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Posts posted by mediccruzin

  1. LOL... people saying that cruise reps read these boards..


    Really? you can search "rum runners" and see THOUSANDS upon THOUSANDS of posts.. not sure the cruise company has the time or the honestly care to read. If they do.. they are not going to hunt you down.


    They don't break.. they rarely get caught... if you do.. they just take them from you.. move on..


    do it.. don't do it.. camelback, military funnel system, Rum Runners, notes from Mom saying she said it is ok, smuggling live sea monkeys on board.. all of these are great .. do them all.. do none..


    "my two bottles of wine are fine for the week" --good for you.. they wouldn't last me until dinner that night.. but then again they might be white wine, which I don't drink.. so it probably would last me all week if that's the case.. but if it was red wine.. then I would drink it.. but it would have to be served at 79 degrees.. Can they kick me off the ship for my red wine too warm? too cold? should I worry?




    It never ceases to amaze me when people post things that surely will generate the flamers come out, are surprised when the flamers come out.


    Enjoy life folks.. it is too short to worry about others.


    I am going to try to find a platypus to smuggle on board... will he/she fit in a camelback?? will it rupture??




    Smuggling, smoking, food and " dress on elegant night" always generate high post counts. Those subjects are like click bait on the interwebs.

  2. I have to admit that I am "curious" and do want to see Cuba. I can't claim to know how some of you feel about escaping the dictatorship over there but I really do sympathize with you. Since many years of ignoring and placing trade restrictions on Cuba have not seemed to work for the people there, maybe, just maybe, opening up the borders will allow for better communications and, hopefully, understanding between governments.:rolleyes: At least, that's my hope anyway. I think it's worth a try in order to help the Cuban people in one way or another. If it doesn't work and makes things worse, maybe Trump will build a sea wall.;) Bad pun but couldn't resist.:o My apologies if I have offended anyone, as this was not my intent.


    Canada, Germany, United Kingdom and many other countries trade and do business with Cuba, it has made Cuba change its mind about ending brutal communism. What makes you think the United States opening trade and tourism with Cuba will end the communism there?

  3. I was born in Miami and understand what you are saying. I have so many Cuban born friends who are Americans now as well. Many still have family there.


    I agree with you 100%. I tried on a different post but didn't explain it nearly as eloquent as you did.


    Many are out of site out of mind and don't understand. We helped celebrate aboard Serenade when Castro passed. We did not celebrate Castro, but his passing. Hopefully when Raul passes, things might get better for the Cuban people.


    Even when Raul passes it will not end. Many other countries has been doing business with and letting their citizens vacation in Cuba for a long time and it has brought nothing to the Cuban citizens. It has only made those that run communist party in Cuba rich.

  4. I am sorry if I am being negative but I have been holding on to my emotions & cannot hold on anymore. I understand that everybody has their own opinions but please respect mine.


    Coming from a Cuban-American family that had to literally leave Cuba with nothing when the dictator Fidel took office & took (that is correct, just took) all of my families possessions(houses, clothes, jewelry, everything!). I get so mad when individuals want to go to Cuba & give our hard owned money to this government dictatorship. Luckily they were able to come to the USA back then and were able to get their lives back on track & give myself & my brothers a very good life in the U.S.A.).


    Also, I just read on MSN.com the other day that the locals in Cuba are having a food shortage now with certain items/staples because all the food is going to the hotels & the tourist areas first. The locals are struggling to find food. Just why we cannot give anything to this dictatorship.


    Thank you for letting me rant & please understand that these are my opinions as a son of a Cuban-American family


    Nailed it! They do not understand a thing other than Cuba has been off the list of places to go for so long and now they must get there. None of the people has seen the effects or ever fought against communism.

  5. WTH is wrong with some of you CC'rs. Some of you are so rude... it's no wonder so many people are choosing other social media networks....


    Not that it's any of your business... but I invited my bff so that her and I could relax together! She was just diagnosed with 2 cerebral brain aneurisms and MS... so yes, we had planned on relaxing while checking her kids into Camp Carnival as much as possible!


    You must have a thick skin here. Many here are downright ruthless.

