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Posts posted by yellowbird23

  1. When I lasted checked the views on this site, there were 152,422. Now it is at 153,229. Hope Egon gets cards from at least half of them! Let's get to sending him cards for his next "journey".


    Egon Landsberg

    c/o Torbay Cottages, 585 Banner Avenue, North Bay, ON, P1A 1X7, Canada

  2. I just received the following response from Steve, Egon's son, regarding a card party for his new abode.


    Hi Pat, this is a wonderful idea, and I would suggest having these sent to me at Torbay as this is the most probable way that he will get them all. I imagine that I can stick these onto a section of wall in his new home as they come in... making a sort of collage. I do anticipate that he will be quite grateful and appreciative of the effort that folk have made and also tickled by his CC fan club. Many thanks ~ Steve

    ps... address to send to would be:

    c/o Torbay Cottages,

    585 Banner Avenue,

    North Bay, ON, P1A 1X7, Canada.


    Let the barrage begin folks and thanks!!!:D:D:eek:

  3. Egon's move has not started yet, but it will over the weekend. First, he is to undergo a second cystoscopy on Thursday and then see the result of the TB test which he had done today, which he said is a requirement of the Marina Point Village.

    After he is moved into the Village, I would like to start a card "party" for him from anyone who wishes to do so from CC. I think that would keep his spirits high. I will give his address to all who want it at that time. Thanks...Pat:)

  4. It is referring to the little red vacuum cleaners they used to have on the ships - the ones with the cute face. Haven't seen any on board lately, but if you google "henry" and "vacuum" and go to the pictures section you can see him. :)

    Aha! Thank you Anna. Cute :)

  5. Royal Caribbean has a nice 4-night cruise from Port Canaveral for $199.20 on Monarch of the Seas.

    For someone just needed a break from the cold weather, I recommend Monarch. I took her back in October for $158 and got a superior ocean view. As much as some people want to complain about this ship, I see nothing wrong with her. Again, some people don't like anything and just hard to please. Simple is good!

  6. Pat....That was good news about Egon!


    Now I would like to know how you are doing?

    Doing great! Trying to stay warm. Have our daughter's dog from hell this week because they left for Cozumel for the week to the in-law's timeshare there. Wish I was going somewhere! How 'bout you?


    Egon seems to be in very good spirits. I was concerned about him last week because he sent me a video of Frank Sinatra's "Final Curtain". Thought he may have been depressed, but all seems well now.


    Wish I lived in Florida!!!:)

  7. Had my Flu shots and "meet&greet" with the doctor yesterday who has agreed to take me on as a new patient (it was difficult: there seems to be a great shortage of physicians). He has filled out our medical questionnaire which was a requirement of Marina Point Village, the assisted Living Facility I move into later this month.

    Bought some furniture from the people moving out of the apartment, but am faced with establishing another household! Luckily, Steve, with all the cottages, has a lot of "stuff" that I'll will need.

    They say my speech has improved a lot. I, however, am less convinced.

    To those of my unknown friends, stick around - I very much appreciate it!

  8. Dearest Patty

    I am making progress, slowly. I am probably going into a nice Assisted Living Facility here called Marina Point Village where I have a two room 750 Sqft apartment, full kitchen and a balcony overlooking the lake. While I plan to make breakfast and lunch, I will go down to the restaurant for Dinner, and use all the facilities there. This after I will have a second Cystoscopy Nov 15. I have a "High/grade urothelial Cell Carcinoma" but do not plan on doing anything about it. Long range plans, so God will, on April 20 2013 a Transatlantic sailing Florida-England on ... "Poesia"!

    Love - Egon

  9. Gosh....I hope nothing bad has happened to cause hard feelings somewhere here, and I can't imagine what would cause these great people to just drop off.


    Things went well for us today. No heart problems at all:)

    So so glad to hear that. The older we get, the scarier it gets, doesn't it? The changes in our Medicare supplemental plan goes up after the first of the year, so we're hunting for a new one. Jeesh! Enjoy your week all!

  10. Aww man, it hurts my heart to hear Egon 'talk', sounds like he really, really wants to go to Switzerland, but it's such a tough battle to make it come together. Wish I could help him. I'll say a prayer, that's about all I can do.


    And yes, those prayers are pretty powerful...yay Pat! So glad your Steve is doing so well! Do the doctors expect any longterm effects? I'm kinda expecting to hear how he'll be training for the next triathalon before too long. ;)



    Longterm effects may be slight, but not much. They (his loads of friends) are having a fund raising bike night next Wednesday to help with medical bills, etc. He also told me he wants to be the poster boy for bikes and helmets. He told me they still don't know who was at fault. It will be interesting to see the outcome of that since they were the only two on the road.

