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Posts posted by aoknkentucky

  1. That makes sense, how the colors blend together as in, dark summer to light autumn. That is a good explanation!


    So, were you dressing as a fire and then found out you were really spring? And when you started wearing Spring you finally felt like you were "home"?


    I just want to make sure when I hit 50 next winter, that I am the best 50 I can be and that means wearing the right colors! If we can't figure it out here, I would be willing to spend some money on a professional evaluation. It will pay off in the long run!


    I think I balked at earth because I tend not to like those colors (rust, green and mustard) on me. But right now I am wearing a medium blue background, orange and beige floral shirt and I bet those are all earth colors! And I have received compliments when I wear this! But I also get compliments when I wear a dark navy blue/silver striped shirt! And that is probably fire? Ice? those people with pink skin not golden, like me! I have a long ways to go in learning this color thing!


    Thanks for your advice. I need to find something rust in my house so I can take my earth pic!




    Yes, Lauri, definitely find something with fall/autumn/EARTH colors even if it's a Thanksgiving tablecloth like Anita said. I'm sorry if I was confusing in my explanation, but spring is FIRE. ICE is winter and AIR is summer. Hope that helps. You may automatically gravitate toward your best EARTH colors, but for me it was super hard to stay on this color wagon that I attempted to climb on after the age of 50. I found out in February that I just needed to dial down the warm and clear to a light instead of bright version of warm and clear. For me and maybe me alone of the spring/FIRE ladies here, my TMIT or The Most Important Thing is light. We've talked about cheating our colors when we can't find the exact right match and many ladies here have mentioned they think they look best in their darker colors. For some spring/FIRE people that would mean they could cheat as long as it was bright. Or, they could cheat as long as the color was warm. For me, if I am going to cheat, it needs to be light. So for autumn/EARTH ladies, you could cheat as long as it was warm or muted, but whether it was a soft color or dark color would depend upon whether you needed lighter or darker colors. Does that make sense?


    Anita talked about chroma, value and tint. Did I get that right, Anita? I never could keep those straight in my head, but light v. dark, warm v. cool, and clear v. muted is language I can finally understand. I hope I haven't made this even more complicated, Lauri, but when you said you didn't care for some of autumn/EARTH's colors, I wanted to show you that autumn isn't just baby poop green (color name by Anita) and rust. I have major EARTH envy. The only non-EARTH room in my house where I can take pictures is an ivory bathroom with a north facing window. It's not that I don't have some dark colors in my palette, because I do. It's just that my palette is lighter in general. This has taken me a really long time to be able to see my spring/FIRE colors automatically. Now that I'm looking for light versions, it finally clicks. I love my colors.

  2. I looked up soft autumn and found many colors I already have in my closet! Even my burgundy was there! How do you know if you are an autumn or a "soft" autumn? I don't want to change just to suit my personal color choice. or maybe it doesn't matter?

    Thanks for the tip! Seeing those colors makes me very happy!



    Lauri, I don't explain color theory nearly as well as Anita, but I will attempt to explain what I understand. Autumn or EARTH is warm and muted and runs the gamut from light to dark. Soft autumn are the lightest of warm and muted colors leaning maybe toward cool summer's warmest muted tones. A little cooler warm, if you know what I mean. On the cusp, maybe, but maybe not? True Autumn is strictly warm and muted. Dark Autumn is the darkest warm and muted tones that may lean toward Dark Winter's warmest muted and dark cool colors. If our colors reside on a wheel, one color group blends into the next.


    I may be the only one in our color conversations that feels this way, so I haven't talked about it much here. I have never been able to "see" what color does for me. DH and all the EARTH and FIRE friends here that have met me understand what the right colors do for me. I occasionally see glimpses, but I've never experienced and been able to keep steady the big "Ah ha" moment. I do know that I have a light peach scarf shot with gold threads that everyone oohs and ahhs about. It is my base-line for everything I purchase. Because I knew several items I was purchasing was definitely FIRE, I should have felt wonderful when I wore them, but I didn't. I did as much research as possible for several months and concluded that I needed a more defined palette because I couldn't do it for myself. I spent the money to be analyzed in the 12 color system. When she told me I was LIGHT and bright and warm Light Spring, and I realized that my scarf was the epitome of exactly THAT, I jumped wholeheartedly on the LIGHT, warm and bright bandwagon for any new purchases and haven't looked back. As my darker FIRE items are used up, I'll get closer to what feels and looks better for me. I'm still FIRE. I'm just a light FIRE gal.


    There's a world of possibilities out there even in our bestest colors. I just needed a little extra help honing in on what mine were!