    I would not sweat the changing of the Camp Carnival. On our first cruise there were so many kids for Camp Carnival that they had to meet at the theater, but once they meet they split them up into manageable groups and they went and did their activities.


    Do your best to enjoy your cruise.

  6. The Breeze was my first ship I have cruised on. The only complaint I have with the food was that it was warm. I didn't really like the American Table, but now that I have tried the old menu I can see that there is not much difference. One thing I will say is that there are way to many choices to be so unsatisfied. I absolutely loved Tandoor and I wish I would have had the BBQ. Hell you could have even had Bonsi Sushi. It seems you only went with MDR and Lido and there are so many other options on the Breeze. I hope you have better luck seeking happiness elsewhere; whether that is with Carnival or another cruise line. Good Luck.


    Did it ever cross you mind that some people do not like Sushi and Indian food? Because you enjoy it does not mean everyone else likes it.

  7. I really want to try another line, but since my wife is a teacher and we still have in college and Carnival port is less than hour drive it's Carnival for us. RCI does sail out of Galveston but we have a limited window to cruise and we always do a back to back, seems RCI always repeats their route during that time. I can't see adding 2 days to travel to Florida and hotels in the Miami area are not cheap so that adds another $1,000 to cruise cost. Once we retire in a few years we can branch out.

  8. I have only cruised Carnival. I am happy with their service, and as of yet I have not found a cheaper cruise elsewhere that does the same itinerary at the same time as when I want to/can go. Even if I did, I probably would stick with Carnival. Maybe one day I will try another line if I find a cruise that is significantly lower in cost than Carnival.


    I have found plants of cruises cheaper than Carnival recently, just not during the times I can travel. They are there, you just have to look.

  9. I wouldn't say I am "loyal" to Carnival, but I am excited to become Platinum - it's not really the perks, its just the fact that I can look back and go wow - how lucky I am to have cruised so much - kinda a goal?. I will never be a "snob" over the issue. I have cruised RCI (didn't care for my experience - older ship, tiny room, grumpy staff) and Princess. I "prefer" the feel of Princess. But as another poster said, when I am looking to travel, given the fact that we get two rooms (one for us and one for the kids) price matters, and so far, with the exception of the Caribbean cruise on Princess where we hit a great deal, Carnival wins on price by hundreds of dollars. And for now, that is the driving factor, and the reason I am close to Platinum on Carnival.


    As our kids grow and we have more flexibility with travel dates and an expanded budget, I look forward to trying Cunard, Celebrity etc. I am not a fan of the RCI mega ship concept and have read enough reviews about bad food on NCL that I don't have any burning desire to try those. But perhaps someday, the price, itinerary and timing might just take me there. But for the foreseeable future, and under current prices, you will likely find me on Carnival.


    Food can't be any worse than what Carnival puts out. All lines have their snobs that have never cruised another line.

  10. It is not hysteria for people who may be pregnant or who will be coming home to pregnant family or friends.


    I am wondering how long the incubation period is and how long the infected remain contageous.


    About the same as most viruses, 7-14 days incubation and infectious for about 2 weeks after that. So those that so no care about it will bring it back to the states and infect other people. Out of the 52 cases in the US right now all but one was brought in by the carrier.

  11. Never had anything food wise from Carnival that has wowed me. Its food, barely edible, calories to fuel the body and sop up the alcohol. You can't really provide great food when you are cooking for 2,000, 4,000 people.

  12. If you have a question to ask, why not just ask it instead of pulling up a nearly 5 year old thread:confused:






    Because after someone asks the question someone else will come along with a link to this thread, gripe, whine and complain that this question was already asked once before.

  13. The first leg of our back to back is to see the port and do things. The second leg is to just relax. I work 24/72 and only get 9 days a year off. So if I take 4 shifts off that gives me slightly more than 14 days. I reserve the rest of my time off for BBQ cook offs.

  14. Hi there, why are the costs so high? I'm only able to sail with my grand daughter last week of june or the month of july.


    Do you have any tips on how to sail at a less expencive cost?




    I feel you, but I'm married to a teacher and have a school aged daughter, we can cruise only in late June or early July.

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