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Everything posted by ThirstyCruiser

  1. Great bartender, he's hard not to like!
  2. This was our zoo by the last day. On the first day: Us: "Hey, wow, that towel animal you made was really cool!" Attendant: "Hold my beer..."
  3. I use this type of elevator every day at work for the last 3 or 4 years. Its better. The first Monday morning after they installed it? Yes, I stopped in my tracks in the elevator lobby, a brief sense of "panic", but I'm happy to report I made it to my desk that day. @tscoffey On the systems you worked on, did the algorithm assigning the elevators take constant input from the elevators themselves regarding the weight they held at any moment? As a way to estimate the number of people already inside (avoiding the edge case of Mr. Star Class getting on alone with his sack of gold bars).
  4. Have all the Pandemic +125% and +150% credits worked their way thru the system? I have to think Royal had no issue giving those out like candy knowing they would just jack the prices up to deal with that candy.
  5. Y'all splitting hairs with this once a day versus twice a day nonsense. See, I insist upon Continuous Room Service. You know that sense of panic that sets in when you hear the ice in the bucket settle slightly? I don't! My attendant is there to add an ice cube as needed. Ready to scream when the remote slides off the bed but you're all tucked in? Not an issue for me, thanks dear attendant! I can't remember the last time I've dealt with the burden of pushing down that lever for a flush. Trash cans? IN your room? Not classy. I expect my candy wrapper to be caught before it hits the floor and removed from the premises posthaste. And you haven't cruised unless you've fallen asleep 7 nights in a row to bedtime stories by your attendant. First in their native language and then repeated in English please and thank you. Of course, this works both ways. Continuous Tipping is required for this level of service. I have to assume you are only tipping once a day to get once a day service.
  6. "Are $2 bills appreciated for tips?" A. If its the choice between a single $1 bill and a single $2 bill, the $2 bills are very much appreciated without a doubt. B. If its the choice between a pair of $1 bills and a single $2 bill, some staff could not care less (money is money and each is worth exactly the same) while other staff will very much prefer the two singles because maybe they personally had or have heard of issues with others accepting the $2 bills. Either way, you'll never hear any staff complain when presented a $2 bill. Now, if you start handing out $3 bills, their attitude may change.
  7. You need a pair of Mule Socks https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B089ZG6371/ref=ox_sc_saved_image_3?smid=A1NW6QEN47NZN2&psc=1
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