  3. Thanks for helping me decide. Guess I really don't need that top after all. I have too much downtime on my hands today and have been looking at a few sales.


    Thanks also to everyone that mentioned seeing broomstick skirts while out and about. I've been wearing my maxi skirts and dresses, but I think I'll pull out my broomstick skirts and see what might work with my Missoni Converse low-tops. DH is waaaay too conservative to think this is a good look, but I'm feeling a little sassy lately and a quirky outfit (for me) satisfies this particular fashion itch. It's cheaper than buying something new, even if the something new is on clearance.

  4. Lauri, one thing I remember from long ago was that denim choices could be helped by the thread color used to sew or decorate pockets: yellow for FIRE, gold for EARTH. I don't remember if silver was for AIR or ICE. Usually it is the right wash if those thread colors are used. It has worked for me.

  5. Pam, your upcoming cruise sounds like a wonderful trip--Panama Canal with a Las Vegas bonus. These would all be new ports for me. I've never sailed from the West Coast. Maybe someday, but for now, it's not in my future, so we will take whatever and however much trip report you are willing to share.


    My next trips are both in October and are land-based. Four days revisiting the Christmas Tree Farm in NC, then home to wash and reload the suitcases for a bus tour of fall foliage in WV. I may do a report of sorts on the bus/train tour, but the NC trip will mostly be a repeat of last year's report. Like you, I'll need to wait to see how many if any pictures are worth posting.


    I like my blue toes, but what if the color scheme is mostly coral, red, and yellow based? If I wear those colors, I almost always need to change to coral or red polish, but if I'm wearing blue and/or green clothes, I'm fine with blue toes. DH is much more traditional and is sooo not a fan when I feel the need for green toes. Like Kermit, it's not easy being green, but occasionally, I must.

  6. I'll try some more pics soon. I think the shade of colors is where I'm stuck now. You ladies are awesome! Thanks!


    Hey, Granny! We can't have your thread slipping off the first page. Have you had time to get a handle on your best shades of color? Do you have time for an update?

  7. Ahh, Anita. I really like the optional tie-front top. It has one of the few styles I feel comfortable ending at my waist and I LURVE that neckline. Banded bottom tops are good for me, as well as pleated necklines too. The split-neckline is as good, maybe better than a simple v-neck because the gathered material attached to the neckline gives a little extra room for the girls and skims over my extra middle. I recently bought this in light peach for work. It is the palest peach possible and reads as ivory to me.




    On another note, somehow I missed a couple of pages of your trip recap. I realized today when going back trying to pick up where I last read on this thread. I saw the storefront window that you earmarked for me. You were spot on! The only thing about the style that I would change is the buckle on the purse. I like long straps for shoulder or cross-body style that are as simple and plain as possible.


    I was reading on a blog today about what I used to call broomstick skirts and if Grandmother, Mother and Daughter could all wear them styled to suit each generation. I've kept several of my broomstick skirts because I love them and keep wishing they would come back in style.


    What's the concensus here? Would anyone wear broomstick skirts, long cotton maxi skirts, all one panel or 2-3 tiered in either solid or riotous colors or should they stay in storage a while longer?


    Oh, does anyone see Laurie's convertible dress in a yellowed gray color? There are several grays, but my eyes never seem to focus on FIRE gray. I mean EVER!

  8. Everything mixed and matched with or without your spiffy hat, Kim. I love it. Glad you had such a good trip. It shows on your face how much you love Cozumel.


    I've been laying low lately. 105 heat index days are not my favorite times to be camping. It's not even my favorite time to be outside! We have two separate trips planned in October. Maybe I can get some decent pictures and post them.

  9. I make out a clothing chart. I wear one outfit (capri) to dinner, minimal wear and then plan to wear it later in the week to port with a different top. Anything I wear into port probably won't be worn again since I'll sweated, etc.




    I do this and my chart is some of my most fun pre-cruise. If I bring a reversible dress or skirt, I generally get even more wears if we aren't in sweaty situations. --Debbie

  10. Laurie, I don't have cut suggestions, but I can speak to stringy. I've recently started highlighting my hair again because my stylist suggested I needed to "rough up" my hair. It is so silky that I swear it becomes limp and stringy just looking at it in the mirror! I can't use conditioner at all. Stylist suggested I use kids leave-in conditioner since it isn't so heavy. Also, dry shampoo is my new best friend. It's not like the old days. I wash, dry, use dry shampoo, run through it with a flatiron (bend under on ends to style), hair spray and go. The next day, I flat-iron, then dry shampoo (lift up sections and spray underneath), hairspray to control fly-always, and out the door.


    May not be what you meant at all, but hope that helps. YMMV, but it works for me.