  11. Just to tell all that Egon said he will probably be making his decision next week regarding his new place of residence.


    On another note, my cousin Steve, chatted with me online this morning for quite some time. He's back again!! He is calling me Thur or Friday. Thanks for all the prayers. They really, truly worked.

  12. From Egon (regarding moving to Switzerland, which requires having a residence there while waiting for a visa to live there permanently):


    Lots of Canadians escape the Winter months, those on the east usually wind up in Florida and Texas, those in the west, Arizona and California. We had ground frost last night, but today's temperature is maybe 55F in bright sunshine. The trees have mostly shed their leaves, which covers lawns like a carpet, after a display of colours which is a delight to see.


    Since such a limited number of apartments is available (3 in all) a decision has to been made promptly. With the Consulate requiring where you are going to live, the only way that can be accomplished is by renting for 3 month ($ 5400) but not living in the apartment because they would require the visa (IF they accept this). I would have to stay in Canada hoping that the visa comes through and then travel to Switzerland, in the middle of winter, stay somewhere while I furnish the apartment - in my present condition it looms entirely too large an undertaking. It seems very prudent to not trying to battle the issue, particularly if there are other viable opportunities.


    This is our Thanksgiving weekend, and we are invited by Joyce's

    daughter, and I have to get ready.

    I send my love!


    Hope you had a wonderful weekend Egon! Stay warm up there (like your heart)....:)

  13. Pat, please continue to share any emails from Egon and I will do the same! I don't think anyone should "take over," since many of us communicate with him via email. I will be happy to share what I get in the way of emails or pictures.


    That was a touching story of the power of music on your cruise. You have a wonderful writing style and I would like to hear more of your cruise experience. If you write a review, please give us the link.


    Here's the latest from our dearest Egon:


    Dearest Karie.

    Maybe, I think the if you drew a straight line up north of you, you would get to North Bay, Ontario. This being the case, it would facilitate your mentally thinking of me, like the fly on you hand - but I am not so easily satisfied! [i live near Houston, Tx]



    While i am acutely aware of the brain's learning ability, I am suspicious that a it has its age related limits. However I am ploughing along.


    I think that I have to forego dream of spending the rest of my life in Bern,there are just too many difficulties. To start with, it takes about 4 months to get the visa for living in Switzerland, and I have an address in Bern where I am going the live, then th,ere is always a waiting time for assisted living, plus the logistics of the whole move including medical insurance - coupled with my present affliction which prevents me from communicate properly and a not so spry condition - let reason prevail!


    I send you love - Egon

    Wrong choice of words. What I meant by them is that since we get similar e-mails you can submit what you have, i'll compare and submit anything I get differently (if suitable, that is...lol).


    Thanks for the kind remark. I love to write and tried to start a review of all of Egon's submissions here to bunch it into one "story". It would take some time, but it could be done.


    Sad that his condition is what it is, but I guess we all have to truly slow down once in a while, don't we? I am old enough to be a daughter, but if I could be half as energetic as he, that would suffice.


    What a man! What a man!

  14. Pat, how was your cruise? Get some R&R? How is your Steve doing??




    It was the wrong one Karen. Egon wasn't on it. I came through the atrium one evening and a violinist and pianist were playing. Wonderful, wonderful music. I sort of imagined what it would have been like to have Egon at the keyboard.


    Next to me was an elderly couple with an adult child in a big stroller. I stood there watching her sway to the beautiful music and actually started crying because it was so touching. The violinist then played a sad song and this young girl stopped swaying and you could see it disturbed her very much. Her facial expression told it all. I will never forget that look, never! It just goes to say how much music can touch each and every one of us and to know that I know a very fine 95 year old gentleman who has touched all of us this very same way is just wonderful. None of us want to hear a sad note coming from him EVER.


    I "spoke" to him this evening and he seems in very good spirits, as he always does. He makes me appreciate life as it is, not the way I want it to be necessarily.


    As for my Steve, he completed about 2 weeks in rehab up in Jacksonville, FL, and just last Friday returned to his mother and father's house to finish rehabbing at home. It will still take quite a while, as he has some coping issues, as well as recuperation from his physical injuries.


    Thanks for asking Karen. Hope your week was a good one too.


    P.S. Muster was done with black clouds and lightening in the foreground. Couldn't wait for it to get over with. The clouds opened up immediately upon finishing the drill.

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