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Everything posted by canderson

  1. Don't forget "pearl clutchers". Why does the invective seem to come only from one side of the aisle in these discussions? Please lighten up.
  2. If you were depending on its headlights to see your plate, that might have been an issue as well. Lucas - Prince of Darkness, and all that...
  3. It's the timing that's a problem, as others have pointed out. I'll hold a Sauterne until the end with a cheese course. Nothing like C d'Y with real Papillon Roquefort (the only non-coop left there for years). The only time I'll opt for something sweet in the middle of things is a GOOD Auslese if having roast pork cooked with fruit or with a heavy fruit glaze.
  4. Straw man argument resurrected again? You could eat that meal in the engine room and it would taste the same, but the ambience might be a bit lacking - though perhaps unforgettable.
  5. On a Transatlantic, which we take annually after some time in Europe, the ship *is* "the world" for the vast majority of days! For us, regardless of the itinerary, the ship is always more than just transportation - not just where we go, but how we get there - with all of the many nuances that implies.
  6. It seems to be the same as ours. Without the differentiation, we might as well consider Regent vs. Silversea for future cruises. We have planned our first SS cruise looking for a different experience, but if the difference disappears, so does our reason for specifically choosing SS.
  7. There's a difference between an analogy and a parallel, but...
  8. @Sweetpea711423 Noted your comment that "This is a somewhat demeaning way of expressing your view about the situation." Agreed. I found that "pearl clutchers" expression rather demeaning as well. And no, it certainly never was about "live and let live", at least not for us, else the entire conversation would be moot. @tinaincc Surely you've got your own boundaries with regard to restaurant dinner attire as well, perhaps just not quite the same as ours. So where does "live and let live" come into play? Now I'm confused.
  9. Is it permitted that a moderator gloat? 😏
  10. Same argument you presented to me. Will respond this time. I could show up at a truck stop diner and bring my own linens and silver, but it would be hard for me to ignore that all of the other tables were still bare Formica with mismatched flatware. Evidently that's much easier to do for some? While some argue that they pay no attention things outside of their own table, many do take note of a world outside of their immediate 'bubble'. What I believe @Sweetpea711423 is doing her best to express is that, for her, attire is one of many factors that impact the overall ambience of dining. When we dress for dinner, we do so understanding that we are a contributing factor to others' perception of that ambience, and try to make a point of dressing in a manner appropriate to the venue out of respect for the house and other diners. She notes "Let me start by saying that I am one of those who enjoy dressing up. To me it’s part of the fun of a cruise, and what makes it different from everyday life." For some of us, it may be more a part of everyday life (and therefore in no way burdensome as it seems to be for some here) and while our motivations may be somewhat different, hers is entirely legitimate, and I can certainly appreciate what @Sweetpea711423 is trying to convey in her post.
  11. Glad to hear it's still working well there. After sailing with X since the pre-RCG days, we've seen a lot more of the slip over the years. The occasional standout cruise had kept us with them. The restart cruises we took B2B out of Tampa for Connie provided the most attentive and intuitive service we've ever experienced. But they aren't all going to be that way to make up for those other things that have slipped over time, so we felt it was time to move on.
  12. If you'd prefer to cruise with people living in 'the present', whose 'present' do you have in mind? Ours is apparently different than yours. Demean it by calling it "high-brow" if you like, but we aren't talking about dressing in a manner that would be considered such by our friends, just appropriate for a variety of venues and occasions. Again, we're not seeing SS bookings faltering, even at significantly elevated prices well into the next year. Our first itinerary with SS this Fall runs $10K more in 2024. Whatever they've been seeing in the "tea leaves" and have been doing seems to have been working for them. And I think we can agree that there's nothing a cruise line could ask that wouldn't be considered a burden by somebody. Again, human nature.
