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Everything posted by sfaaa

  1. Labadee becomes a ghost town after the ship leaves at 4PM and the place shut down. There is no one hanging around to get murdered.
  2. 8AM is too late and 4PM too early. Well plan attacks usually take place at dawn or around O-dark-thirty.
  3. Everyone should be worried. Lots of BBQ food joints in LA.
  4. I got more bad news. Kenya wants $230M bribe money before it will send 1k cops to Haiti as walking paper targets and cannon fodder. $100M is chump change.
  5. "the transitional presidential council will operate by majority vote and be made up of seven voting members and two nonvoting members. The latter group will include one member of civil society and another of the interfaith community. It will exclude anyone under indictment or U.N. sanctions, or anyone who has been convicted of a crime." Yeah, brilliant plan. I am sure BBQ and his gangster criminal gunmen will agree to this and comply.
  6. They don't need to invade. Once BBQ gang overpowers the Haitian police and captures Port An Prince, they will become the next government and own the entire country including Labadee.
  7. Gangsters do what gangsters do especially when police are not around to stop them.
  8. Labadee has no defense. There is no need to charge up the beach with Amtracks and guns blazing. Just walk up the beach brandishing some weapons will do the trick.
  9. If capital Port Au Prince falls, the whole country and what's left of it also fall. It happened in Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq under Saddam Hussein and Libya under Ghaddafi just to name a few. Distance alone does not offer any protection when the central government of a country is eliminated and its ability to defend itself no longer exists.
  10. I used San Pedro Princess shuttle a few times. It worked but can be confusing the first time. There was no signage or special instruction telling you where to go. I had to ask around before I found the right line up.
  11. US has also flown in additional marines to reenforce embassy MSG already stationed there. Troop deployment and staff evacuation all done by helicopters from embassy ground. Image of Saigon 1975 popped in my head.
  12. Both are deadly. High cholesterol or full of lead poison.
  13. Don't go near BBQ. Also stay away from all the black flies.
  14. May be. But the looters will have to go through these bad azz looking dudes first and these aren't the outgunned Haitian police or Labadee mall cop A-Team. https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-41806-haiti-security-the-dominican-republic-strengthens-border-surveillance.html
  15. I think Labadee has a better chance of being taken over by Haitian refugees than the BBQ gangs. When starving people run out of bare necessities to sustain lives, they will start walking towards areas that offer them a better chance of survival. It happens in every conflict zone around the world and Labadee will not be immune from this.
  16. DR is worry about thousands of Haitian refugees rushing over the border more than Haitian gangsters. DR has rushed troops and armored vehicles to the border and will seal it shut as soon as there is sign of trouble.
  17. Who is the Haitian government these days? Where does the $12 pp go? Seems like no one is in charge of the country and I doubt $12 goes to the people at all.
  18. Gangsters also want to play and look cool.
  19. Best of the best. Labadee security is in good hand.
  20. Private security. Blackwater? Wagner? Triple Canopy? Local mall cop? What exactly is it?
  21. Somalia pirates can definitely pull this off and Haiti is fast becoming lawless Mogadishu of the Caribbean.
  22. Perhaps but one or two AK 47 with a single 30 round mag carried by these guards is anything but heavy or scary. Haitian gangs have plenty of AR type rifles to counter plus belt fed MGs and even 50 cal sniper rifles capable to shoot down helicopters and piece through armored trucks used by Haitian police. It's a total mismatch and one-sided fight.
  23. A flimsy chain link fence that can easily be breached. A couple of rent-a-cop type guards armed with light arms and very limited ammo they carry with them. Totally unguarded beaches from the sea. No defense structure and obstacles anywhere to fight from. No hope of reinforcement from Haitian police. How long do you think these guards can hold out before they run away or are overrun?
  24. You can access Princess pricing using a big box TA website.
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