  11. Love the shoes, Margaret! I think I'll take mine in gold instead of aqua. I recently bought a pair of aqua sandals and am trying desparately to purchase less instead of more. I receive Soft Surroundings catalogs and looked to see if they have brick and mortar stores, but none are near me. Maybe that's for the best.

  12. Hey, Kim, are you back from Mexico yet? We need another Pictodiary here and I'm not scheduled for a trip until October. Hint. Hint.


    Here's what I've been working on lately. It's not FIREy, but DGD picked out her favorite color for the frosting.


    Brownie Bites Birthday Cake ImageUploadedByForums1436554099.776687.jpg.006536b5b422a77e3d1ef24ab08938b9.jpg


    She picked out the material, embellished the art pad and made the pattern for the "G". She is 6. I made the rest. Love me some Pinterest.




    Maybe I should start another thread for these random off-topic ideas, but I haven't been shopping much and trying to keep our thread from being buried until Kim reports.


    Linda, are things any better in your world? I think about you, parents, knees, etc. often.


    Pam, when is your next cruise?


    How is everyone?


  13. And what the heck? Looking at the pic what happened to my eyebrows? Is it normal for them to thin out as you get older? I don't see so well anymore, so I havent plucked them in years and years. Doesn't look like there's much there for an eyebrow wax!


    Yea, and I'm highlighting my head to try to cover the grays that are attacking. Because I have very vocal immediate family members, I am self-conscious about my lily-white legs. I think we are our worse critics, maybe?




    This post may not be the right colors for you, but helps explain the process to mix and match, I think. There are several AIR wardrobes to look at on the linked website. I agree with Anita, I don't follow exactly, but you might take items you already have and purchase a few AIR items to give you a cohesive travel wardrobe with not too much expense. For heaven sakes, some of those clothes must be VERY NICE! They sure are expensive. The ideas are what I love to look at. Use what she calls "Labels" on the far right side to poke around in different color capsules.


    Depending upon how long your cruise is, your black dress may be the only dressy item you need to take if you use jewelry one night and a pretty scarf another. I've picked up scarves in drugstores, Dollar General and truck stops that I thought were very pretty.


    I noticed that you said you have a sundress. I usually wear a sundress to dinner on a non-formal night and then wear it the next day or later for a day dress/cover-up. As cool as the ship is, those couple of hours that night, doesn't constitute dirty clothes to me. YMMV


    Granny, there are several ideas like that we'd be glad to give you. Just let us know how we can help after the girls here get your colors nailed down.

  14. Everyone calls you Granny? What great skin you have!


    My mother was a platinum white, cotton-top child with gorgeous blue eyes. I've always thought her to be AIR. My brother got her hair, eyes, and long curly eyelashes. Darn the luck. I took after my dad's side.


    She looks great in soft purples, burgundy, and the mauve colors of the late 70s-early 80s era. It's what she wore to my wedding. As she aged, her hair grayed and then silvered beautifully. So gorgeous that people stopped her and asked who her hairdresser was because her "highlights" looked so great. Yes, I have me some major AIR envy.


    The EARTH ladies are much better at actually helping you Granny than I would ever hope to be. I've been working at this a very long time and still feel inadequate. But it is a fun group of ladies. I just wanted to jump in and say how glad I am that you joined the color conversation. --Debbie

  15. http://i431.photobucket.com/albums/qq34/misscurlyfeathertoes/Earth%20Thread/DSC02064_zpstoiwxgtv.jpg


    I'll take one of each, please, in the picture. (Sorry that I've forgotten my picture posting skills.) I need to count them all, but several of my scarves have been gifted and are now in Louisville, KY, and Church Falls, VA, as well as locally in my hometown. My stash doesn't need replenishing much, but those colors look perfect from my vantage point. I guess it's a good thing I wasn't there in person.


    Love these pictures and your commentary, Anita. Thanks for taking us with you and Pam and Dad.


    Laurie, you have nailed it with your pretty fall colors. I suffer from major EARTH envy--my favorite colors but they do me no favors. No one wants to see Gray as Death Debbie and that's what your wonderful wardrobe would do to me. More, please. I'm getting to visit both the Atlantic and the Pacific coasts at the same time with you nice ladies. Not many people can say that.

  16. Pam, I say go for it! I wore a dress on Sunday that caused me to be VERY aware of my posture and my leg placement. In my world of slacks and jeans, I tend to forget to be as ladylike as necessary for a skirt or dress. I needed the reminder.


    I. Love. Dresses. And. Skirts. I'd wear them more often if I didn't have to make sure I have prepared my legs. Yuck. I hate self-tanner.

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