçao Cosmo. I ran into the guy who organized the solo meetup on the first day and he was wearing a Disney shirt, so obviously I wanted him on my team. We were joined by another solo. While we don’t have a highlighter or a keychain to show for it, we had a good time. Dinner is only at 19:30 so I’m staying in Spotlight Karaoke for the Blankety Blank game and maybe another cocktail. We’ll see how things go.
  7. Thank you! So far I’m really enjoying Oasis. She’s showing her age in some places, but she still looks great. It’s been smoother today. Hopefully it stays that way.
  8. How dare you. Bananas are disgusting and they need to be sent to their room without dessert. (Which should never involve bananas, anyway) I will agree that dogs are great. I just don’t like it when someone loves me unconditionally. If I don’t have to work for it, it’s meaningless. I’m confused by your comment. As a Canadian I feel like I am legally obligated to apologize. But as someone who has had that happen with other reviews, I am not sorry. Enjoy the Mariner cruise!
  9. I have brought a ridiculous amount of individual portions of Pringles on board. I could potentially make good money setting up a table to sell them outside the Park Café…
  10. The cruise life eating and drinking has caught up to me, today. I haven’t been feeling my best, but I’m rallying and planning on making it to the hibachi for dinner. I haven’t even used one of my drinks vouchers yet. The food you have been posting on your thread looks amazing and coma-worthy. That poké… 🤤 Other than that one place that wasn’t the best, how is your wife finding the gluten-free offerings on Virgin? Speaking of cruise compass…
  11. There was some when I got there a little after noon, but by the time I went back for my coffee it didn’t seem like they had any. Hopefully they have more hidden somewhere.
  12. It’s not going to be a very long overview. Outlets at the desk: Outlets on only one side of the bed. In my stateroom, if I’m facing the bed, it’s on the left side. In the bathroom:
  13. It’s been a quiet day so far. I finished my book and then headed to Central Park. I wanted to check out the library, which I had no idea existed until this morning. There were several people inside, so I didn’t take any pictures. I also wanted a small bite to eat. I got a mushroom, mozzarella and pesto sandwich with a small bag of chips. Not sure how it happened, but I accidentally ended up in the salad line again. The sandwich was delicious. I sat with a couple of people who shared their bench with me and they told me that all the sandwiches they’ve had from Park Café have been delicious. There was a tuna one that I want to try eventually. The bench-sharing people also told me that Diamond members and above get one free specialty coffee loaded on their SeaPass every day. I found that strange, because that was the second time someone had told me that today. It turns out that I have been waiting in line in the Crown Lounge for nothing! Eager that test that new info, I got a large caramel iced latté that I was charged 0$ for.
  14. Personally, I like it! I have to keep it in mind when I plan my feedings, but I like feeling like I get a full, regular night of sleep.
  15. The Solarium was very peaceful, but I was getting a bit chilly with the wind in the shade so I moved to my regular spot next to the Lime & Coconut. Except that things were slightly wrong and unsettling. And that’s how I discovered that there is a second Lime & Coconut on deck 16. I wasn’t planning on moving, because really there isn’t any rule that says I have to be sitting in the exact same spot every time. Nope. Too weird. Had to move. On the way to my usual spot, I passed some people exercising, which made me crave one of those delicious doughnuts. I also found a tiny duck that had fallen on the floor. Aaaah. Now, that’s my usual view! And now, please excuse me while I finish my book. It was distracting me from my review all day yesterday and I ended up having to post a bunch of stuff before I went to be. I will finish this one and then pick a less stimulating book.
  16. Good morning! I woke up with a bit of an upset stomach this morning, and really I don’t know why that could be. Sure, I’m ingesting at least three times my normal amount of calories in fat, sugar and alcohol. And maybe the few vegetables I’ve eaten have been either fried or covered in cream. But is that really a reason for my body to be rebelling? I started my morning, as usual, by standing in line for a cappuccino in the Crown Lounge. Here are the food offerings for this morning. It was my first time noticing the little balls of cheese (behind the huge slices of orange cheese). Maybe next time when there isn’t a rebellion going on. I took my beverage up to deck 16 and found a regular table in the Solarium. Score! I met a couple of lovely people who recognized me from my review and they gave me some hot tips about new places to discover around the ship. I thought they had set up a bouncing house on the lower level, but they’re just doing maintenance on one of the hot tubs.
  17. I’m not sure about Christian, but if I go back to Playmakers (maybe for a cookie… 🤔) I’ll see if I can spot him.
  18. Cat update. Look at those empty eyes. Clearly she still has not had a turn with the single brain cell that all orange cats share.
  19. My plan was to stay on deck 4 after the show and go gamble my Diamond Plus credit, which I think is 6$? But my account was showing 0$ and the guy at the counter said I had to use it on one of the first two days. Is that true? I thought you got extra credits if you used them on day 1 or 2, but I’m pretty sure we gambled later than that on my Radiance cruise. There was a Shock Waves set coming soon, so I headed to Music Hall. I started by checking out the lower level on deck 8 which was full yesterday. I actually preferred the upper level, so I went there instead and found a good stop from which I could see the band and the dance floor without having to watch the TVs. It was a really fun set with songs from different styles and decades. The people dancing on the lower level seemed to be having a great time. I got a Strawberry Field again, because it’s just so good. That’s water in the second glass, because hydration is important. I was having too much fun, so I stayed for their second set instead of going to Friends trivia. I wanted to see the Elton John tribute in the Schooner Bar, but it was absolute madness over there and I took that as my cue that I should retire for the night. I can’t say that I was hungry, but the pizza was right there and the line wasn’t long. I’m the mother of a bear, now.
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