  13. No logic flaws, apart from that straw man argument, since I never suggested "people are choosing SS (or Cunard) only for the dress code". Rarely does anyone choose a cruise line for a single reason. I only note that it doesn't seem to he dissuading people from booking Cunard and SS, and provides a travel venue for those who aren't in a hurry to give up some old preferences. And who knows ... like wide and skinny and no ties at all, things often go in cycles. My grandson has no complaints with wearing a tie, and for nicer venues, does so as a matter of preference. Sometimes I think much of the "refuse to wear a tie" group are just rebelling against having been obligated to do so somewhere during their lives, especially when it wouldn't have been part of their lifestyle apart from work. My grandson, by contrast, would be an example of someone who is of an age where it's not been a daily obligation, so he is free to enjoy the experience instead, even on vacation when he feels it to be appropriate. As to the old "What does it matter if..." argument: Whatever standard is set, there will be a segment of the cruising public who will try to slide under it by at least a step - if not more - if allowed. The lower the line sets the bar, the lower those steps below become. We've seen the trend on our 'old' line, and weren't surprised by the results. It's a fact of human nature which we see playing out more and more these days over far more important things than cruises and dress codes. Lowest common denominator refers only to the prospect of deferring to whatever the current trends by most other lines, creating a homogenous industry where there's no differentiation left in this regard. SS differentiates itself on other ways from its sister line (X) in ways we think we will also appreciate and that change the tenor of the experience significantly, so why not this one as well? If SS was just another Regent or Seaborn, we might have taken our business there instead. As it is, RCG managed to keep us 'in the family' by providing something different. We're in no hurry to see that change. If this had really been a major consideration for others, and not just a vocal minority, SS wouldn't be filling ships and folks would be on one if the other 'upscale' lines.
  14. When Cunard starts having difficulties booking cabins on 'the 4 queens', or SS has problems (even at the higher prices for '24) booking cabins on their non-Nova ships, "relevance" will no doubt become a hotter topic in their respective boardrooms. Until then, the demographic to whom they market their products seems to have both the cash and interest necessary to support the current business model. There doesn't seem to be any reason to hurry toward the least common denominator just yet .. for which we and apparently many others are appreciative.
  15. Largely because that's what they signed up for when booking. It's part of what SS is selling, and if that's the crowd they want to attract from other lines who are dismayed by ever more lax dress standards elsewhere, it seems inappropriate to make a point of bucking their marketing concept as some occasionally do. Cruise lines all sell 'vacations', but some sell very different 'experiences'. Part.of the SS 'experience' remains a certain level of dress on formal nights in most venues. Nobody is forced to 'dress up' since they have choices about what kind of vacation they book.
  16. They're very good quality. Very heavy gauge plastic with 'wire rope' and barrel connector fastenings. Have been using them since the restart.
  17. Have no idea whether SS does or not. This will be our first with them. It was necessary to scroll ALL the way to the bottom of the other RCG pdf files to find them. They're what made these Amazon plastic tag sleeves popular with cruisers https://www.amazon.com/Celebrity-Luggage-Tag-Holders-Cruise/dp/B07WPW9MJH/
  18. If SS is like other RCG lines, the predominant nationalities of the crew will add, from the crew mess, a whole host of additional ingredients and spices. Might be worth asking the crew about the highlights of their cuisine, too.
  19. The two other RCG lines have been appending them to the emailed pdf doc package.
  20. The dress code "evolves" in only one direction - toward more and more casual, whatever that means in any given year. Perhaps one of SS's ways of competing in a "fierce" market is to garner that market segment that wishes to see a slower 'evolution'/'devolution'?
  21. But what coffee do they have access to at that hour? Remember back that it sounded like the OP wanted the 'good stuff'.
  22. How long before the complaints start here about jackets being "required" on formal nights? Doesn't sound like a 'suggestion' to me.
  23. Or the Hotel Director's boss. Have seen many in other threads on CC say they that it doesn't matter to them who the captain of the ship is...
  24. There's little service yet over Greenland, either - about on par with Alaska at present. The current northernmost orbits peter out at about 54~55 degrees north. That said, there are ground stations in Ketchikan, Fairbanks, Nome and Kuparuk in Alaska, and none yet in Greenland. Nominally, given the ground stations, service should be marginally better in several of the Alaskan cruise ports than anywhere in Greenland, so no excuse for poor service on that count. For 'consumer' purposes, one of the better sites for observation of the current StarLink constellation and ground station installations can be found here > https://satellitemap.space
  25. Traditionally, this was because anything that far north (or S in S America, similarly) is at a really acute angle to the equatorial medium Earth orbits are where all of the geostationary satellites live that used to manage all of this data. With Starlink, this shouldn't be the case UNLESS they still haven't done a sufficient job of building out ground stations up there.
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