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Working 2 cruise again

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Posts posted by Working 2 cruise again

  1. Our first cruise I over packed as I used several different list, I was so afraid I wouldn't have something I needed. One of the things I packed was Duct Tape, DH took it out and said we won't need it. Well I slipped it back in. Good thing too, because our luggage got busted as it was brought on the ship. No problems with it before, but then all of a sudden it comes to us all torn up. I laughed as DH said he should of left the duct tape in there. I pulled it back out of my bag and we taped the luggage back together. It was easy to find at the end of the cruise though in the luggage pick up. So now I always take duct tape when we travel!

  2. We are going on a cruise at the end of May, and we have a third grader and a child in kindergarten. They will be missing a week of school, granted it is at the time when they have quit teaching anyway, and all standardized testing is over. My thought though is that my children go to a school district that does not do field trips or any off site education what so ever. We have an awesome zoo less than 20 minutes from the school, but the school doesn't take them. We take every opportunity to take our children somewhere different where they can learn something. My daughter loves history, and my son loves to animals of all kinds and to know how things work. So I am completely comfortable with taking them out of school for a week. I explained at the beginning of the school year our plans to their teachers, and both of them understood where I was coming from